you wanna be a genius?

I tried googling it too, and I couldn't find any peer reviews at all either. This could be a GREAT meditation device, but I seriously doubt that it causes you to become smarter.
SkinWalker said:
Selfeducated1, you are handy with the copy/paste function of your computer... the original bibliography is here for others to see and read the context that these citations were referring to.

My question for selfeducated1 is this: the bibliography that centerpointe provides is nice though quite old, but where's the citations to the studies they've conducted on the methodology that they claim obtains the results they claim for the hefty price of $159 + s/h?

A hallmark of pseudoscience is the ability to astound the ignorant (often those that believe they are self-educated) with scientific sounding jargon and quotes all-the-while conning them out of their money. State governments do this every day with the lotto, otherwise known as the "tax on the ignorant," by making a display out of odds, statistics, etc. and then following up with catch-phrases like, "you gotta play to win."

I looked their website over and didn't see the link or citation to their peer-reviewed study. Perhaps you can enlighten us? I realize you're astounded by the literature they've cited, but their literature review is only part of the process of research. They still have to provide the methodology (which they barely outline) as well as the results of their studies. Citing "Dr. Giampa" doesn't do anything for us. There's no indication that he was using the $159 +s/h package for sale by centerpointe to get his results, right?

You haven't supplied data with regard to the $159 + s/h package, you've only copy/pasted the bibliography that centerpointe claims supports their $159 +s/h package. I'd like to see the peer-reviewed data of the $159 +s/h package, then we can talk about contradicting something.
actually im not tryiing to convince anyone to but it, i have no intrest in sales whatsoever. i am debating the effects it has, so far the only arguement thus far is people's feeling on the matter, like the absurd claim of it being pseudoscience what the !@?* is that, i give solid facts and studies to back up my claims, you people bring nothing to contradict it. show me some proof your rebutles are valid. and by me quoting dr. giampa, if you read a few posts back you'll see that dr. giampa did use holosync for a study he conducted. but you prob. skipped over it, going on your own "feelings" on the matter. just anxious to spew your emotionall garbage that infects a decent post, and devoles it right back to the beging stages of the discussion. i thought this forum was for people of science attempting to evolve, with new ideas and look for new discoveries. not for the lazy, bitchy, parliament type, that need to be comforted by only that of what they know, scared of science being a "box of bloodthirsty maneating earwigs", what the @!#& is that bull!@#&. i obviously will not fit in with this bunch of self righteous, pretentious, snobs.
so good luck with your self-aggrandizing little group here.
your all in danger

i careless of the implications of my actions. to move a thread that was completely of a scientific conversation on the basis of your own concieted ideas. with no reasoning or factuall basis. is bullshit. i presented studies and research, to back up my arguement, your rebutle is "what if its a box filled with man eating earwiggs" thats the basis of your science? you people really should take a good look at the ignorance leading the discussions here!
to move a thread discussing brainwaves, hormones produced by the brain, endorphins, and also, the effects it could have on your intelligence, into pseudoscience. while threads on sixth sense, pornogrophy and others remain, is arrogance at its highth. for you who doubt look at the thread,"you wanna be a genius?", now found in pseudoscience. you decide.
may your vainglorious ways reign supreme forever.
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It IS pseudoscience: you have not provided enough clear evidence for your position, hence why it was moved.
SoLiDUS said:
It IS pseudoscience: you have not provided enough clear evidence for your position, hence why it was moved.
when others have already proven the effects of the different bwp why should that need reaffirming? dr. giampa did the study to show the effects holosync had on cortisol, DHEA, and melatonin, and bill harris did the studies to show that holosync did acctually induce beta-delta states, what more freaking evidence do you need? really im curious for as of late, there has been no refuting of facts other then the emotionall responses of what everybody feels. who cares what your feelings are on the matter. give me proof that your woe's are founded. other then it maybe full of maneating earwiggs.
maybe eddisons lightbulb was a beackon in the night for the devil to guide his horde of demons through our city to devour the souls of the unwarry. get f***ing real.
selfeducated1 said:
when others have already proven the effects of the different bwp why should that need reaffirming? dr. giampa did the study to show the effects holosync had on cortisol, DHEA, and melatonin, and bill harris did the studies to show that holosync did acctually induce beta-delta states, what more freaking evidence do you need? really im curious for as of late, there has been no refuting of facts other then the emotionall responses of what everybody feels. who cares what your feelings are on the matter. give me proof that your woe's are founded. other then it maybe full of maneating earwiggs.
maybe eddisons lightbulb was a beackon in the night for the devil to guide his horde of demons through our city to devour the souls of the unwarry. get f***ing real.
after reflecting, i realized something. i was the one who messed up on the thread in question. i worded it all wrong from the begining. i, in my error made the fatal mistake of making it sound like i had the answer. when i concede, that i don't. i would like to explain why i worded it that way.
i had been looking for info. contrary to what ceterpointe research was offering. i do like to educate myself completely on something before i try it.
i never found anything(sometimes similar products, but they lacked sincerity.)
so i had tried it, got a taste of its effects(a renewed intrest in learning)so i found this site, and since i joined this site i have learned alot.
i wanted to share what i had learned, and going on what i had learned by other posts, i figured someone would have something(contrary or not)that i could learn from them. rather, i found most to be threatend by my post, unwilling to share anything other then emotionall responses. in turn i have been disappointed, but realize that it surely is due to my cocky wording of my ideas. i appologize for my aggresive remarks! ;) :m:
Well I liked his post and my IQ is 165, not that it means anything. A great personality, which isn't factored into the intelligent quotient, takes terrific brain power. The need to have successful social relationships is the main driver of applicable intelligence in social animals.

As you can see by some of the reactions to your post, Self Educated 1, we have some socially retarded people here. Could they be hooked up to some machine to spur their social intelligence? And failing that, could they be hooked up to electrodes and shocked into proper etiquette?

BTW, I tried the hemi-sync Gateway program tapes. Profound effect. Wouldn't get that from effort alone. It's something the brain doesn't naturally do and can't be taught without the experience.
Your position is that "holosync" is "genius in a bottle" ? Start a longitudinal study
backed up by a few psychometricians and come back with the results.

Physical changes of the kind described have yet to be associated with increased
intelligence and creativity, the trademarks of genius. You can provide us medical
reports all you want but they miss the point: we need psychometric data backed
up by real-life accomplishments worthy of the term used to sell the product.

That's all you will read from me in regards to this topic. Good luck with the promotion...

EDIT for clarification
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Agitprop said:
Well I liked his post and my IQ is 165, not that it means anything. A great personality, which isn't factored into the intelligent quotient, takes terrific brain power. The need to have successful social relationships is the main driver of applicable intelligence in social animals.

As you can see by some of the reactions to your post, Self Educated 1, we have some socially retarded people here. Could they be hooked up to some machine to spur their social intelligence? And failing that, could they be hooked up to electrodes and shocked into proper etiquette?

BTW, I tried the hemi-sync Gateway program tapes. Profound effect. Wouldn't get that from effort alone. It's something the brain doesn't naturally do and can't be taught without the experience.
thank you, really all i wanted from this was an intellectually stimulating conversation, not an emotionally stimulating one(thats why i got married :) )
SoLiDUS said:
Your position is that "holosync" is "genius in a bottle" ? Start a longitudinal study
backed up by a few psychometricians and come back with the results.

Physical changes of the kind described have yet to be associated with increased
intelligence and creativity, the trademarks of genius. You can provide us medical
reports all you want but they miss the point: we need psychometric data backed
up by real-life accomplishments worthy of the term used to sell the product.

That's all you will read from me in regards to this topic. Good luck with the promotion...

EDIT for clarification
i dont believe i said it was genius in a bottle, if i implied that i'm sorry. i say the data they have on theta bwp, is that it is often associated with states of creativity, and increased memory, and problem solving, debunk it. also i have stated that delta is found to produce healing growth hormone, and access to unconcious mind, refute it, other then your emotionall stance on the matter.
and holosync does induce a state of all of those bwp's. how permanant is it, well i dont know, but if i go on information that i do have, i know that anything learned, creates a neuropathway, the more you use that connection the more permanant it becomes, if you stop using anything connected to it you eventually will lose it, but that would be really hard to do, in this case cause if your consistent, all your expieriences and information gained while on this program would be connected. so if you have something to discredit this, by all means. oh yeah i forgot that would take effort on your part, well i wish you had helped more but, really you have not contributed anything here, for me to mourn your departure.
promotion huh, wow i must have stated my knowledge on the subject pretty well. i only wish i had incentive to sell it, instead, i only wished to exchange information. that you obviously could not reciprocate. no big, maybe next time. :D
p.s one of the studies i sited earlier, was a study done on the effects of theta and alpha bwp in the classroom, they showed that the tapes they used(not holosync but tapes based on the same technollogy) in classrooms in tacoma washington, the control group that was taught, studied, and took tests while these tapes played did significantly better, then the ones who did not. yeah, i agree, "significantly" is pretty vaigue, but, thats what i got. i'll try to find out more on that particullar part.
no no, wait in the car honey, i got it. :rolleyes:
sorry for the attack on your character. i do know i can learn from you. maybe about something your not so emotionally attached to. :)
get a life man,two decent guys,sorting sumting,n all you can say is'contempt',grow the fu** up you twat.
BTW, In my previous post, where I posted my IQ is 165, I was---now get this--- making it up. I wanted to see how many people piled on to brag that their IQ's were higher. I haven't a clue what mine is, actually.

But, good for you, fellow pseudoscience buffs, for not taking the bait!!
agitprop:as the world average is 140, and einsteins IQ was 161, everybody had to have known you were lying.
see here

anybody stating there IQ, just makes themself look like a jerk, as they cant prove it.
so can say anything
I would say the average is much lower than that. I think it's acutally around 100 or 110.
and you would be right in america the average is 100, check the site out in my previous post (where it says see here) the world average is 140.

do you understand how they work out the averages.
if there are ten people in a room, five of which are have a IQ of 50-100 and five are between 100-190 this means the average IQ is 120.
and if the top five died say then the average would be between 50-100 which would mean an average IQ 75,
on the other hand if the bottom five died then it would be between 100-190, therefore the average IQ would be 145.
so the more intelligent people in a given area, the higher the IQ, and the higher, the average.
the more unintelligent people in a given area, the lower IQ and the lower, the average IQ.
this not to say they are unintelligent, just lack of education, the average in africa is 70.
as the education levels increase in developing countries so will the IQ average.
at present the world IQ average is 140, however your IQ level does not change like the average, but you can increase it by study, if your lucky.
I'm sorry if this sounds condescending it's not intensional.

State Avg. IQ 2004
1 Connecticut 113
2 Massachusetts 111
3 New Jersey 111
4 New York 109
5 Rhode Island 107
6 Hawaii 106
7 Maryland 105
8 New Hampshire 105
9 Illinois 104
10 Delaware 103
11 Minnesota 102
12 Vermont 102
13 Washington 102
14 California 101
15 Pennsylvania 101
16 Maine 100
17 Virginia 100
18 Wisconsin 100
19 Colorado 99
20 Iowa 99
21 Michigan 99
22 Nevada 99
23 Ohio 99
24 Oregon 99
25 Alaska 98
26 Florida 98
27 Missouri 98
28 Kansas 96
29 Nebraska 95
30 Arizona 94
31 Indiana 94
32 Tennessee 94
33 North Carolina 93
34 West Virginia 93
35 Arkansas 92
36 Georgia 92
37 Kentucky 92
38 New Mexico 92
39 North Dakota 92
40 Texas 92
41 Alabama 90
42 Louisiana 90
43 Montana 90
44 Oklahoma 90
45 South Dakota 90
46 South Carolina 89
47 Wyoming 89
48 Idaho 87
49 Utah 87
50 Mississippi 85
audible said:
and you would be right in america the average is 100, check the site out in my previous post (where it says see here) the world average is 140.

I think the rest of the world isn't as smart as you think it is. This is usual of the "everywhere is better than the United States" crowd. Here is a link to an actual study of world IQ averages.

The highest was Hong Kong with 107. Now I don't know if you know how averages works, but since 107 is not greater than 140, there is no way your number of 140 is correct. ;)

Also, that would mean the average intellegence of a person outside the US is of genius levels, which I very much doubt.
audible said:
agitprop:as the world average is 140, and einsteins IQ was 161, everybody had to have known you were lying.
see here

anybody stating there IQ, just makes themself look like a jerk, as they cant prove it.
so can say anything

You COMPLETELY misread what that guy (and he's just some guy, it's not a verified study or anything) said about average IQ.

The actual quote is:
"I have heard of so many people who "claim" to have high IQís that it
seems that the world average is at least 140."

IT SEEMS. To HIM. He's making a point, not stating a fact.

Man, if you're going to quote something as supporting evidence, at least try to understand what it says.
I've also been fiddling around and trying to research the effects of binaural beats and inducing different BWPs and all the stuff that Holosync claims to do. 159 bucks is a hefty price, so I want to be sure it's worth my it before I decide to invest in it. Maybe you could help me with this, give me some more personal experiences that you haven't already, sort of a 'first hand' testimonial.

You said you were looking for more info also. I don't know if this helps, and maybe you've already heard of it, but you can download a similar program called Brainwave Generator that creates these types of sounds at

I'm doubt it's anywhere near as good as Holosync, but the unique thing is that you can create your own tracks using Brainwave Generator, on top of the basic ones it comes with. Also, if you register for $40 you can import other tracks that people have made, but I haven't done this yet. I thought you'd find this interesting, to be able to tweak the settings and try out something different, see what works and what doesn't, etc. You can make the presets as long or powerful or crazy as you want, but I'm just getting to know the program and I don't really know what's effective.

Sorry if this doesn't contribute to the scientific nature of this thread; I thought I'd share it anyways.