8 yr old now living as girl


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Does anyone know of a biblical reason why the Catholic Church would frown upon this and not allow her to attend?

Young Boy To Publicly Live Life As Girl

OMAHA, Neb. -- An Omaha couple is allowing their 8-year-old son to openly live life as a girl. It’s a decision that means the child is no longer invited to attend Catholic school.

Therapists and the child’s parents say the second grade student is transgender, a medical condition where a person’s inner sense of identity doesn’t match their biological gender. Some gender experts say as many as one in 500 people may be transgender or carry significant traits of the opposite sex.

“It’s kind of like you’re trapped somewhere and you can’t get out,” said the child, whose name and face are not being made public to protect the family from potential harm.

“She’s been a girl since the beginning, everything about her, the way she dances and skips around and the things she’s attracted to. It’s more than toys and clothes,” said the child’s mother.

The mother said the child has consistently asked to be called a girl since she was 4 years old.

“One night, she said ‘Every night when I go to bed, I pray my inside will match my outside. But it never happens,'" the mother said, recalling the words of her middle child....
That's a hard row to hoe, but I would never do gender assignment until after puberty.

There are plenty of in between steps which can be explored without having to say you are this or you are that. Metro sexuals, tom boys, various androgynous tweeners.

If s/he likes dresses I would start with kilts.

In short work with what you have to find a happy medium between what you desire and what is possible.
What I find remarkable is the notion of an 8 year old being capable of making decisions about sexuality.

I have a cousin who thought he was a little girl until he was about 6 years old. His sister dressed him up in a dress when he was 2 and took a photo of it. After seeing the photo a few years later he just assumed he was a little girl before.

Its a very impressionable age, to say the least ....
i could have sworn my little brother would end up gay, he loved all feminine pursuits, wearing dresses, watching girls' shows etc., but around 10 he grew out of it. he's 13 now and you couldn't tell he went through that phase.

probably the only thing thats changing is his family responding with 'if you say so'. i'd hope they've explained as best they can to an 8 year old that people might find it unusual, but how do you do that without telling ur kid he's a freak? tough situation, i think they're probably doing the best they can as long as they're not reinforcing the idea that 'you like dresses therefore you're transgender'.
must be more of a Nebraska thing ;)

red shirt with a big N on it and he/she would of gone under the radar
What I find remarkable is the notion of an 8 year old being capable of making decisions about sexuality.

even that young you know whether you want to marry a boy or a girl when you grow up. of my few gay friends one said he'd decided he liked dudes by year 1 or something.

gender is a big part of your identity, esp. at that age. sexuality has connotations of sexual preferences, and i don't know that that is a factor for an 8 year old.

Its a very impressionable age, to say the least ....

i agree, i hope the parents are fully aware of that.
Live and let live is my opinion. I've heard about some other stories regarding transgender cases and they all claim to have known at a really young age that they are living in the wrong body. I do think it is very young however to make such a huge decision but I suppose if the child is happy now then their happiness is what counts.
What I find remarkable is the notion of an 8 year old being capable of making decisions about sexuality.

I have a cousin who thought he was a little girl until he was about 6 years old. His sister dressed him up in a dress when he was 2 and took a photo of it. After seeing the photo a few years later he just assumed he was a little girl before.

Its a very impressionable age, to say the least ....

It's not about her sexuality it's about her gender identity. I believe most kids are fully aware of their gender by the time they start school. Even the cousin of yours that you mentioned. Sexuality is something else, probably something most young children rarely think about in the context that adults do.
As far as I know, the bible says nothing about transgendered people. If we keep transgendered kids out of Catholic school, what about intersexual children who have both sets of genitals and aren't sure how they feel yet? Where's the line stop?
Sexuality or Identity?

LightGigantic said:

What I find remarkable is the notion of an 8 year old being capable of making decisions about sexuality.

I'm not sure it's about sexuality so much as it is identity at this point.
It's not about her sexuality it's about her gender identity. I believe most kids are fully aware of their gender by the time they start school. Even the cousin of yours that you mentioned. Sexuality is something else, probably something most young children rarely think about in the context that adults do.

I'm not sure it's about sexuality so much as it is identity at this point.
gender identity is probably a better choice of words
and that's what the church is doing isn't it? Its making it about sex, even though she's only in elementary school.

As far as I know, the bible says nothing about transgendered people. If we keep transgendered kids out of Catholic school, what about intersexual children who have both sets of genitals and aren't sure how they feel yet? Where's the line stop?
In today's secular world I think catholic schools are operating more out of conservative ethics than a strict obedience to biblical guidelines. IOW the notion of parents agreeing to declare their 8 year old child transgendered is simply bizarre from the view of (conservative) secular ethics.
Yeah, exactly. Look, I appreciate that the Catholics have the Bible and I understand they're somewhat bound to it, it being the basis for everything they are and all, but you can't just tack stuff on because gender-bending seems a little odd. That's not how Christianity works.
Why don't they just leave the ignoramuses behind and go to another church. That's what I would do. A new school and a new church where she'll be nothing but a little girl and no one will question it.
Does anyone know of a biblical reason why the Catholic Church would frown upon this and not allow her to attend?
I think lightgigantic's answer is right on.

I think it is sad that a genetic boy who feels he is a girl and is allowed by his parents to be this is kept from the church.

While parents who force their boys, for example, to be in boy drag and do boy drag - not cry, play with trucks not dolls, whatever - would be accepted without a blink.