2 year old girl left to die in street

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And yet at the time of chivalry, civilized people used to burn bags full of live cats for fun.

Or people for printing books in English if they couldn't find a bag of cats lying around.

Fun days. Thank God for X-Factor.

The OP vid is revolting. It doesn't matter if they're Chinese, American or Uraguayenseists. A child is knocked down and nobody helps. Fuckers! :mad:
I want to know why anyone would watch the video clip of this child being run over and dying? Faces of Death fans?
there is a link in this thread and people here have watched it. Its not a squirrel getting hit by a car, its a 2 yr old child. Who is curious to see that?
To learn about it. Why would you avoid it? It's already been described to you. Why would you read about it and not see it? Is there something about seeing that is obscene to you? Imagine being on a jury and having to evaluate such evidence.
there is a link in this thread and people here have watched it. Its not a squirrel getting hit by a car, its a 2 yr old child. Who is curious to see that?

I didn't watch it, but don't doubt it happened, I've heard similar stories recently.
Education itself is useless, as long as it doesn't instill a sharp sense of right and wrong.
Modern, supposedly democratic and value-neutral education, does not instill such a sense of right and wrong.
This is one of the attitudes in todays society that perpetually irritates me.

When did it stop being a parents role to educate their children?
When did education become exclusively the realm of schools?
When did we become so time poor that we became utterly reliant on strangers to teach our children things like morality and civility?

My three year old daughter uses please and thankyou on a regular basis, without prompting, says "I love you" to friends and family, and already has sufficient empathy to express sympathy and offer a hug when someone hurts themselves, or realizes she has accidentaly hurt someone else, and will apologize for such, without prompting. She also has sufficient empathy that she can understand (albeit with some guidance) that if she doesn't like something being done to her, then others probably aren't going to like it either. Why? Because my wife and I recognize that as parents, we also have a role as educators.
What kind of world is this? Are some people born without any empathy? I don't care what country or culture you come from I cannot fathom how you could not care less about a badly injured child lying in the street.

Wow. Sounds like there's a Tea Party in China too.
I'm sure that's what they were thinking when they trundled past on their scooters "Oh look, a child lying bleeding in the road, well that's life I guess, thousands die everyday and I can't help them. Dum de dum de dum".


How grown up of you. Reported.
My three year old daughter uses please and thankyou on a regular basis, without prompting, says "I love you" to friends and family, and already has sufficient empathy to express sympathy and offer a hug when someone hurts themselves, or realizes she has accidentaly hurt someone else, and will apologize for such, without prompting. She also has sufficient empathy that she can understand (albeit with some guidance) that if she doesn't like something being done to her, then others probably aren't going to like it either. Why? Because my wife and I recognize that as parents, we also have a role as educators.

You better warn her to watch this behavior when she gets to be around six or so. This sort of behavior is going to eventually get her into to some hot water or get her a visit to the principle I imagine. In today's society, apologies are signs of weakness. How often do you see apologies around here? And god forbid, don't try to hug anyone in a school. . . it's against the rules. No seriously, in public schools at least, it really is. . . .

I understand completely what you are saying, and agree with it 100%, however, this is not the social culture that is being taught in the schools. The culture that is being taught in the schools is, look out for yourself, look out for number one. If you hurt someone, it is their job to take it, and look out for themselves, because you are going to be hurt by other people. In fact, expect it. Why? Because the state and the institutions have been set up to make sure different social groupings cause kids to hurt each other and make them feel as though it is not only OK, but it is an expected and all right thing to do. We learn these lessons, and we learn them well, because we continue to judge, discriminate, and divide ourselves up into social groupings where it is perfectly all right to engage in this behavior. It is not the child that does the hurting that gets in trouble, it is the child that is the object of ridicule, that dares to "tattle," that makes a wrench in the system, or stops the even flow of the day, that is the one that draws the ire of the establishment. They are explicitly taught not to bring their internal squabbles to the attention of the teachers or administrators, and to work it out among themselves, for it adds work to the adults day. Thus, it is the strong and most socially mature among the kids that rule the playground, kind or not. Just or not, empathetic or not. And the most cruel and ruthless of all mankind are the children manipulated by establishment institutions. Ever thought to consider homeschooling? lol

Don't have the right intelligence? Don't wear the right clothes or have the money to be brought to school in the right car or have the right toys? Well, being treated like a second class citizen, being ignored or excluded is really just fine. "Bullying" isn't officially though. But there are many other ways to cause emotional and psychological pain. . . sure there are. And so it begins. The separation and division of the masses by use of manipulation, disgust, distaste, and "fear of the other."

How wonderful, loving and innocent the children truly are before the establishment gets their hooks into them though, aren't they?

Trust me, I know, my son is extremely bright, very loving, polite and ethical as well. Sounds much the same as your daughter. I still have to chuckle to myself and wonder. . . how the hell does a first grader get suspended from school in the first two weeks?

I'll tell you, for doing what kids do, playing, being nice, day dreaming and doing exactly as they were raised. Kids aren't little adults who are born to work 9-5. And when they are expected to, it sort of breaks their hearts.

So I guess what I am trying to say, is that even though parents may try to teach values and ethics at home, the establishment, institutionalized education not only lacks these values, but actually works against them. It is a constant battle. If you wish to keep the values strong in your child, it may mean an active role in your child's education, battle with your PTA or school, and in some extreme cases? Basically disregarding some policies of your child's educational facility.
To learn about it. Why would you avoid it? It's already been described to you. Why would you read about it and not see it? Is there something about seeing that is obscene to you? Imagine being on a jury and having to evaluate such evidence.

I read an article somewhere online about a pornography of suffering and that people who should watch such footage are only the ones who can do something about it.
This is one of the attitudes in todays society that perpetually irritates me.

When did it stop being a parents role to educate their children?
When did education become exclusively the realm of schools?
When did we become so time poor that we became utterly reliant on strangers to teach our children things like morality and civility?

My three year old daughter uses please and thankyou on a regular basis, without prompting, says "I love you" to friends and family, and already has sufficient empathy to express sympathy and offer a hug when someone hurts themselves, or realizes she has accidentaly hurt someone else, and will apologize for such, without prompting. She also has sufficient empathy that she can understand (albeit with some guidance) that if she doesn't like something being done to her, then others probably aren't going to like it either. Why? Because my wife and I recognize that as parents, we also have a role as educators.

Exactly, institutional education is one thing but parents should educate their children about morality and civility and there's even education in religious values.

@The Esotericist,

Is it any better in private schools, I'm curious.
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There's also a recent news item from China about an American woman who rescued a Chinese woman from drowning herself. source

I can't find the exact article I read, but in it, Chinese bystanders remarked to the effect that, if the American woman didn't cause the woman's fall into the lake, why did she try to rescue her?

Why should these Chinese attitudes surprise anyone? This is the culture that: poisons baby formula for profit, makes children's toys containing lead, oppresses religion, etc.

And yet, the American government has continued to bestow Most Favored Nation" status on China for more than 10 years.
The same kind of people as live anywhere else.
You seem to me quite wrong with your observation. I haven't seen anywhere happening things like that where a four wheeler driver cannot see a kid roaming on road at a speed merely of 10 or 20 KM/H. On top of that after crushing the kid under front tires he went on doing the same act with his rear tires instead of checking the person hit by him. Thereafter check the acts of other by passers. It's simply horrible and gory scene going on right in front of everyone while everyone becoming part of it.
The OP vid is revolting. It doesn't matter if they're Chinese, American or Uraguayenseists. A child is knocked down and nobody helps. Fuckers!

It's not that nobody helped: it's that only the 15th person that saw the injured girl, decided to do something about it.

No one expects a child to be laying in the street, no doubt there are many things to run over there like garbage and debris. I blame the parents, who lets a 2 year old wander around what appears to be an industrial district full of dangerous activity?

"Only the strong survive," goes the saying.

Have you ever seen footage of how penguins stand by as an eagle kills their infant?

They invest so much effort into producing offspring, and at first, they do everything to defend them. But from a certain point on, they don't intervene against predators anymore, even though they could.

I can't find the exact article I read, but in it, Chinese bystanders remarked to the effect that, if the American woman didn't cause the woman's fall into the lake, why did she try to rescue her?

I suppose this is karma - but without the Dharma.

I've heard (just heard, I don't know how true it is, but it seems pertinent) that in some Eastern cultures, they do not hold doors for others, help carry bags and such - things that Westerners consider common courtesy.
Perhaps they believe, and then act accordingly, that another person's problem is solely their problem - unless one directly had anything to do with it.
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So I guess what I am trying to say, is that even though parents may try to teach values and ethics at home, the establishment, institutionalized education not only lacks these values, but actually works against them. It is a constant battle.

Exactly, institutional education is one thing but parents should educate their children about morality and civility and there's even education in religious values.

I think the bigger problem is that we live in a multicultural society - and we are not taught how to deal with this diversity in a meaningful, viable way.

We are taught to "be tolerant," to "embrace differences," to "celebrate diversity" - and yet in effect, this is an exhortation to indifference, apathy, passivity.

Even if parents strongly teach their children a particular set of ethics, when the child comes to school, he or she is faced with other children, who have also been strongly taught ethics by their parents - albeit a different set of ethics. And the teachers seem to have yet another set of ethics, and the school policies represent yet another set of ethics.
How are children supposed to deal with this diversity?
there is a link in this thread and people here have watched it. Its not a squirrel getting hit by a car, its a 2 yr old child. Who is curious to see that?

Closing oneself off to the cruelty of this world is denial of how things really are.
. Dream on. Their behavior is sub human.
It could be argued it's all too human.

What I wonder is if they were this cold back when they were full on communists? Also, OUR behavior would probably be considered extremely cold compared to 80 years ago. I mean, society sucks.
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