A challange of INSIGNIFIGANT propositions


Yes you are out there we know. You are sad weak lonley and frustrated in your positioned nature. It is okay we care about you and want you to do well.

Do not fear you will not collapse or die we are only asking you and your self to realize that the challagne of signifant propositoin thread has only started your arrival onto the scheme. A friend and I discuss quite often your wearabouts and your knowledge and understanding and wish that you would give up your seeking to hurt the thread starter of the other thread and realize the imporatnce of your evila cts.

No mind game such as you are playing deserves to have credit unless it is given a good rest and sense of morality and reasoining. Every good natured and good individual and kid who hates your guts and seeks you to do what is right always and forever will ask you to do what is right.

You do not have much more chances. Yes psychic stalkers are what you are and we know what game your playing so ..... give it up..... mind control continusiously over such long term periods must stop and cease, it is a cruel and psychotic game that you are playing and must play no longer if you wish to have a good future...... there is no forgival of sins for what you have commited, the crime is too g reat for there to bear any fruit whatsoever.

We wish that you would cease or we challange youto a fight to the death.... again... no crime is greater than the one you have commitedI and member Quantum Quack as my friend will not take such punishment from you....... The abuse on the humanity must stop with humanity as our witness.
Haha.. :D

I hope it's not too presumptuous of me to assume that this is about me.. lol
Enmos.Realize. That psychopaths such as they are must never continue to live. The crimes they have commited can in their heart never be good again. Memories or deaths or lost ones can never find love ever again. You are asking that this is about you and no it is not about you it is about you know who thats right a criminal and i know that all deny it ecept my friend quantum Quack and i well I tell you what. You purovide me with one example that any individual can EVER hope to recover from such a psychopathic position they are in such as they one that they have now.

They deserve to die and a fight to the death is what we're going to give them hah indeed enmos!!!!
Enmos.Realize. That psychopaths such as they are must never continue to live. The crimes they have commited can in their heart never be good again. Memories or deaths or lost ones can never find love ever again. You are asking that this is about you and no it is not about you it is about you know who thats right a criminal and i know that all deny it ecept my friend quantum Quack and i well I tell you what. You purovide me with one example that any individual can EVER hope to recover from such a psychopathic position they are in such as they one that they have now.

They deserve to die and a fight to the death is what we're going to give them hah indeed enmos!!!!

Oh, so it isn't about me. I'm just a psychopath that needs to die then ? Bummer..

Edit: So who is that thread about ?
Oh, so it isn't about me. I'm just a psychopath that needs to die then ? Bummer..

Edit: So who is that thread about ?

Right enmos you're a psychopath who needs to die yeah right... pah!

This thread is about the individual marked specifically by quantum quack and is holding several of his greatest paitents in check or some such as he was telling me and advised that I should indeed post the thread once more ! They are reading wek now it is true

Enmos. Youa re fine and well if you only knew the importance of your lilfe.

The individual in question is sick and begging. He has no means to go on living if he gives up his money making doing this. Government control and all most likley hmmm......... I know it is going to be misunderstood again enmost but that ist he nature of this game is it not........ Any way that we are to percieve it enmost just realize that the individual and psychotic one at that can not find his love again after what he has done.

Provide me with one example we should let him go. Just one.
You know brent, you and QQ could just be honest with yourselves and admit that you are afflicted with schizoprenia. Some key symptoms that you have both exhibited are hallucination and delusional paranoia. It might be interesting to note that people without schizoprenia don't experience things the way you and QQ do.

Either way, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Doomed to repeat?

Crunchy_Cat. While it is indeed possible that Brent suffers Schizophrenia, it should also be taken into consideration that *if* clandestine human experiments were done to unwitting/unwitting "volunteers" it is likely that most wouldn't be able to distinguish their misuse from such an illness as Schizophrenia (which itself if an "Unbrella" term for a myriad of mental disorders and dysfunctions)

This would be done purposely because if every victim was to sue, their projects would be forced to be abandoned through not having the funds to operate. (Especially in regards to black budgets) Unfortunately the end of the second world war didn't wipe out all the heartless bastards that perpetrate such feats.
Doomed to repeat?

Crunchy_Cat. While it is indeed possible that Brent suffers Schizophrenia, it should also be taken into consideration that *if* clandestine human experiments were done to unwitting/unwitting "volunteers" it is likely that most wouldn't be able to distinguish their misuse from such an illness as Schizophrenia (which itself if an "Unbrella" term for a myriad of mental disorders and dysfunctions)

This would be done purposely because if every victim was to sue, their projects would be forced to be abandoned through not having the funds to operate. (Especially in regards to black budgets) Unfortunately the end of the second world war didn't wipe out all the heartless bastards that perpetrate such feats.

Conceptually I would agree; however, I know for certain that QQ was clinically diagnosed with schizoprenia and there is a load of context that this particular thread is built on:


It might be difficult to dig up but I can find examples of brent exhibiting very shizophrenic behaviors years ago... I recall him having moments of not being able to distinuish where his floor ended and he began.
Brent's currently on a holiday for his obscure posting binges. I'm pretty sure most of his problems aren't just psychological and are probably heightened by illicit drugs and/or alcohol.

There is also the potential of Insomnia (No I don't mean the poster Inzomnia, but the condition where people just can't sleep.), Starvation, Dehydration and even cleanliness. (I'm not saying "Brent smells bad" or anything.)

In those cases people can become very Surrealist and Estranged, I don't need to go into too many details of how each of those factor in on how the human brain responds. Some doctors usually suggest some of those things mentioned are signs of the psychiatric ailment, they tend not to take in that perhaps aiding in removing those "signs" will help not necessarily cure but lessen how that person is supposedly effected.
Conceptually I would agree; however, I know for certain that QQ was clinically diagnosed with schizophrenia and there is a load of context that this particular thread is built on:


It might be difficult to dig up but I can find examples of brent exhibiting very schizophrenic behaviors years ago... I recall him having moments of not being able to distinguish where his floor ended and he began.

The thread in question is far from over CC. You may think of it as a schizophrenic outburst or deluded conspiracy theories but unfortunately we have a corpse to prove you wrong.

You may immediately call for evidence of a corpse, or any evidence to support what has been said in that thread etc etc...My response is "Don't care about your demand for evidence" the thread achieved it's purpose and thats enough for me. To attempt to provide evidence of substance using this medium is an exercise in futility, and me thinks you are showing signs of schizophrenia yourself for expecting such.

Re: Diagnosis:
Over the years many doctors have diagnosed many things but none of them have a slightest clue about what they are attempting to diagnose. They are merely attempting to fit "my state of mind" into some category that allows them comfort.

From my own perspective all I know is that 6 years ago I could barely walk and now I am almost ready to start "roller blading" again. With no help of medication nor therapeutic assistance from the medical profession either.

It is however understandable that you should feel the way you do. In your shoes I would feel much the same, however my understanding of the human mind/body condition is enough to allow for the possibility that in your shoes I would recognize that I would be acting with extreme prejudice and intellectual bigotry under the guise of open mindedness and receptivity. [ aka Psychiatric Professions] when I say and believe the thing I say and believe as you.
  • We have a corpse related to that thread.
  • We have significant trauma of those involved.
  • We have progressed from there but still carry the suffering with us.

I haven't posted to that particular thread because I am aware of the futility of doing so and out of respect for family members of the deceased.

Now you may start to wonder why am I posting to this one instead... well wonder away as that is my intent.

As far as Brent is concerned, of course he has been demonstrating symptoms of what you may classically refer to as schizphrenia however this is just your way of making yourself sound knowledgable of something that you and most of the psychiatric profession really know nothing about.

A "placebo" of self delusion...by thinking.. "ahhh I know what he's suffering from" when you in fact haven't the slightest clue about the reality of his or my or others condition and are merely looking for that same arrogant comfort zone that most do.

In fact I would dare to say your undertstanding of the way the human mind/body works is so flawed that your belief in that understanding is by far more debilitating than any condition you may descibe using that understanding and you expect others to suffer under your reign of ignorance? Of course there is notihng to be ashamed about is there?

Sorry but you will have to find another chump!
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Brent's currently on a holiday for his obscure posting binges. I'm pretty sure most of his problems aren't just psychological and are probably heightened by illicit drugs and/or alcohol.

There is also the potential of Insomnia (No I don't mean the poster Inzomnia, but the condition where people just can't sleep.), Starvation, Dehydration and even cleanliness. (I'm not saying "Brent smells bad" or anything.)

In those cases people can become very Surrealist and Estranged, I don't need to go into too many details of how each of those factor in on how the human brain responds. Some doctors usually suggest some of those things mentioned are signs of the psychiatric ailment, they tend not to take in that perhaps aiding in removing those "signs" will help not necessarily cure but lessen how that person is supposedly effected.
yes yes yes...
extreme fatigue which Brent is suffering from amongst other things can lead to aberrant behavior and thought... no news in that yes?
The cause of the fatigue is most likely excessive uncontrolled "thinking" about what he has and is experiencing with out any knowledgable support out there to help him.

[ the main reason behind most aberrant behaviour that is currently seen as psychiatric illness or disorder IMO]
The thing is: We always underestimate just how much thinking goes on when we have or are experiencing extraordinary events especially if they appear to be considered by mainstream science/medical profession as psychotic or hallucinatory. [ self fraud]

As an aside:
The same could be said for those who have experienced florid and vivid dreams and misinterpreted "recall" of alien visitations etc etc. Or for that matter those who have actually witnessed alien presense whilst of sound mind.

Extreme amounts of thinking quickly leads to deteriorated mental state thus giving impressions of mental instability leading on to "armchair diagnosis" of Mental disorder which further exasperates the condition and not improves it one iota.
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May be CC you would care to attempt to claim the $100 usd prize for the evidence to support the causation of the light model...the "flying pig" called photon.


Then after you try for ages to come up with some support for this much loved mythical entity you will realise that none exists and then you will probably go into denial and do a hell of a lot of thinking about the ramifications of such a self discovery. That science is no more than a sophisticated ideologically driven religion premised on an entity it can not show to be anything other than an imaginary construction.

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Enmos.Realize. That psychopaths such as they are must never continue to live. The crimes they have commited can in their heart never be good again. Memories or deaths or lost ones can never find love ever again. You are asking that this is about you and no it is not about you it is about you know who thats right a criminal and i know that all deny it ecept my friend quantum Quack and i well I tell you what. You purovide me with one example that any individual can EVER hope to recover from such a psychopathic position they are in such as they one that they have now.

They deserve to die and a fight to the death is what we're going to give them hah indeed enmos!!!!
You have raised an interesting question Tnerb.
And for the record "I did not deliberately and consciously solicit this threads posting"
The question though, is one of redemption and whether a person or entity so afflicted with the extreme maximum of the "will to power" or "God Complex" can ever let that addiction go with out death as the clensing medium.

A socio-path on the scale we are talking about may never be able to succeed in redeeming his charactor due to the intense distortions that his love of the ultimate power has made upon him.

The person in question has indeed faced the ultimate clensing and done so by his own hand which is in a deeper philosophiocal sense is the ultimate act of self redemption that he could possible take. No, I am not talking about suicide in the traditional sense but deliberately acting in ways that death can only be the inevitable result.

A bit like the behavior phenonema "suicide by police action" that prevails when someone has no ability or courage to do it for themselves.
I personally used to believe that every one has the opportunity for a living redemption but obviously this is not a valid position to take, especially when faced with such extreme distortions of the heart and love that springs forth.
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The thread in question is far from over CC. You may think of it as a schizophrenic outburst or deluded conspiracy theories but unfortunately we have a corpse to prove you wrong.

What does the corpse prove?

You may immediately call for evidence of a corpse, or any evidence to support what has been said in that thread etc etc...My response is "Don't care about your demand for evidence" the thread achieved it's purpose and thats enough for me.

You should care if only to demonstrate you didn't lie. I can easily point out one or more commitments you made to provide evidence.

To attempt to provide evidence of substance using this medium is an exercise in futility,...


...and me thinks you are showing signs of schizophrenia yourself for expecting such.

The first half of your statement might be correct. I have experienced minor auditory hallucination throughout my life; however, I can easily distinguish them from reality. The second part of the statement doesn't really make sense; however, in general expectations should always be high when a person both claims the fantastic and makes a commitment to provide evidence.

Re: Diagnosis:
Over the years many doctors have diagnosed many things but none of them have a slightest clue about what they are attempting to diagnose. They are merely attempting to fit "my state of mind" into some category that allows them comfort.

Why not try a doctor who doesn't give a damn about comfort. The are out there in abundance.

From my own perspective all I know is that 6 years ago I could barely walk and now I am almost ready to start "roller blading" again. With no help of medication nor therapeutic assistance from the medical profession either.

A brain can form new neural connections. It's part of the healing process.

It is however understandable that you should feel the way you do. In your shoes I would feel much the same, however my understanding of the human mind/body condition is enough to allow for the possibility that in your shoes I would recognize that I would be acting with extreme prejudice and intellectual bigotry under the guise of open mindedness and receptivity. [ aka Psychiatric Professions] when I say and believe the thing I say and believe as you.
  • We have a corpse related to that thread.
  • We have significant trauma of those involved.
  • We have progressed from there but still carry the suffering with us.

The only thing external listed is the corpse and it was very unclear how it demonstrates anything relevant.

I haven't posted to that particular thread because I am aware of the futility of doing so and out of respect for family members of the deceased.

Sounds like two cop-outs rolled into one.

Now you may start to wonder why am I posting to this one instead... well wonder away as that is my intent.

As far as Brent is concerned, of course he has been demonstrating symptoms of what you may classically refer to as schizphrenia however this is just your way of making yourself sound knowledgable of something that you and most of the psychiatric profession really know nothing about.

I know why it happens. The whole neuroscience field probably knows as well.

A "placebo" of self delusion...by thinking.. "ahhh I know what he's suffering from" when you in fact haven't the slightest clue about the reality of his or my or others condition and are merely looking for that same arrogant comfort zone that most do.

In fact I would dare to say your undertstanding of the way the human mind/body works is so flawed that your belief in that understanding is by far more debilitating than any condition you may descibe using that understanding and you expect others to suffer under your reign of ignorance? Of course there is notihng to be ashamed about is there?

Sorry but you will have to find another chump!

I would like to perform an exercise with you and I hope you accept. It begins with a simple definition... specifically, how do you define "truth"?