Yes there are Aliens!!!!

*The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence*

Guess it speaks for itself, doesn't it? As far as Bigfoot concerns, well, I wouldn't be too sure they don't exist.

As for Santa Claus? The Netherlands have Sinterklaas, guess he has as much 'existance' as Santa Claus...:D
Its true, Aliens do exist!

I will let rapper CANIBUS explain it to you :cool:

Approximately fifty years ago
under the direction of President Harry Truman
and in the interest of national security
A group of twelve top military scientific personnel were established
This group's primary objective
was to desensitize us to the truth
And to suppress the material evidence that our planet is being visited
by a group of extraterrestrial biological entities called the grays

sometimes the road to the truth is, so elusive it's confusin
And reality becomes illusion
If I showed the masses where we was at or where we was goin
I'd shatter the social balance of the world as we know it
I'm talkin bout the grand deception, of 1947
When our souls were sold to the heavens
for technologically advanced weapons
Crystal enhanced, brain implants, and mind control methods
MJ-12 is not majestic
And the focal point of our problems on this planet are not domestic
You can accept it or be stupid and be a skeptic
and fail to recognize the secret society's deathwish
Ninety-seven percent of our Presidents were Masons
Responsible for launderin trillions of dollars from the nation
for the construction of underground military installations
Abductions and cattle mutilations
Experiments on human patients
can take place in several subterranean bases
A hundred and fifty stories below a basement
With knowledge of genetic information, you need to fear science not Satan
Cause through the manipulation of certain biological agents
they create strange creations
Top secret special operations
Low frequency sounds and lasers, people like Carl Sagan
that didn't believe in the Drake equation
were tryin to keep Western civilization on the need-to-know basis
Well you need to know that this is a game
and we're bein betrayed and played in the worst way

Tune in to channel zero (8X)

the holy script from Genesis 1-26
says, "Let us make man in our image under our likeness"
First of all who's THEY? You see if God
was truly a single entity that's not what he would say
We as the Elohim, Gods and Goddesses
posess a marvelously monsterous subconscious
Lifeforms that speak, in very high pitched sounds and squeaks
Short staccato clicks and beeps
A highly advanced form of speech
Even though to us it seems like they only chatterin they teeth
They used to swim deep in the oceans beneath
Til they fins transformed into limbs and they started to creep
Then they evolved into mammals with feet
And walked right from the shorelines onto the beach
They used gravity, cause it's actually the only force around
that could slow time and the speed of light down
The energy grid network, opened the gateway from Earth
to any point in the universe
Livin organisms and various, geomagnetic gravitational, anomaly areas
Space expedition teams in the lunar regions
reported seein, decapyramids and tetrahedrons
Liquid filled shoes, is what they used
to walk across the moon without leavin a clue
of where they been for the past twenty-three billion years
Before life on the surface even appeared
I hope you become aware what I'm spittin in your ear
was intended to stimulate your left-brain's hemisphere
I know it sounds weird, all these motherfuckin answers
and questions to the grand deception
The bible god was an extraterrestrial. In fact the whole bible is full of evidence that there were contacts with extraterrestrials.

Oh yes...they exist, that's for sure.

Good post Jordan. Welcome aboard of Sciforums. :) May you post long and happy here.
You know, the US had at most only three trillion dollars to spend. I seriously think that we would notice if trillions of dollars were being laundered from the government.

How does cannabis explain ufos?

Oh, and welcome to sciforums:)
CANIBUS. Pollux V, not Cannabis... :)

Cannabis is something completely different. :p

That is good to smoke, guess a Rapper is not smokeable...:D
for me this is nothing new. they cannot tell us that these are aliens. i fully understand that they call them ufo's, but who's to say that it is not of this earth.
I knew a rich doctor in Utah who claimed to be communicating with the aliens through another person. I wanted proof, but before I could arrange a meeting, he disappeared - never to be seen again. He was involved in setting up a lab to do research in genetics and advanced propulsion from the information received from the aliens. I wish, I could have gotten more info from him. Here is what I remember him telling me.

There are several specis of aliens that visit our planet.
This particular specis look humanoid.
Their mothership can not land on earth and is invisible to radar but not passive infrared.
Their shuttle is visible to phased array radars coupled with infrared tracking with a small foot print, so when they land, it does trigger action from NORAD once a while.
They are working with several scientists to slowly introduce technology.
They do not conduct biologic experiments on humans.

Since I did not get my proof, I do not believe them to be true. But I still keep an open mind because, we were so close to the encounter.
I also heard a funny story from my dad. He said that one time when he went to canada he went inside this indian-lookin guys store, and he was nice to the guy and talked to him for awhile, and so after awhile this native american-y fellow tells him that he has invented something about the same as the famed warp drive from star trek (for a frame of reference) and that the US government is hunting him for some reason. Of course my dad didn't believe him, and he wound up leaving but when he went back to the store a week later he found the place totally deserted and the indian guy had disapeared. THAT's pretty freaky.

I also saw something from P3N (which has gone down) that said that this guy had come in contact with aliens and had sent proof to people on this mailing list of their's all over the country. Maybe that doctor was one of them but chances are it was a total hoax.

But still all of this is circumstantial evidence. Kmguru did your friend give you any pictures or describe what the ships and etc looked like?
But still all of this is circumstantial evidence. Kmguru did your friend give you any pictures or describe what the ships and etc looked like?

Let me give you a little background, so that you will understand the circumstances. I was introduced by a close friend who was/is a private detective and made a comfortable living by apprehending people who skipped bonds. He had a nose for sniffing out scams and low-lifes. Myself, him and another gentleman who had an insurance business decided that we could raise some money to setup a venture fund for biotech and hightech stuff. We received a lot of normal business plans and a few amazing proposals that I can not talk about the theory due to our NDA. During this period, we thought the good doctor could be an investor.

The doctor had his own proposal and wanted me to come in as VP of R&D for the company (the one with alien technology) he was ready to set up. We even selected the building, and started the architectural planning for the lab etc. Anyway, he only brought up the alien stuff in the last two meetings. I did not push too much because I have never heard the alien stuff in a business environment. I thought he might be testing me to see if I am a nutcase. So, I was cautious to gather more information.

If he was telling the truth, then there is some serious stuff going on behind the scene. There is an unsolved mystery here. The best thing we can do is collect similar information and see if we can shed some additional light on the subject and infer something.
Well then the next time I start working in an office building I'll make sure to enquire if they have or are using any alien technology.
*If he was telling the truth, then there is some serious stuff going on behind the scene. There is an unsolved mystery here. The best thing we can do is collect similar information and see if we can shed some additional light on the subject and infer something.*

There! Thank you Kmguru!

Information seems not to still the hunger for solid evidence though. Question remains why there are so many people who have seen and have been in contact with these so called Aliens are not evidence enough. Not everybody is telling lies. There is truth in it.

Just because Aliens haven't declared themselves to the whole human race doesn't say they don't exist. An open heart, an open mind and a different view should be in its place here...
Having an open mind, I still hope, someday, I will personally experience those events (the close encounter!). But that day is not here yet. If we can develop table top fusion in such a cheap way (see Cheap Nuclear Fusion in General Science) and Fungus that tastes like chicken - everything is probable ...
Keep the faith! It'll come when the right time is there. ;)

Just like that food with different tastes, artificially flavoured... extraterrestrial contact is not artificial though... :D
Originally posted by Jordan:

Space expedition teams in the lunar regions reported seein, decapyramids and tetrahedrons.

My mom told me once that while they where transmitting that thing in 1969, they lost image but they could listen to the astronauts saying that there were UFOs around the spaceship...

After that, the government told them not to say anything about it and tell everyone that there wasn't any UFO up there. Still... there are lots of pictures of UFOs orbiting Earth...

Posted by Banshee:
Question remains why there are so many people who have seen and have been in contact with these so called Aliens are not evidence enough. Not everybody is telling lies. There is truth in it.

My mom still doesn't know why I allways asked her to sleep in her bedroom when I was a child...

"The thesis is that Extraterrestials created Christ"

Yeah, Great Cthulhu did.

My mom told me once that while they where transmitting that thing in 1969, they lost image but they could listen to the astronauts saying that there were UFOs around the spaceship...

Ah, Nelson, you are confusing John Glenn's report of 'fireflys' (chips of paint flaking off and burning in the atmosphere) with a bit of time when the Apollo astronauts lost contact.

Banshee, what is it with you and straw men?

Just because Aliens haven't declared themselves to the whole human race doesn't say they don't exist. An open heart, an open mind and a different view should be in its place here...

Nobody said that. :rolleyes: