A Challenge of significant proportions

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Sorry to use this forum as a means to convey a message to the object of my attention. However it is necessary to do so as I know that my posts are being fully monitored and I wish to bring the issue to a head.

Most people at this forum have seen my many posts over the years and note that they have offerred some rather, shall we say contraversial approaches to certain subjects. I have endured ridicule and no doubt I shall do so again with this post.
It has come to my attention through means best left un-said that the seemingly paranoid complaints of many seriously uncomfortable persons that they are being victimised by mind control or "will controling" influences has significant grounds for validity.

I wished only to declare to those persons monitoring this post that they are no longer able to hide under the veil of ignorance nor the accusation of insanity thrown at persons who mention or other wise describe such influences.

Your influence will cease, and that is all there is to it.
As to retributon for your crimes against humanity and human rights this has yet to be determined.

I challenge you to a fight to the death if that is what you wish.....
As the method used is electro magnetic amplification using quantum entanglement technologies by a special disc attached to the right temple, it shall fail to maintain coherancy and the operator [cohercer] shall face irrepairable brain trauma. So I suggest you stop using them....all of them.
Self determination Violations using electro-mechanical means will not be accepted.

If any one would care to coment feel "free" to do so.....:)
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QQ, take a vacation. Your profession and / or exposure to patients with schizophrenia are really taking you over the edge.
Part of what is driving this CC is that at this very moment I have over 20 known friends and relatives all suffering forms of "schizophrenia" including severe thyroid issues and other major symptoms due to the influence of these morons.

To witness what they are doing to my kids and close relatives just makes me very determined.

So far there have been4 hospital admissions for "unable to be diagnosed " bowel and lower intestine complaints. [ similar to severe appendicitis but of a very different location of inflamation.] edit: 6 hospital admissions for indeterminable chronic Bowl complaints including to very young children of a very close friend.
3 hospital admissions for severe depression and a whole heap of other sundry issues.

All are now in a chronic and persistant state with only passing relief.

Now If I remember correctly schizophrenia is not contagious yet here we have serious issues coming from way too many persons all associated with myself who also have a history of normal to very good health in the past.

Especially since becoming aware of their contriviances. [ about 10 months ago ]

Whilst some may be considered a statistically expected the numbers are just way too high to be ignored.

And this is just the circumstancial evidence!

I only just realised the connection about 24 hours ago and so many pieces to a very big puzzle suddenly make a whole lot of sense.
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A test I have been doing has been asking people to review and offer contructive criticism for a business web site I produced and published.
So far in about 3 months I have been unable to achieve constructive criticism by any one that I have an association with, however all persons I have asked have suddenly sufferred severe insomnia and a variety of other complaints. [I have had by the way over 7000 hits to the site since launch about 10 days ago but as yet not a single feedback response]

so if you want to test the process go to
and offer some constructive criticism if you can by posting in this forum.

[I bet that you will find some reason not to and also suffer serious issues such as insomnia, thyroid hyperactivity and possibly depression]

And if the words "Egotistic"
"egocentric" come to mind you are in trouble.....
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Part of what is driving this CC is that at this very moment I have over 20 known friends and relatives all suffering forms of "schizophrenia" including severe thyroid issues and other major symptoms due to the influence of these morons.

To witness what they are doing to my kids and close relatives just makes me very determined.

So far there have been4 hospital admissions for "unable to be diagnosed " bowel and lower intestine complaints. [ similar to severe appendicitis but of a very different location of inflamation.] edit: 6 hospital admissions for indeterminable chronic Bowl complaints including to very young children of a very close friend.
3 hospital admissions for severe depression and a whole heap of other sundry issues.

All are now in a chronic and persistant state with only passing relief.

Now If I remember correctly schizophrenia is not contagious yet here we have serious issues coming from way too many persons all associated with myself who also have a history of normal to very good health in the past.

Especially since becoming aware of their contriviances. [ about 10 months ago ]

Whilst some may be considered a statistically expected the numbers are just way too high to be ignored.

And this is just the circumstancial evidence!

I only just realised the connection about 24 hours ago and so many pieces to a very big puzzle suddenly make a whole lot of sense.

QQ, the human brain is very good at noticing differences / similarities. It is also predisposed to inventing correlations and use those as causality (you of all people should know this). It's also much harder to obtain objectivity when presented with the stress of everyone around you suffering similar symptoms without clear diagnosis.

Maybe a different systematic approach can be taken to investigating what's happening. It might be valuable to start finding the identities and deltas between anyone afflicted:

* What food is being eaten?
* Where does the food come from (all the way back to the source)?
* What soaps / detergents / cleaning products / hair products / etc. are being used and where do they come from?
* What's in the water and where does it come from?
* What's in the air and where are those elements coming from?
* What medications are being used and where are they coming from?
* What are the sources of wave generation in your area (radio, microwave, electrical, etc.)?
* What information does the local administration have concerning Toxins in the area?
* What entomylogical changes have occured in your area?
* How is the local wild life doing (with particular focus on mammals)?

If matches are found, start putting changes on those items on a timeline and find out what has transpired.
A test I have been doing has been asking people to review and offer contructive criticism for a business web site I produced and published.
So far in about 3 months I have been unable to achieve constructive criticism by any one that I have an association with, however all persons I have asked have suddenly sufferred severe insomnia and a variety of other complaints. [I have had by the way over 7000 hits to the site since launch about 10 days ago but as yet not a single feedback response]

so if you want to test the process go to
and offer some constructive criticism if you can by posting in this forum.

[I bet that you will find some reason not to and also suffer serious issues such as insomnia, thyroid hyperactivity and possibly depression]

And if the words "Egotistic"
"egocentric" come to mind you are in trouble.....

Let's break that correlation is causation cycle so you can see it. I'll check out the site and provide feedback.
Electromagnetic fields can be detected with the proper equipment. I am extremely skeptical of your claims of mind control. No one really understands the mind as yet, so how could anyone control it? Your complaints are almost identical to a friend of mine who is quite obviously schizophrenic, a person so unimportant in the scheme of things that no one would ever go to the expense and bother of controlling his mind.

It's possible that there is some environmental toxin in your area, perhaps the effects of Chernobyl, maybe lead or mercury poisoning... dare I say involvement in drugs...
It is also predisposed to inventing correlations and use those as causality (you of all people should know this).

absolutely correct and I certainly do know this.
What are the sources of wave generation in your area (radio, microwave, electrical, etc.)?

Does a small electromagnetic disc attached to the right temple of a power crazed idiot qualify as a em wav source generator? [ any way it is a quantum device which transends EM.]

hmmm Maybe...yes?

What medications are being used and where are they coming from?
not much to start with but plenty meds now....thank you....

I do appreciate your interest though...thanks CC.
Electromagnetic fields can be detected with the proper equipment. I am extremely skeptical of your claims of mind control. No one really understands the mind as yet, so how could anyone control it? Your complaints are almost identical to a friend of mine who is quite obviously schizophrenic, a person so unimportant in the scheme of things that no one would ever go to the expense and bother of controlling his mind.

It's possible that there is some environmental toxin in your area, perhaps the effects of Chernobyl, maybe lead or mercury poisoning... dare I say involvement in drugs...

It is not something that the popular press would take on SpiderGoat. Especially when the morons use DENIAL as their founding technique.

It is the DENIAL that is making all my relatives and friends sick because the heart knows one thing and the mind is being told another. Totally binding my relatives an dclose friends and their associates into a state of chronic debilitation.

It cost me a marriage I might add as well which I shall certainly be seeking compenations for.

I might add for the benefit of our disc wearing monitor.
"There is no greater crime against the welfare of this universe than what you have committed."
Who cares about the press? First confirm the evidence that there is something real occurring, like cell phone towers or something, then you can lobby to do something about it. Otherwise, you're just crazy, and believe me, there is no shortage of crazy people in the world. Your paranoia points to mental illness as the most likely explanation.
Electromagnetic fields can be detected with the proper equipment. I am extremely skeptical of your claims of mind control. No one really understands the mind as yet, so how could anyone control it? Your complaints are almost identical to a friend of mine who is quite obviously schizophrenic, a person so unimportant in the scheme of things that no one would ever go to the expense and bother of controlling his mind.

It's possible that there is some environmental toxin in your area, perhaps the effects of Chernobyl, maybe lead or mercury poisoning... dare I say involvement in drugs...

Of course you are entitiled to be extremely skeptical. Shit! even I with all my psych experience was extremely skeptical. But I can assure you I am no longer.
Since posting this 12 hours ago things have improved remarkably. [ I actually got some quality sleep for a change ]

I am "hoping" to get some positive news from friends and relatives over the next few days.

This thread is not about proving psych, but simply informing the perpetrators that their influence will no longer be tolerated and that global ignorance is no longer a benefit to them.
Who cares about the press? First confirm the evidence that there is something real occurring, like cell phone towers or something, then you can lobby to do something about it. Otherwise, you're just crazy, and believe me, there is no shortage of crazy people in the world. Your paranoia points to mental illness as the most likely explanation.

Why would a quantum device need cell phone towers SG?

yeah of course I am crazy. Crazy and mad as hell....
and I might add I find it incredibly arrogant to suggest that you can assume that you have all the known knowledge about how the mind works. There is a lot more knowledge out there than you are aware of.

Popular medical opinion is about as useful as a wet tea towel.
there are 28 persons from different locations around the world all seeking to find the perps HQ.....at present it appears to be North Eastern Europe
The quantum signature can be traced by it's resonance at source guys!
so if you want to test the process go to
and offer some constructive criticism if you can by posting in this forum.


* What state is Dandenong in? Without that information, someone out-of-state might not find the site valuable.

* The gradients of the individual items are visually distracting and makes it hard read the text.
* Empty items should be removed.
* Shoppers Club should be removed until it is completed.
* Video Chat should be removed until it is completed.
* About Us should be removed until it is completed.
* The Admin item should be removed.
* All items indented under the Dandy Gossiper don't appear to be related to the Gossiper; hence, they should not be indented.

* A visually distracting background image makes it very hard to read the text.
* Community Services Listing should be removed as it is incomplete.
* Gossiper Local News should be removed as its on the navigation pane (don't be afraid to have items on the navigation pane that take up more than one line by the way).
* The link 'Local Business Directory Listing' has a different name on the navigation pane (the name being 'Retail Listing'). The names should be identical.
* The 'Business Forum and Video Chat' link has a different name on the navigation pane (the name being 'Video Chat'). They should be identical.
* The 'CONTACT US' link's case does not match the item on the nagivation pane (it is 'Contact Us'). They should be identical.
* There are too many colors in the textual description (white, yellow, light pink, and dark pink). Two colors is more than enough (bold face is ok for any color).
* The 'Upgrade to Gold' banner is cut off at the bottom.

* Might want to consider adding a mapquest directions link for each business.
* Might want to consider having a user ratings / review section for each business.
* E-Shop column header is not aligned to the table.
* M/Shop column header is not aligned to the table.
* Might want to consider subtle alternating colors between table items for ease of visual tracking.

* Same background image / text color issues as the HOME screen.

* The style of presentation would be better if it had a navigation pane and content pane (similar to Retail Listing).

* Same background image / text color issues as the HOME screen.

* What is the motivation for people to submit gossip? i.e. What's in it for them?

* Same background image / text color issues as the HOME screen.

* What state is Dandenong in? Without that information, someone out-of-state might not find the site valuable.

* The gradients of the individual items are visually distracting and makes it hard read the text.
* Empty items should be removed.
* Shoppers Club should be removed until it is completed.
* Video Chat should be removed until it is completed.
* About Us should be removed until it is completed.
* The Admin item should be removed.
* All items indented under the Dandy Gossiper don't appear to be related to the Gossiper; hence, they should not be indented.

* A visually distracting background image makes it very hard to read the text.
* Community Services Listing should be removed as it is incomplete.
* Gossiper Local News should be removed as its on the navigation pane (don't be afraid to have items on the navigation pane that take up more than one line by the way).
* The link 'Local Business Directory Listing' has a different name on the navigation pane (the name being 'Retail Listing'). The names should be identical.
* The 'Business Forum and Video Chat' link has a different name on the navigation pane (the name being 'Video Chat'). They should be identical.
* The 'CONTACT US' link's case does not match the item on the nagivation pane (it is 'Contact Us'). They should be identical.
* There are too many colors in the textual description (white, yellow, light pink, and dark pink). Two colors is more than enough (bold face is ok for any color).
* The 'Upgrade to Gold' banner is cut off at the bottom.

* Might want to consider adding a mapquest directions link for each business.
* Might want to consider having a user ratings / review section for each business.
* E-Shop column header is not aligned to the table.
* M/Shop column header is not aligned to the table.
* Might want to consider subtle alternating colors between table items for ease of visual tracking.

* Same background image / text color issues as the HOME screen.

* The style of presentation would be better if it had a navigation pane and content pane (similar to Retail Listing).

* Same background image / text color issues as the HOME screen.

* What is the motivation for people to submit gossip? i.e. What's in it for them?

* Same background image / text color issues as the HOME screen.
holy Shit!

fantastic...ha...and unexpected...
very welcomed too I might add.....

ha....CC you put a smile on my lips for the first time in ages...well done!

I shall be continuing posting from the local shopping centre cafe/ restaurant La Porchetta.....[which is where I run the business from and observe the transition under way.] They know where I sit......

also my estranged wife has reported big improvements in her well being.

awaiting further news....