3 footballers "rape" woman with a camera phone.

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Spuds, i love ya man. your great, your great. whoa man, say that again. you great, i love ya, your great. Hey mate, your great.
actually generally the answer to that is no.

in australia most broken toilets are actually a compleatly seprate unisex toilet
:bugeye: Uh yeah. Don't men's bathrooms have the handicapped stall?
Even a handicapped stall would be a bit small for a three man/one woman orgy. Remember the scene with Chris Farley trying to change clothes in the airplane bathroom? I imagine that's how it would go.
no mad, actually they would be well and truly big enough, in general they are around the size of a decence size home office or bedroom because as i said its one toilet with everything not just a cubical
no mad, actually they would be well and truly big enough, in general they are around the size of a decence size home office or bedroom because as i said its one toilet with everything not just a cubical

The Stall is a big as a BEDROOM? :bugeye: God where the hell do you live? The stall isn't even as big as my Bathroom at home.
The Stall is a big as a BEDROOM? :bugeye: God where the hell do you live? The stall isn't even as big as my Bathroom at home.

Public disabled toilets tend to be quite big here in Australia. They need to be big enough for a wheelchair to maneuver around properly without causing any issues to the disabled individual or their helper if they have one. Just about all of the one's I have seen are close to around 3m x 3m here. I think the smallest I have ever seen was around 2.5m x 2.5m.
You do realize there's a video of her happily stuffing her holes with poles, right?

Don't think so. Apparently some photos were taken. No video, as far as I am aware.
[Basically in my town 3 high profile football player's, fresh off a final's win and gearing up for an all important semi-final next week, foolishly banged a slut
these guys also being sluts, willing to have sex without love in a bathroom.

in a toilet stall at a nightclub. She gave all 3 headjobs, then started getting dicked by 2 of them while one laughed and filmed it on his mobile phone.
She salivated and enjoyed her slovenly self, eagerly thrusting her pelvis into the crotches of these young superstars while grunting like an animal
while the men were grunting like intellectuals.

Now a very important sports team's whole season is in jeopardy.
Who can find the oxymoron in the above statement? It is worth 3 points.
I don't know why professional athletes ever go out when they could have private parties packed with sluts,
By definition, since they themselves would be there. Unless only the women get negative qualities when they act like these men.

There's something seriously wrong with society when a woman thinks her right to not be filmed while being a slut
Hm. There might be something wrong in a society that sees her as a slut and sees the men as 'important atheletes' about to participate in 'important games'.
I mean it's just so frustratingly retarded of this piggish whore
I'm not sure what it is in society that might be wrong, but when I read this sentence I feel quite sure the pattern will become clear to me soon.
they're footballers man. that's what they do. different values.

More nuances. Footballers have different values. We could, of course, have the same values in relation them that we have for that whore animal slut, but we don't.

Almost there, I think.
On the topic of immaturity..

It's footballers.. Next, they'll get caught humping the toiletseat.
I am sure many in a drunken stupor have humped all sorts of things and woken up the next morning bragging about their conquests. Trees, dogs, vaccuum cleaners, sofas et al. would likely wish to utter words like whore and slut in relation to them but alas cannot.
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