2 year old girl left to die in street

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Master Queef
Valued Senior Member
I can't quite believe my own eyes, but it's there for all to see:


A two year old girl is knocked down and run over by a van in China. Several people walking and on scooters go past the girl and do nothing to help her. Another van then drives over her, but doesn't stop. More people pass by not stopping to help...then eventually a woman stops to check on the little girl just before a third truck was about to run her over.
Sadly the little girl later died in hospital.
What kind of world is this? Are some people born without any empathy? I don't care what country or culture you come from I cannot fathom how you could not care less about a badly injured child lying in the street.

I'm shaking with rage. I knew people could be f*cked up but this is beyond comprehension.
Just had some people from work come back from a trip to china and describe the same thing. Watching people get killed is an everyday occurrence on the roads there. They were told to not look.
I can't believe my eyes watching that video. I am wondering what kind of people live in China...
Not really. It's just too crowded in Chinese cities. They are getting the industrial revolution , just too many people.
I'm not sure why people are so aghast at the indifference shown in this incident in China. Not caring about people dying is a global phenomenon. Would it be better if the little girl was 5 months old, had her hands tied behind her back and was shot through the back of the head and then people were indifferent to it? Cos that happens too and no one cares.

Nowadays it seems overboard listening to the "shock" expressed by people at the wanton killing of innocents.

In the time you took to read this post at least 10 kids died of hunger
The same kind of people as live anywhere else.

People here are a little more compassionate...Or maybe just afraid of the law. It needs to be noted that hit and run is a crime here.

I am not going to click that link, Wsi.
I've seen people hit animals and keep going, and that bothers me enough.
People here are a little more compassionate...Or maybe just afraid of the law. It needs to be noted that hit and run is a crime here.

I am not going to click that link, Orly. I've seen people hit animals and keep going, and that bothers me enough.

The problem in China is also the law. If you help an accident victim, you become the prime suspect in the accident and can become the victim of extortion by the relatives of the victim, the way the law works. So who wants to go to prison or pay out for helping a victim? Not too many people.
Sam, You really think there is no difference between someone killed in your presence(that you could help also) and someone killed by an economic or social system, that you may or may not be able to affect directly?
You tell me, nietzsche. What makes one better or worse than the other?
The difference is, helping someone directly reflects your personal honour. It usually provides immediate gratification. Personally I believe changing a social economic system that kills, is pretty pointless as long as people in power profit from it. People do try to change it and not everyone is happy with it, but not much can be done or felt that could be done. Watching a child get run over is completely different from allowing a government to continue that is oppressive.

No one profited from this little one's death. Individuals in China in the cities have no personal Honour. It also promotes a scary reflection of it's society.
Thousands die every day and people don't do anything. Why is this so shocking? The only difference is they came into contact with it and didn't behave differently. If anything it makes them less hypocritical than everyone else.
The problem in China is also the law. If you help an accident victim, you become the prime suspect in the accident and can become the victim of extortion by the relatives of the victim, the way the law works. So who wants to go to prison or pay out for helping a victim? Not too many people.

Is this a fact or something you just heard somewhere? I'm not attacking you, I just find it hard to believe a society could raise it's people to be so aware of a bizarre law like that but not bother to teach the virtue of compassion and helping people in need.
They clearly aren't too bothered about learning how to drive with your eyes open.
The difference is, helping someone directly reflects your personal honour. It usually provides immediate gratification. Personally I believe changing a social economic system that kills, is pretty pointless as long as people in power profit from it. People do try to change it and not everyone is happy with it, but not much can be done or felt that could be done. Watching a child get run over is completely different from allowing a government to continue that is oppressive.

No one profited from this little one's death. Individuals in China in the cities have no personal Honour. It also promotes a scary reflection of it's society.

So basically you're saying that the one affects your sense of honour and the other doesn't. But we're both talking about social responsibility. So what are you going to do about that girl being run over in China, besides being shocked? Well you can't do anything to change the system in China so might as well forget all about it.
Thousands die every day and people don't do anything. Why is this so shocking? The only difference is they came into contact with it and didn't behave differently. If anything it makes them less hypocritical than everyone else.

I'm sure that's what they were thinking when they trundled past on their scooters "Oh look, a child lying bleeding in the road, well that's life I guess, thousands die everyday and I can't help them. Dum de dum de dum".

Is this a fact or something you just heard somewhere? I'm not attacking you, I just find it hard to believe a society could raise it's people to be so aware of a bizarre law like that but not bother to teach the virtue of compassion and helping people in need.
They clearly aren't too bothered about learning how to drive with your eyes open.

Lawsuits like that get a lot of attention on the media:

The Chinese courts set a precedent in 2006 when a young adult trying to help an elderly woman who fell was sued for $6,076.

According to Bloomberg, two separate polls in China determined that the majority of bystanders would NOT help an accident victim.

Since then, the issue of whether or not bystanders should help victims has been under heated debate. And many victims have not received potentially life-saving help for fear of lawsuits.

The Global Times in China has highlighted a number of similar accidents where the victims received no assistance from bystanders. In one incident, the victim only received aid after saying "I fell down myself. You don't need to worry, it's nothing to do with you."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/two-year-old-hit-by-car-in-china-2011-10#ixzz1b39Y2ge9
So basically you're saying that the one affects your sense of honour and the other doesn't. But we're both talking about social responsibility. So what are you going to do about that girl being run over in China, besides being shocked? Well you can't do anything to change the system in China so might as well forget all about it.

True, let's shut this site down and stop watching the news.

In fact, someone please turn off the internet, we don't need it.
Lawsuits like that get a lot of attention on the media:

So growing up in China you are told by your parents that you should not bother to help people just in case you get sued.

I thought we had social problems here in the UK, but wow, sucks to be Chinese.
True, let's shut this site down and stop watching the news.

In fact, someone please turn off the internet, we don't need it.

Thats a different matter entirely. Even if we can't do anything about children dying of hunger every 6 seconds we still like to see that picture of the kid and the vulture. Vicarious sympathy is so self righteous, especially if we can add our opinions of the people who neglect to take action on the victims behalf [as long as we're not talking about ourselves]

And without that CCTV, really who would know or care that some kid had been runover in China? I mean, do YOU pore over hit and run victims around the world? But the shock value makes this one interesting
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