A God We Know Nothing About

I nearly spit up my coffee after reading that. Does your advice include your last post?

Lori and I have a mutual understanding. She believes, I don't. I'm OK with that.

My point was you lump everything in the same pile, ie religion, God, belief, faith, spirituality, supernature. So when you argue with someone you act as if you
know what they're about and react with set cliches.

My point was you lump everything in the same pile, ie religion, God, belief, faith, spirituality, supernature. So when you argue with someone you act as if you
know what they're about and react with set cliches.


"set cliches"? i don't agree with you at all. what i say comes from the heart jan, and from experience. and what "pile" are you referring to? i actually see religion as an institution, similar to our government, or a hospital, or a school, and i see god and spirituality and the supernatural, which is where i get faith as something quite different.
"set cliches"? i don't agree with you at all. what i say comes from the heart jan, and from experience. and what "pile" are you referring to? i actually see religion as an institution, similar to our government, or a hospital, or a school, and i see god and spirituality and the supernatural, which is where i get faith as something quite different.

That post was intended for pysco episode.
Sorry for the confusion.


My point was you lump everything in the same pile, ie religion, God, belief, faith, spirituality, supernature. So when you argue with someone you act as if you
know what they're about and react with set cliches.


It would take too long to go into detail but, God, faith, spirituality and supernatural are beliefs. Go ahead and believe them for all its worth. But remember they are only beliefs. You know nothing concrete about any belief, your only convinced that you do. It can't be any other way. Religion, theistic in this case, is more or less unnecessary because there is no way it can expound on a belief other than entertaining more beliefs.

As for cliches, it is nearly impossible to avoid them when talking religion. I do not prepare my comments beforehand if that's what you think. This whole thread started when the thought crossed my mind. I typed it in a few minutes before going to bed one night.

It would take too long to go into detail but, God, faith, spirituality and supernatural are beliefs. Go ahead and believe them for all its worth. But remember they are only beliefs. You know nothing concrete about any belief, your only convinced that you do. It can't be any other way. Religion, theistic in this case, is more or less unnecessary because there is no way it can expound on a belief other than entertaining more beliefs.

I accept that as your point of view.
And in your acceptance of that, you are adhereing to a belief, as you cannot know what every individual is thinking, or how they are looking at it. Agreed?

As for cliches, it is nearly impossible to avoid them when talking religion.

Again that is your point of view, as not everybody has that opinion.

I would suggest you respond to the post, in which I responded to your post,
regarding wanting to de-programme me, post 628. :)

I accept that as your point of view.
And in your acceptance of that, you are adhereing to a belief, as you cannot know what every individual is thinking, or how they are looking at it. Agreed?

I know that I cannot read minds, I don't need to believe I can.

Belief is not an issue with me. Proselytizing is.

I would suggest you respond to the post, in which I responded to your post,
regarding wanting to de-programme me, post 628.

I personally would not want to tackle it. Although I respect your right to believe whatever you want, the deprogramming comment was a bad choice of words. It was a flippant remark born out of frustration intending to inform you that it was becoming increasingly more difficult to make you understand I don't care what you believe in. At least if you were deprogrammed I wouldn't have to constantly repeat myself like I'm doing now, again.
It would take too long to go into detail but, God, faith, spirituality and supernatural are beliefs. Go ahead and believe them for all its worth. But remember they are only beliefs. You know nothing concrete about any belief, your only convinced that you do. It can't be any other way. Religion, theistic in this case, is more or less unnecessary because there is no way it can expound on a belief other than entertaining more beliefs.

As for cliches, it is nearly impossible to avoid them when talking religion. I do not prepare my comments beforehand if that's what you think. This whole thread started when the thought crossed my mind. I typed it in a few minutes before going to bed one night.

I accept that as your point of view.
And in your acceptance of that, you are adhereing to a belief, as you cannot know what every individual is thinking, or how they are looking at it. Agreed?

Again that is your point of view, as not everybody has that opinion.

It's not opinion or POV or belief. It is fact.

I know that I cannot read minds, I don't need to believe I can.

Then listen to what each individual says, then base you respone on that.
Because each person is an individual.

Belief is not an issue with me. Proselytizing is.

Then tell those who proseletize.

At least if you were deprogrammed I wouldn't have to constantly repeat myself like I'm doing now, again.

P.E. you haven't repeated yourself. :shrug:

Why do you partake in the religious forum?

Why do you partake in the religious forum?

I don't, I partake in the science forum. You can argue whether it belongs but religion here is subject to scientific analysis just by default. If you want to talk religion there are forums that deal specifically with that. I would tell scientists the same thing only in reverse if they choose to go to a religion forum.

I'm not sure but are there religion forums with a science sub-forum? If so then how are the scientifically inclined accepted there?

What did you expect upon entering the religion sub-forum here?
I don't, I partake in the science forum. You can argue whether it belongs but religion here is subject to scientific analysis just by default. If you want to talk religion there are forums that deal specifically with that. I would tell scientists the same thing only in reverse if they choose to go to a religion forum.

I'm not sure but are there religion forums with a science sub-forum? If so then how are the scientifically inclined accepted there?

What did you expect upon entering the religion sub-forum here?

You are now in the religion section of the these forums.
Scientific scrutiny can only go so far;

A. can you show me God
B. no
A. no scientific evidence? no God

I think we've gone past that stage, yet here you are.
Do you wish to prove that there is no God?
If not what other kind of scientific scrutiny do have up your sleeve,
because you must be very frustrated with believers why de-progamming,
people on the basis of their belief, has become an option for peace.

You may have different reasons.
P.E. appears to be really stressed.
This is why I posed the question.

You're right Jan. I'm about to go stark raving mad thinking that I'm going to have to repeat myself again to you. I know the situation is calling for it but I will grit my teeth and abstain.

Although it is stressful, it is also laughable. That will be my new approach. It's funny to have to explain my platform every day. Gee, I feel better already.

You are now in the religion section of the these forums.
Scientific scrutiny can only go so far;

A. can you show me God
B. no
A. no scientific evidence? no God

And that is what I'm talking about. This is a science forum. What would you like us God detractors to do in the religion sub-forum? I am sure everyone in the entire forum would love hear how God exists. Here's your chance. Tell us how you know there's a god. Please take this opportunity to introduce Him to us. Tell us where to look if He isn't available.

And I will refrain from uttering my mantra this time just so you can spill your heart out. You know what I think of expounding one's belief so just do it in case everyone else needs to hear.

However, if what you say is not logical, reasonable or can't be proven then you may have to suffer criticism possibly bordering on ridicule from these parts. The stage is yours

You're right Jan. I'm about to go stark raving mad thinking that I'm going to have to repeat myself again to you. I know the situation is calling for it but I will grit my teeth and abstain.

You mean desiring the de-programming of individuals is not stark raving madness? :)

Although it is stressful, it is also laughable. That will be my new approach. It's funny to have to explain my platform every day. Gee, I feel better already.

Please tell me you're not holding a cigarette in your hand, trying to take
a toke, but unable to because you have a terrible bout of the shakes, while you do this?

And that is what I'm talking about. This is a science forum. What would you like us God detractors to do in the religion sub-forum?

I'm talking to you P.E. not anybody else.
I'd like you to be more chilled, have some fun, listen and respond to what people say. I know your an atheist, and I know why, but let's get away from
that sometimes and just talk, preferable without having to defend ourselves all of the time. :)

I am sure everyone in the entire forum would love hear how God exists.

I dare say some would.
I'd be inclined to say also, that some wouldn't
But there would be no point in that line of discussion because, it would
only lead to the same old place.

Here's your chance. Tell us how you know there's a god.

If I have told you that "I know there is a god", i apologise now, but somehow
I don't think I have.
But I will say this, I know there is a god as much as you know there isn't.

Please take this opportunity to introduce Him to us. Tell us where to look if He isn't available.

If you're really serious :rolleyes:
Take a read of the Bhagavad Gita.
It gives a good understanding of what and who God is.
If you believe God is a man made concept, nevermind, you will
still gain a good understanding.
Then you'll have some idea where I'm coming from, and our discussions
will be more enjoyable.

And I will refrain from uttering my mantra this time just so you can spill your heart out. You know what I think of expounding one's belief so just do it in case everyone else needs to hear.

Don't you think if one is engaged in a discussion regarding God, the theist
at some point must express themself from the point of view of belief?
After all the atheist express themself from that point of view all the time.

However, if what you say is not logical, reasonable or can't be proven then you may have to suffer criticism possibly bordering on ridicule from these parts. The stage is yours

You mean if I cannot show God to you, then it is not logical or reasonable?
What would you regard as a logical, or reasonable way to introduce a being of such magnitude to you?
