Your top-five faiths, according to Belief-o-Matic

Which FIVE faiths most closely match your beliefs, according to Belief-o-Matic?

  • Total voters
1. Sikhism (100%)
2. Reform Judaism (83%)
3. Orthodox Judaism (82%)
4. Bahá'í Faith (81%)
5. Liberal Quakers (73%)
6. Islam (72%)
Zak, I'm 7% more Islamic than you! I've always said us conservative Christians had a lot in common with Islam, but who knew I was more Muslim than Muslim! Also, I was the first vote for Islam. LOL
1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (90%)
3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (84%)
4. Bahá'í Faith (81%)
5. Islam (79%)
6. Orthodox Judaism (79%)
7. Eastern Orthodox (77%)
8. Roman Catholic (77%)
9. Jehovah's Witness (76%)
10. Seventh Day Adventist (72%)
It actually came out pretty accurately, I'd say. But what the heck is the Baha'i' Faith?
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I wonder if anybody has actually changed religions because of this. You know, like a Baptist wondering, "Why does it think I'm a Quaker?" and then, after looking into the question, converting? I mean, I don't expect a "Mainline Liberal Protestant" to suddenly become a Theravada Buddhist, but it could happen.

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Check it out:

It's Iranian in its origin.
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1. Secular Humanism 100%
2. Unitarian Universalism 92%
3. Nontheist 83%
4. Liberal Quaker 69%
5. Theravada Buddhism 64%
I like liberal quakers.
They've got the best chairs.
So do I. They also have the best cheeses, made the old fashioned way. Not sure if the local ones I've met are liberal or Orthodox though. They dress in black mostly and ride in horse-drawn buggies. :shrug:
I think I may have misinterpreted a couple of questions, but my results are:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
3. Nontheist (81%)
4. Liberal Quakers (79%)
5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)
A lot of people here are humanists. Some who think they are religious actually have more humanist values than ones that adhere to the religion they think they are.
That covers Humanism - but what about Unitarian Universalists, Liberal Quakers and Theravada Buddhists?
1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
3. Nontheist (76%)
4. Liberal Quakers (73%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (65%)
So do I. They also have the best cheeses, made the old fashioned way. Not sure if the local ones I've met are liberal or Orthodox though. They dress in black mostly and ride in horse-drawn buggies. :shrug:

And the Jehovahs witnesses have got the best free magazines.
A lot of people here are humanists. Some who think they are religious actually have more humanist values than ones that adhere to the religion they think they are.

Perhaps the opposite is also true.
I would say that humanism is something like a cross between Buddhism and Christianity. It is moral Christianity minus the worship, plus scientific principles.

Is there humanism among educated Muslims, Hindus, Mahommedans etc?
Or would they call it something different. Please tell us.

I believe that Jewish people with humanist type views consider still themselves Jewish.
Its a lifestyle and way of thinking as well as a belief.

In a similar manner, as a non-practising Catholic, I recognise that 90% of my mindset
is still what they drummed into me, and humanist wasn't one of my choices.
Zak, I'm 7% more Islamic than you! I've always said us conservative Christians had a lot in common with Islam, but who knew I was more Muslim than Muslim! Also, I was the first vote for Islam. LOL

It actually came out pretty accurately, I'd say. But what the heck is the Baha'i' Faith?



you are right the christians jews and Muslims have more in common than not, which is why the fighting we see in this world between people of these faiths is even more tragdic
