A challange of INSIGNIFIGANT propositions

so next time you try to tell someone that the light travels and enters their eyes I would be a bit more careful as that my good man, has yet to be proved.
certainly will and not because you are being generous either.
The link refers to light traveling in a medium other than vacuum as science has determined light to travel across at the speed of 'c'
Prove that light indeed travels across the vacuum, say for example between the sun and Earth and you do indeed get $100 or at least I will donate it to the local Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal.

The reason I gave you an example of light travelling in a medium is so you could easily detect it's transitions between point A and B. Nonetheless, those transitions can be detected in space as well by pure visual observation.

In the link below, see the first paragraph on Astronomical techniques (the part about Ole Christensen Romer):


I would prefer that you donate your $100 to a cause that could do some good. An educational fund for your kids would be a good example.

We have plenty observable recordings of effects in arrival of light but none on transit. So we do not really know how light manages to get from A to B across a vacumm and that is all there is to it...

I don't know why but I am kind of getting a prince-james-ish feeling from ya'.
so next time you try to tell someone that the light travels and enters their eyes I would be a bit more careful as that my good man, has yet to be proved.

Proof: Take a flashlight and shine it in your eyes. Did you see the light? There is a point where missing the self-evident is just kind of silly.
The reason I gave you an example of light travelling in a medium is so you could easily detect it's transitions between point A and B. Nonetheless, those transitions can be detected in space as well by pure visual observation.

In the link below, see the first paragraph on Astronomical techniques (the part about Ole Christensen Romer):


I would prefer that you donate your $100 to a cause that could do some good. An educational fund for your kids would be a good example.

I don't know why but I am kind of getting a prince-james-ish feeling from ya'.
Funny you should mention Romer, studied him about 6 years ago when first getting interested the absurdity of Special Relativity.
And getting a feeling of Prince James-ish from me are you...hmmm why is that do you think?
Funny you should mention Romer, studied him about 6 years ago when first getting interested the absurdity of Special Relativity.
And getting a feeling of Prince James-ish from me are you...hmmm why is that do you think?

Most importantly, Romer's observations fulfill the requirement of your challenge. And the PJ vibe I'm getting from you is due to this odd obsession with light... but I'm also getting a Bishadi vibe from you based on the relativity comment.
Most importantly, Romer's observations fulfill the requirement of your challenge. And the PJ vibe I'm getting from you is due to this odd obsession with light... but I'm also getting a Bishadi vibe from you based on the relativity comment.
well...how does Rommers observations prove that light travels past Jupiter and it's moons. It only proves that the effect witnessed at this end occurs after a certain time delay which of course would be due to the lack of any other possibility be ascribed to travel times.
Howver just ascribing the delay to travel times is not evidence that travel is indeed occuring but it is evidence of not having any plausable alternative explanion at the time.

Regardless of plausability issues the traveling aspect of our photon has yet to be evidenced and quoting a time delay in the effects observation is in itself not evidence of traveling times and is merely evidence of scientific close mindedness to other possibilities beyond Minkowski spacetime.
Please do point it out.
it is not the effect that is in question but the travel involved for the photon to get from A to B that is.
So yacking on about effects is just wasting your time..unless those effects demonstrate traveling.
As yet there are no effects that demonstrate a photon in transit as the only effects available for observation are those when the photon impacts on an object of mass [ not whilst traveling to that object of mass]
Re read the relevant posts with th etraveling aspect in mind and see if you can get past your "shine a torch in your eyes" type proofs.
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Any ways I am not going to go on labouring the point I think it is pretty clear if you read it not assuming the existance of anything.

If you are happy with the way the photon is being treated by science then thats ok with me, if not and you want further discussion to go on, you know how to reach me..
The $100usd prize still stands and is awaiting collection.
it is not the effect that is in question but the travel involved for the photon to get from A to B that is.
So yacking on about effects is just wasting you time..unless those effects demonstrate traveling.
As yet there are no effects that demonstrate a photon in transit as the only effects available for observation are those when the photon impacts on an object of mass [ not whilst traveling to that object of mass]
Re read the relevant posts with th etraveling aspect in mind and see if you can get past your "shine a torch in your eyes" type proofs.

So how does the photon get from the flashlight to the eyes then ? It has to travel through space for that, right ?
I don't see how it would know the distance between the flashlight and the eyes and then somehow teleport to the location of the eyes.
And even then, the way humans vision works requires a traveling photon.
So how does the photon get from the flashlight to the eyes then ?

It has to travel through space for that, right ?

If space is zero dimensional how long does it take to travel from the flashlight to the eyes? zero time

and would using the word "travel" be appropriate? nope.

I don't see how it would know the distance between the flashlight and the eyes and then somehow teleport to the location of the eyes.
And even then, the way humans vision works requires a traveling photon.
when you do you will start to understand how to open wormholes and dimensional gateways and how entangled 1/2 particles of mass can maintain entanglement across vast distances instantaneously and simultaneously.

How do you think that a constant such as gravity can be "EXACTLY" and I repeat with emphasis "EXACTLY" the same across an entire universe?

Does it somehow teleport it's influence to every single bit of substance universally? Of course not...well..not quite any ways...
And even then, the way humans vision works requires a traveling photon.
correction: "the way we think or believe our vision works requires a traveling photon." and that belief is premised on what?.... do you think?

answer: Sciences "BELIEF" in a traveling photon. An unfounded belief at that...

Another point is that people underestimate just how "UNIVERSAL" the human body mind is and just how we are just as much a part of the gravitational constant as everything else.
Imagine a void of absolutely nothing. Pretend for a moment that that void is infinite in volume and dimension [ actually it is zero dimensional but for the sake of ease lets assume that it is infinite in volume.]

How big is that volume when there is absolutely nothing to measure it against or compare the size with?

Infinite or zero or both?

Now let's imagine that we have a universe load of substance and matter put in to this space.
Does the space disappear just because we have put something in it?
Nope, the space of zero dimension still no-exists simultaneously with mass and substance.

However the distances are now finite determined by the masses instead of nothingness. [ mass metric]

The space volume however is still zero in dimension.
So for objects that have no mass how much distance exists in this universe?
Answer zero massless metric or infinite massless metric...the metric in use is zero. so the answer is simply zero.

For objects of mass the distance is relative to mass itself.
For objects with out mass the distance is relative to massless space. [ aka nothingness]

So how far does a photon have to travel being massless ? nowhere...as it is already every where where something is just like gravity is.

If you want to measure massive distance you use a massive metric.
If you want to measure massless distances you use a massless metric.
mixing the two up is what is currently happening.

using massive metrics to measure massless distances is a fundamental cause for confusion.

eg. 1 mile is 1 mile using massive objects as your premise. [a measuring ruler is afterall made of substance and not vacuum]
you can not use 1 mile for something that is massless as that 1 mile will always equal zero.

1 mile of zero is still zero....yes?
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maybe this will help a little:
and this: excerpt diagram from Zero Point Theory - Inverse sphere

"Infinitesimal" being the smallest measurement possible using mass as your premise metric.
QQ, evidence has been provided that photons travel. Whether or not you want to or can understand it is another question, but alas that's something exclusively in your court.

My thoughts are that you're trying to position various pieces of scientific knowledge as mere *beliefs* while attempting to invoke your zero-point psedo-theory. I'll speculate the reason for this is you're trying to form a model for psychic phenomena with an underlying motivation of establishing personal sensory credibility... because other people don't experience the things that you do.

I don't think there is anything I could do to help you other than state the day you value truth over your sensory credibility is the day that you are going to free yourself from this current obsession.
Unfortunately evidence hasn't been provided that I have to even attempt to understand. The only evidence provided so far has already been described in earlier posts.
If any one would care to show effects that actually prove a photon IN transit then they get $100 usd...

It is the IN transit bit that you fail to understand as being the critical aspect of proof required to support the notion of a photon traveling.
QQ, evidence has been provided that photons travel. Whether or not you want to or can understand it is another question, but alas that's something exclusively in your court.

My thoughts are that you're trying to position various pieces of scientific knowledge as mere *beliefs* while attempting to invoke your zero-point psedo-theory. I'll speculate the reason for this is you're trying to form a model for psychic phenomena with an underlying motivation of establishing personal sensory credibility... because other people don't experience the things that you do.

I don't think there is anything I could do to help you other than state the day you value truth over your sensory credibility is the day that you are going to free yourself from this current obsession.

Have you any comment to make about the diagrams shown and commentary stated or have you ignored them as being ramblings of a deluded schizophrenic?
CC there is one major error you consistently make in your value judgements about a persons so called sanity or state of mind. Do you know what it is?

of course not...
...Sanity is not determined by a persons beliefs no matter how wrong they are, sanity or societal dysfunction is determined by what a person does with those beliefs.
If I choose to believe in a flying pig called Photon like you do does not in itself make me dysfunctional nor "schizophrenic" nor does seeing in infra red or having acute auditory sensitivities etc etc... what makes the grade as being "crazy" or "insane" or even schizophrenic is determined not by my beliefs but yours.
So I would strongly advise you have a look at your beliefs in things like schizophrenia and other mind/body issues and then come back and talk about what is truth.
Years ago someone very close to me said "You can't heal yourself" it is impossible. Well I am sorry but I am living testimony to the fact that you can heal youself from the most incredibly severe position. [Stroke that nearly destoryed propriorception integrity] I am sorry that people like you and my dear ex-friend whilst well intended are wrong and that you have to live with that fact but live with it you shall have to do.

I just tonight attended my 50th birthday celebrations. Not one single member of that party including my entire family thought for a moment that I nor they would see my 50th birthday in fact they didn't think I would see my 40th either.

Well I have and whether they believe it or not they will have to endure a 60th and most probably if they are still alive them selves a 70th. You see it was their belief just like yours is, and not mine that was crazy.
Schizophrenia as it stands, is not about truth it is only about belief and belief about what a person is experiencing. I could and can state that your beliefs about schizophrenia are indeed more schizophrenic than mine are, as your beliefs about the reality of sensory perceptions and phenonema that you do not understand are not grounded in the truth but pure misunderstanding and ignorance.

You may have science to support your position but that doesn't make your position truth as your belief is just belief based on ignorance, fear and just plain bad science.

So prove the nemisis of scientific fraud as being true and collect your $100 usd and if you can't you can give nearly a billion people a big hug and hope they accept your apology. Because believe it or not you and people like you are going to have to apologise at some point....that I can tell you is guaranteed.
Zero Point Theory is not just about providing scientific solutions to the issue of universal constants it is ultimately about providing appropriate treatment and therapies for all those afflicted with psychic trauma other wise referred to as Schizophrenia, and other psychotic type dysfunctions including clinical depression. With a proper scientific underpinning of the causation of these mind/body conditions proper therapies can be legitimately designed and undertaken.
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