Your Favorite Female Bodypart

IN GENERAL, which of these body parts on a woman are you the most turned-on by?

  • Her breasts

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Her butt

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Her legs

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Her feet

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • I'm not sexually attracted to women

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters


Golden Sparkler
Registered Senior Member
Yes, i know that most of you women-lovers like her eyes, her smile, etc etc.
Pardon, but;

Would being attracted to a woman's feet make one a 'pedafile'?

Brain. I cannot stand airheads. :cool:
I would also say brain.
Lykan, I can't help to notice that many of your posts are sexually oriented, with the focus on womens bodies, is this your major interest in life? :p

Are you saying that all men are this single minded? And you are the smartest guy alive??? :D
Help...hilfe...take me off this planet! :eek:

nah, you can stay for a while. :p I judge people by their faces. Then I loook at overall body. then I go closer and get know better. By ones face I tend to give an aproximate rating of that person. Particular characteristics of the face means particular charecteristics of the character. I have stored many types of faces in my databasa (brain:D), so whenever I meat a white european person I can tell smth about him.
Are you saying that all men are this single minded?

Umm, Bebe, have you been living in a cave up until now?

'Course they are.

Help...hilfe...take me off this planet!

Nonsense, makes them easier to manipulate. A good thing to know for when I become Supreme Planetary Dictator. Mwahahahaaa!

Seriously (I AM serious), Lykan is presumably pretty young - I've yet to see him post somthing that wasn't sexually oriented.

And Tyler, you didn't contribute.

Yes, I have. I mentioned the swedish cavemen before, didn't I? I live slightly above the cave though, to get a rest from the gruelsome sight they provide.
But you are right, it gives us the upper hand so to speak, since they are so inferior. But why did Tyler (who claims that he has not yet met anybody smarter than himself and that it would be even scientifically impossible to be smarter than him) admit that?
Was that a stroke of genious not recognized in its full glory or just the common stupidity that are so often found in the male population?

There is an incredibly beautiful girl here at the university dorms. Excellent face, body, hair, everything. But recently I heard her talking to someone. She was saying how she had cheated on her boyfriend, and wasn't going to tell him because she couldn't be bothered dealing with him being upset. That's when she became no longer beautiful to me.

So, to me, honour and integrity are very beauitful traits in a woman. A nicy body and face helps, but they are nothing without honour and integrity.
A good thing to know for when I become Supreme Planetary Dictator.
First you have to throw down me, and that will be very hard. I have all Solarian Federation's united army behind my back:p We have already 2/3 of this galaxy. Now I'm livin on earth as a resort. (Actually there was a major catastrophe on earth and all our ancestors returned to the stone-age times)

People of our world love democracy and I'm no Dictator. I'm called
----> Elite Federation Leader......(tht means I'm in the game for all my life, wich considering modern technologies is.........unmeasurable:p)....
LOL I went on about Natalie Portman because most of the other guys on here adore her. I really like her though she's not my ideal sort of girl.

As far as being sex-minded, i've seen other people (guys) on here posting things along those lines, so i thought i would chip in and have some fun.

Regarding my physical age, if it's that important to anyone, i'll be 27 within a month. I never could understand the importance that some people attribute to age, because i've known some people who are very wise and mature at a relatively young age, and some people who are very unwise and immature at an older age.

Xev said "Seriously (I AM serious), Lykan is presumably pretty young - I've yet to see him post somthing that wasn't sexually oriented."

And you are presumably pretty blind, because i've made plenty of posts on here that didn't have anything to do with sex. That says something about how observant you are.
Avatar's nice, so I won't use my "Mega-Destruction Destroy-O Ray" on him. :p

It is a democracy, with free elections and all. How do you think I came to power? Free elections (and the Zombifier Ray of Doom)

Edit to add: Lykan, sorry, I was being facetious. Most of your posts are sex-related.

I never said it was a bad thing.

Now don't make me call my Genetically Modified Uber-Intelligent Flying Llamas!
I see your point Adam, beautiful people can turn ugly right in front of your face when they dissapoint you by not acting the way you hoped for. But sometimes people expect more from people they find physically attractive than they do from others, they are just humans after all.
"Are you saying that all men are this single minded? And you are the smartest guy alive???
Help...hilfe...take me off this planet!"

When I was 14 I started working for a company that did entertainment shows for companies. One of the worst thing I learnt working there was from a guy named Cris. About twenty two, big strapping Irish guy. We were talking about women and he turned to me and said (I will never forget this); "Women are just as big of pigs as men. Don't ever let them tell you otherwise."

It's 100% true.

Girls in my school come to the varsity hockey games just to see the guys. They go to major junior league games with hopes of a glimps of the guys afterwards. A girl in my school nearly fainted when a friend of mine took of his shirt (at the request of some girls) because of his abs. Not one attractive girl in my school has ever gone out with a guy generally considered below her in looks. Ever. In fact, 90% of them will only go out with someone above them in that department. That's generally why the unnatractive girls never get a date. They refuse to go out with someone that's considered their equal or just slightly above in looks. Quite hypocritcal and stupid if you ask me. And I am in high school, so the looks factor is massive in dating. Girls are just as much pigs as guys. In the end, when we all grow up, we grow out of this. But deep down and through youth, girls are just as much pigs as guys.

"I judge people by their faces. Then I loook at overall body. then I go closer and get know better. By ones face I tend to give an aproximate rating of that person. Particular characteristics of the face means particular charecteristics of the character. I have stored many types of faces in my databasa (brain), so whenever I meat a white european person I can tell smth about him."

Yup. For me it's generally the face. And I know what you're talking about personality judging. Around December 2000 I got big into psychology and I started making profiles of everyone I met. Eventually I started guessing thigns about them and inevitably, I started finding out I was right about a lot of those things. By summer, I was able to make a complete break down of a person after saying 'Hello'. From popularity to wealth, from relationships to schooling, and even parental situation. And I usually wasn't far off at all. It became a force of habit eventually and it was slightly hard to stop doing.

"Nonsense, makes them easier to manipulate."

Yes. Yes it does. In the Female Orgasm thread you questioned the fact that women didn't enjoy sex like men did. From knowing my personal sex drive and that of my peers, I can guarantee you that if men and women had the same sex drive, nothing would be accomplished. Because we'd all be fucking. All the time. No stopping.

"And Tyler, you didn't contribute."

I did vote! I went with breasts! Out of those, the ones listed, I would have to pick breasts. I did this by deduction. Feet I have no idea why anyone gets off on that. Legs are hard to dismiss, but there's a girl in my school with awsome legs that is just too bad on the upper-body to find attractive - so I know they can be knocked off. And the ass is also a tempting answer, but I seem to think I spend more time thinking about breasts than butt. Though face outranks the both of them about 65% of the time. The other 35% would be split about 25% breasts, 10% ass. There ya go, hun!
I have no idea why some guys are so attracted to a woman's feet either, and i wasn't even going to include that, but then i've seen on TV and in movies where some guys seem to be every bit as sexually turned on by a woman's feet as most guys are her breasts, butt or legs, so i figured i'd include it.

There's an interesting reason why i posted this particular poll, and i'll share it after most everyone has voted.