9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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You gave me a forum that begins with the premise that the official story is correct. However, I checked google and found one that I believe would be far more neutral:

I may start writing there, and then, if I write her, I can link to posts I've written there. I guess sometimes if you want to find something, you have to find it yourself.

Well the forum I gave is from a website entirely for the purpose of discussing "skepticism, critical thinking, the paranormal, and science". So of course 9/11 conspiracy theories will be ridiculed as there is no evidence of such. This is why both science, history, controlled demolition and civil engineering experts are adamant that the 9/11 truth movement is without foundation.

I just thought you'd like the opportunity to go lay down some smack since you are having no luck here.

I just can't help noticing that websites/forums that are pro-conspiracy theory tend to be lacking obvious signs of intelligence compared to websites/forums that do not support conspiracy theories.
Well the forum I gave is from a website entirely for the purpose of discussing "skepticism, critical thinking, the paranormal, and science". So of course 9/11 conspiracy theories will be ridiculed as there is no evidence of such.

And yet, I've cited so much. One need only look through this 'mighty tangle' to see this, but I can understand that most people would want to go to forums where they separate the different 9/11 theories. Such as the forum you mention, or the forum I've mentioned. I find it sad that Sciforums couldn't try to organize the various theories too, but that's life for you.
And yet, I've cited so much.

You haven't. If you were not so dishonest and/or self-deluded you would know this. Science, history, controlled demolition and civil engineering experts are unconvinced by your "evidence".

All you have is another Roswell, another JFK, another Princess Diana, another Moon Hoax... Experts won't be compelled by this kind of stuff.
You haven't.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

If you were not so dishonest and/or self-deluded you would know this. Science, history, controlled demolition and civil engineering experts are unconvinced by your "evidence".

Or atleast that's what you believe. I agree that the official story doesn't agree; it's changed quite a bit as one theory after another that it's used has turn out to be so much fluff, but if I and many others are right, the high ups in charge of the official story will sprinkle us with much more fluff because they're the guilty ones.

All you have is another Roswell, another JFK, another Princess Diana, another Moon Hoax... Experts won't be compelled by this kind of stuff.

Well, that's what you believe anyway. I found another forum that I believe is even better then the one I mentioned previously:

You will note how they separate different parts of the 9/11 theory. Perhaps one day the admins here will see the light, but I'm not holding my breath.
enough, you bastards!

Gustav, don't do the personal attacks thing; I know that Kenny and others here seem to get away with it with impunity, but you never know when a moderator will take someone to task and besides this, I don't think it's productive anyway.

If you wish to talk of conspiracy theories, I suggest you try out the following forum:


I just made myself an account and may post there soon.
Would you agree that there could be something in a person's psychological make up that would pre-dispose them to a belief in conspiracies?
Would you agree that there could be something in a person's psychological make up that would pre-dispose them to engage in conspiracies?

such as
such as


eh stryder?
eh james?
Would you agree that there could be something in a person's psychological make up that would pre-dispose them to a belief in conspiracies?

Look, no one is disputing that 9/11 involved a conspiracy. The only issue is whether it was an exlusively foreign forces thing or if it was an inside job; this doesn't mean that foreign forces weren't involved; it only means that certain government officials were involved in making the 9/11 events occur (even if only by allowing it to happen, although I believe it was far more than that).
Look, no one is disputing that 9/11 involved a conspiracy.
I wouldn't have called an act of terrorism a conspiracy. I was restricting it to what you are describing as an internal conspiracy. These are just different definitions, neither one right or wrong just different.

Now that I understand your use of the term let me ask the question again.

Would you agree that there could be something in a person's psychological make up that would pre-dispose them to a belief in internal conspiracies? i.e. conspiracies involving people or groups supposedly there to prevent such events.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I can agree that you are living in la-la land.

Or atleast that's what you believe. I agree that the official story doesn't agree; it's changed quite a bit as one theory after another that it's used has turn out to be so much fluff, but if I and many others are right, the high ups in charge of the official story will sprinkle us with much more fluff because they're the guilty ones.

What specifically are you talking about? What of the "official story" keeps changing?

And the "high ups" don't control the "story". That's just your tin hat speaking for you. The "story" comes from the witnesses, and those in the clean up operation who were not working for the government, they come from the passengers of the planes themselves when they made calls to people on the ground, they come from the fire department, they come from the media.

Well, that's what you believe anyway. I found another forum that I believe is even better then the one I mentioned previously:


Yes... I agree you will feel very much at home there.

You will note how they separate different parts of the 9/11 theory. Perhaps one day the admins here will see the light, but I'm not holding my breath.

You will note how that place is full of morons.

I recommend this webpage:

If you were an honest person, you would read that and realise that is no conspiracy and that Loose Change is simply nothing but hot air.
I wouldn't have called an act of terrorism a conspiracy.

An act of terrorism can also be a conspiracy.

From Wikipedia:
A conspiracy theory attributes the ultimate cause of an event or chain of events (usually political, social or historical events), or the concealment of such causes from public knowledge, to a secret and often deceptive plot by a group of powerful or influential people or organizations.

The official story says that Al Quaeda was behind 9/11, even if Osama Bin Laden has denied it 3 times and in the video where he did supposedly admit it, many people believe that the man shown in the video was a darker individual who was not him. In any case, while I believe that Al Quaeda has nowhere near the capability that dark elements of the U.S. government has, I don't think anyone is denying that it is a powerful organization.

I was restricting it to what you are describing as an internal conspiracy. These are just different definitions, neither one right or wrong just different.

Ok; now we can disagree fine :). While I believe that foreign elements were involved, I don't think that it was exclusively a foreign conspiracy.

Now that I understand your use of the term let me ask the question again.

Would you agree that there could be something in a person's psychological make up that would pre-dispose them to a belief in internal conspiracies? i.e. conspiracies involving people or groups supposedly there to prevent such events.

You mean, like how a baby generally avoids what appear to be heights? I think the concept of a conspiracy is a bit advanced for such things; however, I think that once one knows a fair amount of the U.S.'s history with false flag operations, it's hardly all that surprising to see another.
I often wonder that myself...about the psycholgical makeup of the different positions on this subject.
It must strike at a very deep belief, perhaps on ones own identity itself.
If one identifies his worth very strongly to the actions and character of his country then it may be very difficult to even remotely accept that the heads of their character could kill their very own citizens or other human life for anything but honourable intentions.
I myself know that the leaders of the US in particular have in fact killed many innocent citizens at home and abroad for nothing more than profit...see just one example here of the inhumane, dare I say evil acts our government/Big Business moguls are capable of:

Knowing that these types of events conspire I find it an acceptable notion that Gov/Big Business would act in a way directly proportional to this same anihilation of innocent life for the purpose of profit again...the bigger the potential profit, the more acceptable the murder of human casualties.
It's just business.

This is why I myself find the notion of our Gov/Big Business able to kill innocents for profit not only possible but entirely probable.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
This topic probly deserves it's own thread.

I know that an argument for those of us who are labeled as "wanting" to believe in something bigger (like a 9/11 conspiracy) to make up for some boredom in our lives is fairly popular.
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I recently saw someone say-
"Clinton can't hide a blowjob, but Bush can blow up a bunch of buildings without anyone coming forward. So who's dumber, conspiracy theorists or Democrats?"

Who says Bush was directly in charge of anything?
An issue of being somewhat selective in your conspiracy theory approach to meet your own agenda perhaps?
Who says there are brain dead overweight(or bigfat) ditzy women involved at the highest levels of such decisions if they were to be made?

Just how much do you know about what goes on behind the scenes to make such adamant conclusions about who should know what?

Seems to me that the people behind the scenes, particularly the MIC(Military Industrial Complex) is raping you guys financially but no one seems to notice that 2 million dollars of your tax money goes "missing" every 10 minutes and that was 7 years ago, who knows what it is at now.
That's approx 288 million dollars a day!!!!!! that just goes missing yet how aware are you or anyone else of this??

That's $105,120,000,000 ($105 BILLION)a year and that was before the incredible increase in Military spending back before 9/11.

This and the Bayer incident, as well as all of the intertwining relationships between Military and Big Business(Haliburton)...I don't know how some of you guys can be so faithful that those in charge are such angels and are'nt quite capable of doing whatever the heck they want at the exspense of whoever they want.

The "bigger the lie the easier it is to believe" carries a lot of weight whether it is the so called gov/official story or a citizen/conspiracy story.
Anyways, I don't know how anyone can come to a conclusion one way or the other...only degrees of probability one way or the other.
To argue over probability is ...at best frustrating I would think.
The more "right" anyone thinks they are on this issue the more delusional or wishful thinking they have to be.
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