A lesson about Islam For Christians and Jews.

This isn't a school this is a political, scientific, and philosophical forum chi, you should remember that.

Oh so you can teach people things in the science forums like Fraggle Rocker doea so wonderfully (Not being sarcastic I admire his teaching ability and mannerism) But I can't teach Religion in the Religion Forum.

If Plazma Inferno didn't want religious scholarly matters being debated or taught there wouldn't be a Religion Sub forum and a comparitive Religion forum.

Am I really being asked not to post religious threads in the religion forum?. You do understand that sounds rather silly right.

But it's actually not fire, it's a nuclear reaction. And it's not quite smokeless either, there is a solar wind which has significant effects on Earth and it's made of tiny particles.

The solar wind isnt anything like the smoke from earthly Fires, and you know the sun is Plasma based which in description terms fits perfectly with smokeless fire. A smokeless source of thermal energy and light... I think you are clutching straws in all honesty what say you.

Science states the known, religion the imaginary 'known', plus SciForum has extensive non preaching rules.
No I do not think it was honourable at all. I then shook the guys hand and now were pretty good friends. He has now denounced all forms of biggotory and is a proud anarchist and human rights activist like myself.

And I did not attack first. I asked him several times to stop being racist about a dear friend, he called him that and I reacted in an inncorect manner.

We all make mistakes you corrected it in the end which is what matters.

Oh Chi's a muslim. Now I understand why he refers to women who enjoy sex as 'whores', the misogyny makes sense now.

But to get back to the OP, its a little arrogant to suggest tips to groups who are obviously not interested in knowing the fundamental teachings of another religion without a request, its called proselytizing which is very rude. Its arrogant to tell christians to stop wearing the cross because it offends you of another religion, or to advise them to stop being paranoid about devils when your religion is equally filled with nonsense. After all you would complain day and night of how European countries are banning your precious black sack and veil you hide your women under.

It states to Jews "this is fair and you will not be asked to stop your Torah conduct", how benevolent for a muslim TO ALLOW Jews to adhere to their own religion, a religion that predates his own by the way, 'they will not be asked to stop' indeed! Its this kind of talk that makes others feel justified in thinking that muslims want to force their quacky religion on the rest of the world and what spurs them to call for a curb on muslims influencing their society (UK noted). This is why I had no problem with the Swiss ban on minarets or the call to ban the burka; one good intention deserves another.

I mean just look at this statement "and You should all remove it from your necks immediatly, it is a worthless chain and symbol of the fake crusifixion of "jesus". Who the hell do you think you are anyway? Their crucifixion is no more fake than your illiterate prophet being possessed with revelation, or rather I should say no less fake. Secular society should ban all of your religious symbols but respectful co-existence prohibits such a move (at least for now).

Then there is the shoddy reasoning:

"As Ishmalites the Original Islamic Arabs of yemen origin conclude they are half jews basicaly. So the rest of the world should consider themselves half jewish."

The rest of the world? A small tribe that considers themselves half jews makes the rest of the world half jewish. Someone should send the Chinese a memo.

Hilaire Belloc is rolling in his grave saying 'this is exactly what I was warning you lot about'. Truly Chi if you don't want non-muslims to mistrust muslims then you should at least attempt to hide your wish to dominate other religions. You know, conceal and pretend:rolleyes:

Im trying to teach you something not debate with you about your personal likes and dislikes in life.

If you are a christian you should heed what I said, and also We are not trying to "Dominate" we are correcting you all as jesus corrected the transgressors who fell off the true path 2000 years ago, and his group of essenes and real christians were persecuted just like the muslims today.

9/10 people That debate with me the most hotile havent even read the quran. Howmuch do you know about Islam? have you learned anything from a real teacher or by reading the scripts yourself. Or do you get your info from the western media and anti islamic bashing websites.

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Piggyback Johnny-come-lately religions don't get to dictate corrections to their elders.
Piggyback Johnny-come-lately religions don't get to dictate corrections to their elders.

........You really haven't studied any religion atall have you. Every single testament was bringing a new law and a correction, because people always end up doing what they like when prophets are not walking among them.

Moses pbuh) he brought the Law he is knows as the law giver, bringing the Torah and the commandments, Jesus pbuh spent nearly every-day studying and debating with the pharases and elders correcting them and their transgressions.

Mohammad pbuh is the final law giver who resembles moses who comes to give the final correction and teachings to unite all man-kind.

You only say the things you do because you dont believe any of this, you dont believe the jews and moses, you dont believe the christians and jesus, you dont believe the muslims and mohhamad, but the muslims accept all of the prophets, it is the other groups who wont accept the final laws.you should study things before you debate about them, because all you have shown me over tens of posts in the religion forums is that you don't like religion and you dont believe in god.

This thread is aimed at Believers not Atheists. This thread has a specific subject and isnt to tell your general diss-likes about god and faith etc.

The solar wind isnt anything like the smoke from earthly Fires, and you know the sun is Plasma based which in description terms fits perfectly with smokeless fire. A smokeless source of thermal energy and light... I think you are clutching straws in all honesty what say you.


I say that's the most cynical attempt to connect theology and science: one would conclude "smokeless fire" simply from looking at the sun itself.
I say that's the most cynical attempt to connect theology and science: one would conclude "smokeless fire" simply from looking at the sun itself.

you are free to not read posts in the religion forum you know. go read and post some science threads and live up to your complaining. This was directed at christiansd and jews and general believers to an extent. Not Atheists.

Didn't you want it to be read? Shouldn't it withstand my un-deific attack?
I have noticed in day to day life that many Christians and Jews are not even aware of any of the fundamental teachings in the Quran. Here are some Basic Tips for you guys when reading the `Last Testament- "The Holy Quran".

As jews you will follow the Torah and you are bound by covenant of Jubilees and Oath, this is fair and you will not be asked to stop your Torah conduct. As Ishmalites the Original Islamic Arabs of yemen origin conclude they are half jews basicaly. So the rest of the world should consider themselves half jewish. Not many pure Gentiles exist now due to inter-racial relationships. So they practice a "half Sabath" You as jewish people after understanding and accepting the later prophets. Some of you still don't accept "Jesus" known to some of you as "Yashu" or "Yashua/Yahushua". (pbuh)You already live Kosher and dont eat the Life blood as commanded by the most high.

As Christians You guys need to stop being paranoid with your Anti-Christ devil stuff, yes Shaytan exists he is a Jinn a being not made of Earth but of smokeless fire like the rest of his race they were created before us. He is not an angel who some call Lucifer the morning star, Or Damien. The prophet mohhamad (pbuh) was the final prophet to bring a message out of all 120 thousand that have ever lived. The cross you guys wear is very offensive to the prophet and You should all remove it from your necks immediatly, it is a worthless chain and symbol of the fake crusifixion of "jesus" (pbuh) Jesus did not die at the cross, Judas made the ultimate sacrifice in order for Jesus (pbuh) to escape and gave himself in as an imposter jesus to the romans. Eating non kosher/Halal meat is a Sin and you guys should seriously stop eating dirty meats, this includes no eating pork, it is not good for you look at all the sickness evrywhere, Over-Stand. Also Allah is not gods actual name its just a word for God or creator of the universe. or Most high king of kings host of hosts in formal terms. It actualy Comes From The Aramaic word for God that jesus himself used and spoke personally which is "Alaha" when said fast sounds just like Allah.

The Quran corrects the Biblical errors in fraudulent scriptures as this is the direct word of the most high to the scribes. The quran also clears up the mistake and fraud of the earth being created 6000 years ago, and in 7 days.

It is said The heavens and the earth were created in 6 stages and the 7th stage was completion/perfection and we did not rest because fatigue touched us not. there is no mention of Time in the quran or days.

Now here is an important `List of name corrections to help you read less diluted translations of the quran. Islam is not some new Religion it is part of judaism and christianity this is the real earthly trinity, and the trinity is not in rivalry with god there is only one creator god has no equal all other dietys are false except the one creator god who is not a mere physical being.

In the Torah/Old Testament the name of God YHWH (Jahovah) has been removed it is mentioned thousands of times through out the real Bible scripts. This name Means "The great I am" But it also has a deeper meaning which is "I Am The self sustaining and self sufficient" In the Quran Out of his 99 Most glorious names one of the very most Blessed is "The Self sustaining and Sufficient". Allah The god of Islam Is YHWH and he Gave The Quran to All Mankind not just jews or arabs or christians, it was sent down as a final warning and guide-line to stop you all fighting over Religion.

"The righteous will be lead to the true path"

Adam - Adaman
Eve - Hawa
Noah - Nuuh
Moses - Musa
Jesus - Isa
Mohhamad -
Enoch - Iblis



The fire of Melek Burns real smoke Chi. Out of my mouth and into yours as it is said God will walk among you. Hi ! I know all you non believers and posers pretending to be believers have a hard time with this , but hey God don't force anybody to love him . I am glad to see you cleared Judas's name in public . Man you are one great guy. Love the Temple not made with human hands son. Mr. Greathouse to you young-en or you can call Me Pharaoh if you want or the Foreigner is even better.
........You really haven't studied

Then my opinion is worth more than Mohammed's, since I was born far more recently. The problem is that people think their own guy was the last word, then they shut their brains. What is your opinion on Mormonism?
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Im trying to teach you something not debate with you about your personal likes and dislikes in life.

If you are a christian you should heed what I said, and also We are not trying to "Dominate" we are correcting you all as jesus corrected the transgressors who fell off the true path 2000 years ago, and his group of essenes and real christians were persecuted just like the muslims today.

9/10 people That debate with me the most hotile havent even read the quran. Howmuch do you know about Islam? have you learned anything from a real teacher or by reading the scripts yourself. Or do you get your info from the western media and anti islamic bashing websites.

Thank you I appreciate deeply . don't know a lot about Islam . It is intriguing What you said about Judas. There is hope yet! Praise the lord
The Islamic faith seems to just be a ripoff of Christianity!

I've always thought that Islam was concocted by combining all of my least favorite parts of Christianity (the relentless proselytizing, with the aim of converting the entire globe) with all of my least favorite parts of Judaism (all the obsession with consecrating statecraft and warfare), topping it off with a dab of Arab ethnocentricism, and sending it marching off to war.
Im trying to teach you something not debate with you about your personal likes and dislikes in life.

If you are a christian you should heed what I said, and also We are not trying to "Dominate" we are correcting you all as jesus corrected the transgressors who fell off the true path 2000 years ago, and his group of essenes and real christians were persecuted just like the muslims today.

9/10 people That debate with me the most hotile havent even read the quran. Howmuch do you know about Islam? have you learned anything from a real teacher or by reading the scripts yourself. Or do you get your info from the western media and anti islamic bashing websites.


You can teach me nothing save bigotry and ignorance of which neither I have any interest.

You are so blinded by your own religious bigotry that you cannot even see your own arrogance, but in this you are not alone. All of the religions you mention, including your own, suffer from these same delusions of grandeur.

Muslims aren't being persecuted Chi, they're simply reaping what they've sown!

As for knowledge of the Quran? After an OP like that I know all I would ever want to know about the religion and how it affects its adherence, so thanks and no thanks. It just left me with a feeling to :puke:

If you are the face of your religion you've just done it a great disservice.