A good quote.

In Reply to Cris - Regarding Faith

Greetings Cris -

Thanks for your well written reply and I do understand what you're saying to me. Also, I do agree wholeheartedly with your 'collaberative experience' example. However, I think I must have failed a bit when writing the post you've replied to, in making my point equally understandable.

I'll summarize my thoughts by writing; I do believe, that because 'perceptions in and degrees of faith' are so variable from one individual to the next, that faith is NOT something that can be accurately measured or defined. In my opinion, faith is one of few topics that people would be best-off to consider too 'individually unique in definition' to effectively apply reason and/or logic in debate. In other words, it's one of those 'cat chasing its tail' type topics that finds its debators spinning in circles in attempt to effeciently express their thoughts.

As you know I am a Christian man, and personally putting faith in that indeed there is one God and that Jesus is the Son of God, is essential in belief. If and when asked to, I share my beliefs and faith with someone whom is interested in hearing them. I hold no contempt nor malice towards those whom do not believe the way I do. In fact, for the Christian man, doing so is sinful as both contempt and malice often share 'hate' as a common denomonator. I respect all and only expect the same in return. I believe that God loves all of mankind as a father would his children. Subsequently, I am to love all of mankind as a brother would his siblings. To me that's not an option, but rather a mandate I must fulfill. Of course, as with any 'sibling' relationship, it's not always easy to do and there are often differences in opinion that strain it. At any rate, it's by faith in God that I do (to a greater degree than most) and I've been more than happy in abiding.

I'll close this post with a quote, that for me (being a Christian), depicts what having faith in God means:

"Faith is the abandonment of mans own security and the readiness to find security only in the unseen beyond, in God." - Rudolf Bultmann

Thanks Again Cris -

~ Disciple of Jesus