You will die and vanish from this world

Saint you are such a boring Theist. You believe in God because you are scared of Death, how lame and average.

I believe in the POSSIBILITY of God and that he really might want me to burn in hell. That takes gutz. Let's fight.

u wrong,
i am not scared,
i find the truth and not scared.

u r scared, why not go and jump from 18th floor to prove u r brave?
You will die and vanish from this world.

and so will you

Therefore, it is very silly to deny the necessity of Religion, as atheists do.

Um no it does not. If that is the reason for your belief you're admitting what is often claimed of theists, that they only believe because they are too weak to accept death and so they believe in a fairy tale.

Is this what you're saying ?
u wrong,
i am not scared,
i find the truth and not scared.

u r scared, why not go and jump from 18th floor to prove u r brave?

This doesn't make any sense. If you know the truth and are not scared, why aren't you jumping from the 18th floor?
So, everyone will die.
Nothing from this world you can carry along with you.
Your body will decompose.

Therefore, it is very silly to deny the necessity of Religion, as atheists do.
Unfortunately for you Scientology was the answer. Yup, who'd have thunk it? Xenu, smurfs, the whole thing.

NOTE: Disease, even aging itself, are almost within our control, when they are, bye bye your kind of religion
So here we have an excellent example of the non sequitur. The conclusion of "therefore it is very silly to deny the necessity of religion" does not logically follow from the premise of "efinitely You will die and vanish from this world". This is why theists tend not to be good debaters, any argument which relies on a logical fallacy is doomed to failure.

Beyond that though, there's an implicit appeal to consequences fallacy in the OP as well. If your argument is so shaky that you need to rely on threats to bring people to accept it then it's quite clear that your argument is hopelessly flawed.

@Saint --

Two things.

1. Your implied assumption that atheists simply haven't "humbly tried to understand the bible" is laughable, at best. You must realize, and accept(for it is the truth), that the overwhelming majority of atheists were theists at one time in their lives. I, personally, used to believe as you do, that Jesus died for my sins and that believing in him was the only way to save my soul. In fact I probably know a great deal more about your precious bible than you do, given that I've now studied it in depth(it was the only good thing that came out of my stint at seminary school).

2. Your assumption of a "higher purpose" to life is unwarranted. It might feel good to you to believe that, but that doesn't make it true. Neither does the fact that your beliefs about the afterlife give you a balm against the cold fear of death that all humans feel.
So here we have an excellent example of the non sequitur. The conclusion of "therefore it is very silly to deny the necessity of religion" does not logically follow from the premise of "efinitely You will die and vanish from this world". This is why theists tend not to be good debaters, any argument which relies on a logical fallacy is doomed to failure.

You have to use different colors when expressing a subjective judgment and an incorrect sex assignment.

You are just a pitiful mortal man.


Actually, Orly's a lady, and pitiful's a value judgment, but carry on...
@Saint --

I'd rather be a pitiful mortal man than the homophobic, genocidal, petty, bitter, tyrant that's depicted in the bible. And I'd rather go to hell than worship such a being, besides, all of the greatest minds in history(from Jefferson to Spinoza) are going to be there and you can't ask for better company than that.
If you think about an historical figure, such as Thomas Jefferson, although he is dead and buried (body has decayed) he lives on through his influence on history. We may even make a movie, trying to bring him into modern times, in a way that makes it easier to relate or associate, (revisionists; living and changing). The body died, but the fruits of his spirit (intellect, emotions, etc), continue to have an influence. These live on.

I think atheists speak from the heart. Maybe the athiest influence may not last very long. That influence may be more based on the short term impact of the living, which is the animal standard. The influence of the dead pet may linger among the immediate family, but it will fade away quickly from those less connected to the pet.

The spirit of Christ (intellect, emotions and intuitions) has lingered for 2000 years and will linger even longer. This influence or spirit is alive in that it still has an impact on bodies that still breath. Some of those, through this influence, become motivated to achieve perpetual life of through their influence on others; saints.