You will die and vanish from this world

The spirit of Christ (intellect, emotions and intuitions) has lingered for 2000 years and will linger even longer. This influence or spirit is alive in that it still has an impact on bodies that still breath. Some of those, through this influence, become motivated to achieve perpetual life of through their influence on others; saints.

Like St John? Whom we probably have millions of deaths to blame for?

There was only one real Christian and he died on the Cross.
@Saint --

I'd rather be a pitiful mortal man than the homophobic, genocidal, petty, bitter, tyrant that's depicted in the bible. And I'd rather go to hell than worship such a being, besides, all of the greatest minds in history(from Jefferson to Spinoza) are going to be there and you can't ask for better company than that.

You imagine the wrong things, so pessimistic.
1. Your implied assumption that atheists simply haven't "humbly tried to understand the bible" is laughable, at best. You must realize, and accept(for it is the truth), that the overwhelming majority of atheists were theists at one time in their lives. I, personally, used to believe as you do, that Jesus died for my sins and that believing in him was the only way to save my soul. In fact I probably know a great deal more about your precious bible than you do, given that I've now studied it in depth(it was the only good thing that came out of my stint at seminary school).

2. Your assumption of a "higher purpose" to life is unwarranted. It might feel good to you to believe that, but that doesn't make it true. Neither does the fact that your beliefs about the afterlife give you a balm against the cold fear of death that all humans feel.

1. They did not believe with enough evidences made plain to them, they stumbled on their own pride or some other reasons like getting disappointed when asking money from God but did not get it.
2. Christian's purpose of life is not only in after life, but starts from now he/she receives Jesus as his/her savior.

@Saint --

You imagine the wrong things, so pessimistic.

That's what the texts say, not me. All I'm doing is labeling the behavior listed. God supposedly killed everyone in the world, that makes him genocidal. God supposedly hates homosexuals, that makes him a homophobe. God also(in "his" word) orders unbelievers and apostates to be killed, that makes him a tyrant. How else can he be classified other than by his actions.

1. They did not believe with enough evidences made plain to them, they stumbled on their own pride or some other reasons like getting disappointed when asking money from God but did not get it.

Swing and a miss. Not only were most atheists what you would call "true believers" but there's no evidence. Nice no true Scotsman fallacy though.

2. Christian's purpose of life is not only in after life, but starts from now he/she receives Jesus as his/her savior.

You're still making the assumption of a higher purpose. Demonstrate it.
Definitely You will die and vanish from this world.

No, I won't.

OK, OK, don't worry, I will.

But I'd like to take this opportunity to promote "being buried" as opposed to "being cremated". It seems like the only way to pay back a room full of animals we eat during our lifetime.
@Saint --

That's what the texts say, not me. All I'm doing is labeling the behavior listed. God supposedly killed everyone in the world, that makes him genocidal. God supposedly hates homosexuals, that makes him a homophobe. God also(in "his" word) orders unbelievers and apostates to be killed, that makes him a tyrant. How else can he be classified other than by his actions.

Swing and a miss. Not only were most atheists what you would call "true believers" but there's no evidence. Nice no true Scotsman fallacy though.

You're still making the assumption of a higher purpose. Demonstrate it.

You can choose not to believe,
what we believe is not only in our minds,
but in our lives, every aspects.

there is no point arguing here,
but the outcomes of you and me are different.

@Saint --

Sorry sweetie, we all meet the same fate in the end. Death is the end of all of us, and if there is something "beyond" death(besides rotting in a grave or being pollution in the air) it's highly doubtful that anything recognizable as "us" will experience it. Our emotions, thoughts, memories, experiences, and even our beliefs are all tied to various amalgamations of brainstates. No brain, no brainstates. No brainstates, no us. It's pretty simple when you really look at it.

However unlike you I'm fine with this. One life is enough for me, "that it comes but once makes life all the sweeter".