A logical way the Universe began, evolved, and will end.

The faster the rotation the more compressed the matter the stronger the Gravity

As we know spacetime allows for gravity to happen , not the weights of the mass. Bending spacetime is what gravity is about and that's already been shown as factual. So your assumption that a spinning mass will somehow make the spacetime become more wrinkled is not logical whatsoever to me.
Knower, I respect you and I mean no harm to you, but this just doesnt make sense to me. If something is rotating, than centripetal forces would push the matter out, not in to condense. I dont know if you have ever seen the video of an astronaut who put salt in a bag and then just let it float. After a little time had passed, the salt had gathered into clumps inside the bag. The salt wasnt rotating and neither was the bag or the ISS (where it took place). There is eveidence all over our universe that contradicts your theory. Take Jupiter for example; it is spinning so fast, that it actually has a slight oval shape, and yet your theory states that it should collapse in on itslef. Im sorry, but there is just to much eveidence in our universe to even consider your theory.
The faster the rotation the more compressed the matter the stronger the Gravity

Maybe he is thinking of a neutron star, which has considerable angular rotation and a very high gravity, with the formation of the neutron star sort of resulting in this combination extreme gravity and rotation.

There is also the core of the earth, which is denser than the surface, which rotates faster than the perimeter, according to NASA.
let me put it in another way, In the Logical Universe Gravity gravity is present when we have the energy of rotating matter. . . The faster the rotation the more compressed the matter the stronger the Gravity. . In the Logical Universe there is no such thing as empty space so the more compressed the matter the more gravity you have per area. . . As things cool down in the cold universe you have less and less gravity per area. .

Knower: I understand, but am still curious about the 'mechanism' that produces gravity from a rotating U1 mass. If I can understand the 'mechanism' by which this occurs, I could 'buy-off' on the proportionality of >>> spin rate => >> gravity. Do you envision a mechanism similar (analogous) to 'moving electrons inducing magnetic fields'? If so, then I suppose a moving mass (i.e., a composite of (charge-balanced) particles) might interact with the underlying non-vacuum fabric that pervades the universe.
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specifically define your use of the term dispersion . . . . diamonds exhibit dispersion . . . .








Entropy is always the winner in the end,
When there’s no more money left to lend;
Meanwhile we stabilize, in nature’s way,
Rearranging resources temporarily.


Going beyond our very old obsession, so vast,
Of how it all began, back in the distant past,
Yet, retaining our search for meaning, from that,
We now turn to how will it all end, this and that,
Whether becoming collapsed, expended, or flat.

Is there is some deep meaning in all that?

Yes, for it is there in that future distance,
We’ll find, or not, the end of our persistence—
Whether or not we are at all forever resistant;
Whether all that was, and what was did and done
Will be of any long-lasting benefit to anyone,
Of what destiny awaits, if there ever was one.

Endings are important to us, for what we’re about,
Because we believe that how things turn out
Implies what the beginnings ultimately meant,
Of what, or not, is our place in the firmament.

As an ambitious species of nurture and nature,
We now and have always pointed toward the future,
For, of the three forms of the chimpanzee:
The common chimp, the bonobo, and us, we
Are the only chimp who went beyond the trees…

And, more importantly, ever out of Africa, freed,
By that exodus, which laid down, indeed,
From that experience, the urge and the need
To move on, exploring, ever planting another seed.

The horizons on Earth sufficed us, as through time,
For many millennia, but now the horizons’ climes
Have broadened, through cosmology and physics,
And so they can well inform us of our prospects.

The future matters to us, for very basic reasons:
We wish to offset our mortality, our pleasin’s,
To know if humanity’s works, for every season,
Will be remembered, or lost; all for nothing, even.

The Final, Silent Dark Marches On…

Time hurls a million waves of is displacement
At us, yet we are still here—the replacements:

Time, ever gray with age, hurls its changes, then,
‘Gainst existence’s rock, time and time again,
The entropic seas denuding the sands,
Yet, energy is preserved, via science’s wands.

Reminiscence has weathered, but could ne’er wither,
For, in the mists of time; yesteryear yet appeared.

Would the prospect of a “Big Crunch” bring on phobia,
Such as an ever more confining claustrophobia?

Seems a better thought, somehow, though no picnic,
But more pleasing, if the universe were also cyclic,
Although, then, all would still be really crushed,
And forever lost, gone headlong into the rush.

We expect cycles, for all the days and seasons
Embedded this in our ancestors, into our reasons,
Since, at least, the periodic supplies some rhythm,
A pattern—the rolling hills of lives onward driven.

As for the cyclic, endless repetitions, they, too,
Would seem to revolt more of us than just a few;
As, too, perhaps, would some infinite abyss of time,
Which, too, grants us neither reason nor rhyme.

Does the drama go on forever, or does it end?
What do the visions of the future portend?

Doesn’t it all have some purpose meant—
A goodly end of all of it to us might it present?

Is our higher mammal time, certainly,
But of such a short parentheses within eternity?

It’s only a finite time, then, which, too, tends
To horrify many, and more, as the universe ends,
Such as told by Robert Frost, a name of chill:
In heat or in cold, known as fire or ice, still.

Should we not believe in God since nothing lasts?
Well, if nothing lasts, then of what our purpose past?
Is a purpose really required, so constructive,
Or would that really be quite restrictive?

No realm could really be special or sent,
Its becoming being of some specific intent,
For, all has arrived here of causeless accident.

Is there anything wrong with the freedom to be,
Anywhere, any how, or any time during eternity?


Should we rail against the law of entropy,
The “heat death” of thermodynamic energy,
The second of its final laws, we see,
Because it would destroy all of history?

Well, there are so many ways for disorder to be
Than any one ordered state specifically.

Would even a heaven on earth become a misery
If it, as it might, contain no more novelty?

Must there be an end to our revelry?
Can’t we, at least, hibernate eternally?
Won’t all matter, too, last eternally?

Will Shakespeare’s works live on, paternally?
Is this not a Wagnerian struggle for eternity?

Science Can Settle Whether a Last Day
Is Ever Going to Come this Way.

Only a decade or so ago, with some consternation,
We discovered the universe’s large acceleration,
This expansion even increasing, onto a thin disaster,
The galaxies getting further away, ever & ever faster…
Then, one last snapshot taken, for all to remember.

The accelerating expansion of the universe’s rafters
Means that the universe will cool even ever faster,
So, any rare forms of the future’s life prolongers
Will have to keep themselves ever more cooler,
Think more slowly, and hibernate ever-longer.

One day the protons will fade away,
Leaving but dark matter, electrons, and positrons.

As Time, now hoary with age,
Hurled forth its ashen change,
The charge ever san, pale and colorless,
That force born to summon decay, so endless,
‘Gainst Nature’s Universe each and every day.
Time and time again, Time fed all upon,
In its bloodless, white, and waxen way;
But, this everlasting rose would not fade,
Its luster even brightening by the day,
Ever unsuccumbing to the sickly, peakèd
State draining drawn the life away.
Entropic seas yet denude the mountains,
Yet, this enduring flower, never-endingly
Has cast Deathly Time aside, for now,
Ceaselessly somehow thriving on,
To that which was the near imperishable,
The flame of beauty still inextinguishable,
Forever celebrated as immutable,
Gaining its seemingly perpetual permanence
From the undying love of the glorious truth.

Yet, everything was moving apart, cooling off,
The big slowdown not really so very far off;
Ultimately, even the black holes of late
And the lightless planets would dissipate.

The primordial soup, once so rich and hearty
Was now a thin gruel that couldn’t serve the party.
One day, every particle would be moving away
From every other particle, so much out the way
That they won’t even be able to see one another;
Thus, for all intents, motion will have ceased forever.

Our spurt of life, followed by an infinite stretch
Of dark equilibrium, was but the briefest sketch—
A warm and fuzzy stage, so interestingly active,
Whose time, relatively, was but infinitesimive.

Yet, we were there, in all our glory,
For whenever else could we be?

In the future, uncounted societies of
Overlapping minds accumulate, with love,
In island redoubts, their preserved data burning
With a vital remembrance, in which, returning,
The past is the present and future, they all reliving
The data, even animating it, and ever altering.

Without any new enrichments, the present and future
Reprise the past, in this retreat from external nature.
Their candles would have been nearly invisible to us,
They enduring, by diminishing, so as not to exhaust.

They made few new memories, a kind of blind sight,
For whatever realities had ever existed out of sight
Of their own mental structures were now fractured,
And thus not so different from those manufactured.

The Penultimate Part of the Final Dark


The majority of the energy
Of the universe is dark today,
Although everything else passes
Through it in every way.

It’s everywhere,
Having a component
That repels its own state,
Which cause the expansion of
The universe to much accelerate.


We’re on a one way trip from the quantum fluke,
That maximal energy within old Planck’s nook—
Heading toward the oblivion of sparse expansion,
All that we ever loved and knew going to extinction.

They sent message of early warnings to some,
In those castles of illusion, yes, many a one,
That they would face the decay, not so far away,
Of the heavy particles, the “proton pause”, one day.

No self-assembled granularity can endure
Forever, but must return to the substructure,
And, so, the lives must all transition, it seems,
From heavier to much lighter regimes…

Although this, too, would not be permanent,
All destined to be swallowed by the firmament.

We have often asked why some space exists,
Why it permits the countless to briefly persist
On Mother Earth, nourished under Father Sky—
All of those finite sparks that light and die.

There were those who endlessly debated,
Whether to live in their virtuals unabated,
Or to press forwards and outwards, of delirium,
To seek out new localities in the mysterium;
But, the pauses of the heavy particles continued,
And so there was nowhere to go for the retinued.

It was much simpler once, in those days of old,
When we thought that universes didn’t go cold,
But that they expanded and collapsed,
Still destroying all, yet ever giving more to last.

And, well before that, once upon a storied time,
We simply made it all up, with tales and rhyme,
In place of any physical observations,
Or of all our revealing experimentations.

The past was now a reef of dead accumulations,
A graveyard of various useless informations,
Which, despite their splendorous beauty,
Could not provide a novel futurity.

The last one of us, born of the sparkness,
Kept a window to the outer darkness…

S/he looked out, from a once brightly
Colored and sparkling inner reality,
Into the dark abyss…

There was nothing out there,
All being so lonely and bare—
No more singing of life’s song;
For now everything was gone.

The Final Epilog

There could not have been any special time,
One that was privileged over any other chime,
Nor any special place, nor any specific form
Arising out of the necessarily causeless realm.

Even those locally specific dates and places past
Of the events’ novel memoirs could not ever last,
They being writ on water, with no meaning vast,
Disappearing in significance so very fast,
Since it’s only the universals that last.

The protons were all gone from the show,
Having decayed so very long ago,
Into positrons—ever canceling the electrons,
But emitting the fleeing light of photons;
There being, of course, an equal amount
Of protons and electrons in the count.

And, of course, along with all the protons,
Went all of the atomic elements, the end,
All of their forms becoming myth and legend—
As they were still dreamt in night dreams,
Those forms that we once had, so it seemed.

S/he, as many of a luckily adaptable kind,
Had long since lightened and lighted the mind
With the dwindling electrons, and precious photons—
That beginning light of ancient times, growing wan.

Ours had been the only line in the uni-verse,
One that had become sentient, with proto-man first,
The rest of the cosmos being but a colossal waste,
A foreboding, harsh, and very dangerous place.

S/he was now the only one left,
Having outlived all of the rest.

The universe was near crumbling away,
Having run out of space, time, and all its sway.

S/he was dispersing, melting, into the vacuum, lone,
But, s/he held on for another thousand years, alone,

And, then, s/he, too, was gone,
Being the last of the hominid’s song,
Of all that was sapient: the Magnificat,
The composition of Earth’s sweet plot,
The greatest symphony that was ever sown,
Now having faded into the unknown.

From near nothingness our forms became,
And into the same must go the remains.

If the unknown be such, ‘though it’s otherwise;
But, still, if it’s yet called unknown, then the reply
Is still, for sure, that we’re free to be, anywise.

If you’ve shed a tear, reading here,
For both the far, and the near and dear,
It won’t make their graves green again;
But, it’s possible that life could begin again…

Be of Good Cheer-—the sullen Month will die,
And a young Moon requite us by and by:
Look how the Old one meagre, bent, and wan
With Age and Fast, is fainting from the Sky!
(A Khayyam quatrain that’s not in the Rubaiyat)

Our fruits are of a universal seed,
Are yet another yield of All possibility treed,
For siblings elsewhere in the entropic sea
Are also born of such probability.

The Eternal Return

Behind the Veil, being that which ev’r thrives,
The Eternal Cycle has ever been alive.

Some time it needed to learn Everything for,
And now well knows how these bubbles to pour,
Of existence, in some meant universe,
Those that wrote your poem and mine, every verse.

So, as thus, thou lives on yester’s credit line,
In nowhere’s midst—now in this life of thine,
As of its bowl our cup of brew was mixed
Into this state of being that’s called “mine”.

Yet worry you that this Cosmos is the last,
That the likes of us will become the past,
Space wondering whither whence we went
After the last of us her life has spent?

The Eternal Saki has thus formed
Trillions of baubles like ours, and will form,
Forevermore—the comings and passings
Of which it ever emits to immerse
In those universal bubbles blown and burst.

So, fear not that a debit close your
Account and mine, knowing the like no more;
The Eternal Cycle from its pot has pour’d
Zillions of bubbles like ours, and will pour.

When You and I behind the cloak are past,
But the long while the next universe shall last,
Which of one’s approach and departure it grasps
As might the sea’s self heed a pebble-cast.
In science you are not allowed to just make stuff up. That seems to be exactly what you are doing here. I could of course be wrong - could you answer these questions and show me I am wrong

let me put it in another way, In the Logical Universe Gravity gravity is present when we have the energy of rotating matter. . . The faster the rotation the more compressed the matter the stronger the Gravity. .

Really? This is not what is observed in nature or experimentally. What evidence do you have that this actually occurrs?

In the Logical Universe there is no such thing as empty space so the more compressed the matter the more gravity you have per area. . .

Really? This is not what is observed in nature or experimentally. What evidence do you have that this actually occurrs?

As things cool down in the cold universe you have less and less gravity per area. .

Really? This is not what is observed in nature or experimentally. What evidence do you have that this actually occurrs?
Sorry I've been off line because of Christmas duties.

To answer questions about matter compression.

In the atomic world, faster rotational speeds expands matter because of increased energy, friction and centrifugal forces. .

In the theoretical world of particle physics, it is hypothesized that U1 particles will compress when spin energy is added and expand when when spin energy is decreased. . . This is at the Heart of the Logical Universe Theory. . .

It is theorized that U1 Particles are bubble like matter. . .
Universe Expansion

It stands to reason that a Black Hole has the ultimate gravity because of matter concentration. . .

In the openness of space there would be less gravity.

Keep in mind there is no such thing as empty space (vacuum). .
The term universe covers all of the (infinite) volume of space.

Infinite volume does not have a beginning or an end. Infinite volume does not or can not have any boundaries.

The universe never began and it will never end. Objects of mass do have a beginning and an end, as the object defined evolves into something different.

ALL MASS EVOLVES, infinitely! Always has and always will.

Mass evolves to space. Mass gets less dense over time. It's why the earth (and all the planets) came from the sun. The entire SOLAR system is actually the sun...expanding...getting less dense over time.

See for yourself. Look at a picture of a spiral galaxy. ALL the mass came from the core (black hole) and is traveling AWAY from the core. Can't you see it???
The term universe covers all of the (infinite) volume of space.

Infinite volume does not have a beginning or an end. Infinite volume does not or can not have any boundaries.

The universe never began and it will never end. Objects of mass do have a beginning and an end, as the object defined evolves into something different.

ALL MASS EVOLVES, infinitely! Always has and always will.

Mass evolves to space. Mass gets less dense over time. It's why the earth (and all the planets) came from the sun. The entire SOLAR system is actually the sun...expanding...getting less dense over time.

See for yourself. Look at a picture of a spiral galaxy. ALL the mass came from the core (black hole) and is traveling AWAY from the core. Can't you see it???

I meant backwards not forwards.
The term universe covers all of the (infinite) volume of space.

Infinite volume does not have a beginning or an end. Infinite volume does not or can not have any boundaries.

The universe never began and it will never end. Objects of mass do have a beginning and an end, as the object defined evolves into something different.

ALL MASS EVOLVES, infinitely! Always has and always will.

Mass evolves to space. Mass gets less dense over time. It's why the earth (and all the planets) came from the sun. The entire SOLAR system is actually the sun...expanding...getting less dense over time.

See for yourself. Look at a picture of a spiral galaxy. ALL the mass came from the core (black hole) and is traveling AWAY from the core. Can't you see it???

To me it is illogical to assume there is an infinite amount of gravity in a Black Hole. In the Logical Universal Theory, gravity is proportional to the number of U1 particles. This means, it is finite.

As human beings we fully understand the concept of a beginning and an end. It happens all the time, right? We Understand the concept of a beginning and lasting forever. . . Or Do we. . . In my mind the latter is impossible and is totally wrong. It is illogical and can't happen. To me If you define something as having a beginning you must define an end. I think the same is true in mathematics as well. For Example.... When you cut something in half you have defined a beginning. You cant keep going forever or for infinity. You must define an end. It also has to be divisible by two. That will keep your activity logical.
To me it is illogical to assume there is an infinite amount of gravity in a Black Hole. In the Logical Universal Theory, gravity is proportional to the number of U1 particles. This means, it is finite.

As human beings we fully understand the concept of a beginning and an end. It happens all the time, right? We Understand the concept of a beginning and lasting forever. . . Or Do we. . . In my mind the latter is impossible and is totally wrong. It is illogical and can't happen. To me If you define something as having a beginning you must define an end. I think the same is true in mathematics as well. For Example.... When you cut something in half you have defined a beginning. You cant keep going forever or for infinity. You must define an end. It also has to be divisible by two. That will keep your activity logical.

Humans only know what they know. Nothing is infinite, everything is nothing. :D
In the theoretical world of particle physics, it is hypothesized that U1 particles will compress when spin energy is added and expand when when spin energy is decreased. . .

What do you mean 'it is hypothesized'? By who? Do you have some background on the hypothesis?

It is theorized that U1 Particles are bubble like matter. . .

What do you mean 'it is theorized'? By who? Do you have some background on the theory?
Ultimate gravity is theorized because of the maximum compression of U1 Particles in a Black Hole. . . Gravity is not infinite, it is directly proportional to the numbers of U1 Particles. . .

Any one can come up with a theory, hypothesis, Idea or speculation. . . all that's needed is an explanation as to what it is. . . The relevance to whether it's right or wrong is up to the recipient. . .