Zimmerman: A New Chapter


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
That Lonely Silence?

Perhaps it is lonely in that quietude following one's fifteen minutes of fame.

Or, to be more precise ... only two months after avoiding domestic violence charges for lack of evidence, acquitted child-killing vigilante George Zimmerman has been arrested yet again.

The man acquitted of criminal charges in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin has been charged with assault and battery following his arrest at the home where he lived with his girlfriend in Florida.

Chief Deputy Dennis Lemma announced the charges Monday during a press conference in Sanford hours after Zimmerman's arrest in nearby Apopka, about 15 miles northwest of Orlando.

(Associated Press)

There really isn't much to add, at this time, except to note that an early version of the AP wire story included Catherine Cantrell, a neighbor who summed up the zeitgeist: "Just when you thought you heard the last of George Zimmerman."


Associated Press. "Deputies: George Zimmerman charged with assault, battery after dispute at girlfriend’s home". November 18, 2013. The Washington Post. November 18, 2013. http://www.washingtonpost.com/natio...f1c59e-5082-11e3-9ee6-2580086d8254_story.html
Does he need to murder another person before we put him in jail where he belongs? :mad: Wtf?
Or, to be more precise ... only two months after avoiding domestic violence charges for lack of evidence, acquitted child-killing vigilante George Zimmerman has been arrested yet again.
Since you are interested in precision, you should edit out the word "again".
If You're Gonna Do It, Do It Right

Maybe. The problem is that no matter what I think of the (ahem!) "justice" that acquitted Zimmerman ....

You know, sometimes people wonder what us liberals do when justice fails. To the other, you'll notice we're not lynching him. We're not laying in wait to "stand our ground" against a known child-killer.

He will, it seems, eventually push this a bit too far. Will it require another death? Perhaps. But that's how it goes in Florida. God bless the U.S.A.

(Oh, and the answer is that if we're going to get him, we want to get him "right". Some of these deputies and officers dealing with him, I'm sure, are tempted to just bury him in a cell and lose the key, but in the end, for justice to be real, it must also be proper.)

Even if he is convicted on a comparatively minor charge—assault and battery, as compared to, say, murder two—it is likely a judge will look at his history and simply throw the book at him.

Whatever credit he might earn with some for having gotten away with killing a black kid for being black, that will wear thin as he continues to embarrass them by demonstrating the true nature of the hero they proclaimed.
Remember Who You're Dealing With

Wegs said:

Well, actually how it sometimes ''works'', is ...people get away with murder.

Well, you know, it's the only fair thing. Like how nobody ever called O.J. Simpson a murderer after his acquittal, you know? To the one, our neighbor is attempting some sort of stupid, distracting pedantry. To the other, though, he must have a point, because we wouldn't possibly have two separate standards for accused murderers controversially acquitted, right?

But look at his other post, about the word "again". I mean, come on, he wants to redefine words in the language in order to have a point.

And that's the difference between colloquialism and literalism. Colloquially, many people still call O.J. Simpson a murderer, even though it would be grossly unfair to apply that standard to George Zimmerman. I'm sure even Russ can agree with that, and maybe even do us the kindness of explaining the difference. But then there is literalism, where we must redefine words like "again" in order to accept the point. I'm sure the explanation for that one is even more interesting.
Well, you know, it's the only fair thing. Like how nobody ever called O.J. Simpson a murderer after his acquittal, you know? To the one, our neighbor is attempting some sort of stupid, distracting pedantry. To the other, though, he must have a point, because we wouldn't possibly have two separate standards for accused murderers controversially acquitted, right?

But look at his other post, about the word "again". I mean, come on, he wants to redefine words in the language in order to have a point.

And that's the difference between colloquialism and literalism. Colloquially, many people still call O.J. Simpson a murderer, even though it would be grossly unfair to apply that standard to George Zimmerman. I'm sure even Russ can agree with that, and maybe even do us the kindness of explaining the difference. But then there is literalism, where we must redefine words like "again" in order to accept the point. I'm sure the explanation for that one is even more interesting.

If memory serves me correctly, Russ believed that GZ acted in self defense, and was therefore justified in killing Trayvon Martin. (from what I recall of the GZ thread, here)


How 'bout dem Seahawks? :rolleyes:

Wegs said:

How 'bout dem Seahawks?


(True, I'm enjoying the hell out of it, but Pete Carroll is the one who lost in Atlanta, last year; given the Seahawks' history in general, I'm not celebrating until after the Super Bowl.)

Oh, right. Well, yes, there are those who accept that claim of self-defense; it was essentially the reason for his acquittal. But O.J. was acquitted because it looked like he was framed, and we still call him a murderer.

There's something about that I'm still missing, though. And I feel like it's kind of obvious.

Any ideas?
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(True, I'm enjoying the hell out of it, but Pete Carroll is the one who lost in Atlanta, last year; given the Seahawks' history in general, I'm not celebrating until after the Super Bowl.)

Oh, right. Well, yes, there are those who accept that claim of self-defense; it was essentially the reason for his acquittal. But O.J. was acquitted because it looked like he was framed, and we still call him a murderer.

There's something about that I'm still missing, though. And I feel like it's kind of obvious.

Any ideas?

Boo Seahawks! And, I will leave that there. :cool:

Hmmm...it does feel obvious. It's just sad.
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No Surprises Here ... Yet

Imagine That ....

Michael Muskal, for the Los Angeles Times:

George Zimmerman, whose battles with the law have captivated the nation for almost two years, was arrested again Monday in Florida on charges of domestic violence, including pointing a weapon at his girlfriend.

Zimmerman, 30, was taken into custody in Apopka, Fla., where he and his girlfriend lived, and taken to the Seminole County jail, Florida officials said. He will spend the night in a 64-square-foot cell and will appear before a judge Tuesday afternoon, Chief Deputy Dennis Lemma said at a televised news conference ....

.... “We’re handling this matter in a manner that we would handle any other domestic violence matter,” despite Zimmerman’s notoriety, Lemma told reporters. Zimmerman is being held in administrative detention, which includes a single cell and hourly visits from jailers, he said.

According to Lemma, officials were notified about 12:30 p.m. of a verbal dispute at the home of Zimmerman’s girlfriend, where the former neighborhood watch volunteer also lived. Lemma said the details were unclear but it appeared that the couple was in the process of breaking up.

The girlfriend said Zimmerman broke a table and pointed “a long-barreled shotgun” at her, Lemma said. Zimmerman pushed the woman out of the home and barricaded the door, he said.

Investigators arrived and eventually entered by using a key and pushing away the furniture, Lemma said. Zimmerman offered no resistance.

He was arrested and booked at the jail about 1 p.m. His court appearance will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Officials are seeking a search warrant to look over the apartment. They think two weapons, which have yet to be recovered, were involved, Lemma said.

Setting aside those who would contest the Times' use of the word "again", there is a lot going on here. Zimmerman is accused (surprise, surprise!) of pointing a shotgun at his girlfriend. This is simply an accusation, as police are still seeking alleged firearms. At this time, however, the details of the allegations are a bit ugly:

The girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, called 911 in the early afternoon to say that Zimmerman had smashed a glass table, threatened her with the shotgun and ultimately pushed her out of the house, according to an arrest report. After pushing her out, Zimmerman barricaded the door with furniture and refused to leave, saying that he would talk to police by phone, authorities said.

Deputies used a key provided by Scheibe to unlock the door and they were able to push through the barricade of items, Chief Deputy Dennis Lemma said at a news conference hours after the arrest ....

.... Scheibe told deputies that the ordeal started with a verbal argument and that she asked Zimmerman to leave the house. Her account in the arrest report says he began packing his belongings, including a shotgun and an assault rifle. She says she began putting his things in the living room and outside the house, and he became upset. At that point, the report says, he took the shotgun out of its case.

"Scheibe then advised Zimmerman that she was calling the Police because she was nervous about why he pulled out the Shotgun. Zimmerman then pointed the Shotgun at Scheibe for a minute, and asked her if she really wanted to do that," the report states. "Scheibe stepped back, at which time Zimmerman smashed a glass coffee table, belonging to Scheibe, with the butt of the Shotgun."

Zimmerman told his girlfriend to leave and smashed a pair of her sunglasses as she walked toward the front door, the report says. Scheibe told deputies that he pushed her out of the house when she got close to the door.

(Associated Press)

Presently, media reports are uncertain about Zimmerman's legal representation, except to say that neither of his attorneys from his murder trial are currently representing him. Reporters have attempted to contact Robert Zimmerman, Jr., George's brother who frequently spoke on his behalf during the murder investigation and trial, but have not heard any response.


Muskal, Michael. "George Zimmerman charged with pointing gun at girlfriend". Nation Now. November 18, 2013. LATimes.com. November 18, 2013. http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-george-zimmerman-arrests-20131118,0,7859772.story

Associated Press. "Girlfriend claims George Zimmerman pointed gun at her". Politico. November 18, 2013. Politico.com. November 18, 2013. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/11/george-zimmerman-arrested-after-disturbance-call-99998.html
Well well..

The psycho is back in the news yet again.

HuffPost had a byline saying it was the girlfriend's home and that she may be pregnant.. Whether that is true or not, no one knows. But they do provide a bit more depth into this latest fiasco and links to other sites which go even more indepth.

That aside:

Channel 9 learned Zimmerman's girlfriend told authorities he broke a table and pointed a long-barreled shotgun at her during a verbal dispute at her home on Topfield Court.

"I'm doing this again? You just broke my glass table, you just broke my sunglasses, and you put your gun in my friggin' face and told me to get the f--- out, this is not your house," Samantha Scheibe can be heard saying on a 911 call.

Scheibe claims she told Zimmerman to leave the home she rents, and that he's been living in since August.

On top of the felony assault charge, Zimmerman also faces battery and criminal mischief charges, according Chief Deputy Dennis Lemma of the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Scheibe is the same woman who was with Zimmerman in September when Shellie Zimmerman called 911 claiming George Zimmerman attacked her.

Scheibe can be heard being forced out of her own home during the 911 call.

"Are you f------ kidding me? He just pushed me out of my house and locked me out," Scheibe said in the 911 call.

Deputies said Zimmerman barricaded himself in the house with furniture at the front door.

While he was barricaded, Zimmerman called 911 too, even though deputies were already outside.

"I just want everyone to know the truth," Zimmerman said in the call.

Soon there will be no one left to believe him.
In America ....

Bells said:

Soon there will be no one left to believe him.

Oh, come now. It's not that bad. He'll always have his devoted cult following. While many who might have supported him much like a swing bloc will eventually get the message, the guy he killed was black, and that means he will always have supporters.

By the time he finally lands in prison, there will be plenty claiming it's a liberal-feminist-black-power-Kenyan-Muslim-communist-Nazi conspiracy to take over the world with the help of banking and Hollywood Jews that starts by sending the only real heroes in our society to prison on trumped up charges. That is to say, this is America; there's always someone to believe you.
I Get It, But Still ....

Look, I Know Many Are Thinking It, But ....

You know ... I get it. Emotion. Reaction. All of that.

But this is flat stupid and irresponsible:

Yes, really. Sigh.
(via Huffington Post)

The number of people who have wondered who would pick a confrontation with Zimmerman and then stand their ground probably escapes reasonable estimation. However, in a culture where people are happy to use shooting metaphors and crosshairs and all that until someone actually gets shot, it would seem to me that we really ought to learn this lesson.

To the other, who knows? Maybe they really are calling for Zimmerman's murder.

I don't care how spectacular its in-town rival, The New York Post likes to be; this is well beyond the pale, and yes, someone needs to trade their job for this "journalistic" atrocity.


"Daily News Wants Someone To 'Stand Their Ground' With George Zimmerman". The Huffington Post. November 19, 2013. HuffingtonPost.com. November 19, 2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/19/daily-news-george-zimmerman_n_4301600.html
Maybe Zimmerman and Mayor Ford can team together for a reality show.

As I said before it is just a matter of time before Zimmerman winds up in jail again and it didn't take him long. The only question is how much damage will he do before that happens.
He's been arrested before so it's quite accurate.
You're right, I erred - I was thinking about that incident a few months ago, when people here - including, I think, Tiassa - said he'd been arrested when he wasn't. But he must have been arrested in 2012 in order to stand trial.