A lesson about Islam For Christians and Jews.

The kettle , you know what they say Cynic

What the hell is that supposed to mean? If this thread must wander off into tedious claims of God-gotten knowledge, then the argument better have damned good support. That's not a pot-and-kettle thing.

Better still that a new thread get started anyway.

I'll let you have the last word on this. Remind me if I should forget.
Am I really being asked not to post religious threads in the religion forum?
No. The Religion board is the one place on SciForums where these threads are allowed. Anywhere else they are regarded as trolling.

The rest of the members need to understand this. The religionists are free to post their lies, fables and misinterpreted metaphors to their hearts' content, as long as they restrict it to this one board.
. . . . SciForums has extensive non preaching rules.
That rule is relaxed on this one subforum. Just as respect for the scientific method is relaxed both here and on the Crackpottery boards.

The rest of the rules still apply: No ethnic or personal insults, no trolling, etc. Religions are specifically excluded from our rule against insults so I suppose that is also true on this board. Nonetheless this is their little playground so there's no harm in being just a tiny bit more polite to them here than we would be anywhere else. If the topic of a thread is some particular aspect of a religion, then to insult the religion so egregiously as to chill the discourse by driving the poster away, or to ignite it by turning it into a flame war, would be considered trolling.

The Comparative Religion board, in contrast, is reserved for scholarship and the scientific method applies: logical reasoning, empirical evidence, Occam's Razor, the Rule of Laplace, etc. Preaching and other bullshit are not allowed there.
I've always thought that Islam was concocted by combining all of my least favorite parts of Christianity (the relentless proselytizing, with the aim of converting the entire globe) with all of my least favorite parts of Judaism (all the obsession with consecrating statecraft and warfare), topping it off with a dab of Arab ethnocentricism, and sending it marching off to war.

Full heartedly agree
Your personal perception has been du`ly noted, this as text suggests is directed towards jews and christians, which are you christian or jew?


bahah they is no personal perception there EFC I double dog dare you to prove him wrong.. wait what you cant? ohh thats right because hes right we can link soo god damn many wars/genicides that are linked DIRECTLY to religion and of all there is not one shred of truth to any religion besides "you have to have faith"
Smokeless fire is what the stars are made of.



Element Abundance (% of total Abundance
number of atoms) (% of total mass)
Hydrogen 91.2 71.0
Helium 8.7 27.1
Oxygen 0.078 0.97
Carbon 0.043 0.40
Nitrogen 0.0088 0.096
Silicon 0.0045 0.099
Magnesium 0.0038 0.076
Neon 0.0035 0.058
Iron 0.030 0.014
Sulfur 0.015 0.040

that is what a star is mad of
Brahma is the most high the creator there are no lesser gods, they are angels not gods. and The Demi-gods of greece and the Titans are based on The Nephilim half breeds, not half god but half angel. The titans and Giants are The Rephaim offspring.

Side note

Abraham = Ibrahim in the Quran.


I knew that. It seems Islam is misunderstood? Interesting Essene"s and all. I wonder what you think of 12ers . I just got band from the 12ers site. It hurt my feelings to be rejected like that, always seems like I am looking at the world from the bottom of a well. Anybody know that song. I can relate. Bit Me nonbelievers , You should listen to the song more . You might get a clue. You Atheists are Christian and don't even know it . Saying your not don't change a thing for it is embedded into language it self . Yeah you all obey Jesus by your sacrifice attitudes. Yeah get a clue. Short term pain for long term Gain now that is a Jesus thing. It is taught to you from your birth , so you do like your master tells you to do. You suffer. Thank God I am not a sufferer and Jesus is not my Master. If he was I would be a sufferer like all of you. Whose with Me? We can give up on suffering together.
bahah they is no personal perception there EFC I double dog dare you to prove him wrong.. wait what you cant? ohh thats right because hes right we can link soo god damn many wars/genicides that are linked DIRECTLY to religion and of all there is not one shred of truth to any religion besides "you have to have faith"

Give up Women , Yeah Love too. Love causes war . The selfish love of a women . You know I am Right. So you need to give up your selfish love of a woman or women if you go around popping more than one . Because it has caused wars . And you don't have to say God Damn. That is insulting to Me. Lots of wars had nothing to do with religion. I think the way you think is war like . Yeah you have a waring attitude. You are probably a sufferer. That would make you want to war. Inside your self . Weapons of mass destruction looming in your very own soul Sufferer. I was talking about you giving up Woman not Me . I love my wife unconditionally.
Religious discussion should come with source excerpts to back the claims expressed. Religious lecturing should also be preceded by displayed certificate of knowledge of the subject, teaching ability, etc....scanned, reduced to uploadable size, and displayed at one's profile location, album file, or directly to the OP in question.
Brahma is the most high the creator there are no lesser gods, they are angels not gods. and The Demi-gods of greece and the Titans are based on The Nephilim half breeds, not half god but half angel. The titans and Giants are The Rephaim offspring.
Sooner or later, if given enough room, these guys will start elaborating on the zoology of their spiritual realm.

Sometimes real literature emerges - these imaginations and metaphors are human ones, after all. I recall a pretty decently composed narrative that ended with the Nephilim having transported Noah's Ark to Mars (there was photographic evidence of its presence on that planet). I would never have thought of that. The Nephilim strike me as underappreciated denizens of the Abrahamic world; everyone except maybe the Jews has them, I think - Mormons, everyone.
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bahah they is no personal perception there EFC I double dog dare you to prove him wrong.. wait what you cant? ohh thats right because hes right we can link soo god damn many wars/genicides that are linked DIRECTLY to religion and of all there is not one shred of truth to any religion besides "you have to have faith"

Your reply is off-topic,

This thread is not to discuss how many wars and genocides religion or political regimes are responsible for.
Sooner or later, if given enough room, these guys will start elaborating on the zoology of their spiritual realm.

Sometimes real literature emerges - these imaginations and metaphors are human ones, after all. I recall a pretty decently composed narrative that ended with the Nephilim having transported Noah's Ark to Mars (there was photographic evidence of its presence on that planet). I would ever have thought of that. The Nephilim strike me as underappreciated denizens of the Abrahamic world; everyone except maybe the Jews has them, I think - Mormons, everyone.

Nephilim, the watchers, Rephaim, Jinns. Scriptures that mention any of the fore-mentioned are usualy removed from biblical canons. Many Folk-lores myths and legends have their basis in these beings. I have not heard of his ark being transported to mars though lol thats a first for me ^_^.

How long after your experience that convinced you the Biblical/ Quranic God exists did you start believing all this other stuff about Jinns and spirits? Was it like an instant download, or did you accumulate these beliefs over a period of study?
Oh Chi's a muslim. Now I understand why he refers to women who enjoy sex as 'whores', the misogyny makes sense now.

But to get back to the OP, its a little arrogant to suggest tips to groups who are obviously not interested in knowing the fundamental teachings of another religion without a request, its called proselytizing which is very rude. Its arrogant to tell christians to stop wearing the cross because it offends you of another religion, or to advise them to stop being paranoid about devils when your religion is equally filled with nonsense. After all you would complain day and night of how European countries are banning your precious black sack and veil you hide your women under.

It states to Jews "this is fair and you will not be asked to stop your Torah conduct", how benevolent for a muslim TO ALLOW Jews to adhere to their own religion, a religion that predates his own by the way, 'they will not be asked to stop' indeed! Its this kind of talk that makes others feel justified in thinking that muslims want to force their quacky religion on the rest of the world and what spurs them to call for a curb on muslims influencing their society (UK noted). This is why I had no problem with the Swiss ban on minarets or the call to ban the burka; one good intention deserves another.

I mean just look at this statement "and You should all remove it from your necks immediatly, it is a worthless chain and symbol of the fake crusifixion of "jesus". Who the hell do you think you are anyway? Their crucifixion is no more fake than your illiterate prophet being possessed with revelation, or rather I should say no less fake. Secular society should ban all of your religious symbols but respectful co-existence prohibits such a move (at least for now).

Then there is the shoddy reasoning:

"As Ishmalites the Original Islamic Arabs of yemen origin conclude they are half jews basicaly. So the rest of the world should consider themselves half jewish."

The rest of the world? A small tribe that considers themselves half jews makes the rest of the world half jewish. Someone should send the Chinese a memo.

Hilaire Belloc is rolling in his grave saying 'this is exactly what I was warning you lot about'. Truly Chi if you don't want non-muslims to mistrust muslims then you should at least attempt to hide your wish to dominate other religions. You know, conceal and pretend:rolleyes:
if you wish to offer a criticique perhaps you shouldn't be just as prejudicial as he his.
Oh so you can teach people things in the science forums like Fraggle Rocker doea so wonderfully (Not being sarcastic I admire his teaching ability and mannerism) But I can't teach Religion in the Religion Forum.

If Plazma Inferno didn't want religious scholarly matters being debated or taught there wouldn't be a Religion Sub forum and a comparitive Religion forum.

Am I really being asked not to post religious threads in the religion forum?. You do understand that sounds rather silly right.


your allowed to give facts on religion your not allowed to suggest that people's valid faiths are not valid and mock them nor make prejudicial comments about them.
Piggyback Johnny-come-lately religions don't get to dictate corrections to their elders.

their also not supposed to be blatent rip offs of previous faiths but that didn't stop the neo pagans' nor the jewish faiths from doing just that.
Originally Posted by pjdude1219
your allowed to give facts on religion your not allowed to suggest that people's valid faiths are not valid and mock them nor make prejudicial comments about them.
Are we not allowed to point out and compare religions and their teachings?

chi.. listen to him. this is etiquette..if you want ppl to listen, then don't piss them off..