Yanking Our Chains

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It should be obvious that Truthseeker is posting his garbage in the Math & Physics forums to get a rise out of us, to disrupt. He is sitting back and laughing his ass off at us.

No no no! He's 'shaking up our egos'.

Personally, I'd prefer it if he shook up a margarita for me....

In all seriousness, he just admitted it. However!

He can post new threads in the other nonsense forums but should not be allowed to post new threads in any of the Science forums. We will lose good people if he is allowed to continue.

Will we? Can they not use their 'ignore' function?

And moderators can always move his nonsense.

I don't agree with restricting Nelson. I don't want to commit the slippery slope fallacy, but, once you start restricting the most obnoxious and useless speech, you open the door to restricting obnoxious and usefull speech.

The prospect of losing good, intelligent posters does not appeal to me, but neither does the sort of censorship you propose.

That said, I sympathize completly. Nelson has admitted that he is trying to get a response "I'm just shaking your egos in order to wake up your Highter Selves. "

He's got it. He's got it out of you, Q, and me. He's got it out of Tyler, and I am sure that he finds this uproriously funny. I know you don't want to have your silence interpreted as consent, but most here know your character. Most here would not make such an interpretation.

Oh well. It's good training for me, I need to learn to be a bit less emotional.
I think it's probably time everybody just calms the funk down...

Porfiry if your listening, I hope you can check your server logs and see just how much increase in server strain all this hogwash has caused.

(that would be expensive it it was on my server, like extra Gb expensive)

You're right TS should be allowed to post, wouldn't be fair to restrict him, I've seen people come out with far worse rubbish.

As for everyone elses:
I know if everyone continues to push TS to post, then he's going to suffer too much strain and probably become really twisted. (Don't add comments to that)

Personally I would just lock the thread and throw away the key, and start some other topic, or flavour of the month.

Yeah I know... Let's all talk about VOODOO CHILD... (Picked him cause I like your Avatar... Okay so thats another thread... but it's the whole "Mis-direction thing" as this record definitely needs to be changed.)
I can answer that... I'm just shaking your egos in order to wake up your Highter Selves.

That is a lie. You are doing no such thing. You are purposely posting drivel and nonsense in order to disrupt because you crave negative attention. And now you have been exposed.

Oh well... now you are against freedom of speech...

No. I am against people like you who have nothing better to do than disrupt forums. Your lies and deceits are a thin veil. You are a fraud. You seek nothing but negative attention.

I'm not playing with you, I'm just showing you what I've "seen"...

You have seen nothing. You live in dreamworld devoid of sensibility and reality. No one is interested in your dreamworld except for perhaps psychologists interested in case studies. Your posts are completely devoid of any substance whatsoever. The only thing anyone has learned from you is the degree of magnitude of stupidity and ignorance humans can possess. And that is amplified by the fact you're doing it on purpose.

You are little more than a child who craves attention and you will demand it anyway you can, even at the expense of others.
This lizard agrees with Thed, as Nelson has yet to admit that he is wrong. But a troll? Sounds more a kook than a troll:

To utter a posting on Usenet designed to attract predictable responses or flames; or, the post itself. Derives from the phrase "trolling for newbies" which in turn comes from mainstream "trolling", a style of fishing in which one trails bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite. The well-constructed troll is a post that induces lots of newbies and flamers to make themselves look even more clueless than they already do, while subtly conveying to the more savvy and experienced that it is in fact a deliberate troll. If you don't fall for the joke, you get to be in on it. See also YHBT. 2. n. An individual who chronically trolls in sense 1; regularly posts specious arguments, flames or personal attacks to a newsgroup, discussion list, or in email for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that they have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait. Like the ugly creatures they are named after, they exhibit no redeeming characteristics, and as such, they are recognized as a lower form of life on the net, as in, "Oh, ignore him, he's just a troll."


So, the 65.0000 cent question:

Is Nelson a troll? Or a Kook?


[Usenet; originally and more formally, `net.kook'] Term used to describe a regular poster who continually posts messages with no apparent grounding in reality. Different from a troll, which implies a sort of sly wink on the part of a poster who knows better, kooks really believe what they write, to the extent that they believe anything.

The kook trademark is paranoia and grandiosity. Kooks will often build up elaborate imaginary support structures, fake corporations and the like, and continue to act as if those things are real even after their falsity has been documented in public.

While they may appear harmless, and are usually filtered out by the other regular participants in a newsgroup of mailing list, they can still cause problems because the necessity for these measures is not immediately apparent to newcomers; there are several instances on record, for example, of journalists writing stories with quotes from kooks who caught them unaware.


Personally, I think Nelson likes the attention. Why else would he start threads devoted to his threads?!

Methinks we ought to lavish our attention on somone else. Like, ummm, WIL WHEATON!

Originally posted by Xev
Personally, I think Nelson likes the attention.

Sounds about right. It is neither troll nor kook but rather a narcissistic personality.

Th "Daft O Dill" Ed

Here's what the Q interprets from you.

Truthseeker is a "kooky troll with a narcissistic personality." He should be ignored by all including the Q (especially the Q). Or as James R states, simple argue his nonsense to the benefit of others. He will eventually leave if no one pays him any attention.

I'm all for that.

Just one thing tho, I get riled up when he posts his nonsense in the science forums. If his threads are left to remain in these forums, others will tend to lend credibility.

What can we do about that?

btw - thanks.
Truthseeker is a "kooky troll with a narcissistic personality." He should be ignored by all including the Q (especially the Q). Or as James R states, simple argue his nonsense to the benefit of others. He will eventually leave if no one pays him any attention.

I'm all for that.

This lizard, having proposed such a strategy once, wonders how well it would work.

The first flaw she sees is that newbies tend to feed kooks, not knowing their history. Luckily, this lizard was enlightened on Nelson's history by Goofy and Cris.

The second flaw is that Nelson, percieving that he is being ignored, may become more and more flamboyent, and post more and more. Eventually, he will go away, but not without making himself especially annoying.

Have we the fortitude to continue ignoring him?

With this consideration, this lizard would propose several solutions to the Q's dilemna re: Nelson's posts in Science:

1: Leave such posts to the elements. Like a roadkilled skunk, they will eventually go away.

However, like a roadkilled skunk, the stench may linger for quite some time. This is not an optimal solution.

2: Appoint a moderater to Math and Physics. Nelson's posts can be immediatly moved to 'Pseudoscience' or 'Parapsychology' where they belong.

However, this lizard does not know how long it will take for a moderator to be appointed and shown the ropes. If it does not require a knowledge beyond basic HTML, this lizard volunteers her services.

A second problem is that this decision is entirely Pofiry's, and he may choose not to become involved. This lizard does not know what his take on the issue is, though.

3: Hyjack such threads into a discussion of legitamate science.

For instance, Nelson posts on how Love and zero point energy relate. Instead of replying to the Love part, Xev points out an interesting aspect of zero point energy - eg - can it ever be used as a source of common energy?. The Q, IGNORING NELSON, points out that such a use is extremely impractical, compared to other alternative energy sources. Xev then counters that such research may lead to interesting discoveries, even if it does not lead to a practical use. The Q then counters that monies poured into such research would lead to interesting discoveries in different fields and VOILA!

We have a debate on the utility of funding basic science!

This lizard also points out that with references to the Great Cthulhu, Playboy Bunnies, Margaritas and what-have-you, any topic can be hyjacked into a 'silly' discussion.

The only problem with this solution is that hyjacking a thread is difficult if more than one poster opposes the hyjack. However, I do not see this happening.

Hyjacks also require more than one person to hyjack, if everybody is telling Nelson off, a hyjack is impossible.

The flaw here is that such a strategy takes collective effort and dedication.

Oh yes, and this lizard's opinions carry more weight because she has the coolest avatar. All must obey!
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I have already tried to contact Porfiry to request appointing a moderator to the Physics & Math forum. I've had no response. It would seem the best alternative.
Q: It would be my first choice, but I realize that Pofiry must have things to do and mayhaps does not want to get involved.

What do you think of my third solution, as a stop-gap until Pofiry makes a decision?


I think I will - there's no point in responding to him, and he is really beginning to annoy me!

I hope you will join me in ignoring him, as your responses fuel the fire, and my hope is that we can deny it oxygen. The more people ignoring him, the merrier.

*Wanders off in search of a CO2 extinguisher*
Okay, I'll do it.

And I would also like to nominate myself for a thread. I'm both brilliant and incredibly good-looking. So rarely does this combination meet that we must respect and reveere it when it occurs. My political insight is huge, my knowledge of social patterns is unmatched by all but Cris, and I'm possibly the greatest weaver of literary genius on the boards. And all this at the tender age of 16.

Okay, there's my ego trip for the year.
What do you think of my third solution, as a stop-gap until Pofiry makes a decision?

It's good but Truthseeker will continue to post nonsense threads. He can post whatever he likes in the forums to which he is best suited. Actually there is no such forum. However, Pseudoscience and Religion are probably the most reasonable facsimilies.

I have no problem with him other than that. If he insists on starting threads in the science forums he is doing so only to goad. My advice to him if he continues is foad.
You're all putting an amazing amount of effort into creating a whopping great storm in a tiny little teacup.
And I would also like to nominate myself for a thread. I'm both brilliant and incredibly good-looking. So rarely does this combination meet that we must respect and reveere it when it occurs. My political insight is huge, my knowledge of social patterns is unmatched by all but Cris, and I'm possibly the greatest weaver of literary genius on the boards. And all this at the tender age of 16.

That's good, but have you found the ABSOLUTE TRUTH(tm)?

In Tyler we trust. :p

Q, what about you? Will you be ignoring Nelson?

And I don't think religion would be best for him. Maybe Eastern Phi.

But religion is MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE! I am the most prolific poster there and only I can keep the fundies in line and quote Scripture to my purpose!

I'm the one who disproved the existance of God at twelve and I'm the one who has read the entire Bible.

Jan Ardena fears me, Tony1 cannot stand up to my mordant wit, brilliant intellect and radient sexuality. Loone trembles at my irrelevencies, and I am the resident expert on Scriptural interpretation! At the tender age of 18!

I have put athiesm on a logical base, I will one day do the same for morality.

Agnostics are undecided as to whether I am the most brilliant woman who ever lived, or the most brilliant human. Christians insult the Holy Ghost just to share a coffin in hell with me, and Hindus hope that they will be reincarnated as cats in the off chance that I will adopt them! I can say without guile that I am the peak of human possibility!

*The men in white coats come to drag Xev back to her cell*
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Q, what about you? Will you be ignoring Nelson?

IF Truthseeker DOES NOT start threads in the science forums, then yes, I'll ignore him. He's yours to do what you will.

IF Truthseeker responds in the science forums, then no, I will not ignore him.

btw Xev, you're a nut. :D
You two have made quite the attempt to seem high. And I will no doubt acknowledge the fact that you are prolific posters and far more intelligent than the normal human. However, I don't believe you can understand just how great I am.

Some Christians believe it can take a life time to fully grasp the greatness of their god. Let it be known that no mortal, no matter how intelligent or engrossed in philosophy and social sciences, could ever understand my greatness. You could put a million people in a million booths and give them a million years and they still would not be able to comprehend just how incredible I am.

I have left a long line of beautiful, sexual and innocent women whom have loved and lost the great Tyler. I destroyed all former interputations of Neitzsche at the age of 14. I embarassed all of my teachers over the last 2 years. While you two seem to be intelligent, I mix the intellect and insight of a Stephen Hawking-Friedrich Neitzsche mix with the pure wit and insightful hilarity of a Woody Allen-George Carlin clash. It is not only impossible for you to grasp my greatness, but impossible for you to grasp the concept of my greatness being outside of graspingness (and yes, that is a word, I just made it up. Yes, I have that power). I take Zhuangzi to a new level. What if I am a butterfly who believes he is a man who is currently dreaming that he is a butterfly who feels like he is a man traped inside a butterfly's body?

More on my greatness later...
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