A logical way the Universe began, evolved, and will end.

The position of time is in the nucleus of space, which is a grid structure made from stacked grain. It's scale is 1. the nucleus scale is negative, it is -1. The reason that time expands from the hole is because virtual particles will appear in a hole that totals smallest scale which is 1 + -1 = 0. This is the scale at which our universe begins. Time is a particle, it is a membrane with a negative hole. When it is released from the hole it scales up to become a photon. The photon then splits 6 ways to produce a hexagon grid. The grid structure expands sending a Newton's Cradle wave formation along the structure of interconnected hexagons, and Icosahedron. These connections are connected to everything around them. The paths are waves, because hexagons stack in waves. The rods in our eyes directly connect to the hexagon wave formations. The lens of our eye is an inverted mass construct, The thickest part of a lens is the most negative. The negative lens construct creates an area of least resistance (This also works with glass lenses). This revolves photon alignment to match the area of least resistance. The rotation of the photon wave construct affects the two-slit experiment, and so does the hexagon scale adjustment. The scaling UP of the hexagon path remains in the experiment as a sort of trail of thick hexagons. The next photon path bounces off the first photon path. Time is a flow like a hose pipe from the scale 1 hole. Gravity slows time down as it presses into the hole the flow is blocked partly like a finger over a hose pipe.

The reason that the Big Bang did not happen is that time is local to the grain structure of space time. This locality is a scale factor, and so the inflation actually happens in all of local space. Because time is local to a central hole in each grid resolution it is the cause of every part of its own space. So space begins at all grid locations, and not a singularity. By moving time to all places at once, you have no expanse from an origin. You have expanse from all origins. The singularity therefore is now infinite, and everywhere. So you divide the singularity into infinity.. you get infinite start locations, and no Big Bang.

That's your explanation - really? Wow, it is hard to believe the physics community hasn't embraced this little gem.

You have no theory. You are incapable of answering any questions about your idea because you clearly have no science background and your conjecture is incomplete and poorly thought out. Your ideas are nothing more than pseudo-scientific adolescent conjectures.

Try taking some physics courses at least you could learn some new buzz words to toss around.;)

This Post is meant only to boost the ego of its author. . . It is an assault on new ideas and speculations with the total disregard of known science. . . Resonance is beyond your understanding along with relativity. . . The science in the Logical Universe is well in the bounds of observations and experimental proof. . . For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. . . (not my Quote)
This Post is meant only to boost the ego of its author. . . It is an assault on new ideas and speculations with the total disregard of known science. . . Resonance is beyond your understanding along with relativity. . . The science in the Logical Universe is well in the bounds of observations and experimental proof. . . For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. . . (not my Quote)

My comments are meant to goad you to either answer some simple questions or admit you have no idea what you are talking about.

I am not trying to boost my ego, I realize that I am no where near as intelligent as many, many people on this forum. I suppose it just annoys me when people like you are so full of themselves and present their grand ideas expecting accolades when it is painfully obvious that they don't have any understanding of even basic physics or any science.
What is your definition of the term "universe?"

Are we going to keep doing this definition thing?

universe: all matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.

Could you theoretically be external to the universe and look at it from afar, like you would the moon from earth?


Do you consider the universe an object that is expanding?


My point is that there is no real "solid." It is only a matter of space between objects, like atoms or electrons etc... There is no real "solid" it's all just motion.

A rock is no more a solid than a galaxy is!

You didn't read my definition of "solid", did you?

A rock has no tendency to flow under moderate stress. It resists forces that tend to deform it. It retains a definite size and shape.

A galaxy, on the other hand, is made up of stars and other materials. It does not resist compressive forces. It does not retain a definite size and shape. In fact, the component stars all move relative to one another.

The main thing that distinguishes a galaxy from a rock in terms of solidity is the vast amount of space inside a galaxy compared to the space inside a rock. To put it more formally, I am taking about relative average densities. A galaxy is MUCH MUCH less dense than a rock.
My comments are meant to goad you to either answer some simple questions or admit you have no idea what you are talking about.

I am not trying to boost my ego, I realize that I am no where near as intelligent as many, many people on this forum. I suppose it just annoys me when people like you are so full of themselves and present their grand ideas expecting accolades when it is painfully obvious that they don't have any understanding of even basic physics or any science.

I wonder what makes you the judge of who has the proper knowledge of science and who doesn't. . . What makes you the judge of people dare to question the standard model. . .

It seems you have a great knowledge about these things. . . It's to bad your science is not up to your standards. . .
Are we going to keep doing this definition thing?

Yes, in order to better communicate your ideas compared to my ideas. I need to know that we are talking about the same thing when we both say universe. You apparently aren't speaking about the same thing as I when you say the word universe, according to your definition.

universe: all matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.

Infinite volume then, huh?

If you answer yes to the question "is the universe an expanding object," then we are not talking about the same thing when we say universe. According to my definition, the universe is not an object that is expanding, it is AN INFINITE VOLUME WITHOUT BORDERS THAT CONTAINS OBJECTS OF MASS. According to my definition, the universe in and of itself is not an object, but an infinite volume without borders. The universe can't expand according to my definition because it has no borders and is certainly not a defined object.

According to your definition, your universe expands. According to that, it expands in the infinite volume I refer to as the universe. So when you say the universe (the object) expands, you are thinking in smaller terms than I. My universe is all encompassing, while yours is simply an object that resides in my universe.

You didn't read my definition of "solid", did you?

Yes I did, and I said it was all subjective. You didn't comprehend my response, did you?

A rock has no tendency to flow under moderate stress. It resists forces that tend to deform it. It retains a definite size and shape.

A galaxy, on the other hand, is made up of stars and other materials. It does not resist compressive forces. It does not retain a definite size and shape. In fact, the component stars all move relative to one another.

The main thing that distinguishes a galaxy from a rock in terms of solidity is the vast amount of space inside a galaxy compared to the space inside a rock. To put it more formally, I am taking about relative average densities. A galaxy is MUCH MUCH less dense than a rock.

So you are basically saying that my size determines your state of matter. If I was so small to travel through your "solid" without touching any matter, would that still be considered a solid according to your definition? If I passed through a galaxy without touching anything, would that be the same as passing though an atom without touching anything? You are very confused, James. You are correct on one account, that objects have different densities, but do you realize that the object's density doesn't stay the same, that objects get less dense over time, like your "universe" does??
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I wonder what makes you the judge of who has the proper knowledge of science and who doesn't. . . What makes you the judge of people dare to question the standard model. . .

I am judging YOUR idea based on my educaton in physics and engineering. You said in your earlier post:

Gravity is Energy times Rotational speed. . . U1 particles only have energy if they are rotating. . . the faster they rotate the stronger the Gravity and visa versa. .
when they don't rotate there is no influence on other particles thus no gravity. .

There is absolutely no evidence that energy times rotation speed has anything to do with gravity - there is actually a great amount of evidence that says G=ER is wrong, hell physics tells us that G=ER doesn't even make any sense.

It seems you have a great knowledge about these things. . . It's to bad your science is not up to your standards. . .

I have enough knowledge to recognize double talk and pseudo-science.
Motor Daddy:

Infinite volume then, huh?

Yes. It seems that way according to the latest data.

If you answer yes to the question "is the universe an expanding object," then we are not talking about the same thing when we say universe. According to my definition, the universe is not an object that is expanding, it is AN INFINITE VOLUME WITHOUT BORDERS THAT CONTAINS OBJECTS OF MASS. According to my definition, the universe in and of itself is not an object, but an infinite volume without borders. The universe can't expand according to my definition because it has no borders and is certainly not a defined object.

There's no problem with an infinite volume without borders expanding. Double the size of infinity and you get infinity. No problem.

According to your definition, your universe expands. According to that, it expands in the infinite volume I refer to as the universe. So when you say the universe (the object) expands, you are thinking in smaller terms than I. My universe is all encompassing, while yours is simply an object that resides in my universe.

I can't speak for your universe. We've already established that you have some fantasies that have nothing to do with the real world we live in. So, at this stage it is difficult to work out whether your universe is another fantasy or has some relation to the one I'm talking about - i.e. the real one.

So you are basically saying that my size determines your state of matter.

No. If you want a shortcut, density is often a good thing to look at.

If I was so small to travel through your "solid" without touching any matter, would that still be considered a solid according to your definition?

Yes. But what do you mean by "touching" in this context?

If I passed through a galaxy without touching anything, would that be the same as passing though an atom without touching anything?

Maybe. All "touching" involves forces being exerted - either by electromagnetism, gravity or whatever. You might like to consider whether you could pass something through a galaxy leaving the galaxy unaffected by your passing. Then ask the same question about passing something through an atom.

You are very confused, James.

No. In my interactions with you, I find that I invariably get to the bottom of your latest fantasy fairly quickly. Then, after months of discussion, you still fail to see that your fantasy is not real.

You seem to have a mental block against reality. Does that make you confused, or just an uneducatable fantacist? I'm not sure.

You are correct on one account, that objects have different densities, but do you realize that the object's density doesn't stay the same, that objects get less dense over time, like your "universe" does??

The computer I'm typing this on doesn't seem to get less dense over time. Why not? At what rate do things get less dense, according to you? And what is the cause of this decrease in density? Which of the four fundamental forces is involved?
Yes. It seems that way according to the latest data.

No need for data on that one, James. That is the ONLY possibility. You can not have a finite volume without having an external volume. What do you recommend, a dead end sign is at the end of the volume? Turn around now, nothing to see here sign! It is impossible for there to be an end to the volume of space.

There's no problem with an infinite volume without borders expanding. Double the size of infinity and you get infinity. No problem.

The problem seems to be with your understanding of infinity. Infinity has no size to double. Infinity is this <-------> in every direction. How do you propose to double the size of something that doesn't have a size because it has no borders? Again, you say the universe is expanding. So you must mean the universe has borders, and the borders are expanding, correct? That means your universe has a size. My universe is infinite and doesn't have a size, James.

I can't speak for your universe. We've already established that you have some fantasies that have nothing to do with the real world we live in. So, at this stage it is difficult to work out whether your universe is another fantasy or has some relation to the one I'm talking about - i.e. the real one.

No, what we've established is that I have an absolute frame to work in, so things may seem very weird to you because you don't know an absolute frame. Too bad, James. The absolute frame is wonderful!!

Yes. But what do you mean by "touching" in this context?

I mean making contact with matter. Objects are made of smaller objects. Objects have borders. There is space between objects. I mean travel through space between objects and not make contact with the object.

No. In my interactions with you, I find that I invariably get to the bottom of your latest fantasy fairly quickly. Then, after months of discussion, you still fail to see that your fantasy is not real.

What I find is that you frequently find yourself in a circular argument and derail the conversation. Then, after several weeks you claim you debunked my logic (and I do mean logic).

You seem to have a mental block against reality. Does that make you confused, or just an uneducatable fantacist? I'm not sure.

Define reality, James? Are your "mainstream" ideas reality, or just a place mark until such time the truth reveals itself?

The computer I'm typing this on doesn't seem to get less dense over time. Why not? At what rate do things get less dense, according to you? And what is the cause of this decrease in density? Which of the four fundamental forces is involved?

How long have you been monitoring your computer density? What measurements have you made? How accurate and precise is your test equipment? The way I see it, the computer can not stay the same density forever, it either has to get less dense or more dense over time. Do you propose the computer will get more dense over time, or stay the same in time? Let me remind you, James, we are talking about the real world, not a set of calculations on a piece of paper. In 100 million years, will your computer be less dense, the same, or more dense? Reminder, the same means perpetual motion. More dense means a force compacted the original mass (no external mass can be added) to a smaller volume. Less dense means the volume of the original mass got bigger. The second law of thermodynamics says the computer gets less dense over time!!!
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Motor Daddy:

It would be great if, one day, you would familiarise yourself with the physics you are attempting to discuss before starting one of these conversations. It gets tiring having to introduce you to basic concepts from scratch every time we discuss something. It's even worse when you come out with the same crap a few weeks later, as if you don't remember any prior conversations or what you were taught last time.

This is why I have backed off spending much time and effort on you. If you get one-line responses from me, it is because I have found from experience with you that you just aren't worth effort. If you displayed a willingness to learn, or an open mind, or something like that, then progress might be possible, but I fear those things are probably beyond your present capacities.

You can not have a finite volume without having an external volume. What do you recommend, a dead end sign is at the end of the volume? Turn around now, nothing to see here sign! It is impossible for there to be an end to the volume of space.

Let me give you an analogy. Consider the surface of the Earth. That is an example of a finite area. Agree? Does it have an "external area" where there is more Earth-surface? i think you will agree it does not. And yet, you can walk/sail/fly in one direction along the Earth's surface and never hit a dead end sign at the end of the area.

The Earth's surface is an example of an area that is unbounded but finite. Now, recall that this was an analogy. I now tell you that the universe could logically be an unbounded but finite volume. Clearly you have never considered such a thing as a possibility. Now I have introduced you to the idea, I hope you will refrain from making silly statements about what we can and can't have in this regard.

The problem seems to be with your understanding of infinity.

No. The problem is with your understanding of infinity.

Infinity has no size to double. Infinity is this <-------> in every direction.

That's infinite size, not no size. Infinity and zero are not the same thing.

How do you propose to double the size of something that doesn't have a size because it has no borders?

If it doesn't have a finite size, what prevents it from doubling in size?

Again, you say the universe is expanding. So you must mean the universe has borders, and the borders are expanding, correct?

No. Consider: move all the stars and galaxies in the universe so that they are twice as far apart as before. Adjust the "space" that contains the stars equivalently. No borders are required.

No, what we've established is that I have an absolute frame to work in, so things may seem very weird to you because you don't know an absolute frame. Too bad, James. The absolute frame is wonderful!!

I've already debunked that nonsense.

I mean making contact with matter.

All "contact" between matter is really a matter of interacting electromagnetic fields.

Define reality, James? Are your "mainstream" ideas reality, or just a place mark until such time the truth reveals itself?

They are the best available description of reality that we have at present.

Just to compare: your ideas are all refuted by extant empirical evidence.

How long have you been monitoring your computer density? What measurements have you made? How accurate and precise is your test equipment? The way I see it, the computer can not stay the same density forever, it either has to get less dense or more dense over time. Do you propose the computer will get more dense over time, or stay the same in time? Let me remind you, James, we are talking about the real world, not a set of calculations on a piece of paper. In 100 million years, will your computer be less dense, the same, or more dense? Reminder, the same means perpetual motion. More dense means a force compacted the original mass (no external mass can be added) to a smaller volume. Less dense means the volume of the original mass got bigger. The second law of thermodynamics says the computer gets less dense over time!!!

I don't see how your "matter expands to space" is anything new, if that's your explanation of it.
Actually you can have a.finite universe without the need for something external. I guess MD doesn't know much about manifolds and differential geometry but no one thought otherwise.
I perfer reason

reasonably the Universe , doesn't have a begining , changes rather than evolves and cannot end

to end means that energy and matter end

not possible

the Universe is complete