Youtube- Prime Witness?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
An investigation is under way after a video of a man being repeatedly beaten by Los Angeles police officers was posted on the internet site YouTube.

The video shows two officers punching William Cardenas in the face and pinning him to the ground with a knee to the neck, while he struggles.

The incident in Hollywood occurred in August and was filmed by a local.

A report by the two officers said Mr Cardenas resisted arrest and they feared he would try to grab their guns.

In the footage, the struggling Mr Cardenas can be heard complaining that he cannot breathe as one of the officers presses down on his throat with his leg.

Will Youtube change how society perceives itself and others?

What do you think?
Guilty until proven innocent in a court of law!

That's exactly what such "news films" have created. They show only parts of the real action, then everyone takes it at face value ....and usually convicts the participants without benefit of trial or even allowing presentation of other evidence.

According to other news I've read, the man refused to surrender to police when asked nicely, then resisted arrest by fighting with the police. The film-maker only shows the last part of the film .....for sensationalistic outrage.

Baron Max
Ehh, I think if they wanted the guy so bad why didn't they just wait around and try talking him down. Instead they do what mindless drones will, attack, hurt, and nearly kill a man that's not even engaged them in a physical confrontation. I'm sorry but if you don't hit me I am certainly not going to hit you, or try using force to restrain you. There's no logic here :-Z
An investigation is under way after a video of a man being repeatedly beaten by Los Angeles police officers was posted on the internet site YouTube.

Will Youtube change how society perceives itself and others?

What do you think?

Will it? Hell yes it will. It's already begun. And think about how new it still is! Think about how many potential uses it may have that people have not yet thought of. It's just crazy... the magnitude of people that watch these videos and also contribute videos. That number is only going to grow. It's not wonder Google purchased Youtube. Very wise decision they made.
Ehh, I think if they wanted the guy so bad why didn't they just wait around and try talking him down. Instead they do what mindless drones will, attack, hurt, and nearly kill a man that's not even engaged them in a physical confrontation. I'm sorry but if you don't hit me I am certainly not going to hit you, or try using force to restrain you. There's no logic here :-Z

These people think you're attacking them if you hold your hands in front of your face to try to deflect them from hitting you.
Ehh, I think if they wanted the guy so bad why didn't they just wait around and try talking him down.

Yeah, just let the cops stand around and wait on the guy to make up his mind to surrender. What the hell, cops ain't got nothing better to do, right? I mean, there's hardly any crime anywhere in the nation, so they have tons of time to sit around and on a criminal to give up peacefully.

Hell, for that matter, if the guy didn't want to surrender to the cops, why didn't they just let him go his merry way?! If criminals don't want to give up, then ...what the hell, let 'em go.

Baron Max
in a normal job if someone such as these police officers was shown to be guilty of such a thing they would be fired. not so with police officers, they are reassigned to other departments. the media doesn't report that part and i wonder why.

about the video itself, it is taken out of context. nuff said.

if the man couldn't breath how can he say "i can't breath" over and over?
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CDKey: why do you stick up for criminals?

Anyway, he probably got beaten worse when he was "jumped in" to his gang. Very convenient to have a camera rolling for the law suit.

edit: doesnt look that bad to me.

Will Youtube change how society perceives itself and others?

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CDKey: why do you stick up for criminals?

Anyway, he probably got beaten worse when he was "jumped in" to his gang. Very convenient to have a camera rolling for the law suit.

edit: everything looks to be by the book to me.

Why are you so quick to jump to conclusions?:)

I just saw the news that the release of this video on youtube had resulted in the investigation of the two officers.

Mass media is a very powerful tool for manipulation; if a video online can have such powers what are the possibilities of its use/misuse?

Of course, most of the people here have got sidetracked by the video and ignored my question. Which, in a strange way, proves my point! :p
Right, but when things are taken out of context they ceases to be usefull or accurate except for sensationalism and propoganda.

If you check this guys record I am sure you will find him to be a career criminal whose victims are mainly the poor and minorities, this guy is\was a violent offender (from what i have read) and well known to the police.
CDKey: why do you stick up for criminals?
Don't be an idiot. Life isn't that simple.

For once I sort of agree with Baron Max:
Guilty until proven innocent in a court of law!

That's exactly what such "news films" have created. They show only parts of the real action, then everyone takes it at face value ....and usually convicts the participants without benefit of trial or even allowing presentation of other evidence.

According to other news I've read, the man refused to surrender to police when asked nicely, then resisted arrest by fighting with the police. The film-maker only shows the last part of the film .....for sensationalistic outrage.

Baron Max
It's impossible to say what's going on here without the context. Those punches look completely unprovoked, but that's just my roots showing.

What does YouTube mean for society? I haven't the foggiest. Nothing, probably. If users try to use it to enhance democracy in some way - which I think is what you're asking - the opponents of democracy will sue it out of existence.
Well you called me an idiot,

Here is Sam's headline:

An investigation is under way after a video of a man being repeatedly beaten by Los Angeles police officers was posted on the internet site YouTube.

It seemed as though CDKey did not know the circumstances, or what it is like to live in rough part of town.
Well you called me an idiot
No, I said that you were being one, not that you are one. I chose my words carefully. I'm sure that your state of idiocy was temporary. ;)
It seemed as though CDKey did not know the circumstances, or what it is like to live in rough part of town.
The police have an obligation to be professional. Minimum use of force and all that. Therefore, even in that short clip, it's obvious that they weren't playing by the rules. My guess is that they'll be convicted - and rightly so. Otherwise, how are we to distinguish them from the criminals?