ZERO Tolerance - religious V non religious

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cole grey said:
Obviously there are other factors. Japan and spain, for example were incredibly religious at times in their history - perhaps they are reaping the benefits of having consolidated power structure in the past as opposed to what Kennyjc is saying.

Shinto religion's "Kami" was not anything described as a monotheistic god described in Christianity or Islam. It can't be compared.

Ask a russian who lives in the U.S. whether they want to move back. I know a few of them, and those people I know would literally laugh at you.

Of course they wouldn't go back, but that has nothing to do with religion.
Atheists numbers are growing:

Nonreligious Increasing

Trends in the Growth and Decline of Religion versus Atheism and Agnosticism

Atheist wins discrimination case

Religions are declining:



Two 2004 reports—by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and the Institute for Jewish and Community Research—both raise the “none” group to 16 percent of the U.S. population. This trend toward rationality, away from supernaturalism, someday may weaken the Religious Right.

Yep, slowly but surely, the meak shall inheret the earth. ;)

(Q) said:
That will be the future, Diamondhearts, whether you are willing to accept it or not.

I don't know the future and neither do you.

Your hope is that it wll become majority athiest, but my hope is that Islam will become dominant.

I know the future. This planet will end in a ball of fire and the atoms which now make up your body won't care and won't know anything about Allah or atheism or any of the other silly ideas of humanity.
(Q) said:
Shinto religion's "Kami" was not anything described as a monotheistic god described in Christianity or Islam. It can't be compared.
Please, there was a long period of time where the political head of state was considered divine. Sounds pretty religious to me. We are talking about religion, not a specific religion. There has been no christian society yet on earth, i.e one in accordance with christian ideology, ever, so we can't even know what that would be like. It most certainly, ad infinitum, would not be like conservative americans, for example, would have it.

Of course they wouldn't go back, but that has nothing to do with religion.
Oh, so their society got fucked up, with "nothing to do with religion"? There goes your argument. I thought societies got messed up by religion??!?
Godless said:
Yep, slowly but surely, the meak shall inheret the earth. ;)

I hope the meek do inherit the earth, but you aren't meek, you insist that your way is the only rational way, so your kind will fade, according to your statement.
If there is one way for us to survive, it is for the meek to inherit the earth.

edit- I would hope pray beg insist, etc. that the only way we could ever have a completely christian society is to have the actual return of Christ and have the athiests convert by using their own eyes and believing, and since you guys aren't worried about that ever happening, and I have my doubts about when that will ever literally happen, we don't have to worry about it. If we ever had a "christian" society insisting athiesm be removed from the society, I would leave too, it is just too unreasonable.
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edit- I would hope pray beg insist, etc. that the only way we could ever have a completely christian society is to have the actual return of Christ and have the athiests convert by using their own eyes and believing, and since you guys aren't worried about that ever happening, and I have my doubts about when that will ever literally happen, we don't have to worry about it. If we ever had a "christian" society insisting athiesm be removed from the society, I would leave too, it is just too unreasonable.

It's been 2500 years, it's time to give it up. The prophesis of jesus return was supposed to have happened during the life time of his disiples, it didn't! It has't, and it will never happen. Jesus is dead. :rolleyes: He was a demi-god created 100 years or so after the fact, we don't have proof of him ever even existed, it's all mythical bs, made to manipulate the masses. Once people start accepting that we are on our own, perhaps we be united by "reason" to survive.

Godless said:
It's been 2500 years, it's time to give it up. The prophesis of jesus return was supposed to have happened during the life time of his disiples, it didn't! It has't, and it will never happen. Jesus is dead. :rolleyes: He was a demi-god created 100 years or so after the fact, we don't have proof of him ever even existed, it's all mythical bs, made to manipulate the masses. Once people start accepting that we are on our own, perhaps we be united by "reason" to survive.

That's ok. I'll stick with my meek, "you believe what you believe and I'll believe what i believe", and "can't we all just get along?", and I get to be here on the earth when the inheritence comes through.
Have fun wherever your kind goes. Maybe you get to be part of the super-race that makes a new start on some space station, while the loser race of humanity stays here, good for you.
I'm just messing around obviously, but a little bit of realising that other people might not be as dumb and irrational as you think they are wouldn't hurt you at all.
But you're alright, at least you care about spiritual matters enough to always be talking about them. Hahaha.
Well cole, my background does involve religion, I was idoctrinated catholic as a child, became christian in my early teens, a babtist by my later teens, and an atheist as an adult. I just grew out of religion ;)

Have fun wherever your kind goes.

My kind? Humans die, and perish, wether they believe in fary tales or not. There's no life after death. For anyone. Jesus proved that! since he hasn't been back for the past 2500 years :p

I'm just messing around obviously, but a little bit of realising that other people might not be as dumb and irrational as you think they are wouldn't hurt you at all.

I don't assume everyone is dumb, just mislead. ;) BTW I have lots of friends that are religious, i get along just fine.

But you're alright, at least you care about spiritual matters enough to always be talking about them.

How can one avoid it? when the main stream believe us to be outcasts!

I'm only here to settle a score against main stream thought and rhetoric.

Godless said:
My kind? Humans die, and perish, wether they believe in fary tales or not. There's no life after death. For anyone. Jesus proved that! since he hasn't been back for the past 2500 years :p
Your kind= the not meek. I hope you have read enough of my posts to understand i wasn't talking about hell or any of that, i was just playing with the idea that the meek inherit the earth, and you don't, NOT relating to the athiest/theist thing at all. The actual working out of the meek inheriting the earth is far too full of conjecture to really literally argue about, but i didn't mean the afterlife or hell or whatever. Just so you know.
I'm only here to settle a score against main stream thought and rhetoric.

Good luck with that one, hahaha.
No seriously, I hope the psychological factors involving religion and your (now) freedom from it are all worked out in the best possible way. Perhaps you will get to the point someday where you are truly uninfluenced by the negative religious experiences you had and perceive, and can experience spirituality in a way that is unbiased, which for you may be a complete lack of influence of it in your life, it is not my place to judge that. I do think you show signs of it still being a wound of some sort, or you wouldn't be SO vigilant in your attacks, but I have my own issues to work out/figure out, so whatever.
DiamondHearts said:
I don't know the future and neither do you.

Your hope is that it wll become majority athiest, but my hope is that Islam will become dominant.

Since your way of life is based on faith and not reality, yours can be the only hope.
cole grey said:
Please, there was a long period of time where the political head of state was considered divine. Sounds pretty religious to me.

Perhaps you may wish to check the definition of religion, then.

Oh, so their society got fucked up, with "nothing to do with religion"? There goes your argument. I thought societies got messed up by religion??!?

You sure like to words in everyone elses mouth, don't ya?

Who said they're society was fucked up?
(Q) said:
Perhaps you may wish to check the definition of religion, then.
Perhaps you should look up the definition of "divine". I have a pretty well-founded idea that "divinity" can only be involved in a religious society of some sort. An athiest, for example, would say there is nothine "divine", because it implies a spiritual heirarchy, and the existence of God or Gods.
Maybe you would say that the Japanese religious life in that historical period is acceptable, because it isn't as bad as the monotheistic religions, but I thought we were talking about religion as a whole.

You sure like to words in everyone elses mouth, don't ya?
Who said they're society was fucked up?
The people from the ussr said it to me, three different cases from three different situations, I didn't make it up. They would laugh at you if you said the USA (an example to you of a more religious society), wasn't way better. I personallly have no experience in which is better.
Russia is on the 'top 50 list of least religious countries' that I looked at.
Perhaps you were saying the reason they wouldn't want to go back is not because it is messed up, but I thought you would agree with them and say, ok your country is messed up, but not because of religion- that is what it looked like you were saying. Please feel free to explain what you meant, when you agreed they would not want to go back, but not because of religion.

What about africa? They weren't involved in organized religion until missionaries came (besides the northern parts of the continent at least), so basically for a long long time, and I'm quite sure you wouldn't want to have been born in a randomly chosen african country instead of a religious european one. Things are very rough in some areas due to ethnic wars.
The entire argument between both groups I find laughable. Deplorable, from a logical or sane point of view. The idea of "better" and "worse" are speculative, which is why there's fighting in the first place. It's not zero tolerance, really, it's just a lack of open mindedness. And because these two extremes are entirely speculative, neither side will ever "win" unless they STOP fighting.

Heh, religious conflict is going to be the end of the world one day...
Well having read all the posts here, it seems to me that athiests are more intolerant towards religious mindset than than the religious are of the athiest mindset. Is this a correct and fair conclusion reading through the posts?

Religious want to remain true to their belief system but athiests actually seem keener on trying to 'convert' others to their non belief system.

Why is it so important to religious and athiest to spread their view as far and wide as possible? Why can you not hold your view privately and live accordingly by whatever rules/morals you set yourselves..why the need to go forth and multiply?

Can only be one reason...power/strength in numbers...what do want this power for?

Power to effect social change? Power to influence political system? Power to weald over others? What
Meanwhile re poll, so far the majority (slight) poller believes in God which surprises me as this is science forum, so inspite of science, belief in God remains strong, even though religion is being increasingly rejected.
Avatar said:
I know the future. This planet will end in a ball of fire and the atoms which now make up your body won't care and won't know anything about Allah or atheism or any of the other silly ideas of humanity.


Theoryofrelativity said:
Well having read all the posts here, it seems to me that athiests are more intolerant towards religious mindset than than the religious are of the athiest mindset. Is this a correct and fair conclusion reading through the posts?

Religious want to remain true to their belief system but athiests actually seem keener on trying to 'convert' others to their non belief system.

Why is it so important to religious and athiest to spread their view as far and wide as possible? Why can you not hold your view privately and live accordingly by whatever rules/morals you set yourselves..why the need to go forth and multiply?

Can only be one reason...power/strength in numbers...what do want this power for?

Power to effect social change? Power to influence political system? Power to weald over others? What

i agree totaly, i touched on this subject a while ago,

i wanted to vote on the poll, but i am unsure wich one to vote for?

i dont class myself as any of those, what does a daoist class as?, because daoism dosent ever speak of "god/s" so is it a religion if t has nothing to do with gods? only understanding of human nature, the universe and the natural flow of existence,

give me a seperate daoist vote selection please,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
i wanted to vote on the poll, but i am unsure wich one to vote for?

i dont class myself as any of those, what does a daoist class as?, because daoism dosent ever speak of "god/s" so is it a religion if t has nothing to do with gods? only understanding of human nature, the universe and the natural flow of existence,

give me a seperate daoist vote selection please,


I would say its a religion? There is daoist religion (numerous hells and heavens!) and then there is the philosophy.