A lonely God?

Exactly!!! BABES.. and we arent even talking about babes in christ we are talking about people who haven't even met Him yet. Actually you might be surprised to know I have read that entire chapter, and every one before it and after it and get this...I did it in chronilogicall order at least twice so as to understand where things were comeing from. Imaaaaagine that! Have you? Jesus spoke hell fire and damnation to the church..those who were held acountable for what they knew...but his dealings with the lost and hurt were very much in the spirit of love and giving them hope and knowledge. Just as Paul and the others did after Him. I get the feeling you are arguing against me just for the sake if doing so, since you really haven't solidly found a dispute with my posts yet. :O) Peace, my brother.
He condemned those in the church who had twisted the scriptures to hell. But he warned everyone about hell.

Reading the Bible profits nothing if you don't understand it.

Yep, but warning of hell and scareing people in to meaningless repentance are two different things. Have you read the posts of the man which ye defend?God doesn't want us to love Him out of fear, He wants us to love Him because we love Him and he is surely worthy. Those multitudes didn't follow Jesus because He scared them with brimstone and fire, but because he offered them the love, hope, compassion, understanding, and healing that we all search for and desire.

Amen to that...and understanding comes from God!
*Originally posted by Taken
Tony, you so quickly pointed out earlier that Moses wasn't a Christian, well lets play by your rules...YOU are not a Jew,

Yes, I am.

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

(Romans 2:28,29, KJV).

In case there is some confusion on the last issue, try to find someone on this forum who feels like I've been praising them.

*you have no proof that you are of Abrahams blood line so therefore you are not a true Isrealite, only a child of God thru adoption.*

Actually, both.
And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
(Romans 8:23, KJV).

For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.
(Hebrews 2:16, KJV).

Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
(Romans 5:9, KJV).

*Therefor;those verses you just quoted in your defense are null and void. Abrahams seed was blessed, and his accusers were accursed by God, not yours.*

Thus, the verses I quoted apply to me, and thanks to the fact that you were just trying to curse me, you're due for some cursing of your own based on the original verses I quoted.
(The ones you said were null and void.)
I can ask God to forgive you based on not knowing any better.

*I can get in a Bible quoting match with the best of 'em.*

You'll lose.
Mainly because you don't read the Bible enough, and because you've been trying to understand the word on your own.
You'll win.
Mainly because you'll get verses you never really read before.

You'll lose if you reject them.

*He isn't preaching to the choir, as far as I can tell He is preaching to the unbelieving, and his tactics are not Biblicly based.*

KalvinB, are you part of the choir?
There are Christians reading these posts, besides KalB.
I'm also preaching to the formerly believing, who are like dogs returning to their vomit.
They may get tired of the taste. Who knows?
As for tactics, what tactics are you referring to?

*Originally posted by KalvinB
At least Tony is wise enough to let God speak for Himself.

Don't let tiassa hear you say that.
He thinks I'm putting words in God's mouth.
Why he does is beyond me, since I'm taking the words out of God's mouth.

*but warning of hell and scareing people in to meaningless repentance are two different things. Have you read the posts of the man which ye defend?God doesn't want us to love Him out of fear,*

Are you an atheist?
That's what I get on atheist forums.

Hell isn't supposed to be scary, which is part of my message.
It's just the grave before the end of time, and the New Jerusalem garbage dump on the last day.
After that, ashes.
No big deal, no big boogeyman waiting at the end.
Tony I have the concordance collection, have read the Bible inumerable times, have sought the guidance of many trusted pastors and church elders and more importantly have sought Gods guidance.
The verse you quoted said nothing of circumsision or adoption, it said "seed". I was giving you an example of being measured by the ruler you use to judge others. It is sad to me that some one with so much energy, and ferver, and the time and capacity to spend so much energy on the word of God, would so totaly miss the Spirit of it.
That verse had nothing to do with you praising a non believer. You do not campaign for Jesus, you campaign to convince people of your own great knowledge. I have yet to see you reply to anyone with.."Jeus loved you so much He was willing to die for you" ....."Jesus loves you as you are, he will forgive your every transgression"...."God will make Himself known to you if you only ask"......."let me tell you of the depths of sin from which Jesus redeamed me"......."let me tell you of the chains that he broke".."the obstacles I was unable to overcome, and He moved them for me'
I have yet to see you bear witness to the love and sacrifice Christ made, I have yet to see you admit what kind of sin and desolation He brought you out of. Where is your testimony? Don't tell us what you have seen or what you have read, they have likely seen and read a lot of these things to. Tell them God is still alive and real, make Him more reachable sow a little faith...Tell them what He did for you!
*Originally posted by Taken
Tony I have the concordance collection, have read the Bible inumerable times, have sought the guidance of many trusted pastors and church elders and more importantly have sought Gods guidance.

I sought God's guidance first.

*The verse you quoted said nothing of circumsision or adoption, it said "seed".*

And Abraham was planting petunias.

*I have yet to see you reply to anyone with.."Jeus loved you so much He was willing to die for you" ....."Jesus loves you as you are, he will forgive your every transgression"...."God will make Himself known to you if you only ask"......."let me tell you of the depths of sin from which Jesus redeamed me"......."let me tell you of the chains that he broke".."the obstacles I was unable to overcome, and He moved them for me'
I have yet to see you bear witness to the love and sacrifice Christ made, I have yet to see you admit what kind of sin and desolation He brought you out of. Where is your testimony?

None of that stuff worked on me to get me saved.
Why would I assume that people who use computers like I do, and browse the internet like I do, and post on Sciforums like I do, would be interested in the gospel from a perspective completely unlike what got me going?

*Don't tell us what you have seen or what you have read, they have likely seen and read a lot of these things to.*

The first thing I am going to assume is that a satanist has seen what I've seen and read what I've read.

*Tell them God is still alive and real, make Him more reachable sow a little faith...Tell them what He did for you! *

That's pretty convincing.
Every atheist will just smack himself in the forehead and ask, "what was I thinking?" when he hears that.

Taken, take your head and shake it just a little.
Quoting scripture was how Jesus defeated Satan.
You seem to think you know better.
You don't.
Sorry KalvinB, but I don't think of Tony as wise because he only quotes the bible and has not so much to say himself.
But I do understand why you think of it in a whole other way.

I know the bible very well, I was raised with the bible babbling in my ears from the the time I was born. Taken to church twice every Sunday and so on.

It didn't bring me much good, I am sorry to say that to you, but it is the truth. Born with unusual abilities I was called posessed by the devil by my father at the age of four.
You think that is a nice way of loving your child?
Don't christians have to love their 'neighbours', thus also their children, like they love themselves?
They never cared to figure out what it was what made me different and I have had a very hard time dealing with it because how could I know as a little child what was going on with me. :(

Later, when I was older, I figured it all out by myself. I studied at the University for years about the subject Parapsychology and it made me see 'things' much clearer.

And then again, I truly believe this jezus was a Psychic.
And therefor he was the so called son of god. Because in those days when he lived here, the humans believed in a lot of gods, bad and good.
They needed someone to hang on to because humans always do that. They want someone to believe in, so they can say it is the will of god, in this case, things happen in their lives.

As Marx already said:'Religion is Opium for the People...'
They need it, to believe in a so called great creator and they call it good. Without their beliefs they feel rather lost and don't know which way to turn. Just like sheep do, follow the so called leader.

You really think it is that good on this Earth nowadays??

We have mountains of butter and Oceans of wine, but there are still humans dieing from starvation.

Is that your beloved almighty god??:rolleyes:

Tony, I don't curse humans. Where you got that idea??
This is the second time you accuse me of doing so, ridiculous. I am not a witch from Salem.:p
I don't use the so called Magic Spells. But you give me an idea to work with, haha.
Man, are you crazy, to think like that...
I never ever do something to humans feelings, by the abilities I have got.
Sorry to disapoint you.
Maybe you'd better learn some more about that subject, then you don't stay so narrow minded as you are now.
Thank you very much.
I shall expect the quotes and stupid remarks by you as always.:confused:
There stands a testimony to the fruits of a narrow minded, self-righteouse believer. Let me repeat, I believe those who call themselves Christians will be held accountable for the wounds of those they have persecuted when God required mercy to be returned. Is this the perfect will of a mercifull and loving God?
Taken, a very good reply.

You are sure not a dummy.;)

That is exactly what I mean too, but I have had so much replies by Tony, in his own narrow minded way, I am beginning to think that if all christians act this way, the world should have been doomed much earlier.

For it are the Sons of Abraham who started the holy wars, way, way back in time. :(
And Tony claims to be one of them. Look back in history and you shall see that the holy wars started by the beliefs in this so called beloved almighty god of theirs.
Always babbling quotes by a book made by human hands.

I never heard of this god coming down to Earth to write this book, so how do they know it is true?
Because a monk has got the message to write it all down?
How did he get the messages then?
By channeling the great god almighty?:p :p

Perhaps it were demons....you never know, hahaha.;)

Sorry, I really couldn't resist. It was to tempting.

Quote me Tony, I wait for them as always......
*Originally posted by Banshee
Born with unusual abilities I was called posessed by the devil by my father at the age of four.
You think that is a nice way of loving your child?

He probably didn't know how to cast out demons, such as the familiar spirit you have.

*They never cared to figure out what it was what made me different and I have had a very hard time dealing with it because how could I know as a little child what was going on with me. *

Christians can and do figure out what is "different" about you.
As a little child, you wouldn't have know about demons, you would only have known about the torments and the nightmares.
They should have been cast out, but they weren't.

*I figured it all out by myself. I studied at the University ...*

Why is it that almost all unbelievers say they "figured it all out by myself," and then follow it by saying where they learned it from.
Studying at university PROVES that you didn't figure it out for yourself.
You were told what to think.

*You really think it is that good on this Earth nowadays??*

It's better than being demon-possessed.

*We have mountains of butter and Oceans of wine, but there are still humans dieing from starvation.
Is that your beloved almighty god??

No, it is the almighty dollar, or guilder.

*Tony, I don't curse humans. Where you got that idea??*

It's that "come after you" thing.

*But you give me an idea to work with, haha.*

Don't try, you'll end up in bad shape.

*Originally posted by Taken
There stands a testimony to the fruits of a narrow minded, self-righteouse believer.

Banshee isn't a believer.

*Originally posted by Banshee
Taken, a very good reply.
You are sure not a dummy.

Taken, when the demon-possessed start complimenting you, that should be a warning that you are way, way off-track.

*By channeling the great god almighty? *

That is why the Bible is so very different from your writings.
Tony why don't you trying actually reading what I wrote. I never said he was a believer, I said the way he was treated was a testimony to self-righteouse believers. You have yet to prove yourself to be of a Godly spirit, so should one presume you are possesed as well? Demons as I recall not only recognized the Spirit of God in Jesus but also ask Him for mercy, they didn't curse Him or deny who He was. Do the demons you release give you such acknowledgment?
Excuse me.....???

Tony let's god speak for himself???

What the hell are you talking about KalvinB. Tony only quotes that bible of yours which is made by human hands.
A monk wrote this bible down, not god or whatever you call him, for the Israelites call him jaweh.

So how is it exactly been in that time, when jezus, so called son of jaweh, walked down here on Earth?
And what about all what is in the old testament?
Doesn't that count? You are always babbling about the new testeament, well, there is an old testament too. And that beloved god was a pretty cruel creature.....

Look at all those stories in the old testament....
Abraham had to kill his own son, to prove he was a real believer, Daniel was thrown in a whole with Lyons, Jonah was swallowed by a Whale and so on....Show yourself a true believer and you will be saved...is that your god???

A truly beloved god you have there. Why the hell did he plant that forbidden Three for, if he was only good and loving as you christians say???
And then the craze tells it to Adam and Eve, so they don't eat of it, but at the same time he planted that curiousity in their heads to try it out, because of a Snake telling Eve to do so.
Yeah, yeah.....

The Israelites live in the year 5658, not in the year 2001, like we do. Though the year counting started with the so called birth of jezus. That is not right, is it???
I can be wrong about the year the Israelites live in exactly, but it is something like that, find it out yourself if you want to, you know it all so well, so you claim....

You really believe Maria get her son without having sex???

About that Apollo, that is what I want to tell you.
Apollo was a God of the Ancient Greeks and they (Greeks) worshiped him at the same time and even before the Israelites worshiped jaweh.
The Gods the Greeks worshiped are a lot older and if you do some study at this, you will find out why they had more gods then only Apollo.
It has to do with Ancient Travellers who left their baggage here on Earth. The Greeks are not that stupid, they have a lot of wisdom.

Then if there existed something like god, it never can be only a good, loving god. Because if that was the case, he messed it up pretty good, with all those holy wars going on. All about one and the same god. They give him another name as in jaweh and allah, change the rules for their beliefs and then start to fight about it.
Really a true loving god you have there. He allows it that humans fight over him for ages now.....
And it are the so called Sons of Abraham who started these holy wars. And you christians are all coming from that Sons of Abraham, just change the rules a bit, but you are all coming from one and the same god, created in the days of these Sons of Abraham.....

I don't have a problem with you christians believing in this god, it is the constant fighting about this god that makes me feel real sad.
That can't be the meaning of being down here at Planet Earth.
Just to be raised by words of hell and doom if you don't believe in this god and later, when you get older, fight over him....

For as far as Tony concerns, I never ever have said a word to him which should make him think I want to curse him, for I don't believe in curses either.
Wish he would stop with that, for I told him over and over again, I do not curse, for curses are not real, as your beloved almighty god is not reality.
Guess he believes in curses....
Rather peculiar, for a true christian believer....

Taken, you posted your reply while I was writing mine, but you are very right in what you have to say.
Good for you.

And oh man, am I enjoying my demons. It is so cosy between the six of us.. (especially for Tony, so he has something to quote again):p :p
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*Originally posted by Taken
Do the demons you release give you such acknowledgment?

So far, they haven't had much time to do anything other than leave.
In any case, I can only wonder about the kind of theology where the "acknowledgment" of demons would carry any weight.
Do you look to demons for other doctrines, as well?

*Originally posted by Banshee
I don't have a problem with you christians believing in this god, it is the constant fighting about this god that makes me feel real sad.

The constant fighting is usually about some other god.
Like Allah, Satan, Buddha, Oil, Money, etc.

*curses are not real*

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
(Genesis 12:3, KJV).

*am I enjoying my demons. It is so cosy between the six of us.. (especially for Tony, so he has something to quote again) *

OK. I'll quote.
You have a very strange idea of "enjoying."
I look to demons for nothing, but if even they know the difference between the real thing and a fake then I am sure their reaction to you would be interesting. :O)
Where do you get the idea that everyone with a disability is possesed? Was Moses possesed? He had a speach impetement. Peter didn't exorsize the lame beggar, he healed him. You have a lot of gaul calling Cris or anyone else possesed due to physical ailments.
As far as your earlier statement about "people on computers"...well there is your key word PEOPLE. Who said your experience with God was to be everyone elses? Not God, atleast not in the Bible, must have been a secret He shared only with you.
And you have yet to answer the question.."Were you born saved"? You sought God first? So I am to assume you sought Him from birth? You learned nothing you have ever believed from a church, a minister, or a class? You do not take any correction or guidance from any source? You do not attend church? You affiliate with no denomination or specific doctrine?
Taken, you give really good replies. Please, keep on doing so. It makes the discussion better and there will be more good points of view about the subject. You know the bible very well, real good point of view you have.;)

Tony, I am getting so very tired of you (sigh!).

What about this....especially for you.

How can I be a baptized demon???
For the Psychic abilities came with my birth.

Explanation please....

For I am baptized and you know what, nothing started to burn, steam or what so ever at that particular moment.:p

Bye Tony, have a nice time finding the correct quote(s) in your holy bible....
*Originally posted by Taken
I look to demons for nothing, but if even they know the difference between the real thing and a fake then I am sure their reaction to you would be interesting.

It is indeed.
Most people who are manifesting demons react with terror and usually try to keep at least 20 feet away.

*Where do you get the idea that everyone with a disability is possesed?*

Who says I have an idea like that?

*Was Moses possesed? He had a speach impetement.*

He said he had one.
I'm not sure he actually had one.

*You have a lot of gaul calling Cris or anyone else possesed due to physical ailments. *

What do you have against ancient France?
Since when have I called anyone possessed due to physical ailments?

*As far as your earlier statement about "people on computers"...well there is your key word PEOPLE. Who said your experience with God was to be everyone elses? Not God, atleast not in the Bible, must have been a secret He shared only with you. *

Are you talking about some form of secret preaching here?

*And you have yet to answer the question.."Were you born saved"? You sought God first? So I am to assume you sought Him from birth?*

You can assume anything you wish.
If you assume the wrong thing, you will simply be wrong.

*You learned nothing you have ever believed from a church, a minister, or a class? You do not take any correction or guidance from any source? You do not attend church? You affiliate with no denomination or specific doctrine? *

Why are you assuming such things?
Banshee, who is admittedly possessed, says you know the Bible very well.
Presumably, that would mean you know it as well as demons would want you to know it.

*Originally posted by Banshee
How can I be a baptized demon???
For the Psychic abilities came with my birth.

Explanation please....

For I am baptized and you know what, nothing started to burn, steam or what so ever at that particular moment.

First of all, you aren't a demon, you have demons.
Second, the "psychic" abilities are nothing more than a familiar spirit talking to you.
Third, if you had it at birth, it was probably there as a result of a family curse or sin.
(family - familiar, get it?)

Here is an example of third and fourth generation curses...
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
(Exodus 20:5, KJV).

Here is one that reaches ten generations...
A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
(Deuteronomy 23:2, KJV).

Of course, it is possible to make vows which curse generations without end...
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
(Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV).

Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
(Isaiah 28:15, KJV).

Such curses must be terminated, just as they were initiated, to break them.
If they aren't, then even Christians will be affected by them.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
(James 4:7, KJV).

The devil must be resisted, not ignored.
The devil knows the Bible better than most people, so if he knows of illegitimate birth going back even ten generations, he has a legal right to curse you based on Deu. 23:2.
You, on the other hand, have to make it clear that he doesn't have the right, based on, say...

For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
(1 Corinthians 7:14, KJV).


Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
(Galatians 3:13, KJV).
Thank you for the beautiful quotes Tony.

That was exactly the ones I was waiting for.:p

Did you have to do good research for them in your holy bible??
Well, I don't, for I knew exactly what you were going to tell me.

You know what?
I love trees, was hanging in them from as soon as I could walk and climb the trees. We lived at the edge of a forest and I wandered in it every day and climbed the trees, right til the top if possible....
My favorite position was hanging upside down and swing with my legs crossed around a big tree limb.:)

So nice and peaceful it is in the forests. Espacielly when you are totally alone and the river is flowing at your feet and there are the sounds of the forests, birds, squirrels, the sound of the trees themselves and so on....

If I had a choice I would live in one...Like an Elf.

Perhaps I shall be back in a future life as a tree, I should love that...

Nothing to say any further about religion itself, for you have enough to qoute here.
Talk to you some other time about that. It is to much a beautiful day outside, I can see the trees in the backyard and hear the squirrels babbling to eachother....so wonderful....don't want to get into religion discussion today.

By the way, have you been to church today (Sunday), for it really is time for your prayers I guess.;)

I apologize to other members at this forum for being very off-topic, but I couldn't resist this and it really is such a nice day outside.
Hope you all will forgive me about this post.

It was meant to Tony, for he loves to quote me so much, guess he loves Psychics..;)
*Originally posted by Banshee
Thank you for the beautiful quotes Tony.

That was exactly the ones I was waiting for.

Did you have to do good research for them in your holy bible??
Well, I don't, for I knew exactly what you were going to tell me.

Your familiar spirit is quite well aware what legal right it has to be there.

*You know what?
My favorite position was hanging upside down and swing with my legs crossed around a big tree limb.

That is nice.
Did you ever fall?

*So nice and peaceful it is in the forests. Espacielly when you are totally alone and the river is flowing at your feet and there are the sounds of the forests, birds, squirrels, the sound of the trees themselves and so on....

If I had a choice I would live in one...Like an Elf.

That is nice, too.
Have you ever thought of living in the forest as a human being?

*I apologize to other members at this forum for being very off-topic,*

It isn't off-topic.
It is why God isn't lonely, he likes that stuff, too.
After all, he created it.

*guess he loves Psychics..*

Enough to want to see you free.
Helloooo! I seem to recall you insinuating that Cris' parents should have cast a demon out of him.
Did you not also state that you assume that people on computers like you need to be brought to God the same way you were? Do you read your own words or do you spout off any old thing that comes to mind.
Demons fear you, oh paleease! I find your tales of demon chaseing quite unmoving. Yes I have wittnessed exorsisms, admitedly I have never performed one. (PS I have never been near a Catholic church) Your powers being what they are I must wonder why you haven't saved the world and rid it of evil yet. You make God a mockery to people by such boasting. Casting your pearls before swine...isn't that in your biblical repitior? You seem to have something to hide. You lift yourself up, not God. You do not freely admit your own humaness or iniquity or failures.

Ezek 18:4 "Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine. The soul who sins will die.
9 Ezek 18:20 "The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.
And I seem to recall a very important man saying that the sins of the father would no more be visited on the son...sound familiar tony?
By the way...was Elijah a psychic? Hmmm, I guess all gifts of foretelling aren't from the devil. God seems to have mastered the art of bestowing such gifts as well.
I saw something on another post about rarely seeing people speak in tongues in exorsisms. Well speaking in tongues is stated in the Bible as the "evidence" of baptism in the Holy Ghost, so I certainly hope you speak in tongues at every demon eviction party...lest the demon take up residence in the nearest "empty" vessel..
So if I understand it well, I am a 'sinner' who has to pay for my 'demonic' actions?

I have to come face god and he will cast me away to 'hell'?
Don't think so, for I am no 'sinner' and I am doing nothing wrong in my way of living my life just because I am not christian.

Please stop with this demon calling to humans who post here at the Forums, for they are not demons.

You know who the real demons are here in this world?
The ones who bring hurt to eachothers feelings and are rude and hateful towards their fellow humans.
Guess they should pay for it then. Seeing it from Tony's point of view and the way he pretends to be channeling god, for that is what he is doing.
Quote, quote, quote and quote again and never ever give a good, interesting reply of what is going on inside of himself.

So Tony, what are you hiding? Are you covering yourself and drown yourself only in biblical quotes?
Haven't you a thing to say for yourself?
Rather pathetic....

Give a reply only by Tony, without your everlasting quotes, give us some good reply, to discuss, no quotes.

Or did your parents only raise you by quoting the bible? Haven't you learned to speak for yourself?
Or is it true what Taken is talking about....Are you speaking in tongues?
Would be rather peculiar....
But it would make it clearer why you are calling everyone a demon.

By the way, no, I never felt out of a Tree and I lived in the Forest for a long time. And now I am living in a beautiful surrounding with Trees all over the place.
It couldn't be better to live then where I am living now..

Give us a good reply Tony....Just for once, if you are able to do so....