You will die and vanish from this world


Valued Senior Member
Definitely You will die and vanish from this world.
Look at Steve Job, he is a great man, he contributed a lot to Technology.
However, he looks to be on the brink of death now.

With his wealth, he can access to the best medicine in the world, to buy organ etc. trying to prolong his life. But in fact, our medical science can do nothing effectively to heal him back to the original healthy condition.

So, everyone will die.
Nothing from this world you can carry along with you.
Your body will decompose.

Therefore, it is very silly to deny the necessity of Religion, as atheists do.

I have my belief in Jesus Christ.
I am not here to uphold my belief, I just want to discuss the "meaning of life" generally.:)
Agreed that I shall die and vanish from this world.

The same source that brought me here without my input shall reclaim my mortal remains after breath and pulse stops and the energy that enables me to defy gravity shall likewise return to the source.

For me, the source has not yet revealed it's name. I believe it is known by many names and this is not problematical to me.
I am not here to argue that what I believe if absolutely true.

I just want to say, with a philosophical mind, a sentient man like us shall think about the question :
Why do I live and why do I die as well? (We know very well How is life born and how it dies)
Maybe we shall start with asking, "Why we know how to ask why I live and why I die?"
Why do we ask the question "Why" about our existence?
If we do not ask Why, does it mean this question is worthless?
Therefore, it is very silly to deny the necessity of Religion, as atheists do.

Why do you think that? Atheists think that you have a problem believing that you will end up in some place you call "heaven" where everything and everyone has a good time through eternity, which is delusional at best and a myth that's been around for quite some time now. Everyone can "believe" anything they want but many think that religions are nothing more than a human made way to control others while those in charge do nothing but preach their values. So you go right ahead and believe anything you want but so far I've not ever seen anyone that's actually been to "heaven" and return to tell us about it. It's all up to your imagination I'd think, if you want to think that way go right ahead while I'll try to know more about what really happens to a person with research and responsible thinking.
religions are nothing more than a human made way to control others while those in charge do nothing but preach their values

More precisely is Politics.

You know Biased things about religion.

You never humbly try to understand bible or any other religions, I guess u never.
You read those stupid stuff of atheism and focus on Bad things people did in religion names and then Deny straightaway the value of Religion.

Most people are like you, turn out to be foolish.
I've not ever seen anyone that's actually been to "heaven" and return to tell us about it

No scientist has been flying with time machine to see big bang and tells you it is big bang that created this universe.
However, u may believe it is big bang.
Definitely You will die and vanish from this world.
Look at Steve Job, he is a great man, he contributed a lot to Technology.
However, he looks to be on the brink of death now.

With his wealth, he can access to the best medicine in the world, to buy organ etc. trying to prolong his life. But in fact, our medical science can do nothing effectively to heal him back to the original healthy condition.

So, everyone will die.
Nothing from this world you can carry along with you.
Your body will decompose.
Yes, every living creature eventually dies. It's the natural way of things.

Therefore, it is very silly to deny the necessity of Religion, as atheists do.
Most people are like you, turn out to be foolish.

How so? If I don't "believe" in a supernatural being that controls my life that's my way of thinking and I don't care what you think about what I believe just as I don't really care about what you believe in either. I don't call you foolish for your way of believing why do you call me foolish for my way?
Saint you are such a boring Theist. You believe in God because you are scared of Death, how lame and average.

I believe in the POSSIBILITY of God and that he really might want me to burn in hell. That takes gutz. Let's fight.
Definitely You will die and vanish from this world. Etc.
So what? Don't theists die and vanish from this world?

Therefore, it is very silly to deny the necessity of Religion, as atheists do.
Huh? Your "therefore" isn't a therefore. Neither have you shown that religion is a necessity.

I am not here to uphold my belief, I just want to discuss the "meaning of life" generally.:)
So why start off the way you did?
Surely a "meaning of life" thread (especially if you're not intending to uphold beliefs) would be better suited to Philosophy. :shrug:
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The meaning of life.. get ready for it..... HERE. IT. COME'S.... The meaning of life... is to live.
He knows it in his bones.

Specifically, the 23 metacarpal in his left hand.
I don'ty know if you going to vanish from the earth . Maybe if we launch your body into space , but we better do it before you take your first piss and crap, or sweat . Do newborns sweat when they come shooting out the womb ??Maybe if we shoot your Pregnant mom out into space just before her water brakes . Me I will live for ever by the words I speak. Hey Jesus said that . WTF
He must be the cat and I be the copy . Copy That .

O.K. O.K. don't Hang- Hillery Me Dw for using de same joke. Your such a tease