you wanna be a genius?


Registered Senior Member
ok ive tried incorparating this subject in other threads, but so far ive only discussed it in the philosophy section. although it was an interesting discussion, i would like to discuss the scietific aspect of holosync technologies. i am sure that some are aware of the aspects of the system.i am going to start with my understanding and expeirience with this program. ive been a particapant in the program for almost a year. it is a cd set that uses sound frequencies to send the brain into one of the four brainwave patterns, wich are beta wich is (14-100Hz) alpha(8-13.9Hz)theta(4-7.9)and then delta (.1-3.9) what they do is they put a frequency in one ear (that effects the opposite side of the brain)then in the other ear they simultaneously put a tone with a slightly different frequency, your brain then makes sense of the input by sycronizing the brain thus the difference between the two frequencies is what it resionates, for example left ear 200Hz right ear 210Hz will create a binaural beat of 10Hz wich is a mid alpha state. well using this concept they are able to bring you to a state of delta while alert. in doing so it stresses the brain and forces it to reorganize at a higher level. as the brainwave pattern slows from beta alpha theta to delta there is an increase in balance between the two hemispheres of the brain,in turn whole brain integration, that is commonly enjoyed by "geniuses". with each state of brainwaves there are different expeiriences and abilities, beta is the awaken state but high levels are associated with anxiety and feelings of seperation, alpha is achieved usually by simply closing your eyes and feelings of relaxation, and states of superlearning and meditation are common,also increased serotonin levels were observed, the begining of the ability to accsess the unconcious mind. then theta your dreaming sleep, increased production of catecholamines(vital for memory and learning) also increased creativity, hypnogogic imagery, deep meditation, accsess to the unconcious mind,also as far as i know most meditation gurus only can access this level, i remember reading somewhere that some one was able to achive delta on his own through meditation very briefly,but any prolonged time in this state he couldnt achive while alert. then finally delta, dreamless sleep healing growth hormone is released in large quantities. non physicall state loss of body awareness, access to the unconcious and collective unconscious mind. it is the greatest push to the brain when induced with holosync, i understand the reason for this is the fact that the brain wave patterns as they slow they are like waves in the ocean the higher frequency have more bpm and are smaller and less powerfull then they increase in size slow and become more powerfull. all while your alert. there is so much more info. but i'll wait to see what everyone has to say or ask about all that. oh by the way i used the info sent to me by the cenerpointe research company to learn all this, i am not an expert by any means in fact i only finished the eighth grade and got my g.e.d. but i now have a new lease on life and realized like someone else in this forum stated knowledge is happiness, so i am now trying to become more happy everyday. :m: :cool:
... or create a decent sentence/paragraph structure and appropriate punctuation. ;)

Just teasing you buddy...
§outh§tar said:
all that intelligence and couldn't even press the enter key.
yeah yeah,ive been waiting for scrutiny on my writing abilities
there i pressed
§outh§tar said:
all that intelligence and couldn't even press the enter key.

I second that :bugeye:

A while ago I tried a similar method which is called <a href="http:\\">ultramind</a>. The method teaches you how to enter the different brainwave stages without any equipment.
You can only become a genius if its in your genes. The current understanding is that we have a range of potential intelligence, and our eventual "IQ" depends upon the environment we are born into and raised within. Of course, it also depends on whether that measure of IQ is from within that culture as well. Ever heard the saying "Einstein did not need flashcards"? It stems from the idea that if "genius" is not in your range, you are just not going to get there.
Limitation based on maximum intellectual potential, basically. But there's more to
genius than IQ, although there's usually a good correlation between both. If you
want to bring up the Feynman example, keep in mind that his "total" score takes
his average verbal score and combines to give him a score in the superior range.
Still, the performance portion (the one that matters for physicists and math) was
around 3 or 4 deviations over so it's normal for the average to fall back if the other
section wasn't very high...

This is the best:

You know what this reminds me of? One of those crazy penis enlargement schemes.

Simple meditation can have the same effect without sticking anything in your ear.
s0meguy said:
Since you can raise your IQ by practicing, I guess most people can become a genius at some point.

That's a fallacy: all studies have shown mediocre gains (less than 5 points on a 15 point deviation) after lengthy practice time. Even then, the gains are not permanent and tend to disappear after 3 months. What you get is what you get...
TwoCents said:
You can only become a genius if its in your genes. The current understanding is that we have a range of potential intelligence, and our eventual "IQ" depends upon the environment we are born into and raised within. Of course, it also depends on whether that measure of IQ is from within that culture as well. Ever heard the saying "Einstein did not need flashcards"? It stems from the idea that if "genius" is not in your range, you are just not going to get there.

i really dont think genius is limited to what your IQ is. i took a few tests that said i had a high IQ, they were all a little different but my average was 135. now heres the kicker i only have my g.e.d and the highest grade ive completed was the eighth grade.

well maybe i am a genius! seriously though i truly believe i have reached a new level in my intelligence in the year i have been using the holosync system. i dont know much,(anything) about this "genius gene", but i suspect it has more to do with the way you learn things. if you were educated in a way your more likely to create nuero conections,and or pathways in your brain. what i mean is if you never get things explained to you in terms you understand, your brain will not process the information. you simply dont have any expieriences to support the information your recieving. in one ear :m:

but the more nuero conections you have harmonizing the two hemispheres the more opportunity your brain would have to find something that corrilates with whatever your learning. thus maybe you'll be lacking this so called genetic state of genius, but you still have the ability to increase your intelligence. and after all thats what its all about right, the gaining of knowledge. :m: :)
s0meguy said:
I second that :bugeye:

A while ago I tried a similar method which is called <a href="http:\\">ultramind</a>. The method teaches you how to enter the different brainwave stages without any equipment.

i havent read any of their info. but i would just think that if it takes a lifetime for a devout student to attain any type of meditation through the teaching of a master(and some never do) that without some sort of stimulous going beyond a deep delta or maybe a fast theta would not be possible w/out falling asleep. the system i speak of has been tested while the participant was hooked up to an eeg machine, and it does put you into a state of delta,while you are alert. but hey if ultramind works for you cool, its about your success not how you got there. :D
p.s. surely the two methods would compliment one another, and your progress would likely be more then mine has been.
Xerxes said:
You know what this reminds me of? One of those crazy penis enlargement schemes.

Simple meditation can have the same effect without sticking anything in your ear.
sounds like a classic case of penis envy, you should really do more research
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Another thing this reminds me of is...have you seen Napoleon Dynamite? The time machine that you plug into the wall and stick between your legs?

The truth is, the brain is not an electronic device and you can't just change its frequency by sticking something in your ear.
Xerxes said:
Another thing this reminds me of is...have you seen Napoleon Dynamite? The time machine that you plug into the wall and stick between your legs?

The truth is, the brain is not an electronic device and you can't just change its frequency by sticking something in your ear.
really, well ill inform them their expieriments have all been in vain. the EEG results are impossible, according to who?
I never said they were impossible. Just show us some real evidence instead of pontificating about random results and loosely connected ideas.
Hey, selfeducated is trying to lend us a helping hand, whether he's right or not. I don't see how it can hurt to try something like this, even if it's completely bogus. It's not like he's some infomercial trying to scam us. It's ok to be dubious, but there's no point in saying "that's stupid, and you're stupid for trying it" when you don't really know anything. I'm skeptical myself, but I also want to find out for myself.

I'd be interested in trying something like this, so give me the info.
Dano9700 said:
Hey, selfeducated is trying to lend us a helping hand, whether he's right or not. I don't see how it can hurt to try something like this, even if it's completely bogus. It's not like he's some infomercial trying to scam us. It's ok to be dubious, but there's no point in saying "that's stupid, and you're stupid for trying it" when you don't really know anything. I'm skeptical myself, but I also want to find out for myself.

I'd be interested in trying something like this, so give me the info.

right on. the site is they will send a demo cd free also. i dont know if the site still has the downloadable demo like they used to, i think it was replaced by sending the demo. youll be surprised i know my wife and i both were.
the really substantial proof i have myself that it works is my wife. she has made some pretty noticable changes. also when i went on vacation couple weeks ago. my cousin, who we stayed with, asked why i was so laid back now, his wife agreed, and they asked if they could take lessons, i told them about the program, but i knew that they would just dismiss it, to much work for some, even though you simply sit there and listen, you gotta stick with it to make progress. its like excercise, you cant do it once in a while for a month and expect any substantial changes.
Whoa..someguy with 8 posts just rebuttled me! Now I totally agree with you selfeducated1.

good luck b-cuming a genius