A conversation with a Christian

Perhaps the people who surround him are just as...passionate as this person was and this forum provides an environment where his opinion can be expressed without negative real world results.
Perhaps, the result could be accomplished without any need to bring up the incident in that case... He only wanted to know he wasn't worthless :rolleyes:

Any further efforts are basic excuses to why the 'public forum' was utilized...

Peace be unto you ;)
My best friend and his wife are christian. All my family is christian. They don't even know I'm not christian. I can't talk to them.

My other couple of friends call themselves christian, but they aren't. They are no good to talk to about this stuff either.

The only other person I have to talk about this stuff to is my gf, and she was at work at the time.

Also I couldn't talk to anyone else if I wanted to because at the time I was stuck at home recovering from surgery.
You couldn't ask them that 'Am I worthless'? :rolleyes:

Like I said, if that was your actual intent then you don't even need to tell the 'story'.

Peace be unto you ;)

Out of context that is a very wierd question to ask.

I'm tired of justifying myself to you. Bye.
I felt genuinely hurt by what this christian person said. When someone tells you the only reason they have been 'friends' with you is to convert you, and that they think you are worthless, you question yourself.

I'm not a weak person, but I think what this christian girl said was really horrible, and a low blow. I genuinely cared about this girl as a friend, and spent many many hours talking to her when she was having a hard time with her last relationship. I thought that would count for something to her, but instead she saw me as a worthless athiest who's only value was the potential of conversion.

I see. Yes, I know this sort of relationship dynamics, and it can really hurt.

It appears you feel used by this girl: you invested in the relationship with her, she gladly took from you - your time, your attention, but then as she recovered, she hit you back with "you're just a worthless atheist".

It seems that this might be a time for you to revise and redefine what you mean by "friendship" and whom you think you can be friends with.

It's impossible to be friends with just anyone.

My best friend and his wife are christian. All my family is christian. They don't even know I'm not christian. I can't talk to them.

Being an atheist carries with it certain responsibilities.
Such as taking responsibility to find new, like-minded friends, and to accept that your Christian family and friends may reject you for being an atheist.

So I was looking for support from some fellow athiests.

Did you get it?
The only reason why I even argued with her about these things is because she challenged me and I'm not going to back down from a challenge.

In that case, you can't rightfully complain about her not respecting you and not accepting you.
It appears your aim was to rise to the challenge, not to keep the friendship.
Having a third opinion from someone qualified is okay... but bringing it into the public forum begs a question if that is actually the purpose.

You are right that 'gossip' is spreading facts/rumors about other people's affair. But having been in a discussion he is spreading the discussion of 'someone' else not only his to the whole public. This is simply a variation of gossip. This thread has nothing to do with 3rd person opinion. Bringing anything like this to public forum only results in mockery if anything.

Peace be unto you ;)

a thrid opinion of someone qualified? whos decision is it to decide whos qualified and who isnt.. are you only bringy up the mockery part because your on the definsive side of this possibley? beths side? hes bringing up a conversation to think what others opinions on it are.. that is not gossip maby he just wanted to see what people thought about it and their opinions..

and weather u like it or not he did bring it here and it is a thread and a quite good one.. in my opinion it shows how dis connected from reality some religous people are, trying to connect the who reason for being on this earth to serve one higher power, and that higher power is the only reason they dont go out and murder people create chaos
In that case, you can't rightfully complain about her not respecting you and not accepting you.
It appears your aim was to rise to the challenge, not to keep the friendship.

i see waht your saying but look at it in lamans terms if the only reason someone talks to you is to get you to believe in an invisible being that created everything and is the only reason to live. thats pretty @#%@ed up no matter what side you take. i guess i can see his point of view too that someone is so selfish to just communicate with you to get you to believe in a glorified fairy tale..

she wants respect with her religious opinions but not respect his for not having the same view there for cuts him out of her life completely based on nothing but his religious views..

the golden rule

Treat others like you want to be treated. that is the best rule and if everyone lived there lives to the T of that rule the world would be a far better place
i see waht your saying but look at it in lamans terms if the only reason someone talks to you is to get you to believe in an invisible being that created everything and is the only reason to live. thats pretty @#%@ed up no matter what side you take. i guess i can see his point of view too that someone is so selfish to just communicate with you to get you to believe in a glorified fairy tale..

she wants respect with her religious opinions but not respect his for not having the same view there for cuts him out of her life completely based on nothing but his religious views..

Welcome to the real world ...

One has to take responsibility for his choices about whom one is pursuing friendship with.
Welcome to the real world ...

One has to take responsibility for his choices about whom one is pursuing friendship with.

im well aware of the real world. the fact that people choose friends on there religious beliefe alone is outragous selfish and @#%@ing stupid and 95% of the people that have that mantality or problem are religious people.. again what good does religon bring this world?
a thrid opinion of someone qualified? whos decision is it to decide whos qualified and who isnt.. are you only bringy up the mockery part because your on the definsive side of this possibley? beths side? hes bringing up a conversation to think what others opinions on it are.. that is not gossip maby he just wanted to see what people thought about it and their opinions..

Qualified? I'm sure most people are not qualified here.... The guy has a problem in figuring out his worth- he needs to go to a psychiatrist.... I don't think someone wants to post their medical problems and find solutions to it by coming on forums where most people are drunk rather than a doctor? We do have 'certified' people to deal with psychological/social problems.

Also he wanted 'support' and the notion that he had a 'worth'- the latter is indication that this guy has some personal problems.

I don't know the girl and I frankly don't care what she said or what answers said. Its kind of like saying you tape a conversation and bring it to the public forum... Do you know its against the law unless both sides know that the discussion is being 'recorded' and may be used for 'training purposes'... There is a reason for these laws.

and weather u like it or not he did bring it here and it is a thread and a quite good one.. in my opinion it shows how dis connected from reality some religous people are, trying to connect the who reason for being on this earth to serve one higher power, and that higher power is the only reason they dont go out and murder people create chaos

That of course was not the claimed reason for this thread was it?

He needs to understand WHY exactly did he create this thread...

Anyways I'm done here as is answers tired of justifying himself....

Peace be unto you ;)
dont spin what im saying.. be choosey based on if you believe in a fairy tale and what fairy tale you believe in.. thats obserde

What is absurd is what you're saying.... doesn't matter what method you use to choose because that is choice... Your hypocrisy in choice is that you can't choose based on your belief..... Cunning way to say you need 'freedom of choice' but you can't choose based on belief :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)

Asking people for support when someone puts you down, is not a sign of mental problems in which you need to seek professional help. If you do not seek support from others, that is in fact a sign that you need to seek professional help.

By the way I'm a Psychological Science student. Also I'm a volunteer telephone crisis counselor.

So trust me when I say that asking for support is not maladaptive psychological behaviour.

Asking people for support when someone puts you down, is not a sign of mental problems in which you need to seek professional help. If you do not seek support from others, that is in fact a sign that you need to seek professional help.

By the way I'm a Psychological Science student. Also I'm a volunteer telephone crisis counselor.

So trust me when I say that asking for support is not maladaptive psychological behaviour.

I don't think you have understood what I said.... anyways you're not worthless- I have no reason to even read the discussion between the girl and you to say this- that was my point. Anyways.... good luck

Peace be unto you ;)