A challenge to Atheists

Reality doesn't show I'm incorrect, weren't all of the first predictions 1914? Yes.

Not all of those dates are from JWs. 1914 was the first date predicted. There was no shotgun effect, here. Yes, I know they thought it was the start of Armageddon, but that doesn't change the fact that they predicted 1914 as a significant date, which it was.

Not impressed. It's not a detailed prophecy. If I said something significant would happen last Friday, would you be impressed? Probably not, unless I said an Earthquake would happen in Japan.
So what? They were/ARE still wrong.

Could you have predicted 1914 as a significant date, if you were living in the late 1800? Yes, I realize that it's possible to guess it, but the chance is slight. Let's say if they weren't directed by God, they would have to pick a date relatively close to where they were in order to get people to follow them, right? So let's say 50 years.

I'm going to random.org, picking a random number from 1 - 50 and see how long it takes to get to my number. Will update to see how many tries it took.
Not impressed. It's not a detailed prophecy. If I said something significant would happen last Friday, would you be impressed? Probably not, unless I said an Earthquake would happen in Japan.

If you said that to me knowing full well it would be significant, I would be afraid of you. Seriously. As long as that was your first prediction you ever made, and you didn't say that every week.
Could you have predicted 1914 as a significant date, if you were living in the late 1800? Yes, I realize that it's possible to guess it, but the chance is slight.
It depends on what you decide is "significant".

I'm going to random.org, picking a random number from 1 - 50 and see how long it takes to get to my number. Will update to see how many tries it took.
Not the same thing at all.
Think about it.

As long as that was your first prediction you ever made
Except that it wasn't the first prediction they made. :rolleyes:
Could you have predicted 1914 as a significant date, if you were living in the late 1800? Yes, I realize that it's possible to guess it, but the chance is slight. Let's say if they weren't directed by God, they would have to pick a date relatively close to where they were in order to get people to follow them, right? So let's say 50 years.

I'm going to random.org, picking a random number from 1 - 50 and see how long it takes to get to my number. Will update to see how many tries it took.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn every now and then. Unfortunately, they thought they had found a watermelon.

And now you're content because at least they found a plant product... Can you say gullible?
It took me 110 tries. Please explain how it's not the same. It's not 100% accurate, but it's an educated guess. You have a 1 in 50 chance. 110 tries was just an example of how almost impossible it is to do that.
As I've said, the start of WWI is one of THE most significant dates in history.
And they didn't predict it.
Don't you think that something like a World War (the first in history) is somewhat more noticeable than the stuff they actually said would happen (but didn't)?
If you said that to me knowing full well it would be significant, I would be afraid of you. Seriously. As long as that was your first prediction you ever made, and you didn't say that every week.

You are easily convinced of supernatural powers.
It took me 110 tries. Please explain how it's not the same. It's not 100% accurate, but it's an educated guess. You have a 1 in 50 chance. 110 tries was just an example of how almost impossible it is to do that.
Because in your "experiment" you are trying to select a random number - a specific number.
All the JWs did was shotgun, pick a year, (any year) and make a vague (and incorrect) "prediction" of what would happen in that year.
They got the details wrong = no prediction.
And they didn't predict it.
Don't you think that something like a World War (the first in history) is somewhat more noticeable than the stuff they actually said would happen (but didn't)?

Like I said, if you predicated 1 month ago that something significant was going to happen on 3/11/11, I would seriously begin to follow you, if what you said made sense. Eg. If you told me to move out of the city before 12/21/12, I would do it. If you told me to throw myself off a bridge, I wouldn't...
Like I said, if you predicated 1 month ago that something significant was going to happen on 3/11/11, I would seriously begin to follow you, if what you said made sense.
I could have confidently "predicted" that something significant would indeed happen on 3/11/11 (March 11th?).
I also predict that something significant will happen on March 18th 2011.
Ready to follow me?
Because in your "experiment" you are trying to select a random number - a specific number.
All the JWs did was shotgun, pick a year, (any year) and make a vague (and incorrect) "prediction" of what would happen in that year.
They got the details wrong = no prediction.

1914 was a specific number, was it not? It was the ONLY number they could have chosen in 50 years (1887) that would mean anything truly significant. We are talking about the significance of 1914 now, because that is their current thinking, (that Satan was cast down in 1914 from heaven and Satan used his fury on the humans to promote WWI) not what they thought in the past. This is still valid because they still predicted 1914, the year, not the prediction.
1914 was a specific number, was it not?
Shotgunning. They didn't say WHAT would be significant.

It was the ONLY number they could have chosen in 50 years (1887) that would mean anything truly significant.
And you're ignoring everything they got wrong...

We are talking about the significance of 1914 now, because that is their current thinking, (that Satan was cast down in 1914 from heaven and Satan used his fury on the humans to promote WWI) not what they thought in the past.
This is nonsense.

This is still valid because they still predicted 1914, the year, not the prediction.
And you're still discounting all the errors.
I could have confidently "predicted" that something significant would indeed happen on 3/11/11 (March 11th?).
I also predict that something significant will happen on March 18th 2011.
Ready to follow me?

Yes. Anything that happens as big as Japan's earthquake on March 18th (this means all of the World News (USA) is about this specific thing - special edition), I am ready to believe in what you say. I swear. Remember this is your only chance, as it can only be your first prediction.
Shotgunning. They didn't say WHAT would be significant.

And you're ignoring everything they got wrong...

This is nonsense.

And you're still discounting all the errors.

Well, they use Proverbs 4:18 as "the light getting brighter", as the end draws nearer. That's why I'm ignoring the things they got wrong.