9/11 National Holiday?

I am an EMT/Firefighter and I think we should have a day to honor our fallen brothers. EMT, Firefighters, Police should all be honored on this day for risking there lives and quite a few that lost there lives. Its not just a honoring of the men and women in uniform, it is also to honor the familys for giving so much. For those that dont have any EMT, Firefighters, or Police in there familys you will never know what its like to watch your family member run out the door and know that they may never come back. Most of you take it for granted! Everytime my mother watches me or my father run out the door she knows that something might happen and we never return.
It ought to be a state holiday, or even a city one, but a national one? I have always found the grief of those not connected to the events to be, in part, superficial. As a New Yorker, I'd prefer it to remain a local issue.
Prince James, this is not just a NYC or NY issue, there was also Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and people from many states that suffered that day. It would be like saying December 7 in Pearl Harbor only affected Hawaii. I haven't met a single person who was not affected in someway by that day. Nor have I found anyone who didn't try to help out even if it was a few dollars, a pint of blood, or a reassuring voice on the line. 9/11 was an American tragedy of epic proportions. Belittling anyones connection of grief over it is the height of arrogance and elitism.

BTW so you know I had a cousin who worked in the WTC, she lived becuase her alarm failed to go off, but still a scary day for her. I had a second cousin who is computer tech in the pentagon. If his carpool hadn't been slowed down by protestors he could easily have been killed. My mother came out of anesthesia in time for the second tower to fall. Her biopsy came back negative for cancer, but that good news was the only piece we had that day. We didn't know about our family for three whole days.
*stRgrL* said:
And the birth of Christ.
No we don't. We get, like, a month off to observe the Winter Solstice. Remember, not everyone is an X-ian, and not everyone celebrates X-mas.
TW Scott:

"Prince James, this is not just a NYC or NY issue, there was also Pennsylvania, Washington DC, and people from many states that suffered that day."

Washington DC and Pennslyvania were participants, but few could argue against the fact that the main thrust of the attack was focused upon New York. Of course, anyone who was related to someone has legitimate grief.

"It would be like saying December 7 in Pearl Harbor only affected Hawaii. I haven't met a single person who was not affected in someway by that day. Nor have I found anyone who didn't try to help out even if it was a few dollars, a pint of blood, or a reassuring voice on the line. 9/11 was an American tragedy of epic proportions. Belittling anyones connection of grief over it is the height of arrogance and elitism."

Oh most definitely it had some larger implications, but really, the idea that 9-11 wasn't "New York's tragedy first and foremost" is not to be found. Tourists, for instance, show the general difference in the New York and "rest of America" response.

"BTW so you know I had a cousin who worked in the WTC, she lived becuase her alarm failed to go off, but still a scary day for her. I had a second cousin who is computer tech in the pentagon. If his carpool hadn't been slowed down by protestors he could easily have been killed. My mother came out of anesthesia in time for the second tower to fall. Her biopsy came back negative for cancer, but that good news was the only piece we had that day. We didn't know about our family for three whole days. "

That's terrible, really. But thankfully no one was harmed in your family.
I am an EMT/Firefighter and I think we should have a day to honor our fallen brothers. EMT, Firefighters, Police should all be honored on this day for risking there lives and quite a few that lost there lives.

You know. I can actually understand how such a holiday could be... ok. It sorta fits into memorial day, but I guess memorial day would need to be reinterpreted for this.

I dislike the idea of making 9/11 a holiday for several reasons.
First and foremost I don't think people need any more excuses to obsess over the 'terrible events of 9/11...." boogedy boogedy.
Seriously. On the radio yesterday they were interviewing people and one guy said that it didn't even seem like 5 years ago that 9/11 happened. It seemed like it was only last year... Like. Yeah. Right. To a fucking retard. Idiot.

And then there's the people that are still fucking quaking in their boots over this shit.
Get the fuck over it. Seriously. So a buildling fell down. 3000 people died. Big whoopity shit.
It's getting way too much airplay in my opinion. And it's being used for far too much political capital. Way too much.

Making it a national holiday will just increase the political power that it has. The abuse of the memory.

Just let it go.

Anyway. 9/11 is a holiday. It's the Ethiopian new year.
Happy New Year!!
(This is absolutely true, by the way.)
i am against a 9/11 holiday because the terrorists can always point to it and say "looky what we did". a 9/11 holiday will be perfect to martyr the terrorists.
Prince_James said:
Washington DC and Pennslyvania were participants, but few could argue against the fact that the main thrust of the attack was focused upon New York. Of course, anyone who was related to someone has legitimate grief.

Well then the entire nation has reason for grief my friend. An era of relative peace was shattered that day. Yes New York was the site of the attack, but that is like say onely the one kidney suffers if it is damaged, Or only the face suffers for the destruction of the nose. There is far reaching consequences.
Supposedly the world is grieving with America over 9/11. I don't see too many Americans grieving over the (more recent) tsunami devastation.

Fucking jingoists.
§outh§tar said:
Supposedly the world is grieving with America over 9/11. I don't see too many Americans grieving over the (more recent) tsunami devastation.

Fucking jingoists.

Where was the world with Katrina. See natural disaster is a different thing than Terrorist attack. It's like comparing accidental drowning to being dismembered with a chainsaw. Both are tragic to be sure, but some how it is so much worse when there is an intelligent being responsible.

And BTW show me a nation that does more world wide to allieviate natural disasters both as a government and as individuals.
It's like comparing accidental drowning to being dismembered with a chainsaw. Both are tragic to be sure, but some how it is so much worse when there is an intelligent being responsible.

Hahaha. Hmm. 3000 dead. 230,000 dead. Which one is "so much worse"?

Really, I have to wonder..

And BTW show me a nation that does more world wide to allieviate natural disasters both as a government and as individuals.

I didn't say America hasn't given aid. And I really can't say which of the 1st world countries contributes more than others because I don't have figures for that. But I do know that the country you are thinking of is simultaneously responsible for sticking its neck where it's not wanted (as evidenced by the growing number of cheery America lovers around the globe).
Wow, old thread.

Isn't 9/11 already a holiday now or I guess just a recognized one where we don't take the day off or whatever? Isn's it called "Patriot Day"?

- N
No idea, I just know it's called Patriot Day. Probably act patriotic and remember the victims of 9/11. Who knows. I don't celebrate many holidays, even popular ones, heh.

- N