A lonely God?


Registered Senior Member
By Sir. Loone:

"All life in Heaven and on Earth has meaning and purpose to there existence! All was created by GOD for His good pleaser! Each person who ever lived on this Planet Earth has purpose for there existence and meaning! To love, to share, to give, to take, to worship there God the loving Creator !"

I do not understand why would God create us only to worship him... either he is wery self loving or he is wery lonely... which?

Also if God is omnipotent he ofcourse knows that what happens in the future, past and present in everywhere (he would know the every movement of every atom), therefore it would be like if I would love a tetris game which I would have coded myself and it would be played by computer and I would know every movement which it would do.
It all comes down to whether God has desire/need or not?

If yes, then God is not a perfect god because He has needs.

If no, then every thing God created are just plain unnecessary.
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A perspective

A lonely God?
By Sir. Loone:

"All life in Heaven and on Earth has meaning and purpose to there existence! All was created by GOD for His good pleaser! Each person who ever lived on this Planet Earth has purpose for there existence and meaning! To love, to share, to give, to take, to worship there God the loving Creator !"

I do not understand why would God create us only to worship him... either he is wery self loving or he is wery lonely... which?

Also if God is omnipotent he ofcourse knows that what happens in the future, past and present in everywhere (he would know the every movement of every atom), therefore it would be like if I would love a tetris game which I would have coded myself and it would be played by computer and I would know every movement which it would do.

If one would like to measure the motivation of an all powerful creator using the yardstick of human psychology, it would seem obvious that no one would ever create an equal that could ever reflect fault in oneself. The need to be loved and admired is a human need. The need to remain unchallenged to be secure is a human need. To be able to create an entire world of people who fulfill these basic human needs would be a great asset to ones ego. But surely the Creator is not human and would never succumb to such "human" needs.
We are unneseccary.

What part of the Bible led you to believe otherwise?

A better metaphor

would be a lonely man. After all, if people weren't so ignorant, insecure and hemmed in by the hardships of life, they probably would have never came up with such religious ideas to begin with. (though one can argue that humans are naturally predisposed to religion, since religious tribes are much more effective in conflicts against other tribes -- fanatics are a powerful force in any situation.)

On the other hand, it's natural and inevitable to wonder at the nature of existence and the universe. It's just exceedingly naiive to quench such wonderment with a postulate of an anthropomorphic primary cause that itself has no cause. It's very human, but at the same time very simple-minded (not to mention altogether logically untenable.)

Was it John Wheeler who said that the universe is not only bizarre, but it's more bizarre than we could possibly imagine? There, within the realm scoped by that sentiment, the real truth quite possibly resides.
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Perhaps you are right machaon... but on the other perhaps it humans could understand it... we don´t know since no one of us doesn´t seem to remember visiting in afterlife... if there is one.

I usually try to keep an open mind in this subject... and all I would like is that others would as well. Some people just seem to "know" the truth... but I think that belief is everything that we have... we cannot know is there a God or Gods really when we cannot even know that is the world outside us real, is there really an objective world etc.

Still though, I do have an opinion in this matter and personally I don´t believe in God or Gods or afterlife etc. and I cannot say that I can be purely objective in this matter (who can?).
Sir Loone and Tony1 are talking about the biblical sense and literally what is told in the bible, like it is written by their god himself.
It is not. The bible is written by monks, not even in the year 0, but much, much later. The bible is a book ful with cruel story's and symbolic talk. If it interests you, you can read the bible like it is, a book of symbols and cruel story's, no more, no less.
There is no heaven and hell, as spoken of in the bible. It is incorrect, not true...
In the Jewish world it is the year 5678, not 2001.
I think the Jews are right in that. The real age is 5700, not 2200 as in our lives.
The bible gives a lot of people hope and faith in a better future, it is not so. It is holding themselves for fools...this way.
Why don't they think, and realize something is very wrong.
*Originally posted by Yang´s_Matrix
IF there is a God (or Gods) they are most likely not the kind of what we think that they are.

Thye certainly aren't what atheists think they are.

*Originally posted by Bambi
After all, if people weren't so ignorant, insecure and hemmed in by the hardships of life, they probably would have never came up with such religious ideas to begin with.

Speaking for yourself?

*There, within the realm scoped by that sentiment, the real truth quite possibly resides.*

Of course, that realm is the realm we are dealing with, as opposed to the strawmannish religion you are proposing (and then rejecting).
Hi Tony.
Babbling again?
Of course, it is the only thing you are good at, no?
*Originally posted by Banshee
Babbling again?

I'm in good company...

Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him. And some said, What will this babbler say? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.
(Acts 17:18, KJV).
Originally posted by tony1

*Originally posted by Bambi
After all, if people weren't so ignorant, insecure and hemmed in by the hardships of life, they probably would have never came up with such religious ideas to begin with.

Speaking for yourself?

Am I? The day I'll be propounding such religious ideas is, in your favorite Catholic terminology, the day when hell freezes over.

*There, within the realm scoped by that sentiment, the real truth quite possibly resides.*

Of course, that realm is the realm we are dealing with, as opposed to the strawmannish religion you are proposing (and then rejecting).

Are we really dealing within such a realm? Last time I checked, you found your religious myths quite comprehensible. They are not, therefore, something that I would situate in a category of "more bizarre than we can imagine." They are, in fact, quite crude and primitively anthropomorphic.
What 'god' wants, 'god' gets. 'god' help us all...!!
'god' wants sex, 'god' wants freedom(?), 'god' loves semtex....
QUOTE: by Roger Waters from the album Amused To Death.

'god' wants tv and wants contribution...
'god' wants to have a good laughter and cover himself!!!

So, is god love?
If he was existing, he is no love, not in any way. Then he probably really has a good laugh about all those dumb people he made after HIS likeness...Strange, so that is why you are always unfriendly and so on Tony.
You are made after your gods likeness, you cover yourself too.
Have fun with it, reread your bible to come through the day or start preaching on tv. Then you make money, 'god' loves money too. Not an idea for you? TV preacher???

Not one of you so called christians is truly him/herself. Because the religion is forced into young babies minds by the parents who should know better in these times of wars and pollution and so on. So you don't even know yourself. Try to discover who you really are and please stop these nonsense about god, jezus and the bible. Bye.

Nice avatar! :D

But I must disagree with you, just a little bit, to make it more exiting to live. ;) Even the christian God is good, because ALL is love, even the things that on the surface seem evil. There are only different variations within the individual souls learning capacity that makes these "evil" events to take place, because it´s the only way, the most tangible way, the easy way, for them to learn and grow. Or I shouldn´t say it´s easy, because it is very hard to learn within the physical reality, but it is here we are and that is good. :)
*Originally posted by Bambi
Am I?

You were the one who brought up "if people weren't so ignorant, insecure and hemmed in by the hardships of life."

I don't know people like that, except for atheists and agnostics.

*your favorite Catholic terminology*

What's this?
Atheists are breaking out in humor all over.

It must be that the Muslim terrorists are spreading funthrax instead of anthrax.

*the day when hell freezes over.*

That happens every winter.

*Last time I checked, you found your religious myths quite comprehensible. They are not, therefore, something that I would situate in a category of "more bizarre than we can imagine." They are, in fact, quite crude and primitively anthropomorphic. *

What you checked is what you thought religion is about.
Since you don't know what it is about, what you found were your own crude imaginings.

*Originally posted by Banshee
Then you make money, 'god' loves money too.

He is rich, since he made all the gold and silver in the world.

Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.
His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.
Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.

(Psalms 112:1-3, KJV).

*the religion is forced into young babies minds by the parents*

I didn't become a Christian until much later.
He ... he ... he ... he ...

Hiya Bebelina and Banshee ...

The secret of life is ... (kinda) ... " Hey ... hey ... my ... my ... rock and roll will never die ..."
"My ... my .... hey ... hey ... rock and roll is here to stay ..."

Kinda ... stay cool sweet souls ...

Take care.
Well, Bebelina, I have to agree with you, but evil is 'invented' by humans.
For no newborn has evil in itself. When the child grows up it learns to lie and cheat...from its own parents most of the time.
I must be careful here because I have a son, but he tells me til now if he has been untrue to me. But then again he has no reason, so it doesn't happen so often. He is raised as free as possible and knows how far he can go. I am not such difficult mother too.
He does know of the 'existance' of god, my parents gave him a bible and I am raised and baptised christian, so I have told him myself. If he wants to be christian, he must do so.
But then it is his choice, not forced by me. And that is something very different.
And what about these TV preachers???
All they want is money, money and more money. Also an invention of humans: Money....the root of all evil???

Money and god: Two inventions by humans which bring the most evil on Planet Earth.
Can't you hear Her scream???
*Originally posted by Banshee
Money....the root of all evil???


A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.
(Ecclesiastes 10:19, KJV).

For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
(1 Timothy 6:10, KJV).

*Can't you hear Her scream??? *

I suppose you will tell us that you are into the Gaia hypothesis, too.
You make it to tempting, really...

Have you ever heard how the 'gods' make Love?
Listen to the first track of Electric Ladyland by Jimi Hendrix.
Try it, beautiful, really. You should listen to it.
Have a nice and 'holy' day.
*Originally posted by Banshee
Listen to the first track of Electric Ladyland by Jimi Hendrix.

I'm not surprised that you would recommend Jimi Hendrix.

Perhaps you don't know it, but his biggest fear was that he was possessed by demons, and that they were the source of his music.
He wasn't sure because the demons took over when he played, so he didn't know what was going on until they backed off a little.

Plus, he didn't live all that long did he?
Demons are hard on people, mainly because they're trying to kill you.