You Gotta Have Faith

Since He is purportedly part of the Triune God, he may know a bit more about science than His creation does, don't you think?

Purportedly - there's a part of the problem.
Did Jesus ever say he believed in a Young Earth, or took the OT literally word for word? Did he ever imply that?

The problem with you, IAC is that you take the OT literally. Jesus, on the other hand, sees the spiritual symbolism of stories like Adam and Eve and the serpant. Do you honestly believe Adam and Eve were real physical beings and a snake talked to them? Or is the story just a symbol of an underlying spiritual message (which you can't seem to comprehend)?

IAC, the real problem with you is that you feel the need to show your great knowledge because of your pride and arrogance, and the only way you can do that is by trying to prove that the OT is literal, even though God clearly told you in the Bible not to do so.

When I asked you earlier about why Moses never made a statement clearly prophesying a Son of God, Redeemer of all man, etc. you told me that the entire OT with all the offerings, the story of Abraham and Isaac, etc. was a "SYMBOL" of Jesus' life. Yet you still are obsessed with proving that the OT is literal.
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Since Jesus spoke of the literal Deluge of Noah's time, and Sodom and Gomorah, and the Exodus, and referred to Old Testament scriptures, why wouldn't I think He thinks it's real history?
I came to believe in Jesus, ensconsed in Darwinian dogma, so then, as a geologist, I set out to see how the historicity of the Bible matches up with biology, archaeology, and geology.

This is interesting IAC, I'd like to know what happened to make you believe in Jesus (whatever that might mean).
It sounds like you looked into the geological record with a view to finding evidence that supported bible creation myths. Darwin on the other hand came to his conclusions by observation, not by dreaming up evolution from out of nowhere and then cherry picking the evidence to suit his take on reality.
Do you see the difference?

Going back to the original topic, believing something doesn't make it true. If it did then I'd choose to believe that I am a handsome billionaire (for the record, I'm not). Perhaps you were implying that belief in God gives one hope of a wonderful afterlife? If so then you might be right, but that comes as little consolation to the victims of suicide bombers.
IAC said:
Do you think God/Jesus would want me to defend what He believes and has written?

Did God force you to register on, or did you voluntarily do so?

Did God force you to start all the threads you did, or did you voluntarily do so?

Did God force you to make all the demeaning and provoking smart-ass comments you have made, or have you done so on your own accord?

You are not DEFENDING God's word. You are on the OFFENSIVE, and you are offensively going out of your way to generate strife. You know as well as I do, that you will not convert one person on this site to believe exactly what it is that you believe.

Your arrogance and pride are the only things which drove you to this site, and which keep you on this site. You are here to cause trouble and generate strife with your smart-ass, demeaning comments.

Onto the next issue:

IAC said:
Since Jesus spoke of the literal Deluge of Noah's time, and Sodom and Gomorah, and the Exodus, and referred to Old Testament scriptures, why wouldn't I think He thinks it's real history?

No actually, Jesus speaks of a "flood," not a global "deluge." You may want to re-read that passage. Also, he could easily have been referring to the "symbolism" of the story. Nothing in what he says implies that he took it literally.

Further, Jesus NEVER says that the earth is young, nor does he ever imply it.
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Matt 24:38-39
38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Now you can show me the verse where Jesus says that the earth is young.
Based on YOUR logic

Don't say that! To them, the beautiful syntactic clean cut rules of logic are mish-mashed into a miasma of vague opinions, assertions and boiled onions. They can't separate them :bawl: