Really? Please feel free to point out any illogicality. I am big fatcat corporation, and I act in MY best interest. Screw the people....
Case in point.
But alrighty. I'll point out your ill logic.
Well, you got me on unions, this is something I don't know that much about, nevertheless I will still argue it.
Syzygys said:Unions in the States are a joke. They are in my pockets. They do whatever I tell them to do.
Unions are a check against unchecked capitalism, where nothing stops a capitalist from exploiting his workers. It's great to be all for capitalism, but you can't have pure capitalism, because your workers have rights.
Syzygys said:Union membership has been declining.
How do you know this?
Syzygys said:When was the last decent sized strike? I think it was back then when Ronnie was the prez and he kicked the ass of the airline traffic controllers.
Have you been paying attention?
I am not aware of the problem, but we are against it, unless those are gay/atheist/democrat babies...In that case it is social Darwinism..
So you're okay with some murders, if it's the right people?
Finally something juicy! Thanks.
Honestly, we (big corporations) LOVE illegal immigration, that's why nothing is being done about it. We could stop it in 5 mins, just by following Germany's example, when not the immigrant but the business employing them is fined so harshly, that they can not/dare not efford to do it.
Why do we love illegal immigrants? They are:
-dirt cheap
-have no legal rights or representation
-basicly they are modern day slaves
-they are good for the economy, because they also spend money here
-they increase the number of people here, what wouldn't happen by natural birth
So we just love them, but it wouldn't be PC to tell you, so guys, this is a secret between me and you. OK?
I've been waiting for someone to say that from a conservative point of view!
I'm not decided on this issue. But in your case, I'll argue the other viewpoint, which may or may not be logical:
You need to pay immigrants the same money you pay other people, because they're people too. They're not slaves ready to be exploited by you.
Also, it's not smart to let the immigrants in so willingly. Once they come here and get employed by you, they'll stay. And if they stay, and you aren't paying them enough, they'll need welfare to survive, and all the welfare money that could be used on people who were here first is being used on the immigrants. And how is that good for us?
I am saying what a big fatcat would tell you when he is drunk and honest...Please notice, I am not the government, although I have influence on the government. I am big business so my problems and interest are not always the same as the administration's...
You're doing a pretty good job of representing a Big Business fatcat.
Which war? We LOVE wars, period. It is good business. Building up the military is actually one of the best businesses. And we have to use the stockpile, otherwise there would be new orders, agreed?
War is unnecessary cavemen brutality. Ever heard of civilization? Of diplomacy? Of not killing people?
Syzygys said:I take it you refer to the Iraq war. That is easy. Here you have to follow the line of reasoning.
1. USA gets 60% of its oil from outside and this will INCREASE in the future.
2. Iraq has the 2nd biggest oilreserviors on Earth.
3. Iraq was also a danger to Israel (not to the US), my strongest lobby, and you have to agree, I have to do what my influence wants me to do.
4. Also oil is peaking right now, so in the future the ME oilreserve area is the big PRIZE. Whoever controls it, controls everybody.
So you plan on continuing our addiction to oil, when it's slowly but surely destroying our global climate?
Growing a lot of corn to produce ethanol, an alternative to gasoline, is also a profitable and economically good thing to do. And it won't harm the Earth in the process.
Syzygys said:Now, this is not just getting access to it, but also DENYING access to my competitors, meaning China or whomever wants to rule the world. We do, nobody else should. Clear?
Such nationalist arrogance.
Syzygys said:You wouldn't want the Chinese taking over Iraq with some kind of false WMD casus beli, would you? It is better us then them or anybody else.
So we're stopping people from fucking up the place by getting the blood on our hands instead?
Syzygys said:Of course we had to cook up some stupid story what the average American would eat up, and WMD seemed just fine. After all, we sold a shitload of it to Saddam, who the hell thought he got ride of them?? That is a honest mistake...
Yeah, serves you right.
Syzygys said:Then we switched the goal to the Iraqi freedom. This sounds as good as any...
How Orwellian.
Syzygys said:But the real reason is oil, and I bet you don't want to pay 3-4$ a gallon for your gas, do you?
You're right, I don't wanna pay money for gas. I want to buy ethanol.
Syzygys said:We miscalculated the locals a bit, because we don't know psycology too much.
What do you know?
Syzygys said:After all nobody likes occupiers. And boy, we going to stay there until the last drop of oil, I promise you...
Don't be surprised when a civil war erupts.
Oh wait...
We don't like it, because we like globalization. Also at this time and pace it is naive to think a country like America could be isolated. We are way too much involved just pretty much everywhere, our interest is global.
I suppose.
Syzygys said:Read again what I wrote about the war and oil, that also explains it...
Yeah. Bad globalism.
Syzygys said:Also monetarily we are depending on the Japanese and Chinese buying our bonds. By isolating the country, we would get stuck with nobody financing our standard of living...
What about sustaining ourselves? It would be good for the economy.
Before we discuss abortion or same-sex marriage, I have to explain about subjective/objective issues and the nature of politics.
Some issues in politics are not objective, there is no clear right or wrong. The winner is the right one. Global warming is an objective topic (not the cause of it, but the fact itself).
Moral issues are usually subjective. Your stand depends on your morals, traditions, religious beliefs,etc.
I guess this makes sense. Liberals value liberty, equality, and justice, while conservatives instead value what it was like in the "good ol' days", when these principles only had a lopsided reign.
Yeah, I follow ya.
But, the cause of global warming is in fact objective. It's either one cause (or a set of them), or the other. It's not up for opinion.
Syzygys said:So although the sides can argue until they die who is right or wrong, at the end the side is right who is winning POLITICALLY the debate. Screw the arguments and let's bring in the cavalry!!! Is that understandable??
Sure, I guess. Well, liberals are slowly winning this particular battle for civil rights. So I guess liberals are right here.
Syzygys said:Now on same-sex marriage we are against it because of the beliefs of our base. That's about it, end of story...
So you don't care?
i just hate those patronizing jackasses.
Oh, me too.