You Gotta Have Faith


Humans think about eternity, they can become Christians, or Muslims, or Hindus, or Buddhists, etc., or Atheists, representing a decision about what they think eternity is really all about.

After investigating the purported merits of these belief systems, you can choose between eternity with a loving Creator after living a life of service and devotion to the good Lord (Christian), eternity with Allah and the 72 virgins after a life of seeking global theocracy for Islam, or Hindu and Buddhist which, I think most would agree, are vague and all-over-the-map, you may come back as a bacterium!

And then there's Atheism, the faith that there is no Creator God, you can't demonstrate that there is no God, so it's the faith that you'll end up in a hole to become one-with-the-dirt, and nothing more, thank God we are all free to choose, wouldn't you say?
Humans think about eternity, they can become Christians, or Muslims, or Hindus, or Buddhists, etc., or Atheists, representing a decision about what they think eternity is really all about.

After investigating the purported merits of these belief systems, you can choose between eternity with a loving Creator after living a life of service and devotion to the good Lord (Christian), eternity with Allah and the 72 virgins after a life of seeking global theocracy for Islam, or Hindu and Buddhist which, I think most would agree, are vague and all-over-the-map, you may come back as a bacterium!

And then there's Atheism, the faith that there is no Creator God, you can't demonstrate that there is no God, so it's the faith that you'll end up in a hole to become one-with-the-dirt, and nothing more, thank God we are all free to choose, wouldn't you say?

M*W: Wow! You do know more than five words! I'm impressed!

Tell me more about your loving creator. Tell me more about your god. Tell me more about your association with infinity. Tell me more about your sssociation with god! I am impressed with your knowledge. Show me that you know what you are talking about!
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And then there's Atheism, the faith that there is no Creator God, you can't demonstrate that there is no God, so it's the faith that you'll end up in a hole to become one-with-the-dirt, and nothing more, thank God we are all free to choose, wouldn't you say?

Longest post I've ever seen you make. Is this the new, improved IAC? I am impressed...

However, I do have issue with some of your statements, especially the one I have quoted - and I would submit that you already know why. I think this quote sums it up best, so I shall use it:

"I contend that we are both atheists, I just believe in one less god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods you'll understand why I dismiss yours".. S. Roberts

I will however amend that slightly - changing "dismiss" for "lack belief in".

So to answer your statement, atheists by and large do not specifically have faith that your god doesn't exist, they just lack a belief given the absolute lack of evidence to suggest he or she exists. Furthermore, atheism in itself doesn't specifically say anything regarding what happens to your corpse when you die.

As for choice, it isn't a choice - it's an inevitability based upon the sum of who you are. You don't "choose" to like or dislike a particular type of music you just do due to the sum of your experiences. This is the same.

As for eternity, the idea is not all that appealing to me. What if, for arguments sake, your daughter ends up burning because of her apparent "choices"? Could you live comfortably with that fact for eternity? If not, what is the difference between heaven and hell, you'll still both be suffering for eternity.. just in different places.
In the village idiot’s post we see the fundamental motivation behind this type of religious delusion and retarded psychology.
It’s not that the proposition makes sense but that it offers something to the believer in return for its utter and complete surrender to it.

It is true all human opinions demand a certain faith.
Difference is some minds place their faith in what they see and hear and feel and taste and smell; they use their senses and the information gathered from them to surmise reality.
The religiously inebriated mind, motivated by fear and hope, presupposes a ‘behind the senses’ reality which, conveniently, is both not indifferent towards it and, also, beneficial towards it.
Here it does not perceive a conflict of interest between its belief and its hypothetical reality.

The strategy of juxtaposing honest, more objective, evaluations of perceived phenomena with ones that promise and threaten and use a multitude of psychological tricks to coerce and control, is often used by imbeciles who call themselves “selfless” and “humble” and yet hold it as fact that they are special enough to deserve eternal life and salvation and by idiots who can only come up with the argument that their delusional faith, in a reality they can neither justify nor rationalize, offers them a promise.

In the village idiot's short starting premise we notice all the tricks of the mind used by these types.

The threat (Hell and eternal damnation)…The promise (Heaven and eternal suffering-free life)…The ‘prove a negative’ (Prove the Lochness Monster does not exist or suppose that it does – reverse reasoning: “Something exists until proven that it doesn’t”)…The moral high ground, that insinuates that the only thing that keeps men from behaving viciously towards one another is this dogma or a dogma (funny how animals exhibit kindness and compassion without religion and Jesus Christ and how mankind made it thus far without Christianity for a better part of history)…The desperate cry of weakness confronting a universe that it does not understand and, of what it does understand and the way it understands it, it does not like and so must invent or surrender to a mental virus, a drug, to cope with it.
They'll ban you for insults.
I only speak the honest truth.
I know it…and everyone with an I.Q. over 100 knows it.

You are a big joke.
Why should I hide this fact?

You are exactly as I’ve described you.
If that gets me banned then so be it.

I know you’ll be sad.

You are not only an idiot but an intellectual coward, as well.

I bet you e-mail the administrators crying and bitching about how others treat you or how they should protect you from facing the reality of what and who you are.
A snitch also.

It’s unfortunate that your genetic qualities coupled with the environment they were brought into resulted in you…But at least you can dream and imagine an after-life where you actually have some value…to someone.
What sort of "superior being" would demand that it be worshiped? The god of the OT, who apparently was sent to a court mandated anger management course, (and then turned over a new leaf for the NT) behaves as a petty tyrant - not as any sort of being worthy of being worshiped.
IAC, congratulations on your first post over 1 sentence. :bravo:

I find it interesting that in your post you stated that humans only have 5 options for belief systems:

1. Christianity
2. Islam
3. Buddhism
4. Hinduism
5. Atheism

What about another category:

6. Belief in a God but not in Religion

Religion can only bring you so far, Icey.
We are all free to choose what we want to believe about eternity, and I know you know this to be true.

You already know I don't agree to such thing given my clear statements concerning our lack of ability to actually 'choose' anything.

Now, once again: did you agree or disagree with what I stated in my post?
You already know I don't agree to such thing given my clear statements concerning our lack of ability to actually 'choose' anything.

Now, once again: did you agree or disagree with what I stated in my post?

SnakeLord brings up a truly valid point.

For example, in one case, two twins who born of the same parents, grew up in the same environment, went to the same school, etc. have turned out to be completely different from one another.

One kid is a normal young boy. The other thinks, and says, he is a girl. This proves that, in a way, what determines who we are as people is largely based upon random connections and thoughts our brain has at certain times.