A Jewish Holiday Worth Borrowing

I-ig ... ignore me? You wouldn't, would you? I can change, Spock! I can change! :rolleyes:

If you haven't noticed, non-Jews are human. Fascinating, innit?

of course non jews are human. that is why the word adam refers to jews only-only jews have to follow the torah. its got nothing to with non jews being non human, but its have to do with non jews not having to follow the torah.
כת בבא מציעא פרק ט

דף קיד, ב גמרא מנין לערום שלא יתרום דכתיב (דברים כג) ולא יראה בך ערות דבר אמר ליה לאו כהן הוא מר מאי טעמא קאי מר בבית הקברות א"ל לא מתני מר טהרות דתניא ר"ש בן יוחי אומר קבריהן של <עובדי כוכבים> {גוים} אין מטמאין שנאמר (יחזקאל לד) ואתן צאני צאן מרעיתי אדם אתם אתם קרויין אדם ואין <עובדי כוכבים> {גוים} קרויין אדם אמר ליה בארבעה לא מצינא בשיתא מצינא א"ל ואמאי אמר ליה דחיקא לי מילתא דבריה ועייליה לגן עדן אמר ליה פשוט גלימך ספי שקול מהני טרפי ספא שקל כי הוה נפיק שמע דקאמר מאן קא אכיל לעלמיה כרבה בר אבוה נפץ שדנהו אפילו הכי אתייה לגלימיה סחט גלימא ריחא זבניה בתריסר אלפי דינרי פלגינהו לחתנוותיה ת"ר (דברים כד) ואם איש עני הוא לא תשכב בעבוטו הא עשיר שכיב מאי קאמר אמר רב ששת הכי קאמר ואם איש עני הוא לא תשכב ועבוטו אצלך הא עשיר שכיב ועבוטו אצלך ת"ר המלוה את חבירו אינו רשאי למשכנו ואינו חייב להחזיר לו ועובר בכל השמות הללו מאי קאמר אמר רב ששת הכי קאמר המלוה את חבירו אינו רשאי למשכנו ואם משכנו חייב להחזיר לו ועובר בכל השמות הללו אסיפא רבא אמר הכי קאמר המלוה את חבירו אינו רשאי למשכנו ואם משכנו חייב להחזיר לו במה דברים אמורים שמשכנו שלא בשעת הלואתו אבל משכנו בשעת הלואתו אינו חייב להחזיר לו ועובר בכל השמות הללו ארישא תני רב שיזבי קמיה דרבא (שמות כב) עד בא השמש תשיבנו לו זו כסות לילה (דברים כד) השב תשיב לו את העבוט כבוא השמש זו כסות יום אמר ליה דיממא בליליא למה לי ודליליא ביממא למה לי אמר ליה איסמייה אמר ליה לא הכי קאמר עד בא השמש תשיבנו לו זו כסות יום שניתנה לחבול בלילה השב תשיב לו את העבוט כבוא השמש זו כסות לילה שניתנה לחבול ביום אמר ר' יוחנן משכנו ומת שומטו מעל גבי בניו מיתיבי אמר ר' מאיר וכי מאחר שממשכנין למה מחזירין למה מחזירין רחמנא אמר אהדר אלא מאחר שמחזירין

the original hebrew text: notice the word (adam)אדם in bold.
Seems to me that if anyone here would know what it says it would be Mr.Spock.
what is the point of arguing about it?
Seems to me that if anyone here would know what it says it would be Mr.Spock.
what is the point of arguing about it?

mmm.........to prove its true of course and that i am wrong, for reasons i have stated before.
In America, beer and sports are the religion. Sports is the national religion, and watching them while consuming alcoholic beverages is how you worship.
i still wonder where SAM has gone. i thought she will continue to support chuuush fake quote. :rolleyes:

---who linked to even more fake quote.
of course non jews are human. that is why the word adam refers to jews only-only jews have to follow the torah. its got nothing to with non jews being non human, but its have to do with non jews not having to follow the torah.

exactly... much like the muslims edem

but in all actuality you are very correct. i wouldn't be surprised if you've been to a temple before, or just read up on it.

it in actual translation does imply that you are not "adam" if you do not follow the torah, hence you are not a jew... but don't tell that to the average muslim who believes everything they read... because then they'd be extremely upset they aren't jews... if that makes any sense. :shrug:
exactly... much like the muslims edem

but in all actuality you are very correct. i wouldn't be surprised if you've been to a temple before, or just read up on it.

it in actual translation does imply that you are not "adam" if you do not follow the torah, hence you are not a jew... but don't tell that to the average muslim who believes everything they read... because then they'd be extremely upset they aren't jews... if that makes any sense. :shrug:

check this out:

Lies of a Roman Holocaust

Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans. (Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 16 million Jewish children or four billion Jews.... that tells us about today's modern Jew's lies about those 6 million jews killed by Nazis ?????

from chuuush links from page 1 of this thread(last post).


you realize SAM went and protected chuuush with such determination?

you think this is also true SAM?
'Through a cock and a hen Tur Malka was destroyed'. How? — It was the custom that when a bride and bridegroom were being escorted a cock and a hen were carried before them, as if to say, Be fruitful and multiply like fowls. One day a band of Roman soldiers passed by and took the animals from them, so the Jews fell on them and beat them. So they went and reported to the Emperor that the Jews were rebelling, and he marched against them. There came against them one Bar Daroma4 who was able to jump a mile, and slaughtered them. The Emperor took his crown and placed it on the ground, saying, Sovereign of all the world, may it please thee not to deliver me and my kingdom into the hands of one man. Bar Daroma was tripped up by his own utterance, as he said, Hast not thou, O God, cast us off and thou goest not forth, O God, with our hosts.5 But David also said thus? — David wondered if it could be so. He went into a privy and a snake came, and he dropped his gut [from fright] and died. The Emperor said: Since a miracle has been wrought for me, I will let them off this time. So he left them alone and went away. They began to dance about and eat and drink and they lit so many lamps that the impress of a seal could be discerned by their light a mile away from the place. Said the Emperor; Are the Jews making merry over me? And he again invaded them. R. Assi said; Three hundred thousand men with drawn swords went in to Tur Malka, and slaughtered for three days and three nights, while on the other side dancing and feasting was going on, and one did not know about the other.



I guess you have to be high to mess that one up.
Thank you SAM and SPOCK for ruining another perfectly good threat. :(

you can thank SAM for that one. she tried to defend a link to a muslim site inciting anti jewish hatred. some of us dont like that kind of stuff.
i never saw that, and i love these people who like to misquote - anyway, its probably better than what the islamic people say - hey kid, blow yourself up to kill jews, you'l be a hero


not saying all muslims say it, just the fanatics

btw you're supposed to have sex on most of the Jewish holidays, it's a mitzvah, if you're married that is

that's not even hebrew you idiot, it's aramaic... tell me, did they teach you aramaic in public school?? also christians and muslims are held differently in jewish law than people who worship stars , people who worship stars and rocks are animals, and animals is the word used for STUPID because who in their right minds would worship a tree?!?!??!?!!

not that it says anything in here about them being called anything stupid
i dont even see the word stupid in here
all i see is the word man highlighted 100 times
why are you trying to prove something in a n english speaking forum in aramaic anyway, STUPID?!?!?

and why is it then that in jewish law you are commanded to save a non-jewish life at the cost of the sabbath just as much as a jewish one? cause they're animals?? dumb racist

yay beer!
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