2 year old girl left to die in street

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So growing up in China you are told by your parents that you should not bother to help people just in case you get sued.

I thought we had social problems here in the UK, but wow, sucks to be Chinese.

Seems like growing up in China kids are not even told not to walk alone at the age of two on the road and are run over at least twice before the parent realises they are missing. So yeah, I'd say that parental responsibility seems to be as weak as social responsibility. But, their economy is growing at 8% p.a. so does it matter?
The difference is, helping someone directly reflects your personal honour. It usually provides immediate gratification. Personally I believe changing a social economic system that kills, is pretty pointless as long as people in power profit from it. People do try to change it and not everyone is happy with it, but not much can be done or felt that could be done. Watching a child get run over is completely different from allowing a government to continue that is oppressive.

No one profited from this little one's death. Individuals in China in the cities have no personal Honour. It also promotes a scary reflection of it's society.

Honor is an awfully expensive thing. Seeking for just a little bit of it, can - and often enough, does - cost you your life.
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I give a fuck about money now. The currency of honour is all I care about as of a few months ago. You will soon see how quickly money is worthless.
Honor is a meaningless term in todays world. And bystander apathy or effect has its own wikipedia page minus lawsuits in China

The case of Kitty Genovese is often cited as an example of the "bystander effect". It is also the case that originally stimulated social psychological research in this area. 28 year-old Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death on March 13, 1964 by a serial rapist and murderer on her way back to her Queens, New York apartment from work at 3am. According to newspaper accounts, the attack lasted for at least a half an hour during which time Genovese screamed and pleaded for help. The murderer attacked Genovese and stabbed her, then fled the scene after attracting the attention of a neighbor. The killer then returned ten minutes later and finished the assault. Newspaper reports after Genovese's death claimed that 38 witnesses watched the stabbings and failed to intervene or even contact the police until after the attacker fled and Genovese had died.

Stanley Milgram hypothesized that the bystanders′ callous behavior was caused by the strategies they had adopted in daily life to cope with information overload. This idea has been supported to varying degrees by empirical research
I'm sure that's what they were thinking when they trundled past on their scooters "Oh look, a child lying bleeding in the road, well that's life I guess, thousands die everyday and I can't help them. Dum de dum de dum".

And yet nowadays, this indifference is probaly the attitude that ensures better survival.
And yet nowadays, this indifference is probaly the attitude that ensures better survival.

Not really. People may not pour out into the streets when one kid is run over or shot in the back of the head [unless its their kid and even then no one will care] but they do recognise that their OWN problems do not merit indifference. In other news, Occupy Wall St is one month old today
Thats a different matter entirely. Even if we can't do anything about children dying of hunger every 6 seconds we still like to see that picture of the kid and the vulture. Vicarious sympathy is so self righteous, especially if we can add our opinions of the people who neglect to take action on the victims behalf [as long as we're not talking about ourselves]

And without that CCTV, really who would know or care that some kid had been runover in China? I mean, do YOU pore over hit and run victims around the world? But the shock value makes this one interesting

We educate, it's the most important thing. Learn about the world, about people. Or stay ignorant and assume all Muslims are terrorists, all Chinese skin dogs alive, all Brits are football hooligans, all Americans are obese, and go through life believing you are number One and nobody else matters. Just because I don't know everything it doesn't mean I should be satisfied knowing nothing.

A lot people do try to help those in need even when then is little in it for them other than knowing they helped.
I DO pore over hit and runs, murders, kidnappings, etc, when they are reported. I'd do it a lot more if there were more hours in the day. It interests me, disturbs me, makes me wonder, angers me, hurts me. What's wrong with that?
We educate, it's the most important thing. Learn about the world, about people. Or stay ignorant and assume all Muslims are terrorists, all Chinese skin dogs alive, all Brits are football hooligans, all Americans are obese, and go through life believing you are number One and nobody else matters. Just because I don't know everything it doesn't mean I should be satisfied knowing nothing.

A lot people do try to help those in need even when then is little in it for them other than knowing they helped.
I DO pore over hit and runs, murders, kidnappings, etc, when they are reported. I'd do it a lot more if there were more hours in the day. It interests me, disturbs me, makes me wonder, angers me, hurts me. What's wrong with that?

Yeah I know, I don't disagree with your viewpoint. I'm just pointing out that we only care about stuff that has shock value and unfortunately it takes more and more to shock us these days. And even then we don't really care enough to act on those feelings.
We educate, it's the most important thing. Learn about the world, about people. Or stay ignorant and assume all Muslims are terrorists, all Chinese skin dogs alive, all Brits are football hooligans, all Americans are obese, and go through life believing you are number One and nobody else matters. Just because I don't know everything it doesn't mean I should be satisfied knowing nothing.

It's not true that everyone automatically jumps to the conclusion "All Chinese skin dogs alive" after seeing one Chinese skinning a dog alive.

Education itself is useless, as long as it doesn't instill a sharp sense of right and wrong.
Modern, supposedly democratic and value-neutral education, does not instill such a sense of right and wrong. Instead, it is relativistic and leaves individuals grapple with problems that the State should have solved.
Hence trivialism and fundamentalism can thrive today.
Yeah I know, I don't disagree with your viewpoint. I'm just pointing out that we only care about stuff that has shock value and unfortunately it takes more and more to shock us these days.

And even then we don't really care enough to act on those feelings.

Or simply don't know how to act on those feelings.
Why would you associate this with the biblical end times? Are you implying that people haven't acted like jerks in the past to each other?
No one expects a child to be laying in the street, no doubt there are many things to run over there like garbage and debris. I blame the parents, who lets a 2 year old wander around what appears to be an industrial district full of dangerous activity?
Why would you associate this with the biblical end times? Are you implying that people haven't acted like jerks in the past to each other?

Chivalry is dead. Demons give rise. Have you not seen for yourself?
And yet at the time of chivalry, civilized people used to burn bags full of live cats for fun.
Seen plenty of chivalry still. People can be polite when they want to be. Certainly haven't seen any demons. Clichés aside, what makes you think that the past has always been so glorious. People have always said that the times they live in were worse than their past, and the end is nigh. And yet, we're still here.

The problem outlined in the topic at hand is a cultural one, but the only sign it presents is one needing change. There's no final day that will end the mess, only change within that culture.
Chivalry is dead. Demons give rise. Have you not seen for yourself?

I disagree with you about that. I personally have "saved" 5 people in my life and 3 of them I risked my own life extracting them from a burning car. I've also seen first hand others that have come to the aid of someone in trouble. Just because you have become calloused to not seeing the good that people do doesn't mean that there's no one doing it.
I saw this on Youtube last night. Just fucking sick and revolting.

I think SAM may be correct that some people are worried about being sued but that is no excuse. Something is seriously wrong if anyone would just let a child, in horrible pain, lay on the street and die. But, of course, in severely over populated nations like China, India, Indonesia, and etc... poverty and death go hand in hand and I'm sure people are more than desensitized to the human carnage laying all around them.

Something else happened yesterday, the world added it's 7th Billion member.
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