Yanking Our Chains

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I believe in fair play. I believe that the truely strong are tolerent of the weak. I also believe that people are not religious because they are stupid, but because they have not been taught skepticism.

I believe that we could accomplish much if we did this at an early age. Average? Nelson is not average, give him that! Most kids his age are much more interested in drinking, getting laid, and partying.* He is interested in the intellectual.

His problem is that he is not an intellectual. He has not been taught the requisite critical and logical thinking skills. He has not been taught that the way to find truth is through debate, and he is not thick-skinned enough to appreciate debate.

I've shown him a way to find truth, he can take or leave it:



*I note that such a strategy would do Nelson good.

As for Loone, I think he's an athiest's idea of a practical joke.
Right I'm going to add something completely unproductive to this thread:

(Q) whats to say you aren't in fact TONY1 after being converted to rationalism.


I also believe that people are not religious because they are stupid,
Not all religious people are stupid, and not all stupid people are religious, but stupid people tend to accept religions more readily than less stupid people.

But ‘stupid’ tends to be used as a derogatory term and is not really appropriate here.

but because they have not been taught skepticism.
I was never taught skeptism or logic, but I was independently rated as significantly above average intelligence. I believe it was my particular level of intelligence that enabled me to naturally think logically and consider superstitions and religions in a skeptical manner. This is not a claim for superiority but just a statement of fact.

Average? Nelson is not average, give him that! Most kids his age are much more interested in drinking, getting laid, and partying.* He is interested in the intellectual.
The reference was to average intelligence and not to average activities. I will indeed give Nelson a great deal of credit for participating in these forums and for making what looks like a significant effort to understand challenging philosophical pursuits. But I suspect the issues will remain a real challenge to him even despite more appropriate training and education.

His problem is that he is not an intellectual. He has not been taught the requisite critical and logical thinking skills. He has not been taught that the way to find truth is through debate, and he is not thick-skinned enough to appreciate debate.
I think I will largely agree with you on this. If your suggestion is not true then there is no hope for the bulk of humanity who do only have intelligence between 85 and 115.

And again we come back to the ultimate answer to the problems of religion and superstition – Education, Education, Education.

Take care
Perhaps the internet to Truthseeker is like his first major voyage out in to a larger world. I mean in the sense he might of come from a small community, and in small communities the stories that are regularly heard are just the community gossip.

Not the same as wondering around on a vast network with information at your fingertips.

That's all I'm going to say, and I hope you haven't offended him too much. Afterall does seem like singling out someone.
"The reference was to average intelligence and not to average activities. I will indeed give Nelson a great deal of credit for participating in these forums and for making what looks like a significant effort to understand challenging philosophical pursuits....I think I will largely agree with you on this. If your suggestion is not true then there is no hope for the bulk of humanity who do only have intelligence between 85 and 115."

I've been a little confused lately myself over intelligence. And please, don't take this post as a shameless effort to be complimented.

Anyway, I had an officail iq test done a year back and scored quite high. However, over the years I have been classified as being both 'gifted' (even 'genius') and as having a learning disability. I'm a little confused over how these two can both exist at the same time.
I was never taught skeptism or logic, but I was independently rated as significantly above average intelligence. I believe it was my particular level of intelligence that enabled me to naturally think logically and consider superstitions and religions in a skeptical manner. This is not a claim for superiority but just a statement of fact.

Nor was I, and I was able to think logically. And I am not intelligent. So there is a lot of hope for those without education.

And then I discovered the system, and taught myself fallacies. :)

But I suspect the issues will remain a real challenge to him even despite more appropriate training and education.

No! I am hardly intelligent, but with my training I am a good skeptic.

And again we come back to the ultimate answer to the problems of religion and superstition – Education, Education, Education.

Dissenting as usual...

Q wrote:

I am beginning to suspect that Truthseeker is not what he's "cracked up" to be (pun intended). There are far too many contradictions in his posts that reveal he doesn't believe what he's posting. He claims to be in a 'home stay' scenario to attend school and claims this was forced upon him by society. That could only be by choice. He abhors rationality yet claims he is rational. He claims education will eventually be the destruction of us all yet he claims to have studied psychology for years. Curious.

And Cris wrote:

I don’t believe truthseeker is capable of being manipulative in the way that Q suggests, but confusion, and all that that implies, is I think the most credible explanation.

I suggest the correct approach to such a condition is – to be sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and wrong.

Gentlemen, you’ve both made valid points. The posting behavior of the member being discussed here is “curious.” Q is correct that there are contradictions in his/her posts. And Cris’s suggestion to be “sympathetic” and “tolerant” is often a good way to handle individuals who are in some way genuinely confused or underdeveloped. An idea to be considered, though not necessarily one to be swallowed whole.

A brief digression:

I have seen Internet fakes at work before. There are indeed people who get their kicks out of pretending to be something other than what they are. Again, I’ve seen them in action and a few can be incredibly convincing. I’ve seen one individual use several completely different Internet “personalities” in one forum alone, (not here), and carry on conversations with other of his different forum personalities to make it appear as though as many as 3-4 separate individuals were posting opposing arguments on the same thread. In this instance the individual was a very intelligent person, a superb writer, “actor,” knowledgeable about virtually any subject, and as manipulative as they come.

I had prolonged email contact with this individual and made some of these discoveries over time, though some of his ‘deceptions' he confessed to me shortly before we broke contact. In hindsight, (which is frequently 20/20, is it not?) I see where and how he bent over backwards to “test” the intelligence and patience of those he’d been posting with. It was a game, make no mistake. And the same can be said of other “fakes” I’ve encountered. I could share much more and could point to members here that are possible fakes. Without hard evidence however there’s little purpose in doing so, and not all imposters are “bad.” But more, I don’t actually care if someone wishes to portray different personalities. That in itself is not important.

Am I an expert on Internet fakes? No. I can only share with you some of what I’ve experienced; I can only go by my experiences. Just my fortune (???) to have had a run of such experiences. But here’s the rub... Unless someone here at sciforums is keeping mum about it, none of us, presumably, really know anything whatsoever about the subject being discussed on this thread. Bottom line is that we only know what we know... and that is the behavior we’ve witnessed here. Observable patterns. To read more into it than is plain for all to see is--and as some have admitted--an act of giving deference to “feelings,” intuition, and wishful rationalizing.

If you think that wishful rationalizing is justifiable in this instance, then do as you like. Follow your heart, or your conscience, your personal “creed,“ or “believe” whatever it is that will allow you to live with yourself, or (for a few perhaps) to save face before your forum peers. Seriously, folks. This isn’t sarcasm or condemnation. It’s just honesty. Reply to whomever you like and do so for the reasons that make sense to you.

On the other hand, if you don’t go in for wishful rationalizing but prefer instead to allow the subject in question to take responsibility for his/her “behavior” thereby determining whether or not he/she will continue to receive your responses, or any of your time, energy or thought, then you at least will have given him/her a real chance to show whether or not they actually are sincere, or mature enough to comprehend the value of the opportunity they’ve been given. In fact, many such opportunities appear to have been given already, but “hope springs eternal” for some people.

And so as Q pointed out...

What triggered this thread was that Truthseeker once again posted his nonsense in a science forum. It was properly moved to another more appropriate forum. Thanks go out to the moderator. The Q however, became hostile and began to suspect that Truthseeker is flirting with us and making us all look the fool.

And Counterbalance submits that while it is true that Q, myself, or anyone can go elsewhere if we don’t care for the “pollution” left here by others, or their tactics, what has been lost and what has been gained by ’tolerating’ --nay, even encouraging-- the whimsical, undecipherable, and unrelenting intrusion of one who has been disruptive to the point that having a discussion like this seems at least somewhat necessary to some members?

If Q has, in fact, taken the time to read over so many incomprehensible posts in order to double-check his conclusions, and in order to speak up on behalf of himself, or for those who are tired of having interesting exchanges with other members interrupted, or with having entire threads hijacked because of one or more members seeming desire for childish retribution and one-upmanship, then CB applauds the Q for supporting what he values, even if doing so doesn’t allow him to “fit” well into any particular clique, providing he ever wished to.

Whether our “chains” are being yanked or not, we still have the fundamental right to not encourage such anti-social behavior by adding fuel to an especially greedy fire; we can still choose not to analyze (as though we were psychologists) what we cannot actually see, hear, or perceive in a physical or truly useful way; and at least some will think in terms of having a responsibility to preserve or protect what they value.

Summary: your chains are only going to be yanked if you let them be yanked.



P.S. Cris, not so sure politics is your forte. Writing, yes, quite possibly. Politics....? Some good efforts so far, but........... (Just thinking I’d throw in a bit of free, albeit brief and useless, analysis, just for the hell of it, since everyone else seems to feel free to analyze the [so far] unknowable “star” of this thread. Not like I actually know jack about you.)

Your comments have increased my already significant discomfort. Thanks. A useful lesson I needed to experience.

Politics: You may be right. Politicians seem to say what they think needs to be said, my tendency is to say what I think is true. I perceive considerable conflict in the two approaches.

Writing: Thanks for your vote of, confidence? Having written technical manuals and many technical papers, I’ve discovered, during my attempt to write descriptive fiction, that that past experience is not useful training for writing fiction.

But I do enjoy public speaking – I simply need more excuses to exercise the skill.

Bye for now
then CB applauds the Q for supporting what he values, even if doing so doesn’t allow him to “fit” well into any particular clique, providing he ever wished to.

Thanks CB. I'm happy to see it's obvious the Q isn't interested in 'fitting in to a clique'.

Excellent post.
Reading through this thread I was beginning to think that some of you were personal friends of Truthseeker, and that discussion regarding what makes Truthseeker tick was somehow permissable because of that association.

Then I came to counterbalance's post, and he put to you much of what was going through my mind. Do we really have any right to analyse someone posting opinions and ideas or even arguments on these forums?

Some of you have said Truthseeker hasn't been through this or that or might live in a certain type of environment causing him to post the way he (or she) does. Do you really know any of these things for a fact? You're assuming certain things without any supporting facts.

The main reason I keep returning here (the forum) is that I know I can put forward an opinion and be reasonably secure in the knowledge that it's going to be taken as just another opinion and not be dissected for any hidden agendas.

Counterbalance is right. We only know each other through the way we present ourselves in our posts. Personally, I've never really given Truthseeker a second thought. I read a post and either agree, disagree or add my own thoughts to the topic.

Why has it become a clique mentality at all? I can sometimes have a dig at someone, but it's never a serious matter, and I usually expect a retort. As for serious disagreement with someone, I will avoid any antagonistic replies.

My question to Q is, did Truthseeker say something you didn't agree with and you feel this is the best way to retaliate?

I wonder whether Truthseeker has read this thread at all. If he has I would just like to say I don't agree with serious personal attacks on a member and I hope this does not deter you from being the character you are.

My question to Q is, did Truthseeker say something you didn't agree with and you feel this is the best way to retaliate?

Obviously you did not read the entire thread or you failed to understand it. There is no retaliation here. The purpose of this thread is for members to provide opinions on whether or not they think Truthseeker is playing games with us. Is he a deluded mixed-up youth as his posts suggest or is he someone just posting nonsense to get a rise out of us all?

Counterbalance proposes he may be that someone playing games as CB has already had that experience. Cris and Xev opine he is the deluded mixed-up youth.

I wonder whether Truthseeker has read this thread at all. If he has I would just like to say I don't agree with serious personal attacks on a member and I hope this does not deter you from being the character you are.

I repeat: this is not a thread for personal attacks on Truthseeker. Why would you insist he remain the character he is? Have you been swept away by his charm? Have you no eyes to see? No brain to think?
Originally posted by (Q)
The purpose of this thread is for members to provide opinions on whether or not they think Truthseeker is playing games with us. Is he a deluded mixed-up youth as his posts suggest or is he someone just posting nonsense to get a rise out of us all?

Ah, I see the light now. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. He may believe love is an incredible and overpowering force that breaks all barriers. And he may believe the other things he says that we cannot rationalize. However, with the extent he says such things. And how many times his posts blatantly contradict themselves. I do believe he is saying a lot of this just "to get a rise out of us all".

So now understanding the nature of this thread those are my opinions. No personal attacks on Truthseeker or his intellect.
Teri 2,

There are no limits as to what we might choose to discuss here. When anyone makes statements in a public arena then it is usual for the listeners to pass comments.

Take any politician or celebrity who attract massive news attention, not just about what they say, but also about anything and everything about them. Some might say that that is an invasion of privacy, but others would see that how someone behaves gives significant credibility or otherwise to their public statements.

In the case with truthseeker a number of members began to experience similar irritations by his statements. This naturally led to curiosity and analysis as to why that was happening. Can we reach an accurate conclusion based on insufficient data? Probably not, but the value of this debate are comments from people like yourself who do indeed express such doubts. In this way we do have a balanced discussion and hopefully we all learn from the experience.

If you post something controversial or inflammatory then you should expect to receive correspondingly heated and opposing responses. And if your behavior is considered out of line with the majority then the majority will make their views known. This is a good thing, isn't it?

While I am sure most here respect the right for everyone to express their own opinions, that does not mean we have to accept such opinions.

I am no longer suspect that Truthseeker is playing us for fools. I am convinced.

His new thread in the Math & Physics forum (My ideas and zero point energy) is the straw.

Truthseeker should be outright banned from posting new threads in the Science forums. It is clear he is only doing so in order to disrupt.

All those that are fed up with his disruptive actions please contact the administrators and complain.

Enough is enough.
I am no longer suspect that Truthseeker is playing us for fools. I am convinced.

Yes. We may disagree on whether or not Nelson is sincere, but this is it:

He's beginning to afffect me. Yes, I am tired from finals, yes, I know that lack of sleep makes me moody, but I am beginning to respond very emotionally.

Truthseeker should be outright banned from posting new threads in the Science forums. It is clear he is only doing so in order to disrupt.

I disagree. Whatever his intentions, or why he posts, he ought to have the freedom to post. I don't like censorship, and we can always use our 'ignore' button.

That said, Nelson has admitted that he is trolling, with his "I can't reach/convince you all".

It should be obvious that Truthseeker is posting his garbage in the Math & Physics forums to get a rise out of us, to disrupt. He is sitting back and laughing his ass off at us.

He can post new threads in the other nonsense forums but should not be allowed to post new threads in any of the Science forums. We will lose good people if he is allowed to continue.
This is getting silly. He´s not doing any harm. Let him post whatever he wants wherever he wants, just as the rest of us, according to the sciforum rules. And if you have problems with what he writes then take it up with him, there´s no need to post a thread about the person.
Personally I don´t have the time to read all post by everyone, but so far I haven´t found Thruthseekers post offending in any way. If they disturbe you anyway, then just ignore them then.

I have to agree with Counterbalance here.

I've seen deception on internet forums before, and it is easy to get sucked into a continual guessing game as to who somebody really is, how many different identities they are using, what their true motivation is and so on. That can lead to unhealthy paranoia, which might be justified but you can never know for sure.

My preferred approach is to take personalities as they are presented, and treat posts as if they are the genuine thoughts of a genuine person. If that turns out to be a false assumption, I do not lose anything, because my answers may still prove valuable to somebody other than the person playing the games. In other words, I always keep in mind that more than one person will read my responses; hence, I cannot be played for a fool. Where I respond, I respond with things I might well have written anyway, deceptive lead or not.


A quick question. You said:

<i>The bell curve, depicting the graphic display of variances in intelligence within a population, places 80% of the U. S. population in the I.Q. range from 85 to 115 -- the median range of intelligence.</i>

If the tests are configured properly, shouldn't 66% of the population be in the range quoted? It's a normal distribution with standard deviation 15, isn't it?
Hey Dudes!!!

Why didn't you invited me for the party...? :D:D

A friend had to tell me about the thread...


He's beginning to afffect me. Yes, I am tired from finals, yes, I know that lack of sleep makes me moody, but I am beginning to respond very emotionally.

That's neat... :)


Perhaps the internet to Truthseeker is like his first major voyage out in to a larger world. I mean in the sense he might of come from a small community, and in small communities the stories that are regularly heard are just the community gossip.

No. I came from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Besides that, I already traveled through Europe and went to New York and some cities in Canada. I prefer small communities though... :)

Not the same as wondering around on a vast network with information at your fingertips.

I'm used with excess of information. I've already read about many Philosophies, Sciences, Psychologies, Religions and so on...
Besides that, I had internet in Brazil... it was slow... but I visited some hudreds of sites... I had mostly scientific bookmarks in my favorites... ;)


Average? Nelson is not average, give him that! Most kids his age are much more interested in drinking, getting laid, and partying.* He is interested in the intellectual.

getting laid...?
Well I still like parties. I actually went to one to study the reactions of teens to loud music and got caught... now I like it too...:D


But I suspect the issues will remain a real challenge to him even despite more appropriate training and education.

It's not a challenge at all... I'm used with them...


I wonder whether Truthseeker has read this thread at all. If he has I would just like to say I don't agree with serious personal attacks on a member and I hope this does not deter you from being the character you are.

No... it doesn't deter me... I have a strong character... :D


Ah, I see the light now. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. He may believe love is an incredible and overpowering force that breaks all barriers. And he may believe the other things he says that we cannot rationalize.


And how many times his posts blatantly contradict themselves. I do believe he is saying a lot of this just "to get a rise out of us all".

No. I do use anthithesis sometimes to add pepper though... :D

So now understanding the nature of this thread those are my opinions. No personal attacks on Truthseeker or his intellect.



In the case with truthseeker a number of members began to experience similar irritations by his statements. This naturally led to curiosity and analysis as to why that was happening.

I can answer that... I'm just shaking your egos in order to wake up your Highter Selves.

If you post something controversial or inflammatory then you should expect to receive correspondingly heated and opposing responses. And if your behavior is considered out of line with the majority then the majority will make their views known. This is a good thing, isn't it?

We have a majority government in BC... and it's not very good you know... they are closing hospitals and getting money out of education... that's a majority... ;)

I never post anything "inflamatory" nor "controversial"...


I am no longer suspect that Truthseeker is playing us for fools. I am convinced.

I'm just shaking your egos... as I said to Cris...

Truthseeker should be outright banned from posting new threads in the Science forums. It is clear he is only doing so in order to disrupt.

Oh well... now you are against freedom of speech...

About IQ tests...

I don't believe on them. They don't test intelligence. For example, some people in Africa who know hundreds and hundreds of bird species and can recognize them perfectly, even when they sing, have a low IQ. But they are very intelligent anyways... ;)

Typical (Q) response:

Have you been swept away by his charm? Have you no eyes to see? No brain to think?

I'm not playing with you, I'm just showing you what I've "seen"...

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