9/11 National Holiday?

Maybe for 9-11 Americans should sacrifice an airplane and an old building. They should crash the airplane into the building, while filming it on national TV.
That would be cool.
You won't respond??? :mad: :D

Dude, chill the f*ck out. I would respond if I thought you to be rational, but i can see your not so go away now.
If the there is ever a '9/11 Day' it should memorialize the utter
incompetence of the Federal Government and all of its various
bureaucracies to protect the citizenry from attack. It failed in
'41 and it failed even more monumentally on 9/11 with far more
more intelligence and after attacks had been occurring for over
a decade.

If the there is ever a '9/11 Day' it should memorialize the utter incompetence of the Federal Government and all of its various bureaucracies to protect the citizenry from attack.

So, what do you propose for those that failed to protect the US citizens?
Simply by memorializing the incompetency of the Federal bureaucracies involved,
a step will have been taken toward redirecting some of the electorate's ire.

Then the big question is:

Do you think you could have done better?


Do you know of any ways to protect 100% of a country's citizens 100% of the time?

I'm sure you make mistakes too. Just because their mistakes might result in the lives of Americans doesn't mean they were neglecting their duties, or that they should be held responsible -or even disrespected- for failing to prevent a terrorist attack.


Yes, I do ... But not that often and when I do, I generally learn from my mistake.
In that 'they' didn't, 'they' did neglect their duties and should be held responsible.

Read the joint Senate & House Inquiry that led to the support for an independent
inquiry, something the Bush administration initially opposed.

Read the joint Senate & House Inquiry that led to the support for an independent inquiry, something the Bush administration initially opposed.

Those are politicians trying to point the finger.

when I do, I generally learn from my mistake

I'm pretty sure the same people aren't working in the gov't that were in '41.

Besides, has anyone ever attacked the US the way the terrorists did on 9/11?

I'm glad you agree that you can't protect 100% of the people 100% of the time.

No one in the Gov't intentionally let 9/11 happen, so why don't you focus your blame on the terrorists who planned and carried out the attack, not those who try their best to protect the citizens.
No, those are politicians covering their asses by recommending an independent

Duh! But their replacements should have learned something from their predecessors

Oh? Don't you consider attacks against our Embassies, our military, and our citizens,
beginning as far back as the late '70's, to have been attacks against the United States?

I suppose the '83 bombing of the WTC, which may have been intended to bring down one
or both of the towers was not a precursor?

No more than I can protect myself 100% of the time from some idiot on the road.

"intentionally let"? ... "try their best"? Come off of it!

Besides, I didn't pay the terrorists to do what they did, but I have been paying the
government for over fifty years to protect me to the best of their ability from such
attacks ... And their 'ability' has been, thanks to a number of reasons, piss-poor
to date.

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can anyone tell me how the USS cole or the US embasy (im not AS sure on this one but i dont THINK that goverment officals are protected persons, adam couldnt answer me here) were terrisiom?????
I cant read all of these...

9/11 was taken by Americans the completely wrong way. Muslims beleive that they must stand up for Islam, but they would be completely content with just verbally expressing themselves unless there was a greater passion. This passion stems from two things: 1) Christian Evangelism 2) Immoral Americans.

As more Americans visit the Middle East, they get more angered. How many people have actually been to that area? Once you go, you will understand, they do not fuck around. America is swimming in Sin, and the Muslims were hoping that they could stamp out our sick nature.

But NO, America is perfect, right? Go watch your TV on any network channel during primetime. The sick shitty programs that distort our youth's minds proves the filth that surrounds our culture. Even the fucking news now carries sections about movie stars, and celebrities. Who gives a flying fuck about no talent actors?

Instead of realizing that there is something wrong with American culture, America distorted the purpose into an attack on democracy and our "freedom."

Bush called the hijackers "cowards." Oh wait, we fight wars from airplanes and satellites. Oh yeah, there was a huge news outbreak when the US Army lost ONE FUCKING SOLDIER. God damn I am so fucking tired of this superiority shit.


Final point: You cannot have holiday for an event that WILL lead to an obliteration of civilians (do I need cite Nagasaki/Hiroshima, give a fucking break, the government doesnt even recognize this shit as important).

9/11 was taken by Americans the completely wrong way. Muslims beleive that they must stand up for Islam, but they would be completely content with just verbally expressing themselves unless there was a greater passion. This passion stems from two things: 1) Christian Evangelism 2) Immoral Americans.

So, because Muslims view our society as immoral based on their religious/societal beliefs/opinions, they should not be held responsible for their actions?

I might also add that you are stereotyping Muslims.

As more Americans visit the Middle East, they get more angered. Once you go, you will understand, they do not fuck around

So, we should be like some Middle Eastern societies and not let our women go to school, make them cover their bodies entirely, and hang/shoot them if they have pre-marital sex/cheat? Should we start cutting people's hands off for stealing? What else should we do like them? Or is there something else about their culture I am missing? If so, tell me.

But NO, America is perfect, right?

No, it's not. If you know of a perfect country, let me know.

If you were in Iraq and you wrote the same thing about Iraq or Saddam, you would probably be shot in the head. You don't know how good you got it.

Final point: You cannot have holiday for an event that WILL lead to an obliteration of civilians

I think it would be more of a day of rememberance. We have Pearl Harbor day to remind us of the first major military attack on US soil. Why not have a day to remind us of the first major terrorist attack? It would definitely not be a day of celebration and praise. At least, not for Americans.

the government doesnt even recognize this shit as important

Hmmm. The dropping of the atomic bombs are mentioned in our history books.

Ask the Japanese how many children learn about Unit 731 in their government approved history books:
Unit 731
No more than I can protect myself 100% of the time from some idiot on the road.

Well, there ya go!

Besides, I didn't pay the terrorists to do what they did, but I have been paying the government for over fifty years to protect me to the best of their ability from such

Did you ever stop to think about how many attacks might have been averted?

Oh? Don't you consider attacks against our Embassies, our military, and our citizens,
beginning as far back as the late '70's, to have been attacks against the United States?

Ok, you got any bright ideas? Go join the government and tell them what they're doing wrong. You go read about every attack on the US, then you should be expected to prevent any major terrorist attack from happening anywhere there are Americans, any time of the day or night. Good luck! Unti then, we'll just have to be as cautious as possible. If terrorists learn our routines and use it to their advantage, without our knowledge, well then we're screwed.
can anyone tell me how the USS cole or the US embasy (im not AS sure on this one but i dont THINK that goverment officals are protected persons, adam couldnt answer me here) were terrisiom?????

This is a trick question right?:rolleyes:
"Did you ever stop to think about how many attacks might have been averted?"

I think about it all the time.

As a matter of fact, there are nights I can't go to sleep because I didn't call
the FBI, the CIA, NSA, and the other two dozen or so security agencies and
thank them for whatever attacks they saved me from that day.

Have a good day :rolleyes:
I will, because I know the Gov't is working hard to protect us from terrorist attacks. :D

Same to you buddy!