A conundrum


blind faith is faith without question, religious faith is faith in God,

According to your definition, you must question the existence of your God. If you don’t question that existence, you therefore have blind faith in the belief of your God. If you DO question the existence of your God, you lose your religious faith in God.

That’s quite a pickle?

I noticed you still haven't given me the details on your time as a Christian. I'm very curious. Why did you stop being a Christian?
I answered that in another thread. Absence of facts.

I was an active Christian for around 6 years, from around age 15 through 20. Note that throughout my school years from age 4 I participated in daily acts of Christian worship and had frequent religious instruction and bible study.

How did you come to this conclusion? Are you one of those people who thinks nothing comes easy? (I am not assuming I am asking).
Experience of life.

The bible has some wisdom, has many errors and inconsistencies, but was written in times of significant barbarism, ignorance and widespread superstitions, and where the world was ruled by ruthless authoritarianism.
This contradicts itself a lot.
This isn’t opinion, it is factual observation and wasn’t intended to be controversial or expected to be questioned.

The books of the bible were written by countless authors, over a long period of time.

It is similar to saying Jesus was just a good teacher.
I don’t see your point. It’s highly doubtful he even existed and there is certainly no record that he wrote anything.

There is no middle ground. Either it is truth or it is a bunch of bull.
You have to be joking right? You can’t be serious.

Some of the bible contains historical and geographical information that historians have found useful, most is creative fiction and mythology, and some philosophical aspects were plagiarized from earlier writings and their wisdom remains intact.

If you can see that some of it has wisdom than the wisdom should be throughout also.
This is a simple logical fallacy. It doesn’t follow that if a book contains one truth then all its claims are true, each claim must be independently verified.

It is one thing; it can't be picked apart and divided into truth and false.
It is many things written at many times and by many authors. And it certainly can and has been picked to pieces by scholars for thousands of years.

Either is is bless by God and all true or it is a bunch of people conspiring to fool the world for generations to come.
The best evidence indicates it is mainly the latter. There remains no evidence that gods can exist so the first option cannot be seriously considered.

In effect you are no longer searching for truth, since you believe you have found it,
Why shouldn't I think I have found truth?
Yes indeed, my mistake, I assumed you might be here to debate and learn rather just proselytize. It is true you clearly seem to think you have found truth. But you have not demonstrated you have any proofs so it seems reasonable to assume that you can’t have found any truth yet. You have certainly made a lot of baseless emotional assertions.

Here is an example of you taking things out of context. If you look at my post you will see right after that I said it was mostly just my opinion.
Opinion is a belief less strong than positive knowledge. It is just a matter of degree. The effect is still the same – you believe you are right and we are wrong, it’s still judgmental. It is interesting that the Supreme court judges publish their findings as official opinions.
Originally posted by Cris

I was an active Christian for around 6 years, from around age 15 through 20. Note that throughout my school years from age 4 I participated in daily acts of Christian worship and had frequent religious instruction and bible study.

Please bare with me I know this seems pointless to you, but what made you a christian at 15? What action or though pattern was it that made you call yourself a christian? and what act made you not a christian? Was it just a new mindset, or did you have to do something to make you not a christian?

Ok with the whole "the bible is either truth or junk" thing I didn't accuratly express myself. Bare with my rewording I will try to keep it short. Ok I said that the Bible is either truth blessed by God or a bunch of people trying to fool us. You said it was probably the latter. So if the Bible is just a bunch of people trying to fool us how could you find any wisdom in it? how could anything be taken as truth from a bunch of guys trying to fool us? You say you don't believe in God or Jesus, so why then would beleive anything from a book that says they are real? If someone came up to you on the streets and said they were the son of God you would write them off as a lunitic and not listen to another word they said. Correct? So how then can you believe part of a book that says it is blessed by a God who you think is a fantasy? I am not saying don't look at the Bible I am only saying there is no middle ground. You can not say the Bible has wisdom unless you believe it was put there by God. Somewhere in the 3-4 posts this has covered my main point was lost, but it is a good point none the less, so I will leave it there.

Yes indeed, my mistake, I assumed you might be here to debate and learn rather just proselytize.

If a bunch of peope all come together searching for truth how are they ever going to find it searching in eachother? Either you believe someone here has truth or you are intentionally wasting your time looking for something where you know you wont find it.

It is true you clearly seem to think you have found truth. But you have not demonstrated you have any proofs so it seems reasonable to assume that you can’t have found any truth yet. You have certainly made a lot of baseless emotional assertions.

If you have not found truth yet how do you know what it looks like? how are you to say truth must be accompanied by proof or it isn't real? Who are you to define something you have never seen?

Opinion is a belief less strong than positive knowledge. It is just a matter of degree. The effect is still the same – you believe you are right and we are wrong, it’s still judgmental. It is interesting that the Supreme court judges publish their findings as official opinions.

Jesus lived a sin free life right. Well he told people all the time when they were doing wrong. He gently rebukes and redirects. If telling people they are living in sin is judging then Jesus himself is guilty. This of course isn't possible in a sinnless life. Judging (I used this term to mean 'the sin of judging') is telling people they are going to hell or telling them God will not forgive. Rebuking is the right term for what you mean here. Yes what I do may fit the dictionary's definition, but not the way it was ment in the Bible. My instructions come from the Bible.

Christ's love to you all,

A question for Xians

If Jesus were God, and he was sent here to save humankind, why couldn't he have accomplished this through his life and his teachings rather than through his alleged death and resurrection? I'm not looking for Bible quotes here. I'd like to hear your own thoughts as Xians on this.
So if the Bible is just a bunch of people trying to fool us how could you find any wisdom in it? how could anything be taken as truth from a bunch of guys trying to fool us?

I could say to you that I'm God, and then at the same time tell you not to smoke because it can cause cancer. There IS wisdom in that statement, is there not?

I don't know that the first writings of the stories in the Bible were intended to be anything more than works of fiction, and any good work of fiction has to be credible on some level.

If someone came up to you on the streets and said they were the son of God you would write them off as a lunitic and not listen to another word they said. Correct?

Of course, but the Bible doesn't run up to you on the street. There isn't anything cosmetically disgusting about the Bible, nor does the Bible yell and scream, nor does it smell bad, nor does it carry any of the physical repulisivness that a person running up to you on the street might. If the same person slipped you a note, however, in which he claimed to be God, you damn sure would read that note.

So how then can you believe part of a book that says it is blessed by a God who you think is a fantasy?

See my point about telling you smoking is bad for you.

I am not saying don't look at the Bible I am only saying there is no middle ground.

Of course there is. Many different authors over many different years bring many different things to the work as a whole. From those men, you see a mixture of well-intended words of wisdom to guide you, and lies told in order to control people and their wallets.

You can not say the Bible has wisdom unless you believe it was put there by God.

Oh that is a bunch of BS. On what facts do you base this outrageous statement?

If a bunch of peope all come together searching for truth how are they ever going to find it searching in eachother?

Because different people know different things, and have different experiences. Where else are we going to learn it? No matter where you look for truth, you always have to interact with people to get it.

Either you believe someone here has truth or you are intentionally wasting your time looking for something where you know you wont find it.

The only people who "know" they won't find truth here are the close-minded theists who refuse to see things reasonably. I, on the other hand, have learned a tremendous amount in my short time here, and I know I'll learn more.


So if the Bible is just a bunch of people trying to fool us how could you find any wisdom in it? how could anything be taken as truth from a bunch of guys trying to fool us?
Deceit doesn’t necessarily mean stupidity. There were many pre-existing wisdoms available to the biblical authors that they included. It’s a good con trick. Even you displayed gullibility earlier by trying to conclude that if one part is true then it all must be true.

You say you don't believe in God or Jesus, so why then would believe anything from a book that says they are real?
Because the bible contains some essential truths that are independent of whether God exists or not. And there are hundreds of these that I remember reading although I did not make notes; here are a few common ones -

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone. (John 8:7)
Tribute to whom tribute is due. (Rom. 13:7)
The love of money is the root of all evil. (I Tim. 6:10)
How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished! (II Sam. 1:27)
Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. (James 1:19)

If someone came up to you on the streets and said they were the son of God you would write them off as a lunatic and not listen to another word they said. Correct?
I’m not so sure since I usually invite in JWs, Mormons, and I stop and debate with Salvation Army preachers. I suspect I’d be skeptically curious.

You can not say the Bible has wisdom unless you believe it was put there by God.
The bible was written by many authors, some were poets, others were philosophers, others were myth makers, etc, but truths like the quotes above can be found in many places. Where you find a revelation need not be where you expect to find it. I like the quote by Lex Luther in the Superman movie – A man could read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe while another will read War and Peace and think it a simple love story.

If you look upon everything with an open mind with a desire to learn and with humility then you are likely to discover many things that would otherwise be hidden.

If a bunch of people all come together searching for truth how are they ever going to find it searching in each other? Either you believe someone here has truth or you are intentionally wasting your time looking for something where you know you won’t find it.
Ahh then you don’t yet appreciate the value of debate. This isn’t a static forum; members come and go at quite a high rate of change. I find I learn something new from almost everyone that passes through, or rather I learn from the research I do from trying to answer and respond to posts. But there have been some that have taught me a great deal, e.g. Boris, synesthesia, Bambi, who no longer post and there are several here who I still learn from frequently, Raithere, tiassa, ConsequentAtheist, and others.

But I’m not particularly looking for any particular truth, although I am always open to new revelations; I am here to test myself and what I have already learnt. If there are flaws in what I have discovered then I want to find those flaws and refine my knowledge.

If you have not found truth yet how do you know what it looks like? how are you to say truth must be accompanied by proof or it isn't real? Who are you to define something you have never seen?
Perhaps from a lifetime of experience discovering what works, and what doesn’t, and trying everything with an open mind and seeing what happens.

Jesus lived a sin free life right.
That is indeed what the myth says.

Well he told people all the time when they were doing wrong. He gently rebukes and redirects. If telling people they are living in sin is judging then Jesus himself is guilty. This of course isn't possible in a sinnless life.
But within the myth Jesus has a special knowledge that no one else has. He isn’t judging since he knows for certain.

Judging (I used this term to mean 'the sin of judging') is telling people they are going to hell or telling them God will not forgive. Rebuking is the right term for what you mean here. Yes what I do may fit the dictionary's definition, but not the way it was meant in the Bible. My instructions come from the Bible.
But you are assuming that the bible is correct and you think that what you believe is the truth. When you then talk with others as you do here, there is no humility in your tone, but only arrogant judgmental assertions.

Arrogance: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims.

Your demeanor is one of absolute certainty and you proceed to tell others what is right and the truth. Your feeling that God is guiding you and not us gives you an outlook and feeling of overwhelming superiority that we see as arrogance. The phrasing of your assertions either directly or implicitly screams that you are right and we are wrong, and that is being judgmental.

Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. (Matt. 23:12). This is another essential truth used in many religions, but also has real value outside of religion.
Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. (Matt. 23:12). This is another essential truth used in many religions, but also has real value outside of religion.
What about exalting God, attesting to His mercy and making people aware of it? When someone addresses ignorance in a person, wisdom comes from distinguishing between being informed and being attacked.

You say the essential truths in the Bible are endependent on whether God exists or not? They wouldn't have been there if the premise wasn't that there is a God. Why do you think the Bible never tries to give any proof of God? It only states the opposite:

Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."
What about exalting God, attesting to His mercy and making people aware of it?

That quote doesn't mention exalting God. Or anyone else, for that matter. It only talks about keeping yourself humble.

You say the essential truths in the Bible are endependent on whether God exists or not?

Yes, they are.

They wouldn't have been there if the premise wasn't that there is a God.

You're missing Cris' point. The premise of the book could have been that aliens created us; the truths would remain the same. There does not have to be a god for those words of wisdom to hold true. But technically, you're right...the authors would not have used those truths in the Bible had they not wanted to decieve the people into believing that there was a omnipotent being behind them.

Why do you think the Bible never tries to give any proof of God?

Because there is none?

Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

But the real fool is the one who believes that.

Originally posted by (Q)

blind faith is faith without question, religious faith is faith in God,

According to your definition, you must question the existence of your God.

Although it is a very obvious definition and one who was un-bias and objective could easily work it out, it is not my definition which was given, but the Websters Dictionary definition.
And you are right, I have questioned the existence of God and see no reason to be in denial of His existence.

If you DO question the existence of your God, you lose your religious faith in God.
That’s quite a pickle?

How do you work that one out?


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by =SputniK-CL=

"...blind faith is faith without question, religious faith is faith in God, "

Then, I think, blind faith = religious faith. The last thing Catholics do is question their faith.

Is this claim aimed at every Catholic that is and has ever been, do you have any back-up of this claim and can you present it???

"They may plan all they like, but their faith lies in the six numbers they have chosen to be the winning numbers. "

I think there is a profound difference between faith and hope, dont you?

Can you explain the “profound” difference to me?

Yes, having faith in something does mean you believe it to be the truth. I have argued this point over and over with you. I think hope suits your definitions better.

Lets us the bicycle scenario. I have faith that one day I will be able to ride a bicycle, where is the truth in that?
The truth is in my determination, watching and hearing other people who can, and in the belief that I can. During each progressive stage of my experiences of learning, I realise little by little that the ultimate aim can be achieved, but I cannot know the acheivment of the ultimate aim until it happens. As I learn more, I develop more faith/belief in my ability and the abilities of people who are genuinely trying to teach me, once I have learned the art, there is no need of faith.
Truth is an “actual” event, you cannot know the truth until you “know” the truth. What I believe to be truth is that which I have personally experienced, whether facts are available or not.


Jan Ardena.

And you are right, I have questioned the existence of God and see no reason to be in denial of His existence.

The reasons are there – look again, look harder.

How do you work that one out?

By questioning the existence of gods, you lose your faith to doubt.

I do not see any reason.

Perhaps you’re not looking in the right places. Remove the blinders.

How so?

Think about it.
Originally posted by (Q)

I do not see any reason.

Perhaps you’re not looking in the right places. Remove the blinders.

How so?

Think about it.

Whatsup, got nothing to say, why you are resorting to evasion?


Jan Ardena.

Whatsup, got nothing to say, why you are resorting to evasion?
I think Q has reached the same point of frustration as myself when attempting to debate with you.

You appear to consistently apply bizarre interpretations to many words and concepts that most here have little trouble understanding and agreeing to including most theists. I do not believe that productive and meaningful communication is possible with you under such conditions. It is not so much that one of us is right or wrong, since I don’t think we have reached that stage yet, it is more like you are an alien and we are still trying to establish the basic rules of language with you.
Originally posted by Cris
I think Q has reached the same point of frustration as myself when attempting to debate with you.

I don't think it is me you are frustrated with, but the fact that you cannot get your own way.

You appear to consistently apply bizarre interpretations to many words and concepts

You mean like when you stated that "blind-faith=religion" is a FACT, only to find out that it is "unquestioning loyalty" as put foreward by Websters dictionary and myself?

that most here have little trouble understanding and

All but a few it would seem. (see above).

I do not believe that productive and meaningful communication is possible with you under such conditions.

Sign of the times eh!
Your either wid us or agin us!

it is more like you are an alien.

Shhhhhhh!! Stop it!
You'll blow my cover.


Jan Ardena.
Faith- means that you believe in something, that it is true/ will happen, is a statement of certainty. Hope however is a statement of uncertinaty. If I jump out an airplane i hope my parachute will open. If i jump up into the air I have faith that I will come back down again.

"What I believe to be truth is that which I have personally experienced, whether facts are available or not."

Which is likely the expereince of the agnostics and atheists here, we have not personally experienced god, therefore we have no conneciton between the words truth and god.
Originally posted by guthrie
Faith- means that you believe in something, that it is true/ will happen, is a statement of certainty.

1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : fidelity to one's promises: sincerity of intentions
2 a : belief and trust in and loyalty to God: belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion: firm belief in something for which there is no proof : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs

Taken from the scaled-down definition of faith from Websters, there is nothing there that suggests that what you believe in is true, in your own mind or otherwise.

Hope however is a statement of uncertinaty. If I jump out an airplane i hope my parachute will open.

But the reason you are about to jump out of an air-plane is because you have faith in the whole thing. Would you be so willing to jump if statistics showed that in the last year 9 out of 10 flights crashed? Obviously there is still room for hoping your fall would be successful. :)

If i jump up into the air I have faith that I will come back down again.

If I jump up in the air, I know I will come back down, so there is no need for faith.

Which is likely the expereince of the agnostics and atheists here, we have not personally experienced god, therefore we have no conneciton between the words truth and god.

Ask a small child if they have any experience of oxygen, and as they most probably have no idea of what it is they would say no. But when it is explained to them, although they cannot see it with their eyes, they will know it is vital. It is the same with God-consciousness.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
It is the same with God-consciousness.

I am most disturbed by the gaul instilled in you by your cult, or by yourself in pursuit of appeasing the vaccuous emotional conditions that require you to think like a cult member. As a human being, I find any attempts to cite knowledge of the properties of "god" or a "god-consciousness", as the pinnacle of self contradiction and egomaniacal cult thinking. It's kind of disgusting. Poopoo on you and the others who would be so crass.
