9/11 National Holiday?

for the starry eyed amongst us

"The media tells us that Lisa Beamer, the angel-faced widow of doomed United Airlines Flight 93 passenger Todd Beamer, is a wondrously courageous young woman because she so quickly and efficiently set up the Todd A. Beamer Foundation to help kids get over horrible accidents and other traumas.

But lately I see her as a crass promotions whiz who has trademarked the "Let's Roll!" phrase on ballcaps and T-shirts, banged out a book about her pain, and created a Web site that flashes "Now on sale!" alternating with the not-so-comforting blinking message "Finding Hope in a Time of Crisis!"

A California housewife who was virtually assured a life of anonymity before September 11, Lisa is a star today, as her Web site informs us with its list of her current appearances on Dateline NBC and Larry King Live. Indeed, groups clamoring for a speaker from the Beamer Foundation can hope only for a visit from one of the founding members, not always the vaunted Lisa herself, and must fill out a form on the Web site to be considered"

*go lisa go

"Not to be outdone in finding an angle on the tragedy, Larry Silverstein, the developer who held the lease on the World Trade Center when it was destroyed by the terrorists, is insisting that he is entitled to a double payment on his $7 billion insurance coverage for the buildings because his property was destroyed in two "separate occurrences."

*why that shifty eyed ..........!

"Worst of all are the several hundred families of the 2,823 people who died on September 11 and have flatly refused payments offered by the federal taxpayer-funded Victim's Compensation Fund. Many are now represented by Trial Lawyers Care, whose brochure enticing families to join states, "If ever there were a cause that demanded our most magnificent effort as lawyers, as human beings, as Americans -- this is it."

And magnificent the trial lawyers have been. They have persuaded families to sue the bejesus out of everybody from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which built the towers, to those they allege underwrote Osama bin Laden. Thus the families are suing the Sudanese government, the Saudi royal family, banks and charities for more than $1 trillion, and the miners and distributors of the South African gemstone tanzanite -- who allegedly helped bankroll bin Laden -- for $1 billion.

Turning their noses up at the feds' offer of $600,000 to $2 million per family, many relatives have become polished victims who trot in front of microphones to bemoan the stinginess of the government and the unfairness of the courts. Currently they are demanding that a federal judge ignore a New York state law that requires that any lawsuit against the Port Authority be filed within one year of the incident -- by September 10, in this instance. "

*i never have any luck. my wife missed being blown to bits by 40 minutes

"Like me, he doesn't like it that the relatives of the 9/11 victims are gaining a sense of entitlement. Once someone bares his or her soul to the camera, that person wants to be reimbursed -- and that's true to the one-trillionth power for September 11 relatives.

At the same time, the audience is acting just as deplorably. God, the treacle and carrying on from perfect strangers as the first anniversary draws near. I would not hold their tears against anyone in America if I thought they gave a rip about even three or four of the very nice people who got squished to bits when 20,023 souls were snuffed out by a quake on January 26, 2001, in India.

Or if they cared about the 1,100 people drowned and trampled to death in Nigeria on January 27 as they fled down two muddy canals to escape horrific explosions at a huge munitions depot. "

*goddamn foreigners had it coming to them!

"It would be lovely if generous September 11 donors -- like you -- who are sending traumatized New York firefighters on their third and fourth trips to Hawaii and Disneyland stepped back and reflected on the relativity of it all. Perhaps you could send a letter to your congressperson calling them a slippery eel for not fighting our support of child soldiers in foreign lands.

Another friend, Kevin Scott, a Westside bond analyst who has watched with interest as New York has slowly rebuilt from the ashes, is as fed up as I with Americans' isolationist attitudes and sacrosanct view of all things September 11.

"For example," says Scott, "we're not supposed to criticize New York, how it handled the crisis, how it is handling it now. Yet there were so many screwups it's incredible, and I'm sick of the silence."

Indeed, it's past time to talk about the widespread incompetence, now coming to light, during the police and fire response on September 11. It turns out emergency radios do not work well at all during disasters -- and the fire officials in New York have known this for years. Moreover, authority broke down completely when firefighters broadly ignored orders (the few they could hear) from their brass not to rush up the staircases -- and many of them died as a result. "

*some fucking heroes! now i gotta pay their pensions. never die without my permission!

"So, on September 11, I suggest that you not light a candle for the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Plenty of others will do so for you. "

:rolleyes: - Okay, lets just drop this stupid irrational idea. Since soooo many people in history has died, why would this be any different:rolleyes: I mean.. its not a different kind of situation.. and we had it coming right... so lets just forget about it and not put a fight like all the sissies from other countries that did nothing to bring their own countrymen to honor:rolleyes: And, oh yeah, why would we honor firemen who died that day? I mean, lots of firemen die all the time right? So what makes this any different?

Perhaps if you were standing at ground zero looking up at people jumping out the window while 110 stories was crashing down and you were brave enough to stay and help - well maybe then you would understand why some would consider these folks heroes!:rolleyes:

And I really wish people that are not from our country quit putting their 2 cents in. You dont have to honor these people, you dont have to even think about what happened - I know it really bugs you guys to think we would honor such "average" people. I mean, when Europe knights pop stars and actors, it really bugs me to:rolleyes:
also there were like 60 odd nationalities that died but i guess those guys handle their grief differently from us huh?

I guess so:rolleyes:

Ya, were only honoring the Americans that died that day, not the 60+ nationalities. ONLY Americans:rolleyes:

I think Ive rolled my eyes enough for one day...

Take care all and have a nice evening:)
Couldn't we have a day commerating everyone who died for a good cause? Wouldn't that be a better idea
Maybe we should rename September 11 "al-Qaeda day"?

If the US was "wrong" in Viet Nam, and under basically the same policy is waging war in the middle east, what makes anyone think we are "right" in the middle east?

"I think Ive rolled my eyes enough for one day... "

Man, that could be a slogan for this place.
i sits here eyeballing this and getting madder and madder.
next time i hear a foreigner (read arab) talk shit.............!
Originally posted by spookz
i sits here eyeballing this and getting madder and madder.
next time i hear a foreigner (read arab) talk shit.............!

That's it, go commit a hate crime.

America's a democracy and has open borders; there are no foreigners.

Jews, Arabs, Africans, Chinese alike can all emigrate here.
No no no. There is no reason to celebrate human tradegy. Although I do enjoy December 7th but only because its my dads birthday.

(Dec. 7th is pearl harbor)
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
No no no. There is no reason to celebrate human tradegy. Although I do enjoy December 7th but only because its my dads birthday.

(Dec. 7th is pearl harbor)

Sept 11 might the beginning of the Islamic victory over Judeo-Christian America. It's a good day to celebrate. No more fast food!
Sept 11 might the beginning of the Islamic victory over Judeo-Christian America. It's a good day to celebrate. No more fast food!

Yes lets all get drunk and high like we do on every holiday to celebrate this wonderful day?
That's cool, I'll tell Cthulhu to do that once he finishes devouring all the Christians.