You Gotta Have Faith

IAC, why do argue on this site? It is pretty clear that you are not, and have not changed or altered anyone's opinions in any way. And it is pretty clear that you aren't going to.

I know you know that as well as anyone. So you are arguing on this site for one of two reasons:

1) You have doubts about your faith, and are trying to justify them.
2) You are an arrogant prick.
iceagecivilizations said:
And then there's Atheism, the faith that there is no Creator God, you can't demonstrate that there is no God, so it's the faith that you'll end up in a hole to become one-with-the-dirt, and nothing more, thank God we are all free to choose, wouldn't you say?

I could have 'faith' in a 'loving creator', but what good does that do if in the 99.99999999999999999% likelihood that there isn't one?

Plus there is nothing to say that being an atheist means that you will be shunned by this loving creator. Only man insists that we must believe in god, but man has religious agenda's. If there is a loving god, in the grand scheme of things, there really is nothing to suggest he will hate us for not beliving in him. In fact if he demands that we believe in him despite the fact he has given us not a jot of evidence, then he really is insulting the intelligence that he has given us.

I have nothing to lose by being atheist in this regard. I spend my 1 shot at life seeing things for what they are and not becoming deluded. And if there really is a god out there, then who's to say he doesn't reward atheists and shun the theists?
To summarise: If there is a god, there is no way my belief or non-belief in him will change a thing.
IAC, why do spend your entire life trying to justify a literal interpretation of the Bible? Why not just have faith? Or are you the "Thomas" type which needs a basis for your belief?
Okay, great. So why not just trust him then? Why do feel the need to have to justify your beliefs?
It's funny. IAC creates a thread entiled "You Gotta Have Faith." Yet his whole life is based on finding EVIDENCE to be the basis of faith (even though faith by nature requires no supporting evidence).
Since He is purportedly part of the Triune God, he may know a bit more about science than His creation does, don't you think?

If Jesus would have argued that the earth was not at the center of the universe and it was not flat, this would have been a good indicator of his knowledge.
Just one simple sentence: "The earth is not at the center of the universe, and it is round."

That's why guys like St. Augustine and other old church fathers argued to their death for facts that weren't true (Earth-Flat Theory, Geocentricism), similar to what you are doing IAC with the Young Earth Theory.
I came to believe in Jesus, ensconsed in Darwinian dogma, so then, as a geologist, I set out to see how the historicity of the Bible matches up with biology, archaeology, and geology.
Yeah, IAC. You just gotta have faith, Scruffy.

Why look for evidence, when you already knew the truth? What's the point?
The sequence of actions makes sense though. First you came to believe in Jesus through an experience which provided a basis for faith. Then you tried to rationalize the OT of the bible as best as you could around science which cleary points to an Old Earth.
Again, IAC. Why are you on this site? You know as well as I do that you are not changing anyone's opinion about anything, especially your odd Young Earth Theory.

Proverbs 28:25
25 He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife,
But he who trusts in the LORD will be prospered.

2 Timothy 2:23
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.

IAC, I suggest you reconsider why you are on this site. You are a proud, arrogant person with no other purpose but to generate strife with your arrogant demeaner, your demeaning comments, and your provoking posts, like the one above.