A letter to God


It's all greek to me
Registered Senior Member
A letter to God

God? Are You there? I know a great deal about You. I've read the bible three or four times cover to cover. I'm aware that You're omniscient and omnipotent so therefore You are surely aware that I'm an atheist and I don't believe in You. It's not that I'm positive that You don't exist, it's just that I'm not positive that You do, or that the bible is correct. I'm not sure if the bible is meant to be interpreted literally or figuratively and neither is anyone else. If it's interpreted literally, then Your chances of being real are right up there with hitting the lottery in every state, every week, for ten years in a row. Being an omniscient god, I'm sure You already knew that.

If there is a god/creator, then the more reasonable thing that comes to mind is that You are there, but just don't care. You can not possibly care about humanity in the slightest. And... why would You care about humanity? Why would an all powerful deity who sits amongst and amidst the heavens need little pets, much less actually create the universe for the purpose of having such little pets? Little pets who live and die so quickly must be annoying as gnats to You.

It's just not possible that You, who spans the universe and is beyond time would need saccharine adorations mouthed through frightened lips and from bended knees to satiate some insecurity based need for approval from we, Your imperfect creations, which You perfectly created to be imperfect. But, I digress. Being omniscient, I'm sure You already know this, oh Lord.

I would look to Your church leaders for guidance Lord, but they aren't exactly doing a very good job of representing You. They're hateful and angry and strike out against anyone who doesn't believe the same way they do. I'm sure you've seen the countless people they have killed in Your name over the last few thousand years.

Lord, now they're even killing abortion doctors. I don't know what to think, Lord. I know that Romans 13 says to be loyal to the government because it only exists because it's Your will. That means we should obey the laws and the laws say abortion is legal but killing abortion doctors isn't. I know that the ten commandments say "Thou shalt not kill." I also know that to punish some people in the past You have sent Your people to destroy them and "cut open the bellies of the pregnant women" so I'm confused as to who to believe on this. Some of Your preachers say abortion should be legal and some say we should kill the abortion doctors.

I need advice on so many things, Lord. I know the bible says You're a loving God, but I'm confused. Please help me. I don't understand why You created people the way You did even though, according to the bible, at least 75% of the world's population will be going to hell. Lord, there are hundreds of millions of people who "claim" to be Christians in the world and about six billion people total in the world. Why would You create five billion people on the earth today just to send them to hell? You knew ahead of time that they would go to hell, so if You're loving why did You make them like that in the first place?

As I said, I have tried to consult Your representatives here on earth, but they could only offer "free will" as an explanation. They say people have a choice and people pay the penalty for making the wrong choices. I'm sure, being all knowing, that You can see what a helpless bit of information that is. Clearly if You are all knowing then You know ahead of time what will happen to each of us, and You could change it, but You don't. Obviously we can't change it because You made us the way You did and gave us the challenges and experiences that You did, knowing ahead of time exactly what we would do and what the repercussions of those actions would be. Free will for a person created by an all knowing and all powerful deity is, quite frankly, impossible, as I'm sure You know.

I have so many questions, Lord. I try to talk to your religious leaders here, but they seem so confused. Some have even posted women as Preachers, Lord. Can You believe it? In Your bible Corinthians clearly states "The women should keep silence in the churches...For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church". Timothy also says "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent". These modern preachers say that slavery is wrong, but I know the bible allows slavery as a completely normal activity and even lays down some ground rules for how to buy and sell slaves as well as disciplining them. Who am I to believe, Lord?

Am I to believe Adam and Eve and the seven day creation literally or figuratively? Did You actually create the world in 7 of our days, or was it millions of years which seem like mere days to You? All of Your leaders here are in contention, so who do I believe?

I'm lost, Lord. I'm lost. I am going to be tormented in hellfire forever. I don't mean to offend You. I simply don't understand. I don't know who to believe. I'm confused, Lord. Please take just one moment out of infinite time and save my soul. I beg of You. Show me the truth. Just speak to me. Tap me on the shoulder and tell me "This is the way to salvation, My son". I beg of You, Lord. Please help me. What would it take for You to send a clear message? Nobody agrees on what the bible means, so please, You're all powerful and all knowing, please send us something more tangible and save billions of souls from going to hell. Please, Lord? Please? I don't want to go to hell. Please show yourself.

Love, Me
The Bible only asks that you pay attention to what is said. You shouldn't interpret all of it as a unit either literally or figuratively, but wisely.

God did not consider his status to be something worth holding on to, but out of love for his creation came to serve it, so that we might not be lost forever.

Neither does God need approval or sacrifice - those were substitutes and compensations for the distance we intuitively felt from God. God requires love as a sacrifice - He requires that you let go of yourself, your addiction to your own well-being, and serve others. That is serving Him. Not with words or rituals, but with deeds and faith in Him.

People who are hateful don't know God, even if they are preachers, prophets or believers. They show that they don't know Him by not obeying Him. However, God has sent you people who do know and love Him. Listen to them.

Once again, the issue of abortion is not whether or not it is legal - it is certainly not desireable. Nobody should have to terminate a life that God has given. But we live in a world that sometimes requires the sacrifice of one life to save another. We live in a world where sin drives people to places where none of the options available are within God's will. God only asks that our choices reflect love and not selfishness under these situations. A girl who has had seven abortions because she wants sex but not children, clearly misses the purpose. We are not to kill doctors or children.

God created every one of the people on earth to have a relationship with Him, and to have faith in Him. But creation is not in the place God wants it to be. We have strayed from the life He gave, and chose our own. You know what it means to choose your own life, to choose a life apart from God. You know the difference between right and wrong, and it is wrong choices that has left creation in its current state.

Free will is not explanation. Our freedom has always been to live under God's protection. It is without God that death becomes a real threat, and it is the blind acceptance of our fate that prevents us from seeing God's hand in our lives, or doing anything to change it.

Hell is not a threat, it is a warning.

The penalty for wrong choices lies in the fruit they bear. Desires that lead us away from God conceives with everything in this world and gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. There is no death worse than one that lives in constant rejection of life. However, our sufferings can lead to perseverance and faith, which leads to God and salvation. That path is always open to you. But you can't reject God and expect salvation - there is no salvation outside God. How can there be life outside the source of life?

God does know ahead of time what will happen if we persist on the road we are on. That's why He warned us, and warns us still. But instead of heeding the warning, people acuse God of malicious intent. Do you realize that God has changes the outcome for you? He knows that you will be saved from this terrible fate if you hold on to Him, and has provided someone to hold on to. And once again, people have chosen to think of themselves as "free", rather than bound by God to purity. How can you blame God, if your freedom to choose was more important to you than His command that you follow Him alone?

Some have even posted women as Preachers, Lord. Can You believe it? In Your bible Corinthians clearly states "The women should keep silence in the churches...For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church". Timothy also says "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent". These modern preachers say that slavery is wrong, but I know the bible allows slavery as a completely normal activity and even lays down some ground rules for how to buy and sell slaves as well as disciplining them. Who am I to believe, Lord?
Do you have sinister intentions with your question? Why hide them? These are open accusations against the path God had set before those who love Him, hurled without understanding or love. If you are unwlling to let a woman teach you, will you learn from a woman? But the situation is quite different now: you are unwilling to let anyone teach you. You don't mention Paul asking Philemon to release his runaway slave Onesimus and accept in as a brother in Christ, although Roman law gave him the power to kill that slave. Did you not know that love doesn't demean, and submission does not belittle, if it is truly in relationship with God? But you don't acknowledge the authority of God, or those who he gave authority to. How then do you propose to submit to God's authority?

Are you calling on God for help, or trying to justify yourself?

You ask the question about creation, even though you don't believe God created heaven and earth at all - whether in seven days or seventy billion years. What does it matter, then, whether you read the words figuratively or literally? You have already rejected them! You depend on man's understanding of God's work, instead of depending on God for the meaning of those words. Do you want to use them to justify yourself to others, to be right? God does not allow anybody to be right, for our own sakes. The only "right" is following Him.

You ask for something more tangible, but haven't you rejected all options? From ancient times people spoke, and their words were recorded for your sake. They did not write for the sake of historians or scientists, but for the sake of those who honestly seek God. And even their words were distorted or rejected. Then God sent His only Son - the only one He would crown with His own authority - to serve our most dire needs. He did not promise wealth or glory, instead He promised suffering and pain. He became a clear, visible example of what it means to know and serve God, and how faith will be vindicated.

If you are serious about finding God, be prepared to encounter Him. Don't shy away when you do. God calls only wrong people to follow Him. From outside religion, outside hope, outside safety. Old, young, poor and weak. These are God's heroes. Not the giants of faith, the wise or the strong. When God called Moses, he was a murderer. When He called Gideon, he was an unbeliever hiding. When He called Joseph, he was a ridiculed dreamer. David was an insignificant shepherd.

Believe in God, He will answer you. Seek him in humility, not in pride; in silence, not in lots of words. Then you will hear Him.
quite clearly the whole letter is sarcasm Jenyar.
so there's no evil intention, there not trying to justify themselves.
It's just a sargastic way of pointing out, the inconsistency of the bible.
and pavlos is like me, an atheist, he has no belief in god/gods.
@ audible

Perhaps you are shockingly unaware that this "letter" is a reflection of pavlosmarcos' viewpoint.
how old are you little greek ass
are you providing any evidence that god doesnt exist
all youre saying is "i dont believe in god", big deal
let me ask you this ,do you believe in your fathers ass,has he ever shown it to you
covered it doesnt count, go close to it,inspect it, lick it,see is it real shit
you never know it could be a greek myth
you have all the answears mr myth

Philosopher Philocrazy
philocrazy said:
let me ask you this ,do you believe in your fathers ass,has he ever shown it to you
covered it doesnt count, go close to it,inspect it, lick it,see is it real shit
you never know it could be a greek myth


That's a pointless (and vomit-inducing) question. It's called logic. If one has an ass, hasn't seen anyone else without an ass, and probably never heard of a birth defect where one doesn't have an ass, he can logically deduce that his father in fact has an ass as well.

There's no evidence that says anyone's dad doesn't have an ass. There is evidence that says there's no God.
Oviously Philonuts knows his father's ass.

Shiet must taste good to him since he gives advise to others to try it!.

God answers:

Son Pavlos I'm only a figment human's imagination, you created me to answer for your human ignorance, you made me omnipotent, so that you can't destroy me with your knowledge, you made me omniscient, so that you think I have forseight of your future, you made me omnipresent, so that you have a reason to be moral, your prayers are only falling on death ears, the bible was writen by men. Do you think for a moment I would write such a controversial book?, I need not write anything. You either believe the illusion, or you don't. You chose not to. For this I commend you, you are slowly evolving, now if only more idiots would follow your example.

Dearpavlosmarcos....aint gonna pretend to be "God" thus carrying on the scam. but i will tell you what i have gleaned for passionate study about all this...take it or leave it or dance round it its up to you......all i ask is you at least listen and give it some respect

The Bible was written my men not God. although there may have been inspiration via prophets of so-called channeling of a spirit they may cally their 'god' it is still men who have 'channleled' and put this stuff down in text
ALSO men have meddled with text to

to really dig where the mindset of these writers is coming from you have to know the Garden of Eden myth. it's use of symbols. it actually has used symbols from previous more ancinet Goddess mythology

for example, the Garden, Tree, Serpent, Goddess/'Eve', Fruit--all of those symbols really belong with the GODDESS not 'God', and the weren't 'wrong' in the Garden of the Goddess, they werer benevolent, and the Fruit was for all those who wanted to participate in her mysteries. Ecstatic orgia.
THAT was what the male authority="God" wanted to denigrate so they could get power over the people who practiced these earth religions

The Fruit is an hallucinogen that gives--listen closely--DIRECT experience. not words in a Bible, or some sky god spouting off, full of mindbending contradictions that have driven people mad over the centuries, and causes many many wars. NO, DIRECT experience. of what?

of Earth, Nature, your organism is intimate relation with Nature, the universe, sexuality for the joy of it--not as merely for reporduction as the Hebrews fathers stressed- In other words, Direct Experience is a Celebration of being alive

Goddess included the opposites 'good' and 'evil', 'life' and death' and didn't separate them like the patriarchs did.

your fear of 'hell' is a device they have dont to you, sos that you will KEEP to their authority. really hell is what they fear the most. the DEEP. that is what they flee from, and thus are hell bent on destroying Nature!
everybody I am an atheist, I have no belief in devils ,demons, gods or goddess's.
this is a sarcastic article, based on the truth written in the bible, and how many follow
it without question.
southstar: you are totally wrong as usual.
athelwulf: thankyou but audible and fehrenheit are correct, as I say above.
it is by no way an actual letter to a god, I stopped writing letters to a fantasy figure when I was seven years old. oh athelwulf dont change, your great as you are, I love that little bit of innocence.
philo: you a complete nut, quite clearly an horses arse, and its arse, not ass an ass is a donkey /horse. #
duendy: thank you for your comment it has been noted, but not all men are arseholes.
my mum gave birth to me, so I'll agree that if the were a god, it would be a goddess.
If I weren't absolutely certain that God didn't exist, I wouldn't go about mocking him. Pavlos, what do you know that the rest of the world doesn't?
I mock as you put it, because my sense, reason, and intellect, tell me there is no god.
and the only thing, that is going to smite me, is another human being.
I have no fear of a non-existent entity.
I know what all the world knows, but only half want to believe, there is no god/gods.
True, God does not smite you, but as you know, people have been punished for less. But the issue is not whether you are vindicated against God or not, should fear His anger or not, but whether you are guilty of something God will judge your life and character by. Your faith is in yourself without cause. You have no reason to trust that your reason and intellect has processed all wisdom, knowledge and information the universe contains, and come to the right conclusion. You can't even reason out love, yet you know it exists. If you didn't see it in people, tell me, would you have come to the conclusion that it existed?

As you say, it is your belief that God does not exist, but it's not evident.
Jenyar said:
As you say, it is your belief that God does not exist, but it's not evident.
wrong, I did not say, I said I have no belief.
it's a fact, it's quite evident to me, there is no god/gods.
as fahrenheit put it.
you are the ones asserting that there own little deluded concept of a personal god exists in the first place, so you are therefore responsible for providing the proof of your little flights of fancy. Responsibility for proof does not lie on the shoulders of those who make no positive assertions. Atheism is, from it's root words, a lack of belief in gods. It is not an assertion of any kind, but simply a lack of it. The entire weight of responsibility for proving the existence of the world's plethora of gods falls squarely on the shoulders of those who present these gods as being real in the first place.
You did say: "now what all the world knows, but only half want to believe, there is no god/gods", indicating that you are of the half that "believes" it.

We aren't in the business of proving God or gods, but in relating Him to you as we have received it ourselves. He did not give me any more proof that He exists than He gave you, but for the evidence there is, yet you are as confident about His absence as I am confident about his presence. Proving God to you would not make you believe in Him, it will only make your atheism objective.