Youtube- Prime Witness?

My guess is that they'll be convicted - and rightly so. Otherwise, how are we to distinguish them from the criminals?

The one on the ground is the criminal.

Yes, but more importantly is how do we get criminals to stop victimizing innocent people?

These people dont care about going to prison but if the thought they were going to get their asses kicked they would certainly think twice. I really dont care that he was hit a few times in order to get him to comply.

Similarly, if I commit a crime and get a few puches before the cuff's are on...well it goes with the territory.

People are getting tired of being preyed upon, and when it comes to losing our rights just thank the ACLU.
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Yes, but more importantly is how do we get criminals to stop victimizing innocent people?

Well, with stuff like this video happening all the time, plus the media crying "Wolf!" at everything the cops do, .......there's nothing that we can do. The scumbags are being protected at every turn, while the cops' hands are being tied ever tighter and tighter.

Did you know that in some major cities, the cops have announced that they won't arrest or even bother small-time drug deals any more? Just think about that for one little moment ...they actually announced that to the media! They're simply saying that you're permitted to indulge in a crime, and the cops won't do shit about it.

People are getting tired of being preyed upon,...

Well, no, John, that's actually not true. People always think, and will continue to think, that it's always the other guy, not themselves, who gets robbed or assaulted. So they aren't getting tired of it ...they still prefer to give the criminals every single chance to get off, while admonishing the cops for trying to stop the scumbags.

No, John, the people aren't getting tired of it, or they'd do something about it.

Baron Max
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People are getting tired of being preyed upon, and when it comes to losing our rights just thank the ACLU.

Explain how.
No, wait, don't.

The world is getting cyberpunk as shit. I'm waiting for it to get all Strange Days and William Gibson.

We're headed for a virtual reality. They've already got virtual economies. Did you know that you can make about $3.5/hour playing Everquest?

Technology's increasingly important role for our ethics and our laws. And we don't really seem to notice. I think I'm terrified.

But I'd like to see things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. Watch C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.

Oh well. Not that cyberpunk. Yet.
If you're resisting arrest, you have all ready sacrificed your right to not get your ass beaten down by the police.

You are -assaulting a public servant of the law-. What do you expect?

Youtube changes nothing. Why? Because the majority of files are not going to be experienced by many people, nor are they worth experiencing. They are mostly superfluous.
I'm curious .....can those videos be editted in any way? And if so, they can't be used in a court of law. So if that's the case, then all this is is sensationalist bullshit!

Baron Max
If you're resisting arrest, you have all ready sacrificed your right to not get your ass beaten down by the police.

You are -assaulting a public servant of the law-. What do you expect?

Youtube changes nothing. Why? Because the majority of files are not going to be experienced by many people, nor are they worth experiencing. They are mostly superfluous.

Horseshit. Their right to restrain you consists of using their training to do a professional job, not having one hold you while the other punches you in the stomach. I think some of them take the batteries out of their tasers so they can pretend they used them and they didn't work.

What do I expect from a public servant? I expect professionalism. They make twice as much as most workers do.
Horseshit. Their right to restrain you consists of using their training to do a professional job, not having one hold you while the other punches you in the stomach. I think some of them take the batteries out of their tasers so they can pretend they used them and they didn't work.

What do I expect from a public servant? I expect professionalism. They make twice as much as most workers do.

What are they supposed to do roll around on the ground and wrestle with this a-hole?... would you? what if the criminal gets your gun and kills everyone, including the witness with the camera? this looks like it was set up anyway.
Yeah, right, John. What if the criminal gets the gun because the damn fool law enforcement people were playing their games?
i read an interesting quote:
"there are 2 things that shouldn't be shown how it's made, arrests and sausage"
Interesting post's guy's. Looks like CDKey went out for saturday night, prolly on a date. Bet he picked her up on horseback....funny i allways envision CDKey posting in a tight camo tank top.
Interesting post's guy's. Looks like CDKey went out for saturday night, prolly on a date. Bet he picked her up on horseback....funny i allways envision CDKey posting in a tight camo tank top.

Too cold for horseback ;)
Expert: LAPD Officers' Behavior Not Unreasonable

Updated 6:43 PM ET November 11, 2006 (ABC News)

A disturbing video is sparking new allegations of police brutality. A videotape posted on the Web site shows Los Angeles police officers hitting 24-year-old William Cardenas during an arrest.

At one point in the video an officer is seen sitting on Cardenas as a second officer places his knee on the man's neck and punches him six times. Cardenas is lying on his back, waving his arms and yelling, "I can't breathe!"

The FBI and the LAPD are investigating the two officers suspected of using excessive force against a suspect. But Rod Wheeler, a crime-fighting expert and former homicide investigator, says it looks to him like police exerted reasonable force during the arrest.

"I've been in this situation before. The first thing you want to do is subdue the suspect. You talk to the suspect and tell them to cooperate," Wheeler said. "Remember, what we see on the YouTube video is a very small part of what happened. You don't see what leads to the arrest." Wheeler said that the YouTube video only shows one side of the story. "What you don't see is the pressure he's exerting on the officers," Wheeler said. "And they only begin hitting him in the face when he starts trying to raise his arms. They were also trying to get handcuffs on him, which is very difficult to do when someone does not want to be handcuffed." Wheeler said that Cardenas' cry that he couldn't breathe could have been a tactic to resist arrest. "Suspects say it all the time because they want you to release your hold on them. They can grab your weapon and do anything," he said. "You never see him actually going limp or surrendering."

According to Wheeler, force becomes excessive when its exerted after the suspect is under control. "The law clearly states that officers of the law can use enough force necessary to subdue and affect an arrest," he said. "The officer crosses the line when he's in control and he continues to exert force -- that's when it becomes excessive."

Just thought y'all would like some "expert's" viewpoint.

Baron Max
That expert is a horse's ass and a bully. They only begin hitting his face when he starts trying to raise his arms? Does this guy even know what he's saying?

The action in the video is quite plain. The two officers have the man on the ground and are holding both his hands, one over his face. One of them has his knee on the man's neck which is slowly suffocating him and harming the blood flow to his brain. The one with his knee on the suspect's neck was holding the suspect's hand in front of the suspect's fact, then moves the hand out of the way and releases it so that he can punch the suspect repeatedly in the face. That officer certainly did cross the line into felony assault. The knee on the neck itself is enough reason to charge the officer with a felony.

The officer had the suspect down and put himself in jeopardy by releasing his hand to beat him. I wish that this officer had been severely injured for being an idiot. Police departments don't sort out idiots like the officer in the tape or like Rod Wheeler.
The action in the video is quite plain.

Can such videos be edited?

And interestingly, even beyond that, aren't people innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Should we make such pronouncements of a persons guilt because of some video that might not show everything that happened or when?

Baron Max
all this hoopla about some gang member being punched in the face and CLEARLY saying "i can't breath" and not a single word from you fuckers about this:
Posted November 12 2006, 1:05 AM EST
Two Broward Sheriff's Office deputies were shot in Tamarac late Saturday night, authorities said.
The deputies were taken to Broward General Medical Center, said spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright.
The shooting happened near the 8600 block of West Commercial Boulevard about 11:30 p.m.
The Broward Sheriff's Office has one suspect in custody, Wright added.
A search is underway for additional suspects.
One Broward Sheriff's Office deputy was killed and another wounded after shots were fired during a traffic stop at a Tamarac condominium, according to authorities.
BSO deputy Brian Tephford was working special duty at the Versailles Gardens condominium, said Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright.
Tephford was making a routine traffic stop involving two vehicles around 11 p.m. when he placed a call for backup. Deputy Cory Carbocci arrived minutes later.
Some time after Carbocci arrived shots were fired, Coleman-Wright said.
Tephford, who was not wearing a protective vest, was hit twice, while Carbocci, who did have a protective vest, was shot four times, according to police.
The shooting took place in the 8000 block of West Colony Circle.
It is believed the deputies were taken by surprise, and did not have time to draw their weapons, police said.
"It was a routine traffic stop, but what was not routine about this was the violence that ensued," said Sheriff Ken Jenne.
Both officers were rushed to Broward General Medical Center.
Tephford, 34, a six-year veteran of the Broward Sheriff's Office, was pronounced dead at 12:01 a.m., according to Coleman-Wright.
Tephford leaves behind a set of young twins and a four-year-old daughter.
If you're resisting arrest, you have all ready sacrificed your right to not get your ass beaten down by the police.

Only in some countries.

You are -assaulting a public servant of the law-. What do you expect?
You expect that the public servant of the law acts with restraint whenever possible. In some countries they actually train to solve problems with other skills than violence.

Youtube changes nothing. Why? Because the majority of files are not going to be experienced by many people, nor are they worth experiencing. They are mostly superfluous.

Post a video of Bush sucking the cock of Dick Cheney and enjoying it. i can assure you something will change.
"It was a routine traffic stop, but what was not routine about this was the violence that ensued," said Sheriff Ken Jenne.

Doesn't this say it all?

Anyway the topic is Youtube and its impact on society through ad hoc amateur journalism, not police brutality
Anyway the topic is Youtube and its impact on society through ad hoc amateur journalism, ...

But I think that's just it, Sam, it's not "journalism", it's simply sensationalism for the sake of getting people all excited and upset and angry and tense and nervous and reactionary and violent and argumentative and hating and.....

See? "A picture is worth a thousand words" has come back to haunt us! Just look at how that one video has divided us here at sciforms (and elsewhere in the nation), without anyone actually knowing what the hell actually happened or why. We look at the picture and automatically jump to conclusions and judgements ....because that's easier than trying to find out all of the facts surrounding the video.

Baron Max