A logical way the Universe began, evolved, and will end.

. . .infinite gravity in a BH would infer that the mass contained in a BH is also infinite . . . don't think this is the case . . . however, conditions could be such that, under such gravitational stress (in BH), a threshold is reached wherein 'mass' converts-back to subatomic constituents (e.g., quarks, gluons, etc.).
. . .infinite gravity in a BH would infer that the mass contained in a BH is also infinite . . . don't think this is the case . . . however, conditions could be such that, under such gravitational stress (in BH), a threshold is reached wherein 'mass' converts-back to subatomic constituents (e.g., quarks, gluons, etc.).

Thanks for your post

In the Logical Universe, U1 Particles are the smallest particle out of which others are made. . Such as Quarks Gluons Neutrinos etc. if they are indeed unique particles and not just support resonance's of the Proton. . .

It is true that Black Holes grow in size so there matter and gravity would increase proportionally. . .
Any one can come up with a theory, hypothesis, Idea or speculation. . . all that's needed is an explanation as to what it is. . . The relevance to whether it's right or wrong is up to the recipient. . .


The relevance to whether it's right or wrong is up to it's correspondence with physical reality.
Thanks for your post

In the Logical Universe, U1 Particles are the smallest particle out of which others are made. . Such as Quarks Gluons Neutrinos etc. if they are indeed unique particles and not just support resonance's of the Proton. . .

It is true that Black Holes grow in size so there matter and gravity would increase proportionally. . .

. . . well . . . I suppose so . . since both large and micro-BH's have been hypothesized . . . I'd expect their mass and gravity characteristics to be different . . . maybe scalable
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“ Originally Posted by knowerastronomy
To me it is illogical to assume there is an infinite amount of gravity in a Black Hole. In the Logical Universal Theory, gravity is proportional to the number of U1 particles. This means, it is finite.

As human beings we fully understand the concept of a beginning and an end. It happens all the time, right? We Understand the concept of a beginning and lasting forever. . . Or Do we. . . In my mind the latter is impossible and is totally wrong. It is illogical and can't happen. To me If you define something as having a beginning you must define an end. I think the same is true in mathematics as well. For Example.... When you cut something in half you have defined a beginning. You cant keep going forever or for infinity. You must define an end. It also has to be divisible by two. That will keep your activity logical.

Humans only know what they know.

Nothing is infinite, everything is nothing. :D

I disagree

all energy and matter is infinite

for the opposite , nothing , is nothing and will always be , nothing , and nothing but nothing

but our Universe is not based on nothing , but on something and something is infinite

hence material
I disagree

all energy and matter is infinite

for the opposite , nothing , is nothing and will always be , nothing , and nothing but nothing

but our Universe is not based on nothing , but on something and something is infinite

hence material

Nothing is something without anything in it. :D
Originally Posted by river
I disagree

all energy and matter is infinite

for the opposite , nothing , is nothing and will always be , nothing , and nothing but nothing

but our Universe is not based on nothing , but on something and something is infinite

hence material

Nothing is something without anything in it. :D


nothing is nothing , without anything or something in it and any possibility of this situation changing , ever:D
The universe never began and it will never end.

What about the big bang?

Mass evolves to space. Mass gets less dense over time. It's why the earth (and all the planets) came from the sun. The entire SOLAR system is actually the sun...expanding...getting less dense over time.

I debunked this nonsense previously - TWICE!
What about the big bang?

I debunked this nonsense previously - TWICE!

I can say 100% factually that there was no Big Bang. I can prove it with the position of time. Inflation acts at every point inside an atom. This means that every point is a tiny flow that just looks like a big bang.

I amaze myself! :D

It's about time I amazed science! :cool:
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Ultimate gravity is theorized because of the maximum compression of U1 Particles in a Black Hole. . . Gravity is not infinite, it is directly proportional to the numbers of U1 Particles. . .

You keep saying 'it is theorized [bla bla bla]'. The truth is it is not theorized, but simply what you think with no supporting evidence what so ever.

It is somewhat dishonest to say, "it theorized", because it implies that someone with actual knowledge of science came up with this idea.

Are you going to answer any of the questions I posed?
What about the big bang?

We seem to have two different definitions of the term universe. My definition is all encompassing infinite space (volume) which has no boundaries and contains objects of mass. Your definition of the term universe seems to be that of an object, like a solar system, or a galaxy, only larger. With your definition, you could theoretically be external to the universe and look at it from afar, as you would the moon from the earth. You view the "universe" as an object comprised of smaller objects. You saying "big bang" is like me saying the earth came from the sun. I say the entire solar system is the sun, expanding. You say the universe (the object) was created by the big bang, and is expanding. You are saying the same thing as I am when you say the universe (the object) was once very small and expanded into a larger object. I say the same about the sun. What say you??

I debunked this nonsense previously - TWICE!

You never debunked it even once. You seemed to be confused on the different states of matter, solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. You know what a solid is, James? Define it for me, will you??
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We seem to have two different definitions of the term universe. My definition is all encompassing infinite space (volume) which has no boundaries and contains objects of mass. Your definition of the term universe seems to be that of an object, like a solar system, or a galaxy, only larger. With your definition, you could theoretically be external to the universe and look at it from afar, as you would the moon from the earth. You view the "universe" as an object comprised of smaller objects. You saying "big bang" is like me saying the earth came from the sun. I say the entire solar system is the sun, expanding. You say the universe (the object) was created by the big bang, and is expanding. You are saying the same thing as I am when you say the universe (the object) was once very small and expanded into a larger object. I say the same about the sun. What say you??

You never debunked it even once. You seemed to be confused on the different states of matter, solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. You know what a solid is, James? Define it for me, will you??

Solid, Liquid, gas, plasma, are states of matter in the atomic world not in the particle world. . .
You keep saying 'it is theorized [bla bla bla]'. The truth is it is not theorized, but simply what you think with no supporting evidence what so ever.

It is somewhat dishonest to say, "it theorized", because it implies that someone with actual knowledge of science came up with this idea.

Are you going to answer any of the questions I posed?

The Higgs Boson is theorized. . .
Pincho Paxton:

I can say 100% factually that there was no Big Bang. I can prove it with the position of time.

Ok. Go ahead and prove it for me.

I amaze myself! :D

It's about time I amazed science! :cool:

Fine. Now's your chance. Post your proof here, or withdraw your claim.

Motor Daddy:

We seem to have two different definitions of the term universe. My definition is all encompassing infinite space (volume) which has no boundaries and contains objects of mass. Your definition of the term universe seems to be that of an object, like a solar system, or a galaxy, only larger. With your definition, you could theoretically be external to the universe and look at it from afar, as you would the moon from the earth. You view the "universe" as an object comprised of smaller objects. You saying "big bang" is like me saying the earth came from the sun. I say the entire solar system is the sun, expanding. You say the universe (the object) was created by the big bang, and is expanding. You are saying the same thing as I am when you say the universe (the object) was once very small and expanded into a larger object. I say the same about the sun. What say you??

I say you're attempting to put words into my mouth.

If you want to know what I think or believe, ask me.

You never debunked it even once. You seemed to be confused on the different states of matter, solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. You know what a solid is, James? Define it for me, will you??

Solid: state of matter in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress, resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it, and retains a definite size and shape.

Do you agree?
Motor Daddy:

I say you're attempting to put words into my mouth.

If you want to know what I think or believe, ask me.

What is your definition of the term "universe?"

Could you theoretically be external to the universe and look at it from afar, like you would the moon from earth? Do you consider the universe an object that is expanding?

Solid: state of matter in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress, resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it, and retains a definite size and shape.

Do you agree?

That is all subjective. My point is that there is no real "solid." It is only a matter of space between objects, like atoms or electrons etc... There is no real "solid" it's all just motion.

A rock is no more a solid than a galaxy is!
The position of time is in the nucleus of space, which is a grid structure made from stacked grain. It's scale is 1. the nucleus scale is negative, it is -1. The reason that time expands from the hole is because virtual particles will appear in a hole that totals smallest scale which is 1 + -1 = 0. This is the scale at which our universe begins. Time is a particle, it is a membrane with a negative hole. When it is released from the hole it scales up to become a photon. The photon then splits 6 ways to produce a hexagon grid. The grid structure expands sending a Newton's Cradle wave formation along the structure of interconnected hexagons, and Icosahedron. These connections are connected to everything around them. The paths are waves, because hexagons stack in waves. The rods in our eyes directly connect to the hexagon wave formations. The lens of our eye is an inverted mass construct, The thickest part of a lens is the most negative. The negative lens construct creates an area of least resistance (This also works with glass lenses). This revolves photon alignment to match the area of least resistance. The rotation of the photon wave construct affects the two-slit experiment, and so does the hexagon scale adjustment. The scaling UP of the hexagon path remains in the experiment as a sort of trail of thick hexagons. The next photon path bounces off the first photon path. Time is a flow like a hose pipe from the scale 1 hole. Gravity slows time down as it presses into the hole the flow is blocked partly like a finger over a hose pipe.

The reason that the Big Bang did not happen is that time is local to the grain structure of space time. This locality is a scale factor, and so the inflation actually happens in all of local space. Because time is local to a central hole in each grid resolution it is the cause of every part of its own space. So space begins at all grid locations, and not a singularity. By moving time to all places at once, you have no expanse from an origin. You have expanse from all origins. The singularity therefore is now infinite, and everywhere. So you divide the singularity into infinity.. you get infinite start locations, and no Big Bang.
Big Bang

The Logical Universe Theory states, the key to the Universe lies in understanding Black Holes. .

When the Universe reaches its ultimate cold expansion the U1 Particles slow to a stop. . . They pop so to speak because there membranes are so thin. . There is a tiny amount of matter left over with no energy because it is not rotating. . . This is called Cold Matter. . .

Eventually the Universe will consist of only Black Holes and Cold Matter. . .

Because there is no such thing as empty space the cold matter will collide with the merged Black Holes. . . This will break the locked resonance of the Black Hole and cause the Universal Black Hole to Explode which will trigger another Creation Event. .

Initially, why Black Holes merge and don't explode is because they have the same resonance and gravity concentration. . .

When a Black Hole looses its resonance containment it will explode and spill out its contents which are made up exclusively of U1 Particles in an extreme energy state. . .
The Logical Universe Theory states, the key to the Universe lies in understanding Black Holes. .

You have no theory. You are incapable of answering any questions about your idea because you clearly have no science background and your conjecture is incomplete and poorly thought out. Your ideas are nothing more than pseudo-scientific adolescent conjectures.

Try taking some physics courses at least you could learn some new buzz words to toss around.;)