A good quote.

it's all one big happy family nowadays in the world...except for soem idiots who like blowing up thiings
Originally posted by Bebelina
I wish I had time to read it all, and respond too, but I have a big performance to do on sunday and I have to practice, but a quick glance at what has been said so far only confirms the validity of the qoute I posted.
Now, don't misunderstand me here, I don't think it's a good thing to have blind faith in whatever comes your way, but it's not good to don't have any faith at all either. But that's really besides the issue. The issue was pointing out how different people react depending on their perceptions. And you have followed those directions exactly. The atheists have denied everything, and the religious have complied immediately. :D

Zero, don't write me anymore pm:s saying that I'm making a fool out of myself. You are, by mailing me such nonsense. I never make a fool out of myself, no need to make myself into something I already am. :D

People, you are taking this way too seriously.

Ah, but do you fail to realize you've set off a bomb her by blatantly putting up a religious quote? Are you so out of touch as to not feel the current climate? Are you on crack?

And I would've send a second pm to you but I am not sure it might go through to you so I won't.

Just be ashamed of yourself as a senior member.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
You're so out of line that you have no idea, Zero.
So you think that because of the "current climate" we should be quiet about things that might upset the masses? Ooooh, don't post a religious qoute, because that automatically makes it a stupid one...or what?
You be ashamed of yourself, as the zero you truly are, failing to think beyond your very limited perceptions.
What climate?

And although I don't agree with the Aquinas quote, I see what the dude was trying to say.
As the zero I truly am? Now you're quoting whatmuscles. Give me a break. And do stop the crack.

The way you just randomly posted a random religious quote does NOT help any form of decent discussion whatsoever. I did not see any intelligent question posed. So I would conclude you had no point in posting it. That, Bebelina, is useless.

You obviously haven't been around the Religion section often to react like that. Just for fun, may I ask how I have limited perceptions? At least I saw what it would do, unlike you, who just randomy fired off that quote and marched off to non-Religion sciforums territory.

Appears to me that you are reacting much like my younger cousin whenever she's scolded for something she did wrong. And she's in junior high, so need I say more?

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
I just noticed, really quite cool how the color of your posts changes so much.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Well, dear zero, I was awaiting your evil reply. But, you see, you are wrong. Let me tell you why...
First of all, I'm not on crack, but since you mention it so often, then maybe you have a secret desire to actually use the stuff, or maybe you already are and are trying to cover for it, by accusing others for using it.
Second, it was not a random quote, it was not posted in a random manner. I found the qoute in another forum, read it, thought about it, and found it wortwhile to copy. Then I decided that I should share my epiphany with my fellow sciforumers, to see what they made of it.
A post does not need to include a question to be useful. It can have a statement that rises questions within the people who reads it. And as you have seen, it did, many questions and a debate. You seem frightened by the thought of getting a debate in here? Why is that? Isn't that what a forum is all about, besides the social qualities it offers?
You see, I'm not a nervous poster of any kind, I can let my replies await. I suck on them like fine candy. And then, when you think I'm gone, when you least expect me, then I will rise out of the shadows with my merciless kill.
Like now.
I haven't checked the dates, but I've been here long enough to see what reactions any kind of post could bring. That is why I like posting things that will provide at the best, a mindboggle. I thought this quote quite filled the description very well for a postable post.
Did I get scoulded? No, not by any means. By who? Except for your admirable efforts then..
And even if they tried, they would not succeed, because deep down in their hearts they know, as do you, that I am far wiser than any of them and their tiny yielding are only expression of their desire to be seen by the divine, that's me then. :D
I have not read anything by this whatmuscles character, but the zero thing was quite obvious anyway. A retard could have figured that one out, which makes me wonder why you chose that user name in the first place....

How, you have limited perception, I really don't know. Go ask your parents about your upbringing, maybe they can give you some answers.
But in this case it's merely is because you fail to take any of the above even into consideration.

I'm only hoping that the part about your being wiser than everyone is a joke. *shudder*

Fine, fine, first read up on my offer. pm.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
To my defence, since you seem particularly upset about this, I did not know the qoute was religious.
I'm upset about the uproar this caused. I don't care if it's religious. In fact, I actually like the fact that mommy has turned christian. Good for her, she found a stable ground to build on. As for my dad, he's the quiet atheist. He never gets into arguments and doesn't care at all.

Me? Hm. More towards my dad's attitude.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Good to hear.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

because deep down in their hearts they know, as do you, that I am far wiser than any of them and their tiny yielding are only expression of their desire to be seen by the divine, that's me then.
Well of course you are and we all love you really.

I'll throw my hat into the ring and offer my opinion on FAITH.

- I have faith in God...doesn't mean He exists.
- I have faith that Jesus is the Son of God...doesn't mean He was.
- I have faith that the Bible is the Word of God...doesn't mean it is.
- I have faith in myself...doesn't mean I wont let myself down.
- I have faith in my wife...doesn't mean she won't let me down.
- I have faith in my kids...doesn't mean they won't make mistakes.
- I have faith in my church...doesn't mean it's infailable.
- I have faith in mankind...doesn't mean it won't ever hurt me.
- I have faith in our justice system...doesn't mean it's always fair.
- I have faith in our government...doesn't mean it's faultless.

I have faith in alot of things, and my doing so is based on both 'personal opinion and experience'. Taking a stance on any subject and making an argument of support or denial IS PROOF of someone having put FAITH in something, somewhere along the line in what they've either read or heard. I contend, that only with, in or by FAITH can-and-do any of us exist as human beings.
In regard to what people have put faith in; there is no right, there is no wrong. Faith is personal, unique (cannot be duplicated) and varies in degree from one individual to the next.

So, let's not argue faith, or anyones ability to have it....in anything. After all, none of us would enjoy this life very much without it!

~ Disciple of Jesus

- I have faith in God...doesn't mean He exists.
- I have faith that Jesus is the Son of God...doesn't mean He was.
- I have faith that the Bible is the Word of God...doesn't mean it is.
- I have faith in myself...doesn't mean I wont let myself down.
- I have faith in my wife...doesn't mean she won't let me down.
- I have faith in my kids...doesn't mean they won't make mistakes.
- I have faith in my church...doesn't mean it's infailable.
- I have faith in mankind...doesn't mean it won't ever hurt me.
- I have faith in our justice system...doesn't mean it's always fair.
- I have faith in our government...doesn't mean it's faultless.
But you list these claims of faith as if they can all be considered in the same manner but that is not true.

The first three -

- I have faith in God...doesn't mean He exists.
- I have faith that Jesus is the Son of God...doesn't mean He was.
- I have faith that the Bible is the Word of God...doesn't mean it is.
Cannot be achieved through direct experience of the object involved.

Whereas all the others provide direct corroborative experience. E.g. You know most times you don't let yourself down, you know your wife doesn't let you down most times, the government usually works ok, mankind has shown itself to do some fabulous things, you usually enjoy your church meetings etc., your kids are usally pretty good, the justice system has been shown to work far more often than it fails.

The two groups represent fundamental, qualitatively and quantitatively different meanings for the term of faith.

The claims for a god, a divine savior, and a divine book, are all believed without any direct evidence or experience unlike all the other statements.

After all, none of us would enjoy this life very much without it!
But most use the term when it refers to things we truly know. Religions have hijacked the word and convinced/brainwashed you into thinking it means something else that cannot be justified by any other means.