Your reasons for being athiest or christian etc...?

Originally posted by answers
My view of witch craft or whatever I have just descibed, is that they contact and use the power of demons. I say that this is similar to New Age, because they do channeling, I believe the power channeled comes from demons.

Since you used my post as an example of new age I feel I have to explain myself further.
I don't call my belief new age, I'm not into any withcraft of any kind. But I do think your perception of both new age and withcraft is totally opposite of the perception of those who practise it. So who is right? I don't know, and it really doesn't matter. But your perception of my beleif doesn't align with mine if you think I'm channeling demons or whatever.
You can fantasize all you want about what other people are doing , but unless you in fact are them, you can never know for sure, so why are you attacking another beliefsystem like this? Are you afraid that demons will come and get you if you don't act like an exemplaric christian and call everything that does not follow the bible for the devils work? Thou shall not judge?
But witches are good - they roam around vanquishing evil demons. Doesn't anyone watch TV anymore?:)
Originally posted by answers
Okay, I think I musn't have written correctly regarding my reference to witch craft. I have only read about New Age, not Witch craft. The only knowledge I have about witch craft is from witches that I knew at school. One was talking to me about being a witch after she stopped being one. She said that she used to do spells and everything, until she started hearing voices in her head, and then she quite because she was freaked out. Since then the voices have stopped. Another witch I didn't know personally, I knew of her through my pretty much best friend for five years all through high school. He told me nothing much happened with her witch craft, except that one time when she was offering up a hate letter to the fairies (lol she was pretty funny apparantly) the corner of the letter caught on fire. My view of witch craft or whatever I have just descibed, is that they contact and use the power of demons. I say that this is similar to New Age, because they do channeling, I believe the power channeled comes from demons. My friend I mentioned just before, used to be into all that spiritualist stuff. He used to see peoples auras and be able to interpret them (just people walking down the street etc) he could see gosts etc... Not going to go into detail as most of you people don't know the guy like I do, and probably would just think his insane. But anyway, I guess I'm just judging witch craft from the people I know who have called themselves witches, were they lying to me? Were they something different?

Anyway CyA's
M*W: First, I will admit to being a witch, but in Texas we spell it with a "b!"

Secondly, I want to comment on your friend who started hearing voices after practicing wicca. I am in the medical profession, and I have seen a large number of patients who may or may not be schizophrenic or have multiple personality disorder. A goodly number of people who get caught up in ANY religion seek that religion out to hopefully find a cure to their problems. It's kinda like self-medicating but with an organization. I've seen this occur mostly in those who sought Christian denominations. Sometimes in Catholics who sought Protestant denominations. I don't think I can recall one instance of someone seeking out witchcraft. I'm not talking about people who logically and rationally have studied a particular religion and persue a different path, I'm talking about people who hear voices that could be paranoid and/or schizophrenic fervently grasping at yet another organization. It's like an addiction. The main premise of wicca is "first, do no harm." That's the kind of wicca I've read about. Ultimately, practicing wicca is the same thing as worshipping the Creator and Creation. What else is there? I hope I haven't confused you. If I did, please ask me some questions.
So, the problem with witchcraft and new age teaching isn't that they are wrong and useless, but that they actually WORK, and the work is caused by a demon????

So, what about new age beliefs that heal people, are you saying that demons can heal people? So, they must not be that bad then. ;)
I only know about New Age and Witch Craft practices from what witches and new agers have told me. Eg. meditation, crystals that have 'power', channeling, reading auras, etc. I read a book on it, but it was old, and didn't mention any of the newer stuff like the cyrstals, channeling, etc. I'll have to read the other new age book I have before I can go into anymore detail.

But I really should read more about the new age and all that, seeing that there's a new age crystal shop next door to the christian book shop that I work in, and there is a wicc shop over the road, and then on the sunday markets there are 4 new age stalls on the street outside :p Nah the area around where I live is well known for its witches and new agers. But I'll definetly learn more about them, maybe in a month I'll come back and post some more on them when I'm not so ignorant. Any helpful links would be good, if anyone knows of them. Thanks

Originally posted by spidergoat
So, the problem with witchcraft and new age teaching isn't that they are wrong and useless, but that they actually WORK, and the work is caused by a demon????

So, what about new age beliefs that heal people, are you saying that demons can heal people? So, they must not be that bad then. ;)
M*W: Wicca was the first religion, the worship of nature--everything that was put in this world was put there for our well-being and survival. Let me put it this way... "Believing makes it so." The power to make things happen comes from WITHIN. (Same place where the Kingdom of God is). Demons, on the other hand, would be entities "somewhere out there." Hopefully, they're not from within. Demons would actually fear a Wiccan, because of the power they know they have within. Let's call it "positive thinking" for lack of a better term, or we could call it "high self-esteem." Now, I don't personally know any demons, but if I did, I would say that they would fear a person who thinks positively and has a high regard for themselves. These attributes would "protect" the individual from negativity, the dark force, or demons. It's only when one feels they are "unworthy" they open themselves up to demons. Demons could be something like "negativity" or feelings of "unworthiness." Demons don't have a horns or a pitchfork.

What new age beliefs that heal people are you talking about? Yoga, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, rebirthing, reflexology? Again, the healing comes from WITHIN. There are many things available in the universe to use for health and well-being: good nutrition, exercise, healthy lifestyle, etc., and there are adjuvant therapies like herbals, vitamins, minerals, aromatherapy, massage, healing touch, etc., for a wholesome approach to life. There's nothing demonic about these things. They're all good and positive and promote a wholesome lifestyle. Using these therapies is positive thinking. You're doing something positive for your body and your health. Call it new age, but in reality it's age old.

To answer your questions, I want to add that dwelling on demons is not healthy. Worrying about demons can actually create problems. It's better to focus on the positive aspects of life like healthy nutrition, healthy lifestyle (no smoking, drinking or drugs, etc.--these are demons in and of themselves). Focus on the power WITHIN--it keeps the demons OUT!
I have listened to christian radio alot recently, and there is a great interest now in alternative medicine - the same things that have been called "New Age" in the past!
Originally posted by spidergoat
I have listened to christian radio alot recently, and there is a great interest now in alternative medicine - the same things that have been called "New Age" in the past!
M*W: New Age is Age Old. We are on our way to immortality.