A lesson about Islam For Christians and Jews.


How long after your experience that convinced you the Biblical/ Quranic God exists did you start believing all this other stuff about Jinns and spirits? Was it like an instant download, or did you accumulate these beliefs over a period of study?

clarifications: islam, and the christianity today
christanity beleive in god, as to be jesus(pbuh), or beleive that jesus(pbuh) is the son of god
in islam: there's only one god, and none but god, and god don't have a son or daughter or whatever, and god is the creator of all
djins are also creatures, like human beings, not saying they look like us, anyway they are in another univerce, but they can come to our world, and djins, can look, means, make themselves look like different shapes, according to the people myths, like for example, maybe, aliens, and djins, are created before the mankind, and they worship god like we do, and they have societies, and have christian, jews, muslims, atheist, and etc...and not a geney in a lamp that makes your wishes come true, and djins, like mankind, have the freewill

do you mean by spirits, the angels? (p.s.: angels, like djins, are from the things that we can't know how they look like , those are from, occulties? anyway, unline humans and djins, angels don't have freewill, well, god knows more)