9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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Ganymede, I'm beginning to think that your leaving the fray for a while may well have been a wise move. The putting of 9/11 threads into the 'pseudoscience' forum was perhaps one clue, but Stryder's tangling of all the threads leads me to believe that the powers that be here are generally if not completely disdainful for anyone who questions the official story. When the deck is stacked, it's generally time to move to another table. I'm open to suggestions as to another forum we might be able to use.

I couldn't of said it better myself. However, having the thread moved from the World/Politics forum to Pseudoscience is a big step up. I remember the days when all of the 911 threads would end up in the cesspool.
Originally Posted by scott3x
There are different elements to the conspiracy. Perhaps you disdain the whole thing and are perfectly happy for it to be a 'mighty tangle', but I prefer more organization. I suppose the only way to get around this rule is to make a web site of my own that has different elements of the 9/11 conspiracy. Oh well, the organization was nice while it lasted.

I know how you mean Scott, unfortunately there was about 7 different threads, most of which just went over the same arguement's again and again.

I started atleast 3. One was "Serious threads" one. This was meant to replace the "Larry Silverstein". I felt that that one would have been something like the 'title' thread, from which others would branch off. The WTC Collapse one was for that topic specifically, since a lot of people have arguments for and against the official story on this one and it's tiring looking through an enormous thread for specific arguments on that part of 9/11.

Perhaps a few of the others could have been merged; I can no longer remember what they were about since I had only recently started them. But breaking the 20 page rule for the 9/11 conspiracy thread seems like saying the whole discussion is so unimportant that it doesn't matter if it's a mighty tangle, because, hey, any intellegent person knows that the official story is the cat's meow. That your stance Stryder?
I couldn't of said it better myself. However, having the thread moved from the World/Politics forum to Pseudoscience is a big step up. I remember the days when all of the 911 threads would end up in the cesspool.

Alright, perhaps being the pseudoscience forum isn't so bad, but this 37 page "mighty tangle" is a mess.
Dude, out of your last 50 posts 48 of them was made in this forum. If the truthers are as delusional as you assume, you wouldn't waste 98% of your time given them the attention you allege they don't deserve.

Rather, the problem is that they keep prattling. If evidence were what the movement were about, it would have been dead a lot time ago - but it isn't. It's more like a cult, and cults, frankly, are dangerous to people not in them.

I find it very suspicious that you and Kenny JC only post in conspiracy threads. The only time you deviate is when you're posting in anti religious threads.

...Sock Puppy...superspy. This is what you're actually implying?

Frankly, I find it a little suspicious that anyone believes in this crap at all. Just seems too coincidental, really. Like a Beer hall Putsch, you have to wonder at where it's all going when the drinking stops.

You provided one source from the NY times that was a PDF, that was discredited by the official NIST and FEMA reports.

You failed completely to understand the difference between effective firefighting and being in a building, besides ignoring numerous lines of evidence indicating you were being willfully ignorant. Then, when you realized what you'd actually said, you did a runner. What more can be said for you? :shrug:
I couldn't of said it better myself. However, having the thread moved from the World/Politics forum to Pseudoscience is a big step up. I remember the days when all of the 911 threads would end up in the cesspool.

Good point.

Stryder, this mess really belongs where messes get sent. That place. Oh, yes.
I started atleast 3. One was "Serious threads" one. This was meant to replace the "Larry Silverstein". I felt that that one would have been something like the 'title' thread, from which others would branch off. The WTC Collapse one was for that topic specifically, since a lot of people have arguments for and against the official story on this one and it's tiring looking through an enormous thread for specific arguments on that part of 9/11.

Perhaps a few of the others could have been merged; I can no longer remember what they were about since I had only recently started them. But breaking the 20 page rule for the 9/11 conspiracy thread seems like saying the whole discussion is so unimportant that it doesn't matter if it's a mighty tangle, because, hey, any intellegent person knows that the official story is the cat's meow. That your stance Stryder?

My stance is it's coming to the end of the third quarter of 2008 and people are still arguing about something that happened 7 years ago. The world's moved on, while buildings were lost and so were lives, dwelling on the details matters not any more. After all the evidence has already been weighed, it's not filed to be pulled out every time someone has a query, it's now a fleeting memory.

The problem is that people don't want to let go, they never do. I mean there are still people that blame this or that people for what happened 400 years ago, I'm guess the same will occur with these conspiracies.

You should remember that there are people that have Agenda's, people that will go to great lengths to undermine their own Government by the creation of Conspiracies and stories, and those people like to fuel the fires that you guys seemingly have been stoking.

If you want a real conspiracy then perhaps you should be looking at the usage of H.A.A.R.P. Wouldn't take much to convert some espionage tools into mind control puppeteering paraphernalia. Very handy to raise an opposition to war with, or undermine a competitor in a Mercenary market.

I mean why go to the extents of leaving explosive residue (Which incidentally there is none) for conspiracist's when you could just puppet the head of some Mercenary group in some troubled country to order men, which too are under such a machine to carry out a "Terrorist task". No point leaving yourself open with "Evidence" when such methods of control leave none... think about it for a moment.
My stance is it's coming to the end of the third quarter of 2008 and people are still arguing about something that happened 7 years ago. The world's moved on, while buildings were lost and so were lives, dwelling on the details matters not any more.

It doesn't matter if elements within the U.S.'s government didn't kill around 3000 people on 9/11, helping to perpetuate the U.S. into 2 wars that cost another aproximately 4000 U.S. soldiers and around 100,000 Iraqi lives?

After all the evidence has already been weighed, it's not filed to be pulled out every time someone has a query, it's now a fleeting memory.

The size of this thread and the fact that there is still a lot of interest in this subject makes it clear that this is untrue.

The problem is that people don't want to let go, they never do. I mean there are still people that blame this or that people for what happened 400 years ago, I'm guessing the same will occur with these conspiracies.

Maybe, but we can worry about that 400 years from now. Right now, 9/11 happened only 7 years ago. Now imagine 9/11 really was done by elements within the U.S. government, just as the Reichstag was burned down by elements within Germany's government, and those high up dark elements within the government get away with it; people finally decide that it no high ups within the government played any part in the events of 9/11 or if they did, it doesn't matter because it was 7 years ago. You would be teaching said elements that they can do such things and get away with it. Now it's been claimed (and I believe) that the same thing happened in the case of JFK (I was told by someone that he'd crossed the mafia, for one, and they were not pleased, but it clearly looks like it was more then just the mafia that he'd annoyed), that a similar thing happened at Pearl Harbor (in that case, the argument is that it really was only a 'let it happen' thing), a similar thing happened in the Gulf of Tonkin (from a declassified document: "t is not simply that there is a different story as to what happened; it is that no attack happened that night. [...] In truth, Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing that night but the salvage of two of the boats damaged on 2 August.[3]")

People who forget (or never knew) the past are bound to repeat it.

You should remember that there are people that have Agenda's, people that will go to great lengths to undermine their own Government by the creation of Conspiracies and stories, and those people like to fuel the fires that you guys seemingly have been stoking.

Sure people have agendas. Ironically, by creating this 'mighty tangle', I would argue that you further such agendas, by making finding the relevant information a "where's waldo' exercise that most people don't have the time for. So people can rehash the same points over and over again, unaware that the points have already been covered because virtually no one is going to carefully review 37 thread pages (searching is just as bad, as it only tells you the thread, not what page it is in that thread).

If you want a real conspiracy then perhaps you should be looking at the usage of H.A.A.R.P. Wouldn't take much to convert some espionage tools into mind control puppeteering paraphernalia. Very handy to raise an opposition to war with, or undermine a competitor in a Mercenary market.

I'm not sure if you're joking or not, although I do see that on the wikipedia page for HAARP, there is a bit of talk of some conspiracy theorists. Personally, I believe that if few people are even aware of it, it generally means that it's not such a big deal.

I mean why go to the extents of leaving explosive residue (Which incidentally there is none)

Steven Jones found some actually. NIST never tested for thermite (it's in their report if I remember correctly).

for conspiracist's when you could just puppet the head of some Mercenary group in some troubled country to order men, which too are under such a machine to carry out a "Terrorist task". No point leaving yourself open with "Evidence" when such methods of control leave none... think about it for a moment.

I imagine you're referring to HAARP, something which I may have heard of vaguely once. I am simply of the belief that what we don't hear much of really isn't that much of a concern (as in, this type of thing is where the conspiracies theories are off).
Rather, the problem is that they keep prattling. If evidence were what the movement were about, it would have been dead a lot time ago

Please, it took your precious truth telling angelic administration 7 years after the fact to explain building 7. You're not interested in any of the facts, once you're cornered you resort to your deceptive trail lawyer tactics of misdirection. You didn't even see a plane hit the Pentagon, yet you believe it, how fucking moronic and silly is that. And the truth movement will never stop prattling, especially when we encounter remedial debaters such as yourself. Who supports his arguments through nameless 3rd party websites and Wikipedia.
And the truth movement will never stop prattling, especially when we encounter remedial debaters such as yourself. Who supports his arguments through nameless 3rd party websites and Wikipedia.
Yes apparently youtube is the most dependable source..
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You mean other than the brand new report NIST released Aug 21 concerning the first collapse of a steel frame building due to NORMAL fires?

And as we know, anything that happens for the first time is very suspicious.

It's not like anything else happened that day that might have somehow stalled the efforts of the NYFD....

The steel framework on the Windsor collapsed but the building stood due to its concrete core. No big mystery really :shrug:
Please, it took your precious truth telling angelic administration 7 years after the fact to explain building 7.

That's called an "investigation". It's what they do sometimes, when they don't think just hanging a witch would be appropriate or just. I'm pleased to see that you do think it's the truth though.

You're not interested in any of the facts, once you're cornered you resort to your deceptive trail lawyer tactics of misdirection.

Not even remotely. Why can't you just debate honestly about anything? I answer all your facts head on, and you whine about me being evasive, while never answering a single one of my questions. Does it make you feel bad, knowing that your argument hasn't got a chance? Why do you spout it, if you know it's wrong?

You didn't even see a plane hit the Pentagon, yet you believe it, how fucking moronic and silly is that.

You can clearly see one on the parking lot cam - the tailfin sticks up hugely. The funniest thing about this is that you think the image is a missile - a two hundred foot missile. Maybe they got Apollo 13 out of the museum, gassed it up, and gave it to Mohammed Atta?

And the truth movement will never stop prattling, especially when we encounter remedial debaters such as yourself. Who supports his arguments through nameless 3rd party websites and Wikipedia.

'Prattling' is right.

Troofers would argue no matter what evidence they have to look at, because for them its about belief, not evidence, not debate, not reality, and not fairness. You guys should just go ahead and make Stephen Jones a prophet. He could worship the God of Controlled Demolition. Seriously, it's a religion now.
Damn this thread has been busy.
Anyone actually work here?, lol.

Seriously...you guys that actually complain about the 9/11 threads yet continually post in them when you could be spending your time on something you actually enjoy are a little messed up.
Obviously there is nothing better for you to be doing or you would be doing it right?
Wow, if this was the only thread on the internet I couldn't blame you...but damn...it's borderline sad to see you guys flock to a thread you don't like like moths to the flame.

Only one thing worse than you whiners and that's me whining about your whining:D

So debunk away but damn, don't be that guy that has so little to do that he will take the time to let others know that he is not interested in the thread he is posting in...lmao
Kenny hates conspiracy theorists, but he likes hanging out with them!

Theyre a fun bunch!
Kenny hates conspiracy theorists, but he likes hanging out with them!

Theyre a fun bunch!

Why do you think it odd that some people would see it important to take on the lies repeated by a large sect of the population? Most people may just roll their eyes and dismiss you as a kook and not bother too much, but I say, stop fucking lying, get your facts straight. To me, that's important.
Why do you think it odd that some people would see it important to take on the lies repeated by a large sect of the population? Most people may just roll their eyes and dismiss you as a kook and not bother too much, but I say, stop fucking lying, get your facts straight. To me, that's important.

Even from a debunking point of view, it makes much more sense that conspiracy theories get their own forum with separate threads for different parts of a conspiracy theory. Otherwise, whether you're a debunker or a true believer, you'd just waste your time responding to the same things over and over again. This is what started happening with me, which is why I started separating the threads so I could simply refer people to a thread where I'd already responded to their points. Maybe you like wasting your time, but I don't.
Even from a debunking point of view, it makes much more sense that conspiracy theories get their own forum with separate threads for different parts of a conspiracy theory. Otherwise, whether you're a debunker or a true believer, you'd just waste your time responding to the same things over and over again. This is what started happening with me, which is why I started separating the threads so I could simply refer people to a thread where I'd already responded to their points. Maybe you like wasting your time, but I don't.

There are other forums. I already gave you an example of one that has an entire subforum for 9/11 conspiracies.
There are other forums. I already gave you an example of one that has an entire subforum for 9/11 conspiracies.

You gave me a forum that begins with the premise that the official story is correct. However, I checked google and found one that I believe would be far more neutral:

I may start writing there, and then, if I write her, I can link to posts I've written there. I guess sometimes if you want to find something, you have to find it yourself.
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