A challange of INSIGNIFIGANT propositions

because other people don't experience the things that you do.

ahh but you are totally mistaken....they do experience what I do and what every other person does whether clinically diagnosed or not. It's just simply a matter of intensity.

You and every one hears voices and sees visualisations that normally are able to be ignored and not tactily experienced in the conscious mind.
Every one "sees" in infra red as if they didn't they would never be able to experience human warmth and affection properly. Every one hears voices...it is called "perspective reasoning".
Every one has the capacity to imagine and be creative....and know the difference between fantasy and reality it is just a matter of how traumatised, tired and angry that person is.

So you are totally wrong when you say that "normal " people don't "hear" [ sense] auditory input as you do. They do but normally it is white noise with out highlighting. [ focus]
In fact if you could learn how to focus properly you would know what I am thinking right now.

see how a different approach can make a world of difference.
so the key is about reducing intensity especially emotional intensity.... and that's another story...
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