Your War on Drugs

duendy said:
here in te UK we have a really serious problem of young people drinking alcohol. Seriously, in our cities any weekend you see groups of young poeple fallin over, fighting--and tis includes females more and more--, vomiting, pissing, faling into te road, lying uncpnscious on the street, etcetc. it is a major problem, and unlikesome other Eurpopean countries where young people seem to be more mature and ca handle alcohol, we seem not to be able tp. some pople teproblem goes much deeper

on top of this is the alcohl industry which promotes free alcohol --like on te continent, and also makes it taste like fruit, so itis easier to ge toally drunk quickly without realizing it

we alao have minors drining in groups, as young as 10

so whathas te government just done??????

whyyyy it has increased licensing hours to a potential 24 hour what!!.....

now can you see te intelligence of tis move? they believe that by increasingopening hours this will somhow stop binge drinkin

they are a fukin ship of fools is what they are. on te gin temselves no doubt

but tis shows te utter farce, surreal ukin comedy of where we are at. at te mercy of dickhaeds managing our lives, communities....get me

tese same pople tel us that cannabis is wrong, evil etc, whilst pushing the liquid drug, lcohol dwn everyones throat and at te same time mkin a hefty packet outta it. cause you ca bet where te money's going

these same silly fukers have made it a life sentence offense to have fresh magic mushrooms
and persecute people who need cannabis for major chronic pain.

as you kno, alcohol is a poison. te activ ingredient , behind all te schmalzy colour andpackagin i a colorless liquid/alcohol. and tis stuff can insidiously waste yer liver WITHOUT any signs till its too late....etc. yet despite that te fukers in power hypocritially preach to us ADULTS what we ca and cannot put into our bodies, an we put up wit teir bullcrap. why aren't we all fiercly protesting these usless managers??

yeah there is tons of teenagers drinking in england, but london is worse, tons of little kids doing all kids of drugs, crack weed. coke, pills,

but if you ban drugs you shouldent sell tobacco and booze, or caffene or a number of herbal treatments, the laws on drugs is BS lets be honest, we all know the government just outlaw drugs for money,

if you think the government places laws down its all for money power and control, nothing else, they dont care about health of the people, they elt thousands die from smoking and drinking, and bad foods, and they encourage it, and profit from it, they outlaw weed and throw dealers in jail, simply because the dealer makes money thats untaxed, and they want piece of the pie,

shaman_ said:
I think there are some that are too dangerous to ever be made legal.
People have to be free to serve as bad examples. You have to be willing to let a few people sacrifice themselves to illustrate the wisdom of the moral standards your society hands down. Otherwise they end up being like biblical crap, nobody remembers why we're not supposed to eat pork but it must be a good idea because it was a good idea four thousand years ago when pigs ate nothing but garbage.

The circumstances that make something a bad idea can slowly change and we have to be able to monitor that. When coffee first became popular in the U.S., it was brewed much stronger than it is today. There were plenty of high-profile incidents of people behaving dangerously crazy when they were high on caffeine. There's no such thing as something "too dangerous to ever be made legal" unless you're talking at the level of nuclear weapons.

How strange that the things that really ARE too dangereous to ever be made legal are things that already are legal.
No kidding, Frag. The really dangerous stuff is like nuclear missiles, or overpopulation, or existential misery. No one talks about that. Can you say "democracy is a failure"?

I knew you could.

Some people can take drugs, and come out okay. I don't want to pay for enforcement or treatment programs. Let them kill off the unwary and the gene pool be stronger, both for those who don't take them and those who are able to take drugs and live normally anyway.
Fraggle Rocker said:
People have to be free to serve as bad examples. You have to be willing to let a few people sacrifice themselves to illustrate the wisdom of the moral standards your society hands down. Otherwise they end up being like biblical crap, nobody remembers why we're not supposed to eat pork but it must be a good idea because it was a good idea four thousand years ago when pigs ate nothing but garbage.

The circumstances that make something a bad idea can slowly change and we have to be able to monitor that.
Can you forsee a time or circumstance where taking heroin wouldn't be a bad idea?

Fraggle Rocker said:
When coffee first became popular in the U.S., it was brewed much stronger than it is today. There were plenty of high-profile incidents of people behaving dangerously crazy when they were high on caffeine. There's no such thing as something "too dangerous to ever be made legal" .....
From what I know about heroin - yes there is.

I feel that this drug is too addictive to just let kids find out for themselves and be an example to others.

Fraggle Rocker said:
How strange that the things that really ARE too dangereous to ever be made legal are things that already are legal.
I agree but that does not mean we should give up and make everything else legal. (I don't think you were saying that)
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I should mention that I have seen the damage that heroin can do to life and family. Perhaps these experiences have clouded my thinking and made me less logical than usual.
shaman_ said:
Can you forsee a time or circumstance where taking heroin wouldn't be a bad idea?

Sure, if I had a terminal illness I wouldn't hesitate to take heroin (or cocaine or whatever). There's a whole slew of opiod painkillers that are WAY gnarlier than heroin that are designed for just such a situation. When you're going to die in a few months' time and are in constant pain, heroin makes a lot of sense.

It should also be mentioned that there are lots of users of heroin (and other drugs) who go for years and years without it destroying their lives. Not that it's healthy for them, but not everybody ends up a mess. Not that I'm recommending heroin, but there do exist people who can handle it.

shaman_ said:
I feel that this drug is too addictive to just let kids find out for themselves and be an example to others.

Well, you can still tell kids that heroin is bad even if you don't send them to jail for using it. Likewise, I'm sure you'll tell your kids about the harmful effects of alcohol and smoking. As I'm sure you've noticed, criminalizing drugs is a remarkably ineffective way to curb their use.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
but if you ban drugs you shouldent sell tobacco and booze,

Yeah, smoking and drinking are much worse than most illegal drugs. You have to get up into the really hard stuff like meth and heroin to find drugs as harmful as the legal ones.